Problem Description
Snuke's town has a subway system, consisting of N stations and M railway lines. The stations are numbered 1 through N. Each line is operated by a company. Each company has an identification number.
The i-th ( 1≤i≤M ) line connects station pi and qi bidirectionally. There is no intermediate station. This line is operated by company ci.
You can change trains at a station where multiple lines are available.
The fare system used in this subway system is a bit strange. When a passenger only uses lines that are operated by the same company, the fare is 1 yen (the currency of Japan). Whenever a passenger changes to a line that is operated by a different company from the current line, the passenger is charged an additional fare of 1 yen. In a case where a passenger who changed from some company A's line to another company's line changes to company A's line again, the additional fare is incurred again.
Snuke is now at station 1 and wants to travel to station N by subway. Find the minimum required fare.
- 2≤N≤105
- 0≤M≤2×105
- 1≤pi≤N (1≤i≤M)
- 1≤qi≤N (1≤i≤M)
- 1≤ci≤106 (1≤i≤M)
- pi≠qi (1≤i≤M)
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
p1 q1 c1
pM qM cMOutput
Print the minimum required fare. If it is impossible to get to station N by subway, print -1 instead.
Sample Input 1
3 3
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 1 2Sample Output 1
Use company 1's lines: 1 → 2 → 3. The fare is 1 yen.Sample Input 2
8 11
1 3 1
1 4 2
2 3 1
2 5 1
3 4 3
3 6 3
3 7 3
4 8 4
5 6 1
6 7 5
7 8 5Sample Output 2
First, use company 1's lines: 1 → 3 → 2 → 5 → 6. Then, use company 5's lines: 6 → 7 → 8. The fare is 2 yen.Sample Input 3
2 0
Sample Output 3
题意:n 个点 m 条边,每条边给出邻接点的同时给出一个价值,代表的是该边所属的公司,现在要从 1 号点到 n 号点,已知在同一个公司上行走时,无需付出任何代价,但当走到令一公司的边上时,需要花费 1 元,求最小花费
这个题的问题在于让相同公司的道路之间行走花费为 0,不同公司之间的道路行走花费为 1,于是整张图的每个公司可以看做一个虚点,其连接着其所属的边的两点
由于在同一个公司的路上行走时,不耗费任何价值,那么可以对同一公司的路上进行拆点建图,即对于所属公司为 val 的边 x-y,将其拆成 x-newX、newX-newY、newY-y 三条边,其价值分别为 1、0、1,然后对整个图跑 SPFA 求最短路即可
跑完 SPFA 时,由于在起点时需要一个初始代价,中间行走时不需要代价,离开时也需要一个代价,因此 dis[n]/2 就是答案
此外,重点在于如何拆点能保证点不重复,考虑到 map 的特性,我们令 mp[a][b] 的值从 n 号点开始递增,从而保证点的唯一性