Summarization series # 2020.5

A work not, this blog is about the past month’s knowledge points summary.

Linux Terminal

  • Environment configuration file: In the source directory inputsource .cshrc_my and then g .cshrc_my
    or direct input command g ~/.cshrc_my
    ( g:gvim,cause the file write this sentence:alias g gvim that means use command “g” instead of “gvim”, suchlike:
alias vi vim
alias gd gvim -d(gd means compare two files)
alias h history


  • VIM configuration file: In the source directory inputg .vimrc
  • Delete folder:rm -rf filename/
  • Delete file:rm -f filename/
  • Delete a certain type of file: e.g:rm *.fsdb (delete .fsdbtype file) or rm debug_0*(Delete files which filenames start with debug 0)
  • Delete link file:rm -rf filename
  • link file: e.g:ln -s /var/test test(The current path to create test folder link to /var/test folder)
  • Alter link file:ln -snf /newfile test
  • New directory:mkdir filename/
  • Copy file:cp /path/filename . -r
  • Generate workbench:gnr iS.wb(On condition that have a kind of environment include Tcl file such as iSSIM.log
  • Terminate the command: ctrl + c
  • To suspend the order: ctrl + z
  • Search file: e.g:ll *.fsdb
  • Decompressing ZIP file: unzip -d filename
  • Linux命令大全


  • One file into other file: move the cursor to the filename, and then strike gf

  • Return last file: ctrl + shift + o

  • Enter edit pattern:
    Press i、I、a、A、o、O、r、R one of keys
    when enter edit pattern, at the bottom of the screen will show INSERT or REPLACE.
    From edit pattern come back normal mode, press Esc.
    i: Insert before the current character
    I: Insert at the beginning of the line where the cursor is located
    a: Insert after the current character
    A: Insert at the end of the line where the cursor is located

  • Command mode:
    press the key : or /
    In this mode, you can search character or string, also can save, replace, exit, display line number and so on.
    :w save text.
    :q exit vim.
    :w! Mandatory saving.
    :q! Forced exit, all changes do not take effect.
    :wq saving and exit.
    :set nu diaplay line numbers.
    q: VIM’s history commands window.
    /word Find a string of word after the cursor, press n backward to continue the search, shift+n upward search.
    :n1,n2s/word1/word2/g Look up word1 between the n1 and n2 lines and replace it with word2, if don’t add g then only replace the first word1 of each line.(The order is start point-> , ->end point-> s (means replace) -> need replace word ->has been replaced word-> g(means all) )
    :1,$s/word1/word2/g Replace all word1 in the document with word2, $ means to the end.

  • vim编辑器里面一些不为人知的操作

  • 可学习课程


So far, it’s only used to check .fsdb waveform, debug, source RTL code after simulation in a simple simulation environment.

  • Open verdi: In syn/ directory input command./gen_fpga_vflie & or run_verdi
  • Drive: The concept is similar to where does the output signal come from
  • Load: The concept is similar to where does the input signal go
  • 一个对以后有用的Verdi链接(关于irun)
  • Verdi使用教程(较全)


Comprehensive tools, see the user manual for use.

  • Synplify工具使用指南0
  • Synplify工具使用指南1


  • Dunmp function:
    Verilog provides a series of system tasks for recording changes in signal values. Common formats include VCD, FSDB, etc.
    Dump VCD format
$dumpfile("file. dump"); //打开一个VCD数据库用于记录
$dumpvars(level,start_module); //要记录的信号,level=0表示记录所有
$dumpflush; //将VCD数据保存到磁盘  不明白
$dumpoff; //停止记录
$dumpon; //重新开始记录
$dumplimit(); //限制VCD文件的大小(以字节为单位)
$dumpall; //记录所有指定的信号值1234567


$dumpfile (“verilog. dump”);
$dumpvars (0, testfixture);


$dumpvars; // Dump所有层次的信号
$dumpvars (1, top); // Dump top模块中的所有信号
$dumpvars (2, top. u1); // Dump实例top. u1及其下一层的信号
$dumpvars (0, top. u2, top. u1. u13. q); // Dump top.u2及其以下所有信号,以及信号top. u1. u13. q。
$dumpvars (3, top. u2, top. u1); // Dump top. u1和top. u2及其下两层中的所有信号。


  • The constraint is written in the.fdc file, and.edif is automatically generated by synplify.
    I even don’t konw what the different between .fdc file and .xdc file, seemingly, just sentences has difference, for example those sentence in .xdc file:
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R4 [get_ports "GPIO1"]
set_propert IOSTANDARD "LVCMOS18" [get_ports "GPIO1"]

To .fdc file:

define_attribute {GPIO1} syn_loc {R4}
define_io_standard {p:GPIO1} syn_pad_type {LVCMOS18}
  • -dict is write in one line of constraints associated with a PIN.
    e.g:set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_b }];

  • When vivado implementation run place design arise this kind of error:

Poor placement for routing between an IO pin and BUFG. If this sub optimal condition is
acceptable for this design, you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .xdc
file to demote this message to a WARNING. However, the use of this override is highly
discouraged. These examples can be used directly in the .xdc file to override this clock

	< set_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets clk_IBUF] >

	clk_IBUF_inst (IBUF.O) is locked to IOB_X0Y248
	and BUFG_inst (BUFG.I) is locked to BUFGCTRL_X0Y31

Solution:Add this codeset_property CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE FALSE [get_nets clk_IBUF] in init.xdc file.

  • ug903-vivado-using-constrants
  • xdc文件约束顺序
  • 管教约束举例
  • create_clock
  • 约束常用命令

之后开始System Verilog, UVM, Cadence VIP,加油咯。
