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A reference value which is null on some exception control path is dereferenced here. This may lead to a
代码调用时,遇到异常分支,可能造成一个对象没有获得赋值依旧保持NULL空指针。接下来如果对这个对象有引用,可能造成NullPointerException空指针异常。 |
案例 |
private voidtest_NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_EXCEPTION(String name, String pass){ User user = null; int nport = 10; try{ user = checkUser(name, pass); if (user == null){ System.out.println("密码错误"); close(); return ; } } catch (SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } user.setPort(nport); //这端代码有NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_EXCEPTION } 代码分析:这里User对象是在try 块中赋值的, 但是由于checkUser 方法赋值失败造成异常,导致User 对象为空后, 直接转入异常处理模块执行 e.printStackTrace();此时并没有返回,接下来执行user.setPort(nport) 时, 必然造成空指针。
案例二: md = null; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(bt); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace();// script1 } byte[] digest = md.digest();// script2 |
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案例一:根据代码逻辑实际情况采取解决方法, 在异常情况下考虑好分支路径
案例二:bug出现在script2处,在script1处处理相应的exception即可,如throw或 return; |
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There is a branch of statement that,if executed, guarantees that a null value will be dereferenced, which would generate a
对象可能没有重新赋值 |
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解决办法很容易想到,判断是否为null或 使用try...catch...finally。
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This method calls equals(Object) on two references, one of which is a class and the other an interface, where neither the class nor any of its non-abstract subclasses implement the interface. Therefore, the objects being compared are unlikely to be members of the same class at runtime (unless some application classes were not analyzed, or dynamic class loading can occur at runtime). According to the contract of equals(), objects of different classes should always compare as unequal; therefore, according to the contract defined by Java.lang.Object.equals(Object), the result of this comparison will always be false at runtime.
使用equals方法比较不相关的类和接口 |
案例 |
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("nihao"); String string = "nihao"; builder.equals(string);
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调用equals()比较不同的类型。 此方法调用相当于两个不同的类类型的引用,没有共同的子类(对象)。 因此,所比较的对象是不太可能在运行时相同的类成员(除非一些 应用类没有分析或动态类加载可以发生在运行时)。据 equals()的规则,不同类的对象应始终比较不平等,因此,根据 由java.lang.Object.equals定义的合同(对象),FALSE将永远是比较的结果 在运行时错误。
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This class contains similarly-named get and set methods where the set method is synchronized and the get method is not. This may result in incorrect behavior at runtime, as callers of the get method will not necessarily see a consistent state for the object. The get method should be made synchronized.
这个类包含类似命名的get和set方法。在set方法是同步方法和get方法是非同步方法。这可能会导致在运行时的不正确行为,因为调用的get方法不一定返回对象一致状态。 GET方法应该同步。 |
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This instruction assigns a value to a local variable, but the value is not read or used in any subsequent instruction. Often, this indicates an error, because the value computed is never used. Note that Sun's javac compiler often generates dead stores for final local variables. Because FindBugs is a bytecode-based tool, there is no easy way to eliminate these false positives. 该指令为局部变量赋值,但在其后的没有对她做任何使用。通常,这表明一个错误,因为值从未使用过。 |
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案例二: String abc = "abc"; String xyz = new String(""); xyz = abc; System.out.println(xyz); |
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删除未使用的本地变量 案例二: 因为String xyz = new String(""); 这一句执行3个动作: 1)创建一个引用xyz 2)创建一个String对象 3)把String的引用赋值给xyz 其中,后面两个动作是多余的,因为后面的程序中你没有使用这个新建的String对象,而是重新给xyz赋值, xyz = abc;所以,只需要String xyz = abc;就可以了 |
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A value is checked here to see whether it is null, but this value can't be null because it was previously dereferenced and if it were null a null pointer exception would have occurred at the earlier dereference. Essentially, this code and the previous dereference disagree as to whether this value is allowed to be null. Either the check is redundant or the previous dereference is erroneous.
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出现该bug有两种情况:多余的null检查;前边没有null值检查的。 比如:我们经常会这个使用ActionForm, String clazzId = request.getParameter("clazzId");// script1 studentForm.setClazzID(clazzId);// script2 往往会在script2会出现该错误,因为在script1处未检查clazzId是否为null才导致的。 修改为: if(clazzId != null) { studentForm.setClazzID(clazzId); }
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This code compares
用==或者!=去比较String类型的对象 |
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String str1 = "java"; String str2 = "java"; System.out.print(str1==str2); 成果:true(二者都为常量) String str1 = new String("java"); String str2 = new String("java"); System.out.print(str1==str2); 成果:false(二者为对象) String str1 = "java"; String str2 = "blog"; String s = str1+str2; System.out.print(s=="javablog"); 成果:false(s不为常量,为对象) String s1 = "java"; String s2 = new String("java"); System.out.print(s1.intern()==s2.intern()); 成果:true
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String对象进行比较的时候:只有两种情况可以使用== or !=,这两种情况是;仅当两个字符串在源文件中都是常量或者是调用String.intern()方法,使用String的规范化表示形式来进行比较,如果不是这两中情况的话推荐使用.equals(object)方式
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This method call passes a null value for a nonnull method parameter. Either the parameter is annotated as a parameter that should always be nonnull, or analysis has shown that it will always be dereferenced. 这种方法调用传递一个空值给非空参数。,要这个参明确注释它是非空参数,要么经过分析得出它总是会被引用不可能为空。
案例 |
int FunctionOne(int x,int y=0,int z=0,int w=0); 我们要给z传递整型值8,作如下调用: FunctionOne(8); 显然,编译器无法确定这个8到底要传递给哪个参数。为了达到我们的目的,必须这样调用: FunctionOne(0,0,8); 这是x被传递了0,y被传递了 0,z被传递了8
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我们可以赋予函数参数默认值。 所谓默认值就是在调用时,可以不写某些参数的值,编译器会自动把默认值传递给调用语句中。默认值一般在函数声明中设置;
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This field is never written. All reads of it will return the default value. Check for errors (should it have been initialized?), or remove it if it is useless.
此字段是永远不会写入值。所有读取将返回默认值。检查错误(如果它被初始化?),如果它确实没有用就删除掉。 |
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This toString method seems to return null in some circumstances. A liberal reading of the spec could be interpreted as allowing this, but it is probably a bad idea and could cause other code to break. Return the empty string or some other appropriate string rather than null. toString方法可能返回null |
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This class defines a field with the same name as a visible instance field in a superclass. This is confusing, and may indicate an error if methods update or access one of the fields when they wanted the other.
子类中定义了和父类中同名的字段。在调用时会出错 |
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This code seems to be using non-short-circuit logic (e.g., & or |) rather than short-circuit logic (&& or ||). In addition, it seem possible that, depending on the value of the left hand side, you might not want to evaluate the right hand side (because it would have side effects, could cause an exception or could be expensive. Non-short-circuit logic causes both sides of the expression to be evaluated even when the result can be inferred from knowing the left-hand side. This can be less efficient and can result in errors if the left-hand side guards cases when evaluating the right-hand side can generate an error. See theJava Language Specification for details 代码中使用(& or |)代替(&& or ||)操作,这会造成潜在的危险 |
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缺陷详解:解释一下短路与非短路的区别: (1)短路运算(short-circuit) 逻辑与(&&):如果左操作数结果为true,则继续计算右操作数;如果左操作数结果为false ,则对右操作数的运算已经没有必要,直接返回结果false,忽略右操作运算。 逻辑或(||):如果左操作数结果为false,则继续计算右操作数;如果左操作数结果为true ,则对右操作数的运算已经没有必要,直接返回结果true,忽略右操作运算。 正确地使用短路运算符,就可以写出节省时间、提高效率的代码。 (2)非短路运算(non-short-circuit) 逻辑与(&)、逻辑或(|):不管左操作数的运算结果如何,都一律计算右边的操作数。 我们回放的代码使用的是非短路与(&),也就是不管左边的sr !=null 的结果如何,都一律运算右边的sr.getInt(0) == 0,那如果遇到sr为null 值的情况,则一样也会调用到sr.getInt(0),显然就会出现空指针异常。 |
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解决这个问题的最好选择是改用短路运算与(&&)。 SysDataSet sds = con.csCommonSP("P_KMS_GETORIGINALFILETREE"); SysRecord sr = sds != null ? sds.getParamSet() : null; rs = (sr != null&&sr.getInt(0) == 0) ? sds.getResultSet() :null;
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This class overrides equals(Object), but does not override hashCode(), and inherits the implementation of hashCode() from java.lang.Object (which returns the identity hash code, an arbitrary value assigned to the object by the VM). Therefore, the class is very likely to violate the invariant that equal objects must have equal hashcodes. If you don't think instances of this class will ever be inserted into a HashMap/HashTable, the recommended hashCode implementation to use is: public int hashCode() { assert false : "hashCode not designed"; return 42; // any arbitrary constant will do }
一个类覆写了equals方法,没有覆写hashCode方法,使用了Object对象的hashCode方法 |
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This implementation of equals(Object) violates the contract defined by java.lang.Object.equals() because it does not check for null being passed as the argument. All equals() methods should return false if passed a null value.
变量调用equals方法时没有进行是否为null的判断 |
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This Serializable class defines a non-primitive instance field which is neither transient, Serializable, or
案例 |
示例代码: publicclassMytest implements Serializable { private ThreadmThread; protected FileOutputStreamoutputStream ; //这两个变量会提示defines non-transient non-serializable instance field finoutStream private Stringstr; private Stringstr1; privateinti;
解决方法 |
解决方法: 1:给对象加上transient关键字,对该象将不会被序列化保存和恢复。 publicclassMytest implements Serializable{ privatetransient ThreadmThread; protectedtransient FileOutputStreamoutputStream; private Stringstr; private Stringstr1; privateinti; } 2:实现Externalizable接口代替Serializable接口,对序列化过程进行完全自主控制。Externalizable没有默认序列化机制,我们需要在writeExternal()方法中将希望被序列化的对象的信息写入,在readExternal()中将其恢复,并且writeObject()方法与readObject()方法中保存和恢复对象的顺序必须相同。 publicclass Mytestimplements Externalizable{ private ThreadmThread; protected FileOutputStreamfoutputStream; private Stringstr; private Stringstr1; privateinti; @Override publicvoid readExternal(ObjectInput arg0)throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { str=(String) arg0.readObject(); str1=(String) arg0.readObject(); i= arg0.readInt(); } @Override publicvoid writeExternal(ObjectOutput arg0)throws IOException{ arg0.writeObject(str); arg0.writeObject(str1); arg0.writeInt(i); } } 3:添加writeObject()和readObject()方法替代Externalizable,对序列化过程进行自主控制。注意是“添加”不是“复写”或“实现”,类型必须为private,同样writeObject()方法与readObject()方法中保存和恢复对象的顺序必须相同。 publicclassMytest implements Serializable{ private ThreadmThread; protected FileOutputStreamfoutputStream; private Stringstr; private Stringstr1; privateinti; privatevoid writeObject(ObjectOutputStream outputStream)throws IOException { outputStream.writeObject(str); outputStream.writeObject(str1); outputStream.writeInt(i); } privatevoid readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream)throws IOException,ClassNotFoundException { str=(String) inputStream.readObject(); str1=(String) inputStream.readObject(); i= inputStream.readInt(); } } |
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The program is dereferencing a field that does not seem to ever have a non-null value written to it. Unless the field is initialized via some mechanism not seen by the analysis, dereferencing this value will generate a null pointer exception.
程序中引用一变量,没有一个可见的机制将一个非空的值赋给它,引用时需要对其进行判断(是否有一不可见的机制对其进行了初始化)不然会空指针异常。 |
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privatestaticArrayList publicArrayList checkValue(String str1) { paramList.clear(); returnparamList; } //调用clear()只是清除list内容并不会使list报空指针异常,但是list为null时,就会报空指针异常了。 |
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引用前进行判空 privatestatic ArrayList publicArrayList checkValue(String str1) { if (null!=paramList) { paramList.clear(); } returnparamList; }
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All writes to this field are of the constant value null, and thus all reads of the field will return null. Check for errors, or remove it if it is useless.
字段的值总是为null值,所有读取该字段的值都为null。检查错误,如果它确实没有用就删除掉。 |
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privatestatic ArrayList public ArrayList returnmList; } 注:程序中无其函数对paramList进行赋值,或一直赋null值。 |
解决方法 |
1、对paramList进行正确赋值。 2、如果paramList没有用就删掉。 |
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The code uses x % 2 == 1 to check to see if a value is odd, but this won't work for negative numbers (e.g., (-5) % 2 == -1). If this code is intending to check for oddness, consider using x & 1 == 1, or x % 2 != 0.
如果使用代码x % 2 == 1来检查值是否为奇数,对于负数是无效的,应该使用x&1==1或x%2!=0。 |
案例 |
publicboolean isOddness(int value){ boolean result =false; if ((value % 2) ==1) { result = true; } return result; } 分析:如果传进来的value是负数则此函数返回的结果是错误的。 |
解决方法 |
publicboolean isOddness(int value){ boolean result =false; if ((value & 1) ==1) { result = true; } return result; }
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There is a branch of statement that,if executed, guarantees that a null value will be dereferenced, which would generate a
有一个分支如果进入的话,里面的某些变量可能会是空指针 |
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publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) { String s1 = null; String s2 = ""; doCompare(s1, s2); }
publicstaticint doCompare(String s1, String s2) { int result; if (s1 ==null && s2 == null) { result = 0; } elseif (s1 ==null && s2 != null) { result = -1; } elseif (s1 !=null && s2 == null) { result = 1; } else {// s1 != null && s2 != null result = s1.compareTo(s2); //这里s1可能发生空指针异常,但是此语句不会执行。 } return result; } |
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publicstaticint doCompare(String s1, String s2) { int result; if (s1 ==null && s2 == null) { result = 0; } elseif (s1 ==null) { assert s2 !=null; result = -1; } elseif (s2 ==null) { assert s1 !=null; result = 1; } else { result = s1.compareTo(s2); } return result; }
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This code creates an exception (or error) object, but doesn't do anything with it. For example, something like It was probably the intent of the programmer to throw the created exception:
此代码创建一个异常(或错误)的对象,但不会用它做任何事情。例如:if (x < 0) new IllegalArgumentException("x must be nonnegative"); 这可能是程序员的意图抛出创建的异常: if (x < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be nonnegative");
案例 |
privatevoid test(){ new IllegalArgumentException("x must be nonnegative"); } |
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1、打印异常调用栈。 privatevoid test(){ if(x<0){ new IllegalArgumentException("x must be nonnegative "). printStackTrace(); } } 2、抛出异常。 privatevoid test(){ if(x<0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be nonnegative "); } }
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The code synchronizes on a boxed primitive constant, such as an Boolean. Since there normally exist only two Boolean objects, this code could be synchronizing on the same object as other, unrelated code, leading to unresponsiveness and possible deadlock 该代码同步一个封装的原始常量,例如一个Boolean类型。 private static Boolean inited = Boolean.FALSE; ... synchronized(inited) { if (!inited) { init(); inited = Boolean.TRUE; } } ... 由于通常只存在两个布尔对象,此代码可能是同步的其他无关的代码中相同的对象,这时会导致反应迟钝和可能死锁
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This code compares a
用==或者!=方法去比较String类型的参数 |
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This method performs synchronization an object that is an instance of a class from the java.util.concurrent package (or its subclasses). Instances of these classes have their own concurrency control mechanisms that are orthogonal to the synchronization provided by the Java keyword synchronized. For example, synchronizing on an AtomicBoolean will not prevent other threads from modifying the AtomicBoolean. Such code may be correct, but should be carefully reviewed and documented, and may confuse people who have to maintain the code at a later date.
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The code synchronizes on interned String. private static String LOCK = "LOCK"; ... synchronized(LOCK) { ...} ... Constant Strings are interned and shared across all other classes loaded by the JVM. Thus, this could is locking on something that other code might also be locking. This could result in very strange and hard to diagnose blocking and deadlock behavior. See http://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t96352.htmlandhttp://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-352. See CERTCON08-J. Do not synchronize on objects that may be reused for more information.
同步String类型的常量时,由于它被JVM中多个其他的对象所共有,这样在其他代码中会引起死锁。 |
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This method spins in a loop which reads a field. The compiler may legally hoist the read out of the loop, turning the code into an infinite loop. The class should be changed so it uses proper synchronization (including wait and notify calls).
方法无限循环读取一个字段。编译器可合法悬挂宣读循环,变成一个无限循环的代码。这个类应该改变,所以使用适当的同步(包括等待和通知要求) |
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The code contains a conditional test is performed twice, one right after the other (e.g.,
该代码包含对同一个条件试验了两次,两边完全一样例如:(如X == 0 | | x == 0)。可能第二次出现是打算判断别的不同条件(如X == 0 | | y== 0)。 |
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There is a statement or branch that if executed guarantees that a value is null at this point, and that value that is guaranteed to be dereferenced (except on forward paths involving runtime exceptions). Note that a check such as if (x == null) throw new NullPointerException();x.
在正常的null判断分支上,对象去除引用操作是受保护的不允许的 |
案例 |
public void test() {
解决方法 |
据说改为throw new RuntimeException就会消除警告 去掉throw new NullPointerException也可以 |
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This constructor reads a field which has not yet been assigned a value. This is often caused when the programmer mistakenly uses the field instead of one of the constructor's parameters.
案例 |
String a; public FindBugsTest(String b) { String abc = a; // UR_UNINIT_READ ,将b误写为a System.out.println(abc); } |
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使用函数的参数或初始化的字段 |
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The return value from a method is dereferenced without a null check, and the return value of that method is one that should generally be checked for null. This may lead to a
方法的返回值没有进行是否为空的检查就重新赋值,这样可能会出现空指针异常。 |
案例 |
publicvoid caller(int a) { String c = called(a); if (c.equals("")) { //c maybe null } elseif (c.equals("")) { } }
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增加对返回值是否为空的判断 |
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This method unconditionally invokes itself. This would seem to indicate an infinite recursive loop that will result in a stack overflow.
案例 |
public void foo() { foo(); // IL_INFINITE_RECURSIVE_LOOP //... }
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避免函数的递归调用,或加上结束递归的条件判断 |
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An inner class is invoking a method that could be resolved to either a inherited method or a method defined in an outer class. By the Java semantics, it will be resolved to invoke the inherited method, but this may not be want you intend. If you really intend to invoke the inherited method, invoke it by invoking the method on super (e.g., invoke super.foo(17)), and thus it will be clear to other readers of your code and to FindBugs that you want to invoke the inherited method, not the method in the outer class.
案例 |
public void onOK() { }
protected class parentClass { public void onOK() { } }
protected class childClass extends parentClass {
public void callOnOK() { onOK(); //IA_AMBIGUOUS_INVOCATION_OF_INHERITED_OR_OUTER_METHOD, should be super.onOK }
解决方法 |
如果要引用外部类对象,可以加上“outclass.this”。 如果要引用父类的onOK方法,请使用super.onOK()。 |
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The initial value of this parameter is ignored, and the parameter is overwritten here. This often indicates a mistaken belief that the write to the parameter will be conveyed back to the caller.
传入参数的值被忽略,但是对传入值进行了修改,并返回给了调用者 |
案例 |
publicvoid foo(String p) { p = "abc"; // IP_PARAMETER_IS_DEAD_BUT_OVERWRITTEN }
解决方法 |
不要将函数的参数作为工作变量 |
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This operation compares two floating point values for equality. Because floating point calculations may involve rounding, calculated float and double values may not be accurate. For values that must be precise, such as monetary values, consider using a fixed-precision type such as BigDecimal. For values that need not be precise, consider comparing for equality within some range, for example:
此操作比较两个浮点值是否相等。由于浮点运算可能会涉及到舍入,计算float和double值可能不准确。如果要求值必须准确,如货币值,可以考虑使用固定精度类型,如BigDecimal类型的值来比较 |
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A null pointer is dereferenced here. This will lead to a
对象赋为null值后没有被重新赋值 |
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The code stores null into a local variable, and the stored value is not read. This store may have been introduced to assist the garbage collector, but as ofJava SE 6.0, this is no longer needed or useful.
把一个本地变量赋值为null值,并且再也没有对这个变量做任何的操作。这样可能是为了垃圾回收,而是Java SE 6.0,这已不再需要 |
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A value stored in the previous switch case is overwritten here due to a switch fall through. It is likely that you forgot to put a break or return at the end of the previous case.
在swtich中先前的case值因为swtich执行失败而被覆写,这就像是忘记使用break推出或者没有使用return语句放回先前的值一样。 |
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Signed bytes can only have a value in the range -128 to 127. Comparing a signed byte with a value outside that range is vacuous and likely to be incorrect. To convert a signed byte
比较有符合数,要先把有符号数转换为无符合数再进行比较 |
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The result of invoking readLine() is dereferenced without checking to see if the result is null. If there are no more lines of text to read, readLine() will return null and dereferencing that will generate a null pointer exception.
对readLine()的结果值没有进行判空操作就去重新赋值,这样的操作可以会抛出空指针异常。 |
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This method contains a double assignment of a field; e.g. int x,y; public void foo() { x = x = 17; } Assigning to a field twice is useless, and may indicate a logic error or typo.
方法中的字段包含了双重任务,例如: int x; public void foo() { x = x = 17; } 这种为变量赋值是无用的,并可能表明一个逻辑错误或拼写错误。 |
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The code invokes toString on an array, which will generate a fairly useless result such as [C@16f0472. Consider using Arrays.toString to convert the array into a readable String that gives the contents of the array. See Programming Puzzlers, chapter 3, puzzle 12.
该代码调用上数组的toString()方法,产生的结果形如[@16f0472并不能显示数组的真实内容。考虑使用Arrays.toString方法来转换成可读的字符串,提供该数组的内容数组 |
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This method calls equals(Object) on two references of different class types with no common subclasses. Therefore, the objects being compared are unlikely to be members of the same class at runtime (unless some application classes were not analyzed, or dynamic class loading can occur at runtime). According to the contract of equals(), objects of different classes should always compare as unequal; therefore, according to the contract defined by java.lang.Object.equals(Object), the result of this comparison will always be false at runtime.
调用equals方法比较不同类型的类 |
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This cast will always throw a ClassCastException. FindBugs tracks type information from instanceof checks, and also uses more precise information about the types of values returned from methods and loaded from fields. Thus, it may have more precise information that just the declared type of a variable, and can use this to determine that a cast will always throw an exception at runtime.
不可能的类转换,执行时会抛出ClassCastException |
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This code converts an int value to a float precision floating point number and then passing the result to the Math.round() function, which returns the int/long closest to the argument. This operation should always be a no-op, since the converting an integer to a float should give a number with no fractional part. It is likely that the operation that generated the value to be passed to Math.round was intended to be performed using floating point arithmetic.
int类型的值转换为float类型之后调用了Math.round方法 |
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The return value of this method should be checked. One common cause of this warning is to invoke a method on an immutable object, thinking that it updates the object. For example, in the following code fragment, String dateString = getHeaderField(name); dateString.trim(); the programmer seems to be thinking that the trim() method will update the String referenced by dateString. But since Strings are immutable, the trim() function returns a new String value, which is being ignored here. The code should be corrected to: String dateString = getHeaderField(name); dateString = dateString.trim();
该方法的返回值应该进行检查。这种警告通常出现在调用一个不可变对象的方法,认为它更新了对象的值。例如:String dateString = getHeaderField(name); dateString.trim(); 程序员似乎以为trim()方法将更新dateString引用的字符串。但由于字符串是不可改变的,trim()函数返回一个新字符串值,在这里它是被忽略了。该代码应更正: String dateString = getHeaderField(name); dateString = dateString.trim();
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This method contains a switch statement where one case branch will fall through to the next case. Usually you need to end this case with a break or return.
Switch语句中一个分支执行后又执行了下一个分支。通常case后面要跟break或者return语句来跳出。 |
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int main(int argc, char* argv[]) int num_of_operands = 2;
//session 1: //session 2:即使是default没有break,一样会出现fall through现象 //conclusion :在使用switch时需要注意,如果是一般应用,请别忘了加上 break return 0; |
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在使用switch时需要注意,如果是一般应用,请别忘了加上 break |
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This method might ignore an exception. In general, exceptions should be handled or reported in some way, or they should be thrown out of the method.
方法可能忽略异常 |
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try{}catch(Exception ex){}
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方法有可能抛异常或者忽略异常,需要对异常进行处理,即需要在catch体中对异常进行处理 |
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A format-string method with a variable number of arguments is called, but more arguments are passed than are actually used by the format string. This won't cause a runtime exception, but the code may be silently omitting information that was intended to be included in the formatted string.
使用String的format方法时有非法的参数也经过了格式化操作。 |
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这个错误很简单,是使用String.format的时候出了问题,format里面的参数没有被全部用上。 |
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这个Bug描述就是这种问题,str1和str2根本没有被用上!{0}{1}这种Format格式是.NET上面的用法,java里面应该是%s %s。
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A String function is being invoked and "." is being passed to a parameter that takes a regular expression as an argument. Is this what you intended? For example s.replaceAll(".", "/") will return a String in which every character has been replaced by a / character, and s.split(".")always returns a zero length array of String.
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if(version != null && (!version.equalsIgnoreCase("")) && version.split(".").length < 4){ this.m_txfSoftVersion.setVersion(version); }
String的split方法传递的参数是正则表达式,正则表达式本身用到的字符需要转义,如:句点符号".",美元符号"$",乘方符号"^",大括号"{}",方括号"[]",圆括号"()",竖线"|",星号"*",加号"+",问号"?"等等,这些需要在前面加上"\\"转义符。 |
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在前面加上"\\"转义符 |
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This Serializable class is an inner class of a non-serializable class. Thus, attempts to serialize it will also attempt to associate instance of the outer class with which it is associated, leading to a runtime error. If possible, making the inner class a static inner class should solve the problem. Making the outer class serializable might also work, but that would mean serializing an instance of the inner class would always also serialize the instance of the outer class, which it often not what you really want.
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50. RV_01_TO_INT
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A random value from 0 to 1 is being coerced to the integer value 0. You probably want to multiple the random value by something else before coercing it to an integer, or use the
从0到1随机值被强制为整数值0。在强制得到一个整数之前,你可能想得到多个随机值。或使用Random.nextInt(n)的方法。 |
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This method contains a call to
方法中包含调用java.lang.Object.wait(),而却没有放到条件流程控制中。该代码应确认条件尚未满足之前等待;先前任何通知将被忽略。 |
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public class Test { void clueless() throws Exception { synchronized(this) { this.wait(); // VIOLATION } } } 该检测模式寻找在进入同步块时无条件地wait(),与wait相关的条件判断在无锁(不在同步块内)情况下进行的,有可能导致其它线程的notification被忽略。 |
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多线程错误 -无条件等待 将wait()放到条件控制流中:If we are not enabled, then waitif (!enabled) { /*条件判断不在同步块内*/ try { synchronized (lock) { /*if (!enabled) 应该在这里*/ lock.wait(); ... |
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This anonymous class defined a method that is not directly invoked and does not override a method in a superclass. Since methods in other classes cannot directly invoke methods declared in an anonymous class, it seems that this method is uncallable. The method might simply be dead code, but it is also possible that the method is intended to override a method declared in a superclass, and due to an typo or other error the method does not, in fact, override the method it is intended to.
在匿名类中定义了一个既没有覆写超类中方法也不能直接调用的方法。因为在其他类的方法不能直接引用匿名类声明的方法,似乎这种方法不能被调用,这种方法可能只是没有任何作用的代码,但也可能覆写超类中声明。 |
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For example, in the following code, it is impossible to invoke the initalValue method (because the name is misspelled and as a result is doesn't override a method in ThreadLocal). private static ThreadLocal serialNum = new ThreadLocal() { protected synchronized Object initalValue() { return new Integer(nextSerialNum++); } }; |
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错误用法 -匿名内部类中定义的不可调用的方法 Added check for uncallable method of an anonymous inner class. |
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This class defines a covariant version of the
类中定义了一组equals方法,但是都是继承的java.lang.Object class中的equals(Object)方法 |
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public class Point { private static double version = 1.0; private transient double distance; private int x, y; /* public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if (other == null) return false; if (getClass() != other.getClass()) return false; Point point = (Point)other; return (x == point.x && y == point.y); } */ } Point p1,p2; if(p1.equals(p2)) return ture;
Note:Regardless of which class contains the equals() method, the signature must always declare an Object argument type. Since Java's libraries look for one with an Object argument, if the signature is not correct, then the java.lang.Object method will be called instead, leading to incorrect behavior. 此处我们想比较的仅是x和y,而由于代码中未重写equals()方法,调用了Object.equals(Object)方法,对distance与version也进行了比较。 |
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错误用法 -协变equals()方法定义,继承了Object.equals(Object) 类中增加public boolean equals(Object)方法的定义(见上例注释部分)。 |
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This method uses a try-catch block that catches Exception objects, but Exception is not thrown within the try block, and RuntimeException is not explicitly caught. It is a common bug pattern to say try { ... } catch (Exception e) { something } as a shorthand for catching a number of types of exception each of whose catch blocks is identical, but this construct also accidentally catches RuntimeException as well, masking potential bugs. 在try/catch块中捕获异常,但是异常没有在try语句中抛出而RuntimeException又没有明确的被捕获 |
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public void addInstance(String className) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(className); objectSet.add(clazz.newInstance()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.log("Exception in addInstance", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { logger.log("Exception in addInstance", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.log("Exception in addInstance", e); } } 下面将上述代码中三个捕获块合并成捕获 Exception的单独捕获块,因为每个捕获块的捕获恢复操作是相同的,这样便造成了未经检查的异常将被记录。 public void addInstance(String className) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(className); objectSet.add(clazz.newInstance()); } /* catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } */ catch (Exception e) { logger.log("Exception in newInstance", e); } }
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错误用法 -捕获了没有抛出的异常 因为 RuntimeException扩展了 Exception,代码中增加捕获 RuntimeException,并在捕获 Exception 之前重新将其抛出。 |
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This method explicitly invokes
这种方法显式调用一个对象的run()。一般来说,类是实现Runnable接口的,因为在一个新的线程他们将有自己的run()方法,在这种情况下Thread.start()方法调用是正确的。 |
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public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println("Main thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); final FooThread thread = new FooThread(); thread.run(); //thread.start(); } public static class FooThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("I'm executing from thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); super.run(); } } |
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多线程错误 -在线程中调用了run() run()方法只是类的一个普通方法而已,如果直接调用run方法,程序中依然只有主线程这一个线程。启动一个新的线程,我们不是直接调用Thread的子类对象的run方法,而是调用Thread子类对象的start(从Thread类中继承的)方法,Thread类对象的start方法将产生一个新的线程,并在该线程上运行该Thread类对象中的run方法,根据面向对象的多态性,在该线程上实际运行的是Thread子类(也就是我们编写的那个类)对象中的run方法。 |
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Since the field is synchronized on, it seems not likely to be null. If it is null and then synchronized on a NullPointerException will be thrown and the check would be pointless. Better to synchronize on another field.
如果代码块是同步的,那么久不可能为空。如果是空,同步时就会抛出NullPointerException异常。最好是在另一个代码块中进行同步。 |
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This instruction assigns a class literal to a variable and then never uses it.The behavior of this differs in Java 1.4 and in Java 5. In Java 1.4 and earlier, a reference to Foo.class would force the static initializer for Foo to be executed, if it has not been executed already. In Java 5 and later, it does not. See Sun'sarticle on Java SE compatibility for more details and examples, and suggestions on how to force class initialization in Java 5.
以类的字面名称方式为一个字段赋值后再也没有去使用它,在1.4jdk中它会自动调用静态的初始化方法,而在jdk1.5中却不会去执行。 |
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Any expression (exp % 1) is guaranteed to always return zero. Did you mean (exp & 1) or (exp % 2) instead?
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This instruction assigns a value to a local variable, but the value is not read or used in any subsequent instruction. Often, this indicates an error, because the value computed is never used. There is a field with the same name as the local variable. Did you mean to assign to that variable instead?
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This instance method writes to a static field. This is tricky to get correct if multiple instances are being manipulated, and generally bad practice.
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This method calls Thread.sleep() with a lock held. This may result in very poor performance and scalability, or a deadlock, since other threads may be waiting to acquire the lock. It is a much better idea to call wait() on the lock, which releases the lock and allows other threads to run.
当持有对象时调用Thread.sleep()。这可能会导致很差的性能和可扩展性,或陷入死锁,因为其他线程可能正在等待获得锁。调用wait()是一个更好的主意,释放对象的持有以允许其他线程运行。 |
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This method contains an unsynchronized lazy initialization of a non-volatile static field. Because the compiler or processor may reorder instructions, threads are not guaranteed to see a completely initialized object, if the method can be called by multiple threads. You can make the field volatile to correct the problem. For more information, see theJava Memory Model web site.
静态域不正确的延迟初始化。这种方法包含了一个不同步延迟初始化的非volatile静态字段。因为编译器或处理器可能会重新排列指令,如果该方法可以被多个线程调用,线程不能保证看到一个完全初始化的对象。可以让字段可变来解决此问题 |
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This class has a simple name that is identical to that of its superclass, except that its superclass is in a different package (e.g.,
继承同一父类的子类不能使用相同的名称,即使它们位于不同的包中 |
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This method contains an unsynchronized lazy initialization of a static field. After the field is set, the object stored into that location is further updated or accessed. The setting of the field is visible to other threads as soon as it is set. If the futher accesses in the method that set the field serve to initialize the object, then you have avery serious multithreading bug, unless something else prevents any other thread from accessing the stored object until it is fully initialized. Even if you feel confident that the method is never called by multiple threads, it might be better to not set the static field until the value you are setting it to is fully populated/initialized. 这种方法包含一个不同步延迟初始化的静态字段。之后为字段赋值,对象存储到该位置后进一步更新或访问。字段后尽快让其他线程能够访问。如果该方法的进一步访问该字段为初始化对象提供服务,然后你有一个非常严重的多线程bug,除非别的东西阻止任何其他线程访问存储的对象,直到它完全初始化。 即使你有信心,该方法是永远不会被多个线程调用时,在它的值还没有被充分初始化或移动,不把它设定为static字段时它可能会更好。 |
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This call to a generic collection method contains an argument with an incompatible class from that of the collection's parameter (i.e., the type of the argument is neither a supertype nor a subtype of the corresponding generic type argument). Therefore, it is unlikely that the collection contains any objects that are equal to the method argument used here. Most likely, the wrong value is being passed to the method. In general, instances of two unrelated classes are not equal. For example, if the Foo and Bar classes are not related by subtyping, then an instance of Foo should not be equal to an instance of Bar. Among other issues, doing so will likely result in an equals method that is not symmetrical. For example, if you define the Foo class so that a Foo can be equal to a String, your equals method isn't symmetrical since a String can only be equal to a String. In rare cases, people do define nonsymmetrical equals methods and still manage to make their code work. Although none of the APIs document or guarantee it, it is typically the case that if you check if a Collection
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The constructor starts a thread. This is likely to be wrong if the class is ever extended/subclassed, since the thread will be started before the subclass constructor is started
在构造函数中启动一个线程。如果类曾经被子类扩展过,那么这很可能是错的,因为线程将在子类构造之前开始启动。 |
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This class defines an equals method that always returns false. This means that an object is not equal to itself, and it is impossible to create useful Maps or Sets of this class. More fundamentally, it means that equals is not reflexive, one of the requirements of the equals method. The likely intended semantics are object identity: that an object is equal to itself. This is the behavior inherited from class Object. If you need to override an equals inherited from a different superclass, you can use use: public boolean equals(Object o) { return this == o; }
使用equals方法返回值总是false |
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This method compares two reference values using the == or != operator, where the correct way to compare instances of this type is generally with the equals() method. It is possible to create distinct instances that are equal but do not compare as == since they are different objects. Examples of classes which should generally not be compared by reference are java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.
比较两个对象值是否相等时应该采用equals方法,而不是==方法 |
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A JUnit assertion is performed in a run method. Failed JUnit assertions just result in exceptions being thrown. Thus, if this exception occurs in a thread other than the thread that invokes the test method, the exception will terminate the thread but not result in the test failing.
在JUnit中的断言在run方法中不会被告知 |
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As the JavaDoc states, DateFormats are inherently unsafe for multithreaded use. The detector has found a call to an instance of DateFormat that has been obtained via a static field. This looks suspicous. For more information on this seeSun Bug #6231579 andSun Bug #6178997.
在官方的JavaDoc,DateFormats多线程使用本事就是不安全的。探测器发现调用一个DateFormat的实例将会获得一个静态对象。 myString = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(myDate);
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As the JavaDoc states, DateFormats are inherently unsafe for multithreaded use. Sharing a single instance across thread boundaries without proper synchronization will result in erratic behavior of the application. You may also experience serialization problems. Using an instance field is recommended. For more information on this seeSun Bug #6231579 andSun Bug #6178997.
DateFormat在多线程中本身就是不安全的,如果在线程范围中共享一个DateFormat的实例而不使用一个同步的方法在应用中就会出现一些奇怪的行为。 |
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This code contains a sequence of calls to a concurrent abstraction (such as a concurrent hash map). These calls will not be executed atomically.
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This cast is unchecked, and not all instances of the type casted from can be cast to the type it is being cast to. Check that your program logic ensures that this cast will not fail.
强制类型转换操作没有经过验证,而且不是所有的此种类型装换过的类都可以再强制类型转换为原类型。在代码中需要进行逻辑判断以保证可以进行这样的操作。 |
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This code generates a random signed integer and then computes the absolute value of that random integer. If the number returned by the random number generator is
此代码生成一个随机的符号整数,然后计算该随机整数的绝对值。如果随机数生成数绝对值为Integer.MIN_VALUE的,那么结果将是负数(因为Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE的)== Integer.MIN_VALUE的)。 |
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public intgetAbsRandom() { Random random = new Random(); int raw = random.nextInt(); returnMath.abs(raw); } |
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对产生的随机数做判断,是否为Integer.MIN_VALUE特殊情况 |
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A call to notify() or notifyAll() was made without any (apparent) accompanying modification to mutable object state. In general, calling a notify method on a monitor is done because some condition another thread is waiting for has become true. However, for the condition to be meaningful, it must involve a heap object that is visible to both threads. This bug does not necessarily indicate an error, since the change to mutable object state may have taken place in a method which then called the method containing the notification.
赤裸的通知 |
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protectedvoid notifyExchange(MessageExchangeImpl me, Object lock, String from) { |
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This instanceof test will always return false. Although this is safe, make sure it isn't an indication of some misunderstanding or some other logic error.
采用instaneof方法进行比较时总是返回false。前提是保证它不是由于某些逻辑错误造成的。 |
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publicclass Person { publicclass Sunextends Person { ……. } public boolean isPerson(){ Person obj = new Person(); if(obj instanceof Sun){ returntrue; } returnfalse; } |
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防止这类错误出现 |
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This code creates a java.util.Random object, uses it to generate one random number, and then discards the Random object. This produces mediocre quality random numbers and is inefficient. If possible, rewrite the code so that the Random object is created once and saved, and each time a new random number is required invoke a method on the existing Random object to obtain it. If it is important that the generated Random numbers not be guessable, youmust not create a new Random for each random number; the values are too easily guessable. You should strongly consider using a java.security.SecureRandom instead (and avoid allocating a new SecureRandom for each random number needed).
随机创建对象只使用过一次就抛弃 |
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publicint getRandom(int seed){ return new Random(seed).nextInt(); }
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findbugs建议使用SecureRandom publicint getRandom(byte[] seed){ returnnew SecureRandom(seed).nextInt(); }
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There is a statement or branch on an exception path that if executed guarantees that a value is null at this point, and that value that is guaranteed to be dereferenced (except on forward paths involving runtime exceptions).
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This method contains a call to java.lang.Object.wait() which is not in a loop. If the monitor is used for multiple conditions, the condition the caller intended to wait for might not be the one that actually occurred.
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protectedvoid waitForExchange(MessageExchangeImpl me, Object lock,long timeout, String from)throws InterruptedException { // If the channel is closed while here, we must abort if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Waiting for exchange " + me.getExchangeId() +" (" + Integer.toHexString(me.hashCode()) +") to be answered in " + this + " from " + from); } Thread th = Thread.currentThread(); try { waiters.put(th, Boolean.TRUE); lock.wait(timeout); } finally { waiters.remove(th); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Notified: " + me.getExchangeId() +"(" + Integer.toHexString(me.hashCode()) +") in " + this +" from " + from); } } |
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This method may fail to clean up (close, dispose of) a stream, database object, or other resource requiring an explicit cleanup operation. In general, if a method opens a stream or other resource, the method should use a try/finally block to ensure that the stream or resource is cleaned up before the method returns. This bug pattern is essentially the same as the OS_OPEN_STREAM and ODR_OPEN_DATABASE_RESOURCE bug patterns, but is based on a different (and hopefully better) static analysis technique. We are interested is getting feedback about the usefulness of this bug pattern. To send feedback, either:
In particular, the false-positive suppression heuristics for this bug pattern have not been extensively tuned, so reports about false positives are helpful to us. See Weimer and Necula, Finding and Preventing Run-Time Error Handling Mistakes, for a description of the analysis technique. 这种方法可能无法清除(关闭,处置)一个流,数据库对象,或其他资源需要一个明确的清理行动。 一般来说,如果一个方法打开一个流或其他资源,该方法应该使用try / finally块来确保在方法返回之前流或资源已经被清除了。这种错误模式基本上和OS_OPEN_STREAM和ODR_OPEN_DATABASE_RESOURCE错误模式相同,但是是在不同在静态分析技术。我们正为这个错误模式的效用收集反馈意见。 |
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During the initialization of a class, the class makes an active use of a subclass. That subclass will not yet be initialized at the time of this use. For example, in the following code,
子类在父类未初始化之前使用父类对象实例 |
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IllegalMonitorStateException is generally only thrown in case of a design flaw in your code (calling wait or notify on an object you do not hold a lock on).
捕捉违法的监控状态异常,例如当没有获取到对象锁时使用其wait和notify方法 |
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This loop doesn't seem to have a way to terminate (other than by perhaps throwing an exception).
方法的自调用引起的死循环 |
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close() is being invoked on a value that is always null. If this statement is executed, a null pointer exception will occur. But the big risk here you never close something that should be closed.
一个为空的对象调用close方法 |
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This method passes a null value as the parameter of a method which must be nonnull. Either this parameter has been explicitly marked as @Nonnull, or analysis has determined that this parameter is always dereferenced.
方法中为null的参数没有被重新赋值 |
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This method may return a null value, but the method (or a superclass method which it overrides) is declared to return @NonNull.
方法声明了返回值不能为空,但是方法中有可能返回null |
案例 |
void test(){ String ss = null; sya(ss); } public void sya(String ad){ ad.getBytes(); } |
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A possibly-null value is passed at a call site where all known target methods require the parameter to be nonnull. Either the parameter is annotated as a parameter that should always be nonnull, or analysis has shown that it will always be dereferenced.
方法参数中声明为nonnull类型的参数为null |
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This class defines a method
类中定义了一个equal方法但是却不是覆写的Object对象的equals方法 |
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This method performs a nonsensical computation of a local variable with another reference to the same variable (e.g., x&x or x-x). Because of the nature of the computation, this operation doesn't seem to make sense, and may indicate a typo or a logic error. Double check the computation.
此方法对同一变量执行了荒谬的计算(如x&x或x-x)操作。由于计算的性质,这一行动似乎没有意义,并可能表明错误或逻辑错误。 |
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This method is invoked in the constructor of of the superclass. At this point, the fields of the class have not yet initialized. To make this more concrete, consider the following classes: When a B is constructed, the constructor for the A class is invokedbefore the constructor for B sets value. Thus, when the constructor for A invokes getValue, an uninitialized value is read for value
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abstract class A { int hashCode; abstract Object getValue(); A() { hashCode = getValue().hashCode(); } } class B extends A { Object value; B(Object v) { this.value = v; } Object getValue() { return value; } }
当B是创建时,A的构造函数将在B为value赋值之前触发,然而在A的初始化方法调用getValue方法时value这个变量还没有被初始化。 |
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The code invokes toString on an (anonymous) array. Calling toString on an array generates a fairly useless result such as [C@16f0472. Consider using Arrays.toString to convert the array into a readable String that gives the contents of the array. See Programming Puzzlers, chapter 3, puzzle 12.
该代码调用上匿名数组的toString()方法,产生的结果形如[@16f0472并没有实际的意义。考虑使用Arrays.toString方法来转换成可读的字符串,提供该数组的内容数组。 |
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String[] a = { "a" }; System.out.println(a.toString());
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//正确的使用为 System.out.println(Arrays.toString(a));
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This field is never written. All reads of it will return the default value. Check for errors (should it have been initialized?), or remove it if it is useless.
此字段是永远不会写入值。所有读取将返回默认值。检查错误(如果它被初始化?),如果它确实没有用就删除掉。 |
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Creating a new
使用没有参数的构造方法去创建新的String对象是浪费内存空间的,因为这样创建会和空字符串“”混淆。Java中保证完成相同的构造方法会产生描绘相同的String对象。所以你只要使用空字符串来创建就可以了。 |
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The method seems to be building a String using concatenation in a loop. In each iteration, the String is converted to a StringBuffer/StringBuilder, appended to, and converted back to a String. This can lead to a cost quadratic in the number of iterations, as the growing string is recopied in each iteration. Better performance can be obtained by using a StringBuffer (or StringBuilder in Java 1.5) explicitly. For example:
在循环中构建一个String对象时从性能上讲使用StringBuffer来代替String对象 |
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// This is bad String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < field.length; ++i) { s = s + field[i]; }
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// This is better StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < field.length; ++i) { buf.append(field[i]); } String s = buf.toString();
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This code casts an abstract collection (such as a Collection, List, or Set) to a specific concrete implementation (such as an ArrayList or HashSet). This might not be correct, and it may make your code fragile, since it makes it harder to switch to other concrete implementations at a future point. Unless you have a particular reason to do so, just use the abstract collection class.
代码把抽象的集合(如List,Set,或Collection)强制转换为具体落实类型(如一个ArrayList或HashSet)。这可能不正确,也可能使您的代码很脆弱,因为它使得难以在今后的切换指向其他具体实现。除非你有特别理由这样做,否则只需要使用抽象的集合类。 |
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This instruction assigns a value to a local variable, but the value is not read or used in any subsequent instruction. Often, this indicates an error, because the value computed is never used. Note that Sun's javac compiler often generates dead stores for final local variables. Because FindBugs is a bytecode-based tool, there is no easy way to eliminate these false positives.
该指令为局部变量赋值,但在其后的没有对她做任何使用。通常,这表明一个错误,因为值从未使用过。 |
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This code seems to be using non-short-circuit logic (e.g., & or |) rather than short-circuit logic (&& or ||). Non-short-circuit logic causes both sides of the expression to be evaluated even when the result can be inferred from knowing the left-hand side. This can be less efficient and can result in errors if the left-hand side guards cases when evaluating the right-hand side can generate an error. See the Java Language Specification for details
代码中使用(& or |)代替(&& or ||)操作,会引起不安全的操作 |
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This method contains a redundant check of a known non-null value against the constant null.
方法中对不为空的值进行为空的判断 |
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This class declares that it implements an interface that is also implemented by a superclass. This is redundant because once a superclass implements an interface, all subclasses by default also implement this interface. It may point out that the inheritance hierarchy has changed since this class was created, and consideration should be given to the ownership of the interface's implementation.
子类和父类都实现了同一个接口,这种定义是多余的。 |
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This method contains a double assignment of a local variable; e.g. public void foo() { int x,y; x = x = 17; } Assigning the same value to a variable twice is useless, and may indicate a logic error or typo.
为一个局部变量两次赋值,这样是没有意义的 |
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This method contains a self assignment of a local variable; e.g. public void foo() { int x = 3; x = x; } Such assignments are useless, and may indicate a logic error or typo
局部变量使用自身给自己赋值 |
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This method contains a switch statement where default case is missing. Usually you need to provide a default case.
Switch没有默认情况下执行的case语句 |
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This method contains a useless control flow statement, where control flow continues onto the same place regardless of whether or not the branch is taken. For example, this is caused by having an empty statement block for an if statement:
if (argv.length == 0) { // TODO: handle this case }
没有任何作用的条件语句 |
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This method contains a useless control flow statement in which control flow follows to the same or following line regardless of whether or not the branch is taken. Often, this is caused by inadvertently using an empty statement as the body of an if statement, e.g.:
无效的条件控制语句 |
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if (argv.length == 1); System.out.println("Hello, " + argv[0]); 无效的条件控制语句,注意if (argv.length == 1);以“;”结尾,下面的语句无论是否满足都会运行。 |
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A method that returns either Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE or null is an accident waiting to happen. This method can be invoked as though it returned a value of type boolean, and the compiler will insert automatic unboxing of the Boolean value. If a null value is returned, this will result in a NullPointerException.
返回值为boolean类型的方法直接返回null,这样会导致空指针异常 |
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The class's static initializer creates an instance of the class before all of the static final fields are assigned.
在所有的static final字段赋值之前去使用静态初始化的方法创建一个类的实例。 |
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The format string placeholder is incompatible with the corresponding argument. For example, System.out.println("%d\n", "hello"); The %d placeholder requires a numeric argument, but a string value is passed instead. A runtime exception will occur when this statement is executed.
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This method defines a local variable with the same name as a field in this class or a superclass. This may cause the method to read an uninitialized value from the field, leave the field uninitialized, or both.
在方法中定义的局部变量和类变量或者父类变量同名,从而引起字段混淆。 |
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A parameter to this method has been identified as a value that should always be checked to see whether or not it is null, but it is being dereferenced without a preceding null check.
方法没有判断参数是否为空 |
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This method calls Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() without obviously holding a lock on the object. Calling notify() or notifyAll() without a lock held will result in an
此方法调用Object.notify()或Object.notifyAll()而没有获取到该对象的对象锁。调用notify()或notifyAll()而没有持有该对象的对象锁,将导致IllegalMonitorStateException异常。 |
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This method calls Object.wait() without obviously holding a lock on the object. Calling wait() without a lock held will result in an
此方法调用Object.wait()而没有获取到该对象的对象锁。调用wait()而没有持有该对象的对象锁,将导致IllegalMonitorStateException异常。 |
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This method acquires a JSR-166 (java.util.concurrent) lock, but does not release it on all paths out of the method. In general, the correct idiom for using a JSR-166 lock is: Lock l = ...; l.lock(); try { // do something } finally { l.unlock(); }
方法获得了当前的对象所,但是在方法中始终没有释放它 |
案例 |
Lock l = ...; l.lock(); try { // do something } finally { l.unlock(); } |
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