下面我们将从数据集中读取xml文件,将每张图片的标注信息读取出来。在读取具体的标注文件之前,我们先完成一件事情,就是将昆虫的类别名字(字符串)转化成数字表示的类别。因为神经网络里面计算时需要的输入类型是数值型的,所以需要将字符串表示的类别转化成具体的数字。昆虫类别名称的列表是:['Boerner', 'Leconte', 'Linnaeus', 'acuminatus', 'armandi', 'coleoptera', 'linnaeus'],这里我们约定此列表中:'Boerner'对应类别0,'Leconte'对应类别1,...,'linnaeus'对应类别6。使用下面的程序可以得到表示名称字符串和数字类别之间映射关系的字典。
INSECT_NAMES = ['Boerner', 'Leconte', 'Linnaeus',
'acuminatus', 'armandi', 'coleoptera', 'linnaeus']
def get_insect_names():
return a dict, as following,
{'Boerner': 0,
'Leconte': 1,
'Linnaeus': 2,
'acuminatus': 3,
'armandi': 4,
'coleoptera': 5,
'linnaeus': 6
It can map the insect name into an integer label.
insect_category2id = {}
for i, item in enumerate(INSECT_NAMES):
insect_category2id[item] = i
return insect_category2id
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
import os
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def get_annotations(cname2cid, datadir):
filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, 'annotations', 'xmls'))
records = []
ct = 0
for fname in filenames:
fid = fname.split('.')[0]
fpath = os.path.join(datadir, 'annotations', 'xmls', fname)
img_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'images', fid + '.jpeg')
tree = ET.parse(fpath)
if tree.find('id') is None:
im_id = np.array([ct])
im_id = np.array([int(tree.find('id').text)])
objs = tree.findall('object')
im_w = float(tree.find('size').find('width').text)
im_h = float(tree.find('size').find('height').text)
gt_bbox = np.zeros((len(objs), 4), dtype=np.float32)
gt_class = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
is_crowd = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
difficult = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
for i, obj in enumerate(objs):
cname = obj.find('name').text
gt_class[i] = cname2cid[cname]
_difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text)
x1 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('xmin').text)
y1 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('ymin').text)
x2 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('xmax').text)
y2 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('ymax').text)
x1 = max(0, x1)
y1 = max(0, y1)
x2 = min(im_w - 1, x2)
y2 = min(im_h - 1, y2)
# 这里使用xywh格式来表示目标物体真实框
gt_bbox[i] = [(x1+x2)/2.0 , (y1+y2)/2.0, x2-x1+1., y2-y1+1.]
is_crowd[i] = 0
difficult[i] = _difficult
voc_rec = {
'im_file': img_file,
'im_id': im_id,
'h': im_h,
'w': im_w,
'is_crowd': is_crowd,
'gt_class': gt_class,
'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
'gt_poly': [],
'difficult': difficult
if len(objs) != 0:
ct += 1
return records
TRAINDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/train'
TESTDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/test'
VALIDDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/val'
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
records = get_annotations(cname2cid, TRAINDIR)
### 数据读取
import cv2
def get_bbox(gt_bbox, gt_class):
# 对于一般的检测任务来说,一张图片上往往会有多个目标物体
# 设置参数MAX_NUM = 50, 即一张图片最多取50个真实框;如果真实
# 框的数目少于50个,则将不足部分的gt_bbox, gt_class和gt_score的各项数值全设置为0
MAX_NUM = 50
gt_bbox2 = np.zeros((MAX_NUM, 4))
gt_class2 = np.zeros((MAX_NUM,))
for i in range(len(gt_bbox)):
gt_bbox2[i, :] = gt_bbox[i, :]
gt_class2[i] = gt_class[i]
if i >= MAX_NUM:
return gt_bbox2, gt_class2
def get_img_data_from_file(record):
record is a dict as following,
record = {
'im_file': img_file,
'im_id': im_id,
'h': im_h,
'w': im_w,
'is_crowd': is_crowd,
'gt_class': gt_class,
'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
'gt_poly': [],
'difficult': difficult
im_file = record['im_file']
h = record['h']
w = record['w']
is_crowd = record['is_crowd']
gt_class = record['gt_class']
gt_bbox = record['gt_bbox']
difficult = record['difficult']
img = cv2.imread(im_file)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# check if h and w in record equals that read from img
assert img.shape[0] == int(h), \
"image height of {} inconsistent in record({}) and img file({})".format(
im_file, h, img.shape[0])
assert img.shape[1] == int(w), \
"image width of {} inconsistent in record({}) and img file({})".format(
im_file, w, img.shape[1])
gt_boxes, gt_labels = get_bbox(gt_bbox, gt_class)
# gt_bbox 用相对值
gt_boxes[:, 0] = gt_boxes[:, 0] / float(w)
gt_boxes[:, 1] = gt_boxes[:, 1] / float(h)
gt_boxes[:, 2] = gt_boxes[:, 2] / float(w)
gt_boxes[:, 3] = gt_boxes[:, 3] / float(h)
return img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, (h, w)
get_img_data_from_file()函数可以返回图片数据的数据,它们是图像数据img, 真实框坐标gt_boxes, 真实框包含的物体类别gt_labels, 图像尺寸scales。