
Primitive Flag Description
GL_POINTS A point is placed at each vertex.
GL_LINES A line is drawn for every pair of vertices that are given.
GL_LINE_STRIP A continuous set of lines are drawn. After the first vertex, a line is drawn between every successive vertex and the vertex before it.
GL_LINE_LOOP This is the same as GL_LINE_STRIP except that the start and end vertices are connected as well.
GL_TRIANGLES For every triplet of vertices, a triangle is drawn with corners specified by the coordinates of the vertices.
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP After the first 2 vertices, every successive vertex uses the previous 2 vertices to draw a triangle.
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN After the first 2 vertices, every successive vertex uses the previous vertex and the first vertex to draw a triangle. This is used to draw cone-like shapes.

