pynq github开源项目:
pynq sobel github 代码:
unsigned char rgb2y(RGB pix)
#pragma HLS INLINE
unsigned char y;
y = ((66 * pix.R.to_int() + 129 * pix.G.to_int() + 25 * pix.B.to_int() + 128) >> 8) + 16;
return y;
2.sobel 滤波操作函数
*注意这里edge_weight 可能会溢出,所以要加以判断。
RGB sobel_operator(WINDOW *window)
short x_weight = 0;
short y_weight = 0;
short edge_weight;
unsigned char edge_val;
RGB pixel;
char i;
char j;
const char x_op[3][3] = { {-1,0,1},
const char y_op[3][3] = { {1,2,1},
//Compute approximation of the gradients in the X-Y direction
for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++){
// X direction gradient
x_weight = x_weight + (window->getval(i,j) * x_op[i][j]);
// Y direction gradient
y_weight = y_weight + (window->getval(i,j) * y_op[i][j]);
edge_weight = ABS(x_weight) + ABS(y_weight);
if(edge_weight > 255)
// printf("edge_weight = %d,uchar = %d\n",edge_weight,(unsigned char)edge_weight);
edge_weight = 255;
edge_val = (255-(unsigned char)(edge_weight));
//Edge thresholding
if(edge_val > 200)
edge_val = 255;
else if(edge_val < 100)
edge_val = 0;
pixel.R = pixel.G = pixel.B = edge_val;
return pixel;
void LoadPixelM2B(PIXEL *inter_pix,PIXEL input_buffer[MAX_WIDTH],int rows,int cols,int row,int row_l2p[1])
static int in_offset;
static int rows_c;
static int cols_c;
row_l2p[0] = row;
if(row == 0)
in_offset = 0;
rows_c = rows;
cols_c = cols;
bool enable = row < rows_c;
memcpy(input_buffer,(PIXEL *)(inter_pix + in_offset),cols_c*sizeof(PIXEL));
in_offset += cols_c;
void StorePixelB2M(PIXEL *out_pix,PIXEL output_buffer[MAX_WIDTH],int cols,int row_p2s[1])
static int out_offset;
static int cols_c;
int row = row_p2s[0];
if(row == 0){
out_offset = 0;
cols_c = cols;
bool enable = row > 0;
memcpy((PIXEL *)(out_pix + out_offset),output_buffer,cols_c*sizeof(PIXEL));
out_offset += cols_c;
void Process(PIXEL input_buffer[MAX_WIDTH],PIXEL output_buffer[MAX_WIDTH],int rows,int cols,int row_l2p[1],int row_p2s[1])
int col;
int in_offset = 0;
int out_offset = 0;
Y_BUFFER buff_A;
WINDOW buff_C;
int row = row_l2p[0];
for(col = 0; col < cols+1; col++){
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=1920 max=1920
#pragma HLS DEPENDENCE variable=buff_A inter false
// Temp values are used to reduce the number of memory reads
unsigned char temp;
// RGB tempx;
unsigned char tmpx_y;
unsigned char test_val;
//Line Buffer fill
if(col < cols){
temp = buff_A.getval(0,col);
//There is an offset to accomodate the active pixel region
//There are only MAX_WIDTH and MAX_HEIGHT valid pixels in the image
if(col < cols & row < rows){
RGB new_pix;
PIXEL input_pixel;
// input_pixel = inter_pix[row][col];
input_pixel = input_buffer[col];
new_pix.B = input_pixel.range(7,0);
new_pix.G = input_pixel.range(15,8);
new_pix.R = input_pixel.range(23,16);
tmpx_y = rgb2y(new_pix);
//Shift the processing window to make room for the new column
//The Sobel processing window only needs to store luminance values
//rgb2y function computes the luminance from the color pixel
if(col < cols){
RGB edge;
//The sobel operator only works on the inner part of the image
//This design assumes there are no edges on the boundary of the image
if( row <= 1 || col <= 1 || row > (rows-1) || col > (cols-1)){
edge.R = edge.G = edge.B = 0;
//Sobel operation on the inner portion of the image
edge = sobel_operator(&buff_C);
//The output image is offset from the input to account for the line buffer
if(row > 0 && col > 0){
PIXEL output_pixel;
ap_uint<8> padding = 0xff;
output_pixel = (edge.R,edge.G);
output_pixel = (output_pixel, edge.B);
output_pixel = (padding,output_pixel);
// out_pix[row-1][col-1] = output_pixel;
// out_pix[(row-1)*cols + (col-1)] = output_pixel;
output_buffer[col-1] = output_pixel;
row_p2s[0] = row;
void sobel_filter(PIXEL *inter_pix,PIXEL *out_pix, int rows, int cols)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi depth=2073600 port=inter_pix offset=slave bundle=DATA_IN
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi depth=2073600 port=out_pix offset=slave bundle=DATA_OUT
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite register port=return bundle=CTRL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite register port=inter_pix bundle=CTRL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite register port=out_pix bundle=CTRL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite register port=rows bundle=CTRL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite register port=cols bundle=CTRL_BUS
PIXEL input_buffer[MAX_WIDTH];
PIXEL output_buffer[MAX_WIDTH];
int row;
int row_l2p[1];
int row_p2s[1];
for(row = 0; row < rows+1; row++){
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=1080 max=1080
LoadPixelM2B(inter_pix, input_buffer, rows, cols, row, row_l2p);
Process(input_buffer, output_buffer, rows, cols, row_l2p, row_p2s);
StorePixelB2M(out_pix, output_buffer, cols, row_p2s);