

I leave 2016 feeling a bit downhearted about many things, and not just the fact that the last few months have left us inhabiting a version of reality as might be written by The Onion. However I’m going to review the positive things that have happened in my year, and then in a different post I’m going to write about the less positive in the light of what I want to improve in 2017. This isn’t to gloss over anything remotely negative but to remind myself that good stuff happened, that I did stuff, and that some of it worked or helped people. If reading the things that another person is proud of upsets you, stop right here. I don’t mind, this is mostly for me.

我离开2016年时,对很多事情感到有些沮丧,而不仅仅是过去几个月让我们居住于《洋葱》所写的现实版本这一事实。 但是,我将回顾当年发生的积极事情,然后在另一篇文章中,我将根据我想在2017年改进的方面写一些不太积极的事情。 掩饰任何负面的东西,但要提醒自己,好东西发生了,我做了东西,其中一些有用或帮助了人们。 如果阅读别人为之感到不高兴的事情,请就在这里停止。 我不在乎,这主要是给我的。

一年的数据 (A year of data)

My life is tracked by a number of SaaS applications, they informed me of the following statistics.


  • Conferences I have spoken at: 34
  • Presentations delivered: 38
  • Workshops delivered: 4
  • On the road for 142 days
  • Kilometres traveled: 171,125
  • Countries visited: 13
  • Cities visited: 35
  • Miles run: 1,095
  • Steps logged: 5,009,177
  • Blog posts on this site: 28
  • Articles published elsewhere: 6
  • No hot air balloons this year but I did have a trial flying lesson and also went on a seaplane!
  • 我在以下会议上发言:34
  • 演讲介绍:38
  • 交付的讲习班:4
  • 行驶142天
  • 行驶公里:171,125
  • 访问的国家:13
  • 游览城市:35
  • 行驶里程:1,095
  • 记录的步骤:5,009,177
  • 该网站上的博客文章:28
  • 在其他地方发表的文章:6
  • 今年没有热气球,但我确实有一次试飞课程,并且还乘坐水上飞机!

鲈鱼和鲈鱼跑道 (Perch and Perch Runway)

Drew and I recorded a 2016 Review of the Year podcast, talking about our year working on Perch and Perch Runway. Some edited highlights:

我和Drew录制了2016年年度评论播客 ,谈论了我们在Perch和Perch跑道上的工作。 一些编辑的重点:

We launched Perch Shop – a massive, fully featured and included with a Perch or Runway license e-commerce system. If you need e-commerce that gives you total control of the look and feel of your store, and don’t want to be paying monthly fees, check it out.

我们推出了Perch Shop ,这是一个功能强大的大型功能,并包含在Perch或Runway许可证电子商务系统中。 如果您需要电子商务来完全控制商店的外观,而又不想每月支付费用,请检查一下。

We got Perch and Perch Runway 3 to very, very close to launch. Our Registered Developers should be getting an email very soon to be the first to try out the new products, with a full launch not too long afterwards.

我们非常接近Perch和Perch Runway 3的发布。 我们的注册开发人员应该尽快收到电子邮件,成为第一个试用新产品的人,并在不久之后全面发布。

We rebuilt and relaunched our documentation, which is an epic effort itself. There is a lot of Perch and Runway, which means a whole lot of docs.

我们重建并重新发布了文档 ,这本身就是一项史诗般的工作。 有很多Perch和Runway,这意味着有很多文档。

请讲 (Speaking)

A lot of 2016 was spent in airports, planes, hotels and conference venues. You can take a look at all of the events plus links to slides and code examples on my speaking page. If I were to review each event I’ve been part of this would be a very long post, instead I’m going to focus on two very different things I’ve been part of this year.

2016年大部分时间都花在了机场,飞机,旅馆和会议场所。 您可以在我的演讲页面上查看所有事件以及幻灯片和代码示例的链接。 如果我要回顾每个事件,那么我参与其中将是一个很长的篇幅,相反,我将专注于今年以来我参与的两个截然不同的事情。

I was thrilled to be asked back to speak at An Event Apart, being part of that conference reminds me of being in the theatre. A little cast that assembles to do a thing, and in the course of that friendships form. There are many folk among that group I hope I will be able to call my friends for many years to come.

我很高兴被要求回An Event Apart发言,作为这次会议的一部分,我想起了自己在剧院里。 一小撮人聚集在一起做某事,并且在这种友谊形成过程中。 该小组中有很多人,我希望我能在未来很多年给我的朋友打电话。

The last AEA of 2016 in San Francisco really summed up that feeling for me. I was doing a brand new talk, and so was pretty nervous. What gave me confidence however was being able to feel the support from the other speakers – most of who were there in the room, and the AEA team. On the final day of the show most of us were again back in the room supporting Jen Simmons who was doing her all day workshop for the first time. That support, along with the calm and consistent organisation is why I think AEA is such a fantastic event to speak at and attend. Everyone brings their A game. It’s like a conference of top quality keynotes. Terrifying in one way, but has also done a lot to make me improve as a speaker as I try and raise myself to the standard.

对我而言,2016年在旧金山举行的最后一次AEA确实总结了这种感觉。 我当时在进行全新的演讲,因此非常紧张。 但是,让我充满信心的是,能够感受到其他发言者的支持-大多数发言者都在会议室和AEA团队中。 演出的最后一天,我们大多数人又回到了支持詹·西蒙斯的房间,詹·西蒙斯是第一次进行全天工作坊。 这种支持以及冷静而一致的组织,是我认为AEA如此精彩的演讲和出席活动的原因。 每个人都带来他们的A游戏。 这就像一场高质量的主题演讲会议。 在某种程度上令人恐惧,但是在我努力提高自己达到标准的过程中,我也做了很多工作,使我的演讲能力得到提高。


Speaking about CSS Grid Layout at An Event Apart Boston 2016, photo by Chris Casciano

在2016年波士顿活动之外谈论CSS网格布局,照片由Chris Casciano拍摄

A very different type of event to An Event Apart are the CSSConf family of events. I can’t do a huge number of unpaid events each year as an independent – I need to pay the bills – however I see speaking at and attending a CSSConf as pretty much a fair swap! This year I was part of CSSConf in Budapest, and also in Singapore. I love the ethos of CSSConf, they have a strong focus on diversity and on getting new as well as established voices to speak at their events.

与An Event Apart截然不同的事件类型是CSSC onf系列事件。 作为独立的人,我每年不能做大量的无偿活动–我需要付账单–但是我认为在CSSC onf上发言并参加会议几乎是公平的交换! 今年,我参加了布达佩斯以及新加坡的CSSC onf会议 。 我喜欢CSSC onf的精神,他们非常重视多样性,并在活动中表达新的声音和既定的声音。

It was my first time in Singapore, and I managed to fit in a quick and very jet lagged visit to a local CSS meet up in addition to speaking at CSSConf. What stuck me however was how different the online world seems when in that timezone. I also really enjoyed hearing talks from people from that part of the world, it opened my eyes to things I am still pondering.

这是我第一次来新加坡,除了在CSSC onf上发表演讲外,我还设法适应了快速而滞后的当地CSS聚会。 但是令我困扰的是,在那个时区,在线世界看起来有多么不同。 我也非常喜欢听到来自世界各地的人们的演讲,这使我对仍在思考的事情睁开了眼睛。


旅行 (Travel)

The speaking means a lot of travel, which is something I enjoy. I’ve also been able to bring my family along on some of the trips. My daughter is away at college, and most conference trips happen during term time, making it hard for her to come with me. However this year An Event Apart Chicago was during her summer break, and for some reason the flights to Chicago were inexpensive. She came along and enjoyed being part of the pre-conference trip to a improv club, plus joining a bunch of us for dinner and discovering exactly what web professionals talk about when not at work. We ate good food, went to outlet stores and while I was in the conference she hired a bicycle and cycled miles and miles along the lake.

演讲意味着很多旅行,这是我喜欢的。 在某些旅行中,我也带家人陪伴。 我女儿不在上大学,大部分会议旅行都是在学期期间进行的,这使她很难和我一起去。 然而,今年的Event Apart Chicago在她的暑假期间,由于某种原因,飞往芝加哥的航班便宜。 她来了,很高兴参加了即兴俱乐部的会前旅行,还加入了我们中的一群人共进晚餐,并确切地发现了网络专业人员在不工作时谈论的话题。 我们吃了好饭,去了商店,在我参加会议的时候,她租了一辆自行车,沿着湖骑了几英里。

This year I also got my first invite to a conference in Australia – two conferences in fact as I spoke at Web Directions Code in both Melbourne and Sydney. I was so pleased to be asked, as I’ve known John Allsopp for years and in fact my first main speaking engagement was when he was running @media in London. I was also pleased to be asked because Drew has always wanted to go to Australia, so we made a bit of a trip of it. I did the two conferences, and a workshop, which went well despite the worst jet lag I have ever experienced. We then drove from Melbourne to Sydney, staying in the middle of nowhere, before flying home.

今年,我也首次应邀参加了在澳大利亚举行的一次会议–实际上,我在墨尔本和悉尼的Web Directions Code上发表了两次会议。 我很高兴被问到,因为我认识John Allsopp多年,实际上我的第一个主要演讲活动是他在伦敦运行@media时。 我也很高兴被问到,因为Drew一直想去澳大利亚,所以我们做了一些旅行。 我参加了两次会议和一个讲习班,尽管我经历了最严重的时差,但这次会议进行得很顺利。 然后,我们从墨尔本驱车前往悉尼,然后呆在茫茫荒野中,然后飞回家。

I also made BA Gold Status, an achievement which I saw someone note on Twitter as the “gameification of poor life choices”, however it does mean I can pursue my poor life choices in the First Class Lounge, which is something.

我还获得了BA Gold Status,这是我在Twitter上看到的一个人所说的“穷人生活选择的游戏化”这一成就,但这确实意味着我可以在头等舱休息室追求我的穷人生活选择,这就是事实。

写作 (Writing)

I write to think. Having ended up with all these words I may as well do something with them.

我写想。 说完这些话,我不妨对他们做点什么。

My Get Ready for CSS Grid Layout, A Book Apart “brief” was published in January, and I co-authored the second edition of Jeremy Keith’s HTML5 for Web Designers, which was published in February. Other writing that I am particularly proud of includes:

我的CSS网格布局的准备工作 ,于1月出版了一本“简明书”,我与他人合着了杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)的第二版HTML5 for Web Designers ,该书于2月出版。 我特别引以为傲的其他著作包括:

- CSS Grid, Flexbox and Box Alignment: our new system for web layout, a huge article I wrote for Smashing Magazine.
- The High Price of Free for A List Apart
- What Next for CSS Grid Layout for 24 Ways

-CSS Grid,Flexbox和Box Alignment:我们用于Web布局的新系统 ,这是我为Smashing Magazine撰写的一篇大型文章。
- 高价免费 ,除了列表

CSS网格和朋友 (CSS Grid and friends)

In addition to the articles mentioned above and those added to my blog, I have continued to add to my site Grid by Example. Over the course of the year have added 20 small video tutorials to help people learn Grid Layout.

除了上面提到的文章以及添加到我博客中的文章之外,我还继续将Grid by Example添加到我的网站Grid中 。 在这一年中,添加了20个小型视频教程,以帮助人们学习Grid Layout。

I also launched my CSS Layout Workshop this year as an online course. I’ve been really happy with the uptake of that course and am looking forward to adding additional sections as I develop my ‘in person’ material next year. The site is also built using Perch Shop, it was essentially the first shop to launch!

我今年还在线开设了CSS Layout Workshop 。 我对这门课程的学习感到非常满意,并期待在明年开发“当面”材料时增加其他部分。 该网站也是使用Perch Shop建立的,它实际上是第一个推出的商店!

I managed to keep up my posting schedule with CSS Layout News all year. There are now 5765 subscribers, which is a lot of people keen to learn about CSS for layout.

我全年都设法保持CSS Layout News的发布时间表。 现在有5765位订阅者,很多人热衷于学习CSS布局。

I am excited about the fact that Grid Layout will be landing in browsers early next year. It really has been quite a journey from the first experiments I put together using the IE10 implementation, to what we will see landing in browsers next year.

我对明年年初网格布局将在浏览器中登陆这一事实感到很兴奋。 从我使用IE10实施进行的首次实验到明年我们将在浏览器中实现的确是一个很长的旅程。

认可与贡献 (Recognition and contribution)

I’ve never been “award winning”, which is probably why I’m so keen on races that award me with a medal at the end! However, it is nice to be recognised for the work you do, especially when it is voluntary work. As regular readers will know, I go on a bit about CSS and in particular CSS for layout. This year I was invited to be an Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group. I feel as if I am just finding my feet as part of the CSS WG, which is full of very clever folk. However I enjoy learning from them, and I hope to be able to make meaningful contributions there, as well as being able to be a voice for the people who use CSS. I’m in a different situation to someone working for a browser vendor in that through supporting Perch I get to see exactly what the regular web designer or developer hits up against, not just those who spend their time at conferences or who would naturally engage with the working group or log bugs in browsers. If I can help to create dialogue between the working group and more developers I’d feel I had achieved something.

我从来没有获得过“大奖”,这也许就是为什么我如此热衷于比赛,最终我获得一枚奖牌的原因! 但是,为您所做的工作而被认可是一件好事,尤其是当它是自愿工作时。 正如普通读者所知道的,我会继续介绍CSS ,特别是关于布局的CSS 今年,我受邀成为CSS工作组的邀请专家。 我觉得好像只是在CSS WG的一部分中找到了自己的脚,这是一个非常聪明的人。 但是,我喜欢从他们那里学习,并且希望能够在那里做出有意义的贡献,并希望能够为使用CSS的人们表达心声。 我与为浏览器供应商工作的人的处境不同,通过支持Perch,我可以确切地看到普通的Web设计师或开发人员会遇到的挑战,而不仅仅是那些花时间参加会议或自然而然地参与其中的人工作组或在浏览器中记录错误。 如果我可以帮助在工作组和更多开发人员之间建立对话,我会感到自己有所成就。

Early in 2016 I also became a Google Developer Expert, mostly due to all the writing, speaking and content creation I do around CSS. It’s another way to be in touch with a bunch of bright and interesting people, which I feel is always the best way to up your own game!

2016年初,我还成为Google开发人员专家 ,主要是因为我围绕CSS进行的所有写作,演讲和内容创作。 这是与一群聪明有趣的人保持联系的另一种方式,我认为这始终是开发自己的游戏的最佳方式!

健身和跑步 (Fitness and running)

Despite another injury plagued year I managed to have some fun running. Part of this was in managing to cunningly plan my travel around Parkruns. Parkrun is a free weekly 5K running event, which started in the UK. There are now Parkruns all over the world. What better way to combine my love of running and traveling, than to try and get to as many worldwide events as possible. This year I managed to get to 6 while at conferences:

尽管一年又一次受伤,但我还是设法获得了一些快乐。 部分原因在于设法巧妙地计划了我在Parkruns周围的旅行。 Parkrun是一项免费的每周5K跑步活动,始于英国。 现在,世界各地都有跑酷车。 将我对跑步和旅行的热爱相结合,是比尝试参加尽可能多的全球性活动更好的方式。 今年我在会议上达到了6:

  • San Francisco
  • Durham, NC
  • Singapore East Coast Park
  • Australia – Cooks River and St Peters
  • A very very wet Hove Promenade
  • 旧金山
  • 北卡罗来纳州达勒姆
  • 新加坡东海岸公园
  • 澳大利亚– 库克斯河和圣彼得斯
  • 非常潮湿的霍夫长廊

I should probably add to my speaking page that my likelihood of saying yes to an invite is raised substantially if it means I can get to a new parkrun!


Three days before Christmas I was in hospital having another operation on the elbow I shattered almost four years ago. The fact I’m putting this in the positive blog post might be surprising, but there is the potential of good news there. While there are no guarantees with an injury like this, the surgeon did manage to extend the range of motion during the operation. Early days, and physio will follow, but it seems there is potential for improvement if I work on it.

圣诞节前三天,我在医院接受了手术,四年前,我的手肘破裂了。 我在积极的博客文章中发表的事实可能令人惊讶,但是那里存在好消息的潜力。 虽然不能保证有这样的伤害,但外科医生确实设法扩大了手术过程中的活动范围。 初期,理疗会随之而来,但如果我继续努力,似乎有改善的潜力。

So there we leave the good bits of my 2016, with potential for improvement, and the need to do some work.

因此,我们留有2016年的美好时光,还有改进的潜力 ,需要做一些工作

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2016/12/31/2016-a-year-in-review/

