template class array_t
typedef array_item_t item_t;
typedef typename std::vector ::size_type size_type;
typedef std::vector items_t;
items_t items;
array_t (const array_t&);
const array_t &operator = (const array_t&);
template class array_item_t
inline array_item_t () :
array_index (-1)
// The destructor doesn't have to be virtual. It is made virtual
// just to keep ICC and code checking tools from complaining.
inline virtual ~array_item_t ()
inline void set_array_index (int index_)
array_index = index_;
inline int get_array_index ()
return array_index;
int array_index;
array_item_t (const array_item_t&);
const array_item_t &operator = (const array_item_t&);
struct chunk_t
T values [N];
chunk_t *prev;
chunk_t *next;
chunk_t *begin_chunk;
int begin_pos;
chunk_t *back_chunk;
int back_pos;
chunk_t *end_chunk;
int end_pos;
提供了常规的队列操作,font,back,pop和push外,还提供了unpsuh操作 ,用来回滚上一次push操作
template class ypipe_base_t
virtual ~ypipe_base_t () {}
virtual void write (const T &value_, bool incomplete_) = 0;
virtual bool unwrite (T *value_) = 0;
virtual bool flush () = 0;
virtual bool check_read () = 0;
virtual bool read (T *value_) = 0;
virtual bool probe (bool (*fn)(const T &)) = 0;
T *w; // 指向第一个未刷新的元素
T *r; // 指向第一个未预取的元素
T *f; // 指向即将刷新的元素,其实从代码流程上来看应该是即将被刷新的元素的后面一个。。。
atomic_ptr_t c; //读写线程共享的原子操作元素的指针。主要就完成刷新的工作的
| 已读取 | 已写入 | 已写入未冲刷 | 写入的不完整数据 |
+----------------- r -------------- w --------------- f ----------------------+
1“已读取段” 为预读取数据,读取线程可以直接读取该段数据,“已写入”段是已经写入的ypipe的数据,读取线程也可以读取,读取之后r指针会移到w处,“已写入未冲刷”段为已经写入管道,但是没有冲刷的数据,读取线程读取不到,需要调用flush方法,才可以读取,flush后w指针会移到f处,f之后的数据,用于回滚,flush后不会处理该数据。
// value_,被回滚的元素。
// true,回滚成功返回true;false,回滚失败返回false。
inline bool unwrite (T *value_)
//如果f == &queue.back(),那么说明没有未flush的元素,则回滚失败。
//如果write n个元素,那么在写入第n个元素之前,前n-1个元素都是可以回滚的。
if (f == &queue.back ())
return false;
queue.unpush ();
*value_ = queue.back ();
return true;
// 返回true,读线程活跃,不需要唤醒。
// 返回false,读线程睡眠,在flush之后需要唤醒读线程读取数据。
inline bool flush ()
// If there are no un-flushed items, do nothing.
//当写完数据,f指针被write()更新,此时 w!=f,就需要刷新,
if (w == f)
return true;
// Try to set 'c' to 'f'.
if (c.cas (w, f) != w) {
// Compare-and-swap was unseccessful because 'c' is NULL.
// This means that the reader is asleep. Therefore we don't
// care about thread-safeness and update c in non-atomic
// manner. We'll return false to let the caller know
// that reader is sleeping.
c.set (f); //设置c为f
w = f; //设置w为f。
return false;
// Reader is alive. Nothing special to do now. Just move
// the 'first un-flushed item' pointer to 'f'.
w = f;
return true;
// true,可读;false,不可读。
inline bool check_read ()
// Was the value prefetched already? If so, return.
if (&queue.front () != r && r)
return true;
// There's no prefetched value, so let us prefetch more values.
// Prefetching is to simply retrieve the
// pointer from c in atomic fashion. If there are no
// items to prefetch, set c to NULL (using compare-and-swap).
r = c.cas (&queue.front (), NULL);
// If there are no elements prefetched, exit.
// During pipe's lifetime r should never be NULL, however,
// it can happen during pipe shutdown when items
// are being deallocated.
if (&queue.front () == r || !r)
return false;
// There was at least one value prefetched.
return true;
// Reads an item from the pipe. Returns false if there is no value.
// available.
// value_,出参。
// true,读取成功;false,读取失败。
inline bool read (T *value_)
// Try to prefetch a value.
if (!check_read ())
return false;
// There was at least one value prefetched.
// Return it to the caller.
*value_ = queue.front ();
queue.pop ();
return true;