








  • 系统调用特征
  • 规范化代码特征
  • N-gram特征
  • 控制流(CFG特征)
  • 指令序列特征
  • 文件格式等特征


Byte n-gram Features:从文件的二进制代码中提取Byte n-gram特征,其中选择训练集中每个类的L个最常出现的n克来表示类的配置文件。

Opcode n-gram Features:首先拆卸所有数据集的可执行文件和操作码提取。一个操作码的汇编语言指令描述要执行的操作。它是短形式的操作码。一条指令包含一个操作码和操作数,选择应该采取的操作。一些操作的操作数操作码可能操作,根据CPU体系结构,寄存器,值存储在内存和堆栈等等。一个操作码的作用在算术、逻辑运算和数据处理操作。操作码能够统计得出之间的可变性恶意和正版软件。

Portable Executables:这些特征是从EXE文件的某些部分提取出来的。利用可执行文件的结构信息,通过静态分析提取可执行文件的特征。这些有意义的特性表明文件被操纵或感染以执行恶意活动。

String Features:这些特征是基于纯文本编码在可执行文件,如windows, getversion, getstartupinfo, getmodulefilename, messagebox,库等。这些字符串是用PE和非PE可执行文件编码的连续可打印字符。

Function Based Features:在程序文件的运行时行为上提取基于函数的特征。基于函数的特性函数驻留在要执行的文件中,并利用它们生成表示文件的各种属性。

Hybrid Analysis Features:静态分析和动态分析的结合。


  • 基于静态特征的恶意代码检测技术
分类特征 参考文献
The byte code Kolter J Z, Maloof M A. Learning to detect malicious executables in the wild. [C]. Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2004: 470-478.
Santos I, Penya Y K, Devesa J, et al. N-grams-based File Signatures for Malware Detection. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2009, 9: 317-320


File format

Shafiq M Z, Tabish S M, Mirza F, et al. Pe-miner: Mining structural information to detect malicious executables in realtime. Recent advances in intrusion detection, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009: 121-141.

Bai J, Wang J, Zou G. A Malware Detection Scheme Based on Mining Format Information. The Scientific World Journal, 2014.

Gray image Nataraj L, Karthikeyan S, Jacob G, et al. Malware images: visualization and automatic classification[C] . Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on visualization for cyber security. ACM, 2011: 4.
HAN Xiao-guang, QU Wu, YAO Xuan-xia, et al. Research on malicious code variants detection based on texture fingerprint. Journal on Communications, 2014, 35(8):125-135.
Function call graph Kong D, Yan G. Discriminant malware distance learning on structural information for automated malware classification[C]. Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2013: 1357-1365.
  • 基于动态特征的恶意代码检测技术
分类特征 参考文献
Variable length

Nair V P, Jain H, Golecha Y K, et al. MEDUSA: MEtamorphic malware dynamic analysis
usingsignature from API[C]. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. ACM, 2010: 263-269.
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Firdausi I, Lim C, Erwin A, et al. Analysis of machine learning techniques used in behavior-based malware detection[C]. Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies (ACT), 2010 Second International Conference on. IEEE, 2010: 201-203.

API Nair V P, Jain H, Golecha Y K, et al. MEDUSA: MEtamorphic malware dynamic analysis
usingsignature from API[C]. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. ACM, 2010: 263-269.
Operation code Shabtai A, Moskovitch R, Feher C, et al. Detecting unknown malicious code by applying classification techniques on opcode patterns. Security Informatics, 2012, 1(1): 1-22.
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Graph Bonfante G, Kaczmarek M, Marion J Y. Architecture of a morphological malware detector. Journal in Computer Virology, 2009, 5(3): 263-270.
Cesare S, Xiang Y, Zhou W. Control flow-based malware variant detection. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2014, 11(4): 307–317.
  • 基于融合特征的恶意代码检测技术(各种集成特征类型的检测方法)
分类特征(动态特征/静态特征) 参考文献
Dynamic API
operation code
SantosI, DevesaJ, Brezo F, et al. Opem: A static-dynamic approach for
machine learning based malware detection[C]. International Joint Conference CISIS’12-ICEUTE´ 12-SOCO´ 12 Special Sessions. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 271-280

Program behavior

Static DLL、API

Lu Y B, Din S C, Zheng C F, et al. Using multi-feature and classifier ensembles to improve malware detection. Journal of CCIT, 2010, 39(2): 57-72.

API call sequence

PE format

Guo S, Yuan Q, Lin F, et al. A malware detection algorithm based on multi-view fusion. Neural Information Processing, Models and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010: 259-266.

Krawczyk B, Woźniak M. Evolutionary Cost-Sensitive Ensemble for Malware
Detection. International Joint Conference SOCO’14-CISIS’14-ICEUTE’14, Springer International Publishing, 2014: 433-442.

Dynamic API
Static API
Ozdemir M, Sogukpinar I. An Android Malware Detection Architecture based on Ensemble Learning. Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 2(3): 90-106.
operation code
byte code
Bai, Jinrong, and Junfeng Wang. Improving malware detection using multiview ensemble learning. Security and Communication Networks 9.17 (2016): 4227-4241.


[1] Bo Yun Zhang.Survey on Malicious Code Intelligent Detection Techniques

[2]Smita Ranveer,Swapnaja Hiray.Comparative Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods of Malware Detection
