

Useful References:

1.File Format Specifications: WAVE or RIFF WAVE sound file. Site includes pointers to and local copies of significant documents.
2.page for WAVE audio file format.
3.WAVE PCM soundfile format..
4.The WAVE file specifications came from Microsoft. The WAVE file format use RIFF chunks, each chunk consisting of a chunk identifier, chunk length and chunk data.
WAVE specifications, Version 1.0, 1991-08: riffmci.rtf.


  • 8bit/16 bit 样值的二进制编码表示一样吗?
  • 现有的wav支持哪几种音频编码方法?

data format

  • 在数据域中除了单声道-量化位数为8音频数据之外PCM存储格式按照补码的形式存放。
  • 于单声道、量化位数为8的情况,使用offset binary(偏移二进制码)。
    PCM data is two’s-complement except for resolutions of 1-8 bits, which are represented as offset binary.

The data format and maximum and minimums values for PCM waveform samples of various sizes are as follows:

Sample Size Data Format Maximum Value Minimum Value
one to eight bits unsigned integer 255(0xFF) 0
Nine or more bits Signed integer i Largest positive value of i Most negative value of i

For example, the maximum, minimum, and midpoint values for 8-bit and 16-bit PCM waveform data are as follows:

Sample Size Data Format Maximum Value Minimum Value
8-bit PCM 255(0xFF) 0 128(0x80)
16-bit PCM 32767(0x7FFF) -32768(-0x8000) 0

Format Code

The standard format codes for waveform data are given below. The references above give many more format codes for
compressed data, a good fraction of which are now obsolete(部分现在已经过时了~).

Format Code PreProcessor Symbol Data
0x0006 WAVE_FORMAT_ALAM 8-bit ITU-T G.711 A-law
0x0007 WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW 8-bit ITU-T G.711 µ-law

几种不同编码方式下得到的单声道monophonic(not sterophonic)wav音频audio quality声音质量与压缩比特率compression bitrates的对比


code知识补充 :

  • 我们熟知的数字信号本质上是对连续变化的模拟信号进行抽样、量化和编码得到的,称为PCM(Pulse-code modulation),即脉冲编码调制,这种电的数字信号被叫做数字基带信号,由PCM电端机产生。
  • 音频编码:针对频率范围较宽的音频信号进行的编码。主要应用于数字广播和数字电视广播、消费电子产品、音频信息的存储、下载等。
  • 语音编码:对模拟的语音信号进行编码,将模拟信号转化成数字信号,从而降低传输码率并进行数字传输。语音编码的基本方法可分为波形编码(Waveform Coding)、参量编码(Parametric Coding)和混合编码(Hybrid Coding)。
    • 波形编码是将时域的模拟话音的波形信号经过取样、量化、编码而形成的数字话音信号;
    • 参量编码是基于人类语言的发音机理,找出表征语音的特征参量,对特征参量进行编码;
    • 混合编码则是结合了两种编码方式的优点,基于语音产生模型的假定采用了分析合成技术,同时又利用了语音的时间波形信息,增强了重建语音的自然度,使得语音质量有明显的提高,代价是编码速率相应上升。
  • Microsoft GSM 06.10 The low-level speech compression algorithm of the GSM suite is called GSM 06.10 RPE-LTP (Regular-Pulse Excitation Long-Term Predictor).
  • ADPCM (adaptive difference pulse code modulation)自适应差分PCM
  • SBC(sub-band coding)子带编码
  • CELP(Code Excited Linear Prediction,码激励线性预测编码)
  • Truespeech(a proprietary audio codec produced by the DSP Group). It is designed for encoding voice data at low bitrates, and to be embedded into DSP chips. True speech has been integrated into Windows Media Player in older versions of Windows, but no longer supported since Windows Vista. It is also the format used by the voice chat features of Yahoo! Messenger




format description
The WAVE file format is a subset子集 of Microsoft’s RIFF specification规格详细说明书 for the storage of multimedia多媒体 files. A RIFF file starts out with a file header followed by a sequence of 一串data chunks. A WAVE file is often just a RIFF file with a single “WAVE” chunk which consists of two sub-chunks – a “fmt ” chunk specifying the data format and a “data” chunk containing the actual实际的样点数据 sample data. Call this form the “Canonical标准的典范性的格式 form”. Who knows how it really all works. An almost complete description which seems totally useless unless you want to spend a week looking over it can be found at MSDN (mostly describes the non-PCM 非PCM格式, or 已登记的拥有所有权的数据格式registered proprietary data formats). I use the standard WAVE format as created by the sox program: PCM 脉冲编码调制 pulse code modulation
WAVE文件作为Windows多媒体中使用的声音波形文件格式之一,它是以RIFF(Resource Interchange File Format)格式为标准的。
RIFF全称为资源互换文件格式(ResourcesInterchange FileFormat),
波形格式数据 (.WAV)
位图格式数据 (.RDI)
MIDI格式数据 (.RMI)
调色板格式 (.PAL)
多媒体电影 (.RMN)
动画光标 (.ANI)
其它RIFF文件 (.BND)

A WAVE file is often just a RIFF file with a single “WAVE” chunk which consists of two sub-chunks – a “fmt ” chunk specifying the data format and a “data” chunk containing the actual sample data. Call this form the “Canonical form”.




chunk 结构

typedef struct waveChunk
    unsigned int chunkID;    //RIFF
    unsigned int chunksize;  //存储整个文件的文字数
    unsigned int WaveID;     //WAVE 

typedef struct tWAVEFORMATEX
    short wFormatTag; // format type 
    short nChannels; // number of channels (i.e. mono, stereo...) 
    unsigned int nSamplesPerSec;    // sample rate 
    unsigned int nAvgBytesPerSec;   // for buffer estimation 
    short nBlockAlign;        // block size of data 
    short wBitsPerSample;    // number of bits per sample of mono data 
    short cbSize;          // the count in bytes of the size of 
    /* extra information (after cbSize) */

typedef struct dataChunk
    unsigned int Subchunk2ID;    //data
    unsigned int Subchunk2size;  //data size
    unsigned char *data;        //data 
