
#include #include #pragma comment(lib,"ZThread_Z.lib") #include #include #include #include "zthread/Thread.h" #include "zthread/Mutex.h" #include "zthread/Guard.h" #include "zthread/Condition.h" #include "zthread/ThreadedExecutor.h" using namespace ZThread; using namespace std; //上果酱 class Jammer : public Runnable { //控制状态的成员变量 Mutex lock; Condition butteredToastReady; bool gotButteredToast; int jammed; public: Jammer() : butteredToastReady(lock) { //当前没有面包 gotButteredToast = false; //上了果酱的面包个数为0 jammed = 0; } // void moreButteredToastReady() { //上一个保护锁 Guard g(lock); //需要新的面包来上果酱 gotButteredToast = true; //告诉想在可以上黄油了 butteredToastReady.signal(); } void run() { try { //若非中断 while(!Thread::interrupted()) { { //上锁 Guard g(lock); //若没了黄油的面包 while(!gotButteredToast) //等待吧 butteredToastReady.wait(); //上了果酱的面包个数加1 ++jammed; } cout << "涂果酱了" << jammed << endl; { //涂果酱了 Guard g(lock); //当前没了面包 gotButteredToast = false; } } } catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ } cout << "Jammer off" << endl; } }; // 上黄油 class Butterer : public Runnable { //上黄油就不能涂果酱啦 Mutex lock; //当然状态 Condition toastReady; //引用计数 CountedPtr jammer; //获取面包 bool gotToast; //涂黄油的数目 int buttered; public: Butterer(CountedPtr& j) : toastReady(lock), jammer(j) { //没有获得面包 gotToast = false; buttered = 0; } //给我面包吧 void moreToastReady() { //上锁 Guard g(lock); gotToast = true; //告知 toastReady.signal(); } void run() { try { //若非中断 while(!Thread::interrupted()) { { //上锁 Guard g(lock); while(!gotToast) toastReady.wait(); ++buttered; } cout << "涂黄油 " << buttered << endl; jammer->moreButteredToastReady(); { //上锁 Guard g(lock); gotToast = false; } } } catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ } cout << "Butterer off" << endl; } }; //烤制面包 class Toaster : public Runnable { //对上黄油的引用计数 CountedPtr butterer; //面包的个数 int toasted; public: Toaster(CountedPtr& b) : butterer(b) { toasted = 0; } void run() { try { //若非中断 while(!Thread::interrupted()) { Thread::sleep(rand()/(RAND_MAX/5)*100 +200); // ... // Create new toast // ... cout << "新烤制的面包 " << ++toasted << endl; // butterer->moreToastReady(); } } catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ } cout << "Toaster off" << endl; } }; int main() { srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator try { cout << "Press to quit" << endl; //开启一个上果酱的机器 CountedPtr jammer(new Jammer); //启动上黄油 CountedPtr butterer(new Butterer(jammer)); //定义线程执行器 ThreadedExecutor executor; //生产面包 executor.execute(new Toaster(butterer)); //上黄油 executor.execute(butterer); //上果酱 executor.execute(jammer); cin.get(); //中断 executor.interrupt(); //....... Mutex laco; Condition c(laco); c.broadcast(); c.signal(); c.wait(); } catch(Synchronization_Exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } }











