NNI(neural network intelligence)安装


NNI (Neural Network Intelligence) is a toolkit to help users run automated machine learning (AutoML) experiments. The tool dispatches and runs trial jobs generated by tuning algorithms to search the best neural architecture and/or hyper-parameters in different environments like local machine, remote servers and cloud.

NNI v1.0 information

NNI(neural network intelligence)安装_第1张图片


  1. Linux and MacOS
    要求:有python >= 3.5, git and wget.
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade nni
  2. Windows
    python -m pip install --upgrade nni
  3. 注意!
    出现error: Segmentation fault,查看FAQ


4.Linux and MacOS 要求:有python >= 3.5, git and wget.

git clone -b v1.1 https://github.com/Microsoft/nni.git
cd nni
source install.sh
  1. windows要求:python >=3.5, git and PowerShell
git clone -b v1.1 https://github.com/Microsoft/nni.git
cd nni
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file install.ps1
