

(1.北京邮电大学 经济管理学院,北京100876;2.华东师范大学 计算机科学与技术学院,上海200062;3.上海对外经贸大学 人工智能与变革管理研究院,上海200235)

算力网络(CFN,Computing First Networking)是随着以云计算为代表的传统中心化算力资源,下沉到边缘计算的分布式新型算力资源解决方案,是现代数字化社会的发展基础和数字经济时代的新引擎。当前,面向用户服务的传统算力网络在大数据时代,协同计算效率低下的劣势日益明显,算力网络亟需转型革新。在分析传统算力网络基础之上,进一步探讨分布式形态下算力网络的可研究和落地方向。研究认为:在分布式架构算力网络下引入区块链、边缘计算等技术可以为智慧地球应用提供数字动力;融合区块链技术的分布式云计算底层操作系统,能够让更多有资源优势和运营能力的单位都有机会基于此算力架构更好实现商业落地;分布式算力网络有望成为未来十年最值得期待的信息基础设施变革之一。

Information Infrastructure of Digital Economy and Computing First Networking

LYU Tingjie1 LIU Feng2,3
(1.School of Economics & Management, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China;2.School of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University. Shanghai 200062,China;3. Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Change Management. Shanghai 200062)
Computing First Networking (CFN) is a new type of decentralized computing resource solution transforms from traditional centralized computing, which represented by cloud computing to edge computing. CFN is the foundation of the modern digital society and the new engine of the digital economy. In the era of big data, the inefficiency of traditional user-oriented computing networks is becoming increasingly obvious. Based on the analysis of traditional computing networks, the research and implementation direction of distributed computing networks are further discussed in this paper. The paper explores the research and implementation direction of using the CFN, and contends that: the introduction of blockchain and edge computing technologies in distributed computing networks can leverage digital power for building smarter planet; a distributed cloud computing underlying operating system using blockchain technology can give more resource-advantaged and operation-capable organizations the opportunity to execute business applications; and distributed CFN is expected to become the most promising information technology in the next decade.
Key words: Digital economy; Blockchain; 5G; Industrial Internet; MEC; Distributed CFN

