
--5月7日   SQL Server实验内容

insert s_c
insert s_c
insert s_c

insert t_c
insert t_c
insert t_c


update teacher
set t_name='刘清华'
where t_id='0001'
update teacher
set t_salay=t_salay+500


Delete teacher 
where t_name='于林';


update student
set s_name='白沧铭'
where s_id='2016010101'


delete s_c
where s_id='2016010203'
delete student
where s_id='2016010203'


update s_c
set result=result+5
where s_id in(select c_id from class where c_id ='20160101')
AND result<60

update teacher
set t_salay=(select AVG(t_salay) from teacher)
where t_name='刘清华'


update s_c
set result=(select AVG(result) from s_c where course_id='003' )
where s_id='2016010101'


update s_c
set result=result*(1+0.05)
where result


update s_c
set result=0
where course_id='0002'and s_id=(select s_id from student where s_name='王丽')


update student
set s_sex=(select s_sex from student where s_id='2016010102')
where s_id ='2016010101'


update student
set s_sex=(select s_sex from student where s_id='2016010102')
where s_id ='2016010101' 
update department
set dep_id=(select dep_id from class,student where class.c_id=student.c_id and s_id='2016010102')
where dep_id=(select dep_id from class,student where class.c_id=student.c_id and s_id='2016010101')


delete from student
where s_id not in(select s_id from s_c)

Begin transaction;
delete from s_c
where s_id=(select s_id from student where s_name='白沧铭') and course_id=(select course_id from course where course_name='计算机基础')
Rollback transaction


select * into student2 from student
select * into teacher2 from teacher






insert into s_c2(s_id,course_id,result)--s_c2需存在
select s_id,course_id,result  from s_c
where s_id in(select s_id from student where c_id='20160101')


select t_id
from t_c


select t_name as 姓名, year(getdate())-year(t_entrydate)as 工龄
from teacher


select t_name as 姓名, dep_name as 部门
from teacher,department
where teacher.dep_id=department.dep_id


select *
from student
where s_name LIKE '_沧%'


select *
from student
order by c_id ASC , s_borndate DESC


select s_id 学号,result 成绩
from s_c
where course_id='0003'and s_id in (select top 2 s_id from s_c where course_id='0003' order by result DESC)

select top 5 * from teacher order by year(getdate())-year(t_borndate) DESC


select *
from teacher
where t_professor='副教授'
select *
from teacher
where t_professor='教授'


select *
from student
where c_id='20160101'
select *
from student
where s_id in(select s_id from student where (year(getdate())-year(s_borndate))<=22)

select *
from student
where c_id='20160101'
select *
from student
where s_id in(select s_id from student where (year(getdate())-year(s_borndate))<=22)


select COUNT(*) 学生总数
from student


select s_id as 学号,SUM(result)as 总成绩
from s_c


select COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) as 总人数
from s_c


select AVG(result)平均成绩
from s_c
where course_id='0001'


select course_id 课程号,AVG(result)平均分
from s_c
GROUP BY course_id


select MAX(result)最高成绩,MIN(result)最低成绩,AVG(result)平均分
from s_c
where course_id='0002'


select s_sex 性别,COUNT(*) 总人数
from student
GROUP BY s_sex


select course_id 课程号,AVG(result) 平均分
from s_c
GROUP BY course_id
HAVING AVG(result)>85


select c_id 班级,COUNT(DISTINCT c_id)人数
from student
where c_id is not NULL


select s_sex 性别,COUNT(*) 人数
from student
where c_id='20160101'
GROUP BY s_sex


select dep_id 系部,COUNT(*) 人数
from teacher
GROUP BY dep_id


select course_id 课程号,COUNT(*) 人数
from s_c
GROUP BY course_id


select s_id 学号,COUNT(*) 课程门数
from s_c
having COUNT(*)>=2

--(14)在teacher表上验证count(*)、count(sal)、count(distinct t_professor)的使用区别

select COUNT(*)
from teacher

select COUNT(t_salary)--提示sal列明无效
from teacher

select COUNT(distinct t_professor)--根据t_professor去掉了重复值
from teacher


select s_id,s_name,c_name
from student,class
where student.c_id=class.c_id


select s_name,result
from student,s_c
where student.s_id=s_c.s_id and course_id=(select course_id from course where course_name='数据库原理与应用')

select s_name,result
from student,s_c,course
where student.s_id=s_c.s_id and s_c.course_id=course.course_id and course_name='数据库原理与应用'


select s_c.course_id 课程号,t_name 教师姓名,COUNT(*)选课人数
from teacher,t_c,s_c
where teacher.t_id=t_c.t_id and t_c.course_id=s_c.course_id
GROUP BY s_c.course_id,t_name


select b.s_name
from student a,student b
where a.c_id=b.c_id and a.s_name='王丽'and b.s_name<>'王丽'


select student.s_id,s_name,result
from student,s_c,course
where student.s_id=s_c.s_id and s_c.course_id=course.course_id and course_name='大学英语' and result>85


select t_name,dep_name
from department,teacher,t_c
where department.dep_id=teacher.dep_id and teacher.t_id=t_c.t_id and course_id='大学英语'


select b.t_name
from teacher a,teacher b
where a.t_id=b.t_id and a.t_name='刘清华'and b.t_name<>'刘清华'


select s_id 
from s_c
where course_id='0003'and result<(select AVG(result)from s_c where course_id='0003')


select s_id,s_name
from student
where c_id <>'20160101' and


select s_name
from student
where s_id in(select s_id from s_c where result>90)


select s_id,s_name
from student
where s_id not in (select s_id from s_c where course_id=(select course_id from course where course_name='大学英语'))


select s_id,course_id
from s_c
where result >all(select AVG(result) from s_c)


select s_id,s_name
from student
where not EXISTS (select * from s_c where s_c.s_id=student.s_id)


select t_name
from teacher
where t_salary>(select AVG(t_salary)from teacher)

--(8)查询年龄比“白沧铭”小的学生的姓名,结果按学号降序排序udsfdvq c

select s_name
from student
where (select year(getdate())-year(s_borndate) from student where s_name='白沧铭')

