using namespace std;
const int N = 101;
char map[N][N]; //地图数组
int dis[4][2] = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } }; //方向数组
int n, m; //地图边长
struct grid //地图中每个格子
int x, y;
int time;
friend bool operator<(grid a, grid b) //建立优先队列时使用,time越大,优先级越低
return a.time>b.time;
grid path[N][N]; //路径数组
bool BFS(int &time); //广度优先搜索地图,查找最优路径
void showPath(int time, int x, int y); //输出最优路径
int main()
int time;
while (cin >> n >> m)
time = 0;
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); //初始化路径数组
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
cin >> map[i][j]; //读入地图信息
if (BFS(time))
cout << "It takes " << time << " seconds to reach the target position, let me show you the way." << endl;
showPath(time, n - 1, m - 1);
cout << "God please help our poor hero." << endl;
cout << "FINISH" << endl;
return 0;
bool BFS(int &time) //广度优先搜索地图,查找最优路径
priority_queue q; //采用优先队列,根据所需时间选择路线
grid start, temp; //start为目前到达的格子,temp存储上一个走过的格子
start.x = 0;
start.y = 0;
start.time = 0; //开始时将start设定为起始点(0,0),此时花费的时间为0
q.push(start); //将起始点(根结点)入队列,执行广度优先搜索
while (!q.empty())
start = q.top(); //此时队列头的格子为start
if (start.x == n - 1 && start.y == m - 1)
time = start.time;
return true;
temp = start; //存储当前格子
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //搜索当前格子的上下左右四个方向
start.x = temp.x + dis[i][0];
start.y = temp.y + dis[i][1];
start.time = temp.time + 1;
if (start.x < 0 || start.y < 0 || start.x >= n || start.y >= m || map[start.x][start.y] == 'X')
path[start.x][start.y] = temp; //将刚刚走过的格子存储到路径数组中
path[start.x][start.y].time = 0; //将格子所需时间初始化为0
if (map[start.x][start.y] != '.') //当前节点为数字,即所需时间不为0
start.time += map[start.x][start.y] - '0'; //在已走路径总用时上加上当前格子用时
path[start.x][start.y].time = map[start.x][start.y] - '0'; //为路径数组中当前格子所需时间赋值
map[start.x][start.y] = 'X'; //已走过的格子封闭,不再重复走
q.push(start); //将当前格子入队列(按照优先队列原则,time值小的优先级高)
return false;
void showPath(int time, int x, int y) //输出最优路径
if (time == 0)
time -= path[x][y].time;
showPath(time - 1, path[x][y].x, path[x][y].y); //从终点向起点递归遍历路径数组
cout << time++ << "s:(" << path[x][y].x << "," << path[x][y].y << ")->(" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;
while (path[x][y].time--)
cout << time++ << "s:FIGHT AT (" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;