









Ray ray;
if(ray.origin.x < min.x)//原点的X小于min的X,那么测试射线与垂直于X轴的面的相交点。
   float t   =   (min.x - _origin.x) / _direction.x;
    Point hitPoint1 = ray.origin + ray.direction * t;
    if(hitPoint1.y> min.y && hitPoint.y < max.y)//比较,是不是在包围盒的面内
        return true;
if(ray.origin.y < min.y)//原点的y小于min的y,那么测试射线与垂直于Y轴的面的相交点。
   float t   =   (min.y - _origin.y) / _direction.y;
   Point hitPoint1 = ray.origin + ray.direction * t;
    if(hitPoint1.x> min.x && hitPoint.x < max.x)//比较,是不是在包围盒的面内
        return true;



        *   测试射线box相交
        *   如果相交,返回值中的first == true.否则false
        *   second为射线到点的距离
        *   调用getPoint方法,则返回交点
	    std::pair intersects(const AxisAlignedBox& box) const
            T           lowt    = 0.0f;
            T           t;
            bool        hit     = false;
            tvec3    hitpoint;
            tvec3    min      =   box.getMinimum();
            tvec3    max      =   box.getMaximum();

            *   点在包围盒里面
            if ( _origin > min && _origin < max )
                return std::pair(true, 0);

            // Check each face in turn, only check closest 3
            // Min x
            if (_origin.x <= min.x && _direction.x > 0)
                t   =   (min.x - _origin.x) / _direction.x;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.y >= min.y && 
                        hitpoint.y <= max.y &&
                        hitpoint.z >= min.z && 
                        hitpoint.z <= max.z &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            // Max x
            if (_origin.x >= max.x && _direction.x < 0)
                t   =   (max.x - _origin.x) / _direction.x;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.y >= min.y && 
                        hitpoint.y <= max.y &&
                        hitpoint.z >= min.z &&
                        hitpoint.z <= max.z &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            // Min y
            if (_origin.y <= min.y && _direction.y > 0)
                t   =   (min.y - _origin.y) / _direction.y;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.x >= min.x && 
                        hitpoint.x <= max.x &&
                        hitpoint.z >= min.z && 
                        hitpoint.z <= max.z &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            // Max y
            if (_origin.y >= max.y && _direction.y < 0)
                t   =   (max.y - _origin.y) / _direction.y;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.x >= min.x &&
                        hitpoint.x <= max.x &&
                        hitpoint.z >= min.z &&
                        hitpoint.z <= max.z &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            // Min z
            if (_origin.z <= min.z && _direction.z > 0)
                t   =   (min.z - _origin.z) / _direction.z;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.x >= min.x && 
                        hitpoint.x <= max.x &&
                        hitpoint.y >= min.y &&
                        hitpoint.y <= max.y &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            // Max z
            if (_origin.z >= max.z && _direction.z < 0)
                t   =   (max.z - _origin.z) / _direction.z;
                if (t >= 0)
                    // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist
                    hitpoint = _origin + _direction * t;
                    if (hitpoint.x >= min.x && 
                        hitpoint.x <= max.x &&
                        hitpoint.y >= min.y && 
                        hitpoint.y <= max.y &&
                        (!hit || t < lowt))
                        hit     =   true;
                        lowt    =   t;
            return std::pair(hit, lowt);
