
Trees are a very common data structure in computer science. A tree is a
nonlinear data structure that is used to store data in a hierarchical manner.
We examine one primary tree structure in this chapter, the binary tree, along
with one implementation of the binary tree, the binary search tree. Binary
trees are often chosen over more fundamental structures, such as arrays and
linked lists, because you can search a binary tree quickly (as opposed to a
linked list) and you can quickly insert data and delete data from a binary tree
(as opposed to an array).





Before we examine the structure and behavior of the binary tree, we need to
define what we mean by a tree. A tree is a set of nodes connected by edges. An
example of a tree is a company’s organization chart (see Figure 12.1).
The purpose of an organization chart is to communicate to the viewer the
structure of the organization. In Figure 12.1, each box is a node and the
lines connecting the boxes are the edges. The nodes, obviously, represent
the entities (people) that make up an organization. The edges represent the
relationship between the entities. For example, the Chief Information Officer
(CIO), reports directly to the CEO, so there is an edge between these two

nodes. The IT manager reports to the CIO so there is an edge connecting
them. The Sales VP and the Development Manager in IT do not have a direct
edge connecting them, so there is not a direct relationship between these two





Figure 12.2 displays another tree that defines a few terms we need when
discussing trees. The top node of a tree is called the root node. If a node is
connected to other nodes below it, the top node is called the parent, and

the nodes below it are called the parent’s children. A node can have zero,
one, or more nodes connected to it. Special types of trees, called binary trees,
restrict the number of children to no more than two. Binary trees have certain
computational properties that make them very efficient for many operations.
Binary trees are discussed extensively in the sections of this chapter. A node
without any child node is called a leaf.
Continuing to examine Figure 12.2, you can see that by following certain
edges, you can travel from one node to other nodes that are not
directly connected. The series of edges you follow to get from one node
to another is called a path (depicted in the figure with dashed lines). Visiting
all the nodes in a tree in some particular order is known as a tree






A tree can be broken down into levels. The root node is at Level 0, its
children at Level 1, those node’s children are at Level 2, and so on. A node at
any level is considered the root of a subtree, which consists of that root node’s
children, its children’s children, and so on. We can define the depth of a tree
as the number of layers in the tree.
Finally, each node in a tree has a value. This value is sometimes referred to
as the key value.

树 可以打断成很多层级。根结点是第0层,他的子结点是第1层。以此类推。



A binary tree is defined as a tree where each node can have no more than
two children. By limiting the number of children to 2, we can write efficient
programs for inserting data, deleting data, and searching for data in a binary
Before we discuss building a binary tree in C#, we need to add two
terms to our tree lexicon. The child nodes of a parent node are referred
to as the left node and the right node. For certain binary tree implementations,
certain data values can only be stored in left nodes and other data
values must be stored in right nodes. An example binary tree is shown in
Figure 12.3.
Identifying the child nodes is important when we consider a more specific
type of binary tree—the binary search tree. A binary search tree is a binary tree
where data with lesser values are stored in left nodes and values with greater
values are stored in right nodes. This property provides for very efficient
searches, as we shall soon see.






Building a Binary Search Tree
A binary search tree is made up of nodes, so we need a Node class that is
similar to the Node class we used in the linked list implementation. Let’s look
at the code for the Node class first:




public class Node { public int Data; public Node left; public Node right; public void DisplayNode() { Console.Write(iData); } }

We include Public data members for the data stored in the node and for
each child node. The displayNode method allows us to display the data stored
in a node. This particular Node class holds integers, but we could adopt the
class easily to hold any type of data, or even declare iData of Object type if we
need to.
Next we’re ready to build a BinarySearchTree (BST) class. The class consists
of just one data member—a Node object that represents the root node of the
BST. The default constructor method for the class sets the root node to null,
creating an empty node.

We next need an Insert method to add new nodes to our tree. This method
is somewhat complex and will require some explanation. The first step in
the method is to create a Node object and assign the data the Node holds
to the iData variable. This value is passed in as the only argument to the
The second step to insertion is to see if our BST has a root node. If not,
then this is a new BST and the node we are inserting is the root node. If this
is the case, then the method is finished. Otherwise, the method moves on to
the next step.
If the node being added is not the root node, then we have to prepare to
traverse the BST in order to find the proper insertion point. This process is
similar to traversing a linked list. We need a Node object that we can assign
to the current node as we move from level to level. We also need to position
ourselves inside the BST at the root node.
Once we’re inside the BST, the next step is to determine where to put the
new node. This is performed inside a while loop that we break once we’ve
found the correct position for the new node. The algorithm for determining
the proper position for a node is as follows:







1. Set the parent node to be the current node, which is the root node.
2. If the data value in the new node is less than the data value in the current
node, set the current node to be the left child of the current node. If the
data value in the new node is greater than the data value in the current
node, skip to Step 4.
3. If the value of the left child of the current node is null, insert the new node
here and exit the loop. Otherwise, skip to the next iteration of the While
4. Set the current node to the right child node of the current node.
5. If the value of the right child of the current node is null, insert the new
node here and exit the loop. Otherwise, skip to the next iteration of the
While loop.
The code for the Insert method, along with the rest of the code for the BST
class (that has been discussed) and the Node class is as follows:







public class Node { public int Data; public Node Left; public Node Right; public void DisplayNode() { Console.Write(Data + " " ); } } public class BinarySearchTree { public Node root; public BinarySearchTree() { root = null ; } public void Insert( int i) { Node newNode = new Node(); newNode.Data = i; if (root == null ) root = newNode; else { Node current = root; Node parent; while ( true ) { parent = current; if (i < current.Data) { current = current.Left; if (current == null ) { parent.Left = newNode; break ; } else { current = current.Right; if (current == null ) { parent.Right = newNode; break ; } } } } }

Traversing a Binary Search Tree
We now have the basics to implement the BST class, but all we can do so far
is insert nodes into the BST.We need to be able to traverse the BST so that we
can visit the different nodes in several different orders.
There are three traversal methods used with BSTs: inorder, preorder, and
postorder. An inorder traversal visits all the nodes in a BST in ascending order
of the node key values. A preorder traversal visits the root node first, followed
by the nodes in the subtrees under the left child of the root, followed by the
nodes in the subtrees under the right child of the root. Although it’s easy
to understand why we would want to perform an inorder traversal, it is less
obvious why we need preorder and postorder traversals. We’ll show the code
for all three traversals now and explain their uses in a later section.
An inorder traversal can best be written as a recursive procedure. Since the
method visits each node in ascending order, the method must visit both the left
node and the right node of each subtree, following the subtrees under the left
child of the root before following the subtrees under the right side of the
root. Figure 12.4 diagrams the path of an inorder traversal.
Here’s the code for a inorder traversal method:







public void InOrder(Node theRoot) { if ( ! (theRoot == null )) { InOrder(theRoot.Left); theRoot.DisplayNode(); InOrder(theRoot.Right); } }


To demonstrate how this method works, let’s examine a program that inserts
a series of numbers into a BST. Then we’ll call the inOrder method to display
the numbers we’ve placed in the BST. Here’s the code:




static void Main() { BinarySearchTree nums = new BinarySearchTree(); nums.Insert( 23 ); nums.Insert( 45 ); nums.Insert( 16 ); nums.Insert( 37 ); nums.Insert( 3 ); nums.Insert( 99 ); nums.Insert( 22 ); Console.WriteLine( " Inorder traversal: " ); nums.inOrder(nums.root); }



Here’s the output:
Inorder traversal:

3 16 22 23 37 45 99

This list represents the contents of the BST in ascending numerical order,
which is exactly what an inorder traversal is supposed to do.
Figure 12.5 illustrates the BST and the path the inorder traversal follows.



Now let’s examine the code for a preorder traversal:


public void PreOrder(Node theRoot) { if ( ! (theRoot == null )) { theRoot.displayNode(); preOrder(theRoot.Left); preOrder(theRoot.Right); } }

Notice that the only difference between the preOrder method and the inOrder
method is where the three lines of code are placed. The call to the displayNode
method was sandwiched between the two recursive calls in the inOrder
method and it is the first line of the preOrder method.
If we replace the call to inOrder with a call to preOrder in the previous
sample program, we get the following output:
Preorder traversal:

23 16 3 22 45 37 99
Finally, we can write a method for performing postorder traversals:



public void PostOrder(Node theRoot) { if ( ! (theRoot == null )) { PostOrder(theRoot.Left); PostOrder(theRoot.Right); theRoot.DisplayNode(); } }



Again, the difference between this method and the other two traversal
methods is where the recursive calls and the call to displayNode are placed.
In a postorder traversal, the method first recurses over the left subtrees and
then over the right subtrees. Here’s the output from the postOrder method:
Postorder traversal:

3 22 16 37 99 45 23
We’ll look at some practical programming examples using BSTs that use
these traversal methods later in this chapter.


Finding a Node and Minimum/Maximum Values
in a Binary Search Tree

Three of the easiest things to do with BSTs are find a particular value, find the
minimum value, and find the maximum value. We examine these operations
in this section.
The code for finding the minimum and maximum values is almost trivial
in both cases, due to the properties of a BST. The smallest value in a BST will
always be found at the last left child node of a subtree beginning with the left
child of the root node. On the other hand, the largest value in a BST is found
at the last right child node of a subtree beginning with the right child of the
root node.
We provide the code for finding the minimum value first: 




public int FindMin() { Node current = root; while ( ! (current.Left == null )) current = current.Left; return current.Data; }

The method starts by creating a Node object and setting it to the root node
of the BST. The method then tests to see if the value in the left child is null. If
a non-Nothing node exists in the left child, the program sets the current node
to that node. This continues until a node is found whose left child is equal to
null. This means there is no smaller value below and the minimum value has
been found.
Now here’s the code for finding the maximum value in a BST:





public int FindMax() { Node current = root; while ( ! (current.Right == null )) current = current.Right; return current.Data; }

This method looks almost identical to the FindMin() method, except the
method moves through the right children of the BST instead of the left


The last method we’ll look at here is the Find method, which is used to
determine if a specified value is stored in the BST. The method first creates a
Node object and sets it to the root node of the BST. Next it tests to see if the
key (the data we’re searching for) is in that node. If it is, the method simply
returns the current node and exits. If the data isn’t found in the root node, the
data we’re searching for is compared to the data stored in the current node.
If the key is less than the current data value, the current node is set to the
left child. If the key is greater than the current data value, the current node is
set to the right child. The last segment of the method will return null as the
return value of the method if the current node is null (Nothing), indicating
the end of the BST has been reached without finding the key. When the While
loop ends, the value stored in current is the value being searched for.
Here’s the code for the Find method:







public Node Find( int key) { Node current = root; while (current.iData != key) { if (key < current.iData) current = current.Left; Else current = current.Right; if (current == null ) return null ; } return current; }

Removing a Leaf Node From a BST
The operations we’ve performed on a BST so far have not been that complicated,
at least in comparison with the operation we explore in this section—
removal. For some cases, removing a node from a BST is almost trivial; for
other cases, it is quite involved and demands that we pay special care to the
code we right, otherwise we run the risk of destroying the correct hierarchical
order of the BST.
Let’s start our examination of removing a node from a BST by discussing
the simplest case—removing a leaf. Removing a leaf is the simplest case since
there are no child nodes to take into consideration. All we have to do is set

each child node of the target node’s parent to null. Of course, the node will
still be there, but there will not be any references to the node.
The code fragment for deleting a leaf node is as follows (this code also
includes the beginning of the Delete method, which declares some data members
and moves to the node to be deleted):








public Node Delete( int key) { Node current = root; Node parent = root; bool isLeftChild = true ; while (current.Data != key) { parent = current; if (key < current.Data) { isLeftChild = true ; current = current.Right; else { isLeftChild = false ; current = current.Right; } if (current == null ) return false ; } if ((current.Left == null ) & (current.Right == null )) if (current == root) root == null ; else if (isLeftChild) parent.Left = null ; else parent.Right = null ; } // the rest of the class goes here }

The while loop takes us to the node we’re deleting. The first test is to see if
the left child and the right child of that node are null. Then we test to see if
this node is the root node. If so, we set it to null, otherwise, we either set the
left node of the parent to null (if isLeftChild is true) or we set the right node
of the parent to null.



Deleting a Node With One Child
When the node to be deleted has one child, there are four conditions we have
to check for: 1. the node’s child can be a left child; 2. the node’s child can be
a right child; 3. the node to be deleted can be a left child; or 4. the node to be
deleted can be a right child.
Here’s the code fragment:








else if (current.Right == null ) if (current == root) root = current.Left; else if (isLeftChild) parent.Left = current.Left; else parent.Right = current.Right; else if (current.Left == null ) if (current == root) root = current.Right; else if (isLeftChild) parent.Left = parent.Right; else parent.Right = current.Right;

First, we test to see if the right node is null. If so, then we test to see if we’re
at the root. If we are, we move the left child to the root node. Otherwise, if the
node is a left child we set the new parent left node to the current left node,
or if we’re at a right child, we set the parent right node to the current right




Deleting a Node With Two Children
Deletion now gets tricky when we have to delete a node with two children.
Why? Look at Figure 12.6. If we need to delete the node marked 52, what do
we do to rebuild the tree. We can’t replace it with the subtree starting at the
node marked 54 because 54 already has a left child.
The answer to this problem is to move the inorder successor into the place
of the deleted node. This works fine unless the successor itself has children,








but there is a way around that scenario also. Figure 12.7 diagrams how using
the inorder successor works.
To find the successor, go to the original node’s right child. This node has
to be larger than the original node by definition. Then it begins following left
child paths until it runs out of nodes. Since the smallest value in a subtree
(like a tree) must be at the end of the path of left child nodes, following this
path to the end will leave us with the smallest node that is larger than the
original node






Here’s the code for finding the successor to a deleted node:


public Node GetSuccessor(Node delNode) { Node successorParent = delNode; Node successor = delNode; Node current = delNode.Right; while ( ! (current == null )) { successorParent = current; successor = current; current = current.Left; } if ( ! (successor == delNode.Right)) { successorParent.Left = successor.Right; successor.Right = delNode.Right; } return successor; }

Now we need to look at two special cases: the successor is the right child
of the node to be deleted and the successor is the left child of the node to be
deleted. Let’s start with the former.
First, the node to be deleted is marked as the current node. Remove this
node from the right child of its parent node and assign it to point to the
successor node. Then, remove the current node’s left child and assign to it
the left child node of the successor node. Here’s the code fragment for this




else { Node successor = GetSuccessor(current); if (current == root) root = successor; else if (isLeftChild) parent.Left = successor; else parent.Right = successor; successor.Left = current.Left; }

Now let’s look at the situation when the successor is the left child of the
node to be deleted. The algorithm for performing this operation is as follows:
1. Assign the right child of the successor to the successor’s parent left child
2. Assign the right child of the node to be deleted to the right child of the
successor node.
3. Remove the current node from the right child of its parent node and assign
it to point to the successor node.
4. Remove the current node’s left child from the current node and assign it to
the left child node of the successor node.
Part of this algorithm is carried out in the GetSuccessor method and part of it
is carried out in the Delete method. The code fragment from the GetSuccessor
method is:







if ( ! (successor == delNode.Right)) { successorParent.Left = successor.Right; successor.Right = delNode.Right; }

The code from the Delete method is:


if (current == root) root = successor; else if (isLeftChild) parent.Left = successor; else parent.Right = successor; successor.Left = current.Left;

This completes the code for the Delete method. Because this code is somewhat
complicated, some binary search tree implementations simply mark
nodes for deletion and include code to check for the marks when performing
searches and traversals.
Here’s the complete code for Delete:





Binary search trees are a special type of data structure called a tree. A tree is
a collection of nodes (objects that consist of fields for data and links to other
nodes) that are connected to other nodes. A binary tree is a specialized tree
structure where each node can have only two child nodes. A binary search
tree is a specialization of the binary tree that follows the condition that lesser
values are stored in left child nodes and greater values are stored in right
Algorithms for finding the minimum and maximum values in a binary
search tree are very easy to write. We can also simply define algorithms for
traversing binary search trees in different orders (inorder, preorder, postorder).
These definitions make use of recursion, keeping the number of lines of code
to a minimum while making their analysis a bit harder.
Binary search trees are most useful when the data stored in the structure
are obtained in a random order. If the data in the tree are obtained in sorted or
close-to-sorted order, the tree will be unbalanced and the search algorithms
will not work as well.







