

  • 1.前言
    • 1.1.参考博客
  • 2.头文件
  • 3.源文件
    • 3.1.UpdateConnections()



【泡泡机器人原创专栏】DBoW3 视觉词袋模型、视觉字典和图像数据库分析
浅谈回环检测中的词袋模型(bag of words)


class KeyFrame
    KeyFrame(Frame &F, Map* pMap, KeyFrameDatabase* pKFDB);

    // Pose functions
    void SetPose(const cv::Mat &Tcw);
    cv::Mat GetPose();
    cv::Mat GetPoseInverse();
    cv::Mat GetCameraCenter();
    cv::Mat GetStereoCenter();
    cv::Mat GetRotation();
    cv::Mat GetTranslation();

    // Bag of Words Representation
    void ComputeBoW();

    // Covisibility graph functions
    /**在共视图Covisibility graph中添加边,并调用UpdateBestCovisibles()更新essential graph
     * @param pKF 具有共视关系的其他关键帧
     * @param weight 和pKF共视的mappoint数量
    void AddConnection(KeyFrame* pKF, const int &weight);
    void EraseConnection(KeyFrame* pKF);
    //更新共视图Covisibility graph,essential graph和spanningtree,以及共视关系
    void UpdateConnections();
    //更新 mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames,mvOrderedWeights,也就是共视图covisibility
    void UpdateBestCovisibles();
    std::set<KeyFrame *> GetConnectedKeyFrames();
    //返回Covisibility graph中与此节点连接的节点(即关键帧)
    std::vector<KeyFrame* > GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames();
    //返回Covisibility graph中与此节点连接的权值前N的节点
    std::vector<KeyFrame*> GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames(const int &N);
    std::vector<KeyFrame*> GetCovisiblesByWeight(const int &w);
    int GetWeight(KeyFrame* pKF);

    // Spanning tree functions
    //Spanning tree的节点为关键帧,共视程度最高的那个关键帧设置为节点在Spanning Tree中的父节点
    void AddChild(KeyFrame* pKF);
    void EraseChild(KeyFrame* pKF);
    void ChangeParent(KeyFrame* pKF);
    std::set<KeyFrame*> GetChilds();
    KeyFrame* GetParent();
    bool hasChild(KeyFrame* pKF);

    // Loop Edges
    void AddLoopEdge(KeyFrame* pKF);
    std::set<KeyFrame*> GetLoopEdges();

    // MapPoint observation functions
     * @param pMP 添加的mappoint
     * @param idx mappoint在此帧对应的特征点的序号
    void AddMapPoint(MapPoint* pMP, const size_t &idx);
    void EraseMapPointMatch(const size_t &idx);
    void EraseMapPointMatch(MapPoint* pMP);
    void ReplaceMapPointMatch(const size_t &idx, MapPoint* pMP);
    std::set<MapPoint*> GetMapPoints();
    std::vector<MapPoint*> GetMapPointMatches();
    int TrackedMapPoints(const int &minObs);
    MapPoint* GetMapPoint(const size_t &idx);

    // KeyPoint functions
      * 找到在 以x, y为中心,边长为2r的方形内的特征点
      * @param x        图像坐标u
      * @param y        图像坐标v
      * @param r        边长
      * @return         满足条件的特征点的序号
    std::vector<size_t> GetFeaturesInArea(const float &x, const float  &y, const float  &r) const;
    cv::Mat UnprojectStereo(int i);

    // Image
    bool IsInImage(const float &x, const float &y) const;

    // Enable/Disable bad flag changes
    // Avoid that a keyframe can be erased while it is being process by loop closing
    void SetNotErase();
    void SetErase();

    // Set/check bad flag
    void SetBadFlag();
    bool isBad();

    // Compute Scene Depth (q=2 median). Used in monocular.
    float ComputeSceneMedianDepth(const int q);

    static bool weightComp( int a, int b){
        return a>b;

    static bool lId(KeyFrame* pKF1, KeyFrame* pKF2){
        return pKF1->mnId<pKF2->mnId;

    // The following variables are accesed from only 1 thread or never change (no mutex needed).

    static long unsigned int nNextId;
    long unsigned int mnId;
    //生成这个keyframe的Frame id
    const long unsigned int mnFrameId;

    const double mTimeStamp;

    // Grid (to speed up feature matching)
    const int mnGridCols;
    const int mnGridRows;
    const float mfGridElementWidthInv;
    const float mfGridElementHeightInv;

    // Variables used by the tracking
    long unsigned int mnTrackReferenceForFrame;
    //在LocalMapping::SearchInNeighbors()中,标记此keyframe将要融合(fuse)的keyframe ID
    long unsigned int mnFuseTargetForKF;

    // Variables used by the local mapping
    //local mapping的local BA在使用此关键帧的标记
    long unsigned int mnBALocalForKF;
    long unsigned int mnBAFixedForKF;

    // Variables used by the keyframe database
    //此为frame ID,标记是哪个keyframe查询过和此keyframe有相同的单词,且在essentialgraph中连接
    long unsigned int mnLoopQuery;
    int mnLoopWords;
    float mLoopScore;
    //此为frame ID,标记是哪个frame查询过和此keyframe有相同的单词
    long unsigned int mnRelocQuery;
    int mnRelocWords;
    float mRelocScore;

    // Variables used by loop closing
    //global BA的结果
    cv::Mat mTcwGBA;
    cv::Mat mTcwBefGBA;
    long unsigned int mnBAGlobalForKF;

    // Calibration parameters
    const float fx, fy, cx, cy, invfx, invfy, mbf, mb, mThDepth;

    // Number of KeyPoints
    const int N;

    // KeyPoints, stereo coordinate and descriptors (all associated by an index)
    const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> mvKeys;
    const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> mvKeysUn;
    const std::vector<float> mvuRight; // negative value for monocular points
    const std::vector<float> mvDepth; // negative value for monocular points
    const cv::Mat mDescriptors;

    DBoW2::BowVector mBowVec;
    //mFeatVec是一个std::map >
    DBoW2::FeatureVector mFeatVec;

    // Pose relative to parent (this is computed when bad flag is activated)
    cv::Mat mTcp;

    // Scale
    const int mnScaleLevels;
    const float mfScaleFactor;
    const float mfLogScaleFactor;
    const std::vector<float> mvScaleFactors;
    const std::vector<float> mvLevelSigma2;
    const std::vector<float> mvInvLevelSigma2;

    // Image bounds and calibration
    const int mnMinX;
    const int mnMinY;
    const int mnMaxX;
    const int mnMaxY;
    const cv::Mat mK;

    // The following variables need to be accessed trough a mutex to be thread safe.

    // SE3 Pose and camera center
    cv::Mat Tcw;
    cv::Mat Twc;
    cv::Mat Ow;

    cv::Mat Cw; // Stereo middel point. Only for visualization

    // MapPoints associated to keypoints
    std::vector<MapPoint*> mvpMapPoints;

    // BoW
    KeyFrameDatabase* mpKeyFrameDB;
    ORBVocabulary* mpORBvocabulary;

    // Grid over the image to speed up feature matching
    std::vector< std::vector <std::vector<size_t> > > mGrid;

    std::map<KeyFrame*,int> mConnectedKeyFrameWeights;
    //mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames和mvOrderedWeights共同组成了论文里的covisibility graph
    std::vector<KeyFrame*> mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames;
    //mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames中共视的mappoint数量,也就是共视图covisibility graph权重,递减排列
    std::vector<int> mvOrderedWeights;

    // Spanning Tree and Loop Edges
    bool mbFirstConnection;
    //此keyframe在Spanning Tree中的父节点
    KeyFrame* mpParent;
    //此keyframe在Spanning Tree中的子节点集合
    std::set<KeyFrame*> mspChildrens;
    std::set<KeyFrame*> mspLoopEdges;

    // Bad flags
    // Avoid that a keyframe can be erased while it is being process by loop closing
    bool mbNotErase;
    bool mbToBeErased;
    bool mbBad;    

    float mHalfBaseline; // Only for visualization

    Map* mpMap;

    std::mutex mMutexPose;
    std::mutex mMutexConnections;
    std::mutex mMutexFeatures;



更新共视图Covisibility graph,essential graph和spanningtree,以及共视关系

void KeyFrame::UpdateConnections()
    map<KeyFrame*,int> KFcounter;

    vector<MapPoint*> vpMP;

        unique_lock<mutex> lockMPs(mMutexFeatures);
        vpMP = mvpMapPoints;

    //For all map points in keyframe check in which other keyframes are they seen
    //Increase counter for those keyframes
    // 计算每一个关键帧都有多少其他关键帧与它存在共视关系,结果放在KFcounter
    for(vector<MapPoint*>::iterator vit=vpMP.begin(), vend=vpMP.end(); vit!=vend; vit++)
        MapPoint* pMP = *vit;


        map<KeyFrame*,size_t> observations = pMP->GetObservations();

        for(map<KeyFrame*,size_t>::iterator mit=observations.begin(), mend=observations.end(); mit!=mend; mit++)

    // This should not happen

    //If the counter is greater than threshold add connection
    //In case no keyframe counter is over threshold add the one with maximum counter
    int nmax=0;
    KeyFrame* pKFmax=NULL;
    //判断两关键帧是否共生成covisibility graph的一条边
    int th = 15;

    //当共视mappoint点数量达到一定阈值th的情况下,在covisibility graph添加一条边
    vector<pair<int,KeyFrame*> > vPairs;
    for(map<KeyFrame*,int>::iterator mit=KFcounter.begin(), mend=KFcounter.end(); mit!=mend; mit++)


    //根据视图covisibility graph权重由小到大排序
    list<KeyFrame*> lKFs;
    list<int> lWs;
    for(size_t i=0; i<vPairs.size();i++)

        unique_lock<mutex> lockCon(mMutexConnections);

        // mspConnectedKeyFrames = spConnectedKeyFrames;
	// 更新共视图covisibility graph的连接
        mConnectedKeyFrameWeights = KFcounter;
	//更新covisibility graph连接
        mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames = vector<KeyFrame*>(lKFs.begin(),lKFs.end());
        mvOrderedWeights = vector<int>(lWs.begin(), lWs.end());

        if(mbFirstConnection && mnId!=0)
	    //共视程度最高的那个关键帧设置为此节点在Spanning Tree中的父节点
            mpParent = mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames.front();
	    //共视程度最高的那个关键帧在在Spanning Tree中的子节点设置为此关键帧
            mbFirstConnection = false;

