[root@master2 script]# cat run_waterheater_heattime.sh
#if [ x$1 = x ]
# echo '请输入当前日期格式为%Y%m%d';
# exit 0;
today=`date -d '1 day ago' +"%Y%m%d"`
echo $today
#export greenplum data to hdfs
hdfs dfs -rm -R /user/root/waterheater-data/source/heat-time/$today
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:postgresql://host:port/haieredw \
--username fuck \
--password fuck \
--query "SELECT devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from (SELECT '06001001'::varchar as devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from waterheater.amb_06001001_status_16 where f60600t='306001' and dayid = $today and \$CONDITIONS group by fmacid,fts,ftime UNION ALL SELECT '06002001'::varchar as devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from waterheater.amb_06002001_status_16 where f60f004='30f0S1' and dayid = $today and \$CONDITIONS group by fmacid,fts,ftime UNION ALL SELECT '06004001'::varchar as devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from waterheater.amb_06004001_status_16 where f60600t='306001' and dayid = $today and \$CONDITIONS group by fmacid,fts,ftime UNION ALL SELECT '06005001'::varchar as devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from waterheater.amb_06005001_status_16 where f60607qq='306001' and dayid = $today and \$CONDITIONS group by fmacid,fts,ftime UNION ALL SELECT '06006001'::varchar as devicetype,fmacid,fts,ftime from waterheater.amb_06006001_status_16 where f60600t='306001' and dayid = $today and \$CONDITIONS group by fmacid,fts,ftime) v order by fts" \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--split-by 'fmacid' \
--target-dir /user/root/waterheater-data/source/heat-time/$today
#calculate heattime biz...
hdfs dfs -rm -R /user/root/waterheater-data/out/heat-time/$today
hadoop jar ../executable/apidocs-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.ilifang.samples.bigdata.apidocs.App -D dayid=$today /user/root/waterheater-data/source/heat-time/$today /user/root/waterheater-data/out/heat-time/$today
#import data to greenplum
sqoop export \
--connect 'jdbc:postgresql://host:port/haieredw' \
--username fuck \
--password fuck \
--table heat_time_tmp \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--export-dir /user/root/waterheater-data/out/heat-time/$today \
--columns "devicetype,day_id,mac,dayhour,time" \
-- --schema waterheater
echo 'hahah...'