Introspective Distillation for Robust Question Answering 论文笔记

Introspective Distillation for Robust Question Answering 论文笔记

  • 一、Abstract
  • 二、引言
  • 三、Related work
    • 3.1 视觉问答
    • 3.2 Extractive Question Answering
    • 3.3 Ensemble-based methods for debiasing
    • 3.4 Knowledge Distillation
  • 四、内省蒸馏
    • 4.1 ID-Teacher and OOD-Teacher
    • 4.2 Introspection of Inductive Bias
      • 4.2.1 Introspecting the bias
      • 4.2.2 Weighting the bias
      • 4.2.3 Distillation of Fair Knowledge
  • 五、Experiments
    • 5.1 Visual QA
      • 5.1.1 数据集
      • 5.1.2 Metric and setting
      • 5.1.3 Methods
      • 5.1.4 Overall results
      • 5.1.5 Ablation studies
        • Can we use the predicted probability of the ground-truth answer (“Prob.” for short) as the matching scores? Better not.
        • Can the student learn more from the more accurate teacher, i.e. w ∝ s w\propto{s} ws?No.
        • Can the student equally learn from ID and OOD teachers, i.e. w I D = w O O D = 0.5 w^{ID}=w^{OOD}=0.5 wID=wOOD=0.5? No.
        • Can the student only learn from OOD-teacher? Yes, but worse than IntroD.
        • Should we use the hard or soft variant to calculate the knowledge weights? It depends on the debiasing ability of the causal teacher.
        • Can we use the ID-Prediction P I D \text{ID-Prediction} P^{ID} ID-PredictionPID as the ID-Knowledge \text{ID-Knowledge} ID-Knowledge? No.
        • Can we ensemble the two teacher models and directly use that without distillation? In other words, is IntroD just an ensemble method? No.
    • 5.2 Extractive QA
      • 5.2.1 Dataset and settings
      • 5.2.2 Metrics and method.
      • 5.2.3 Results
  • 六、Conclusion
  • 附录
    • A1、Causal QA Model
    • A2、Datasets
    • A3、Training Details
      • A3.1 Implementation of LMH
      • A3.2 Implementation of CSS
      • A3.3 Implementation of RUBi
      • A3.4 Implementation of CF-VQA
      • A3.5 Implementation of LM
    • A4、Additional Experimental Results
      • A4.1 Compared with State-of-the-art Methods
      • A4.2 Evaluations on Feature Quality
      • A4.3 Error Bars
      • A4.4 Results on Natural Language Inference
    • A5、Social Impacts

  这是一篇关于VQA de-bias的文章,出自获得2021年的CCF优秀博士论文之一的牛玉磊大神。之前有一篇CF-VQA也是这位大佬的工作。本文看问题角度与其他方法不一样,结合了知识蒸馏的部分,不知道咋想出来的?

  • 论文地址:Introspective Distillation for Robust Question Answering
  • 代码地址:Github,开源了但没完全开~
  • 收录于:NeurIPS 2021




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  • 如果ID-bias > OOD-bias, 那么 ID-teacher < OOD-teacher,即ID教师过拟合,所以学生需要从OOD教师中学到更多。
  • 如果ID-bias < OOD-bias, 那么 ID-teacher > OOD-teacher,即OOD教师过拟合,所以学生需要从ID教师中学到更多。
  • 如果ID-bias ≈ OOD-bias, 那么 ID-teacher ≈ OOD-teacher,即两个教师正常拟合,所以学生需要同等地学习两位教师。
    这种情况存在于ID教师的损失≈ OOD教师的损失时,即上图b所示。


三、Related work

3.1 视觉问答


3.2 Extractive Question Answering


3.3 Ensemble-based methods for debiasing


3.4 Knowledge Distillation



  输入为视觉或者自然文本 C = c , Q = q C=c,Q=q C=c,Q=q,QA模型旨在产生答案 A = a A=a A=a,本质为多分类问题,即 a ∈ A a\in \mathbb{A} aA。作者提出的IntroD旨在平等地融合ID和OOD-bias,该方法由三个模块组成:

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  • casual teacher:用于捕捉ID和OOD-bias
  • introspection:用于融合/混合这两种不同的bias
  • distillation:用于蒸馏出鲁棒性的学生模型

4.1 ID-Teacher and OOD-Teacher

  根据反事实推理,casual模型能够想象出OOD分布,因此使用相同的casual模型部署ID和OOD教师。通过事实推理,casual模型能够预测出答案 P I D P^{ID} PID,该答案包含了ID-bias;通过反事实推理,casual模型能够估计直接的影响来排除掉bias,并产生反事实的预测 P O O D P^{OOD} POOD,即,非直接的影响或者自然的非直接的影响反映着看不见的OOD分布。教师模型采用交叉熵损失在ID数据上训练,并未分别训练ID和OOD教师模型。

4.2 Introspection of Inductive Bias

   Introspection 模块首先测试是否模型过度利用了ID或者OOD的bias,如果ID-bias主导了学习,那么学生模型就应该倾向于OOD的教师模型。因此引出两个问题,如何定义“主导”和“更倾向”,换句话说,如何反省和权衡这两种bias。

4.2.1 Introspecting the bias

s I D = ∑ a ∈ A G T P I D ( a ) , s O O D = ∑ a ∈ A G T P O O D ( a ) , s^{\mathrm{ID}}=\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{GT}}} P^{\mathrm{ID}}(a), \quad s^{\mathrm{OOD}}=\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{GT}}} P^{\mathrm{OOD}}(a), sID=aAGTPID(a),sOOD=aAGTPOOD(a),
其中 A G T \mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{GT}} AGT为gt answer, S S S得分反映了训练样本与bias的契合程度。如果 s I D > s O O D s^{\mathrm{ID}}>s^{\mathrm{OOD}} sID>sOOD,那么样本的学习由ID-bias主导反之亦然。接下来就是 s I D , s O O D s^{\mathrm{ID}},s^{\mathrm{OOD}} sID,sOOD的确定了,表示如下:
s I D = 1 X E ( P G T , P I D ) = 1 ∑ a ∈ A − P G T ( a ) log ⁡ P I D ( a ) , s O O D = 1 X E ( P G T , P O O D ) = 1 ∑ a ∈ A − P G T ( a ) log ⁡ P O O D ( a ) , \begin{aligned} s^{\mathrm{ID}} &=\frac{1}{X E\left(P^{\mathrm{GT}}, P^{\mathrm{ID}}\right)}=\frac{1}{\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}}-P^{\mathrm{GT}}(a) \log P^{\mathrm{ID}}(a)}, \\ s^{\mathrm{OOD}} &=\frac{1}{X E\left(P^{\mathrm{GT}}, P^{\mathrm{OOD}}\right)}=\frac{1}{\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}}-P^{\mathrm{GT}}(a) \log P^{\mathrm{OOD}}(a)}, \end{aligned} sIDsOOD=XE(PGT,PID)1=aAPGT(a)logPID(a)1,=XE(PGT,POOD)1=aAPGT(a)logPOOD(a)1,其中 P G T P^{GT} PGT为真实标签,采用交叉熵来训练比之前的相加效果要好。

4.2.2 Weighting the bias

  利用知识的权重求和来融合/混合ID和OOD的知识,目的在于公平的混合ID或者OOD的bias。因此就有前面说的三种情况,如果 s I D > s O O D s^{\mathrm{ID}}>s^{\mathrm{OOD}} sID>sOOD,那么学生模型就应该从OOD教师模型中学习的更多,因此就要增加 w O O D w^{OOD} wOOD,使得 w O O D > w I D w^{OOD}>w^{ID} wOOD>wID。类似的,当 s I D < s O O D s^{\mathrm{ID}}sID<sOOD,则要令 w O O D < w I D w^{OOD}wOOD<wID,而相应的知识权重需要设置成与得分相反的比例,即 w ∝ s − 1 w\propto{s}^{-1} ws1,本文通过尺度将权重缩放至0,1:
w I D = ( s I D ) − 1 ( s I D ) − 1 + ( s O O D ) − 1 = s O O D s I D + s O O D , w O O D = 1 − w I D = s I D s I D + s O O D w^{\mathrm{ID}}=\frac{\left(s^{\mathrm{ID}}\right)^{-1}}{\left(s^{\mathrm{ID}}\right)^{-1}+\left(s^{\mathrm{OOD}}\right)^{-1}}=\frac{s^{\mathrm{OOD}}}{s^{\mathrm{ID}}+s^{\mathrm{OOD}}}, \quad w^{\mathrm{OOD}}=1-w^{\mathrm{ID}}=\frac{s^{\mathrm{ID}}}{s^{\mathrm{ID}}+s^{\mathrm{OOD}}} wID=(sID)1+(sOOD)1(sID)1=sID+sOODsOOD,wOOD=1wID=sID+sOODsID
  作者之后利用CF-VQA作为教师模型绘制出了VQA-CPv2及VQAv2训练数据集的 w I D w^{ID} wID分布情况:
Introspective Distillation for Robust Question Answering 论文笔记_第4张图片
  对于上图来说, w I D w^{ID} wID越小则说明ID-bias越大,对上图的三种观察发现:

  • 所有数据集的 w I D w^{ID} wID在0.5左右,说明大多数样本仍然可以无bias的学习预测。
  • 所有的数据集bias分布都呈现一种左偏的趋势,随着 w I D w^{ID} wID在0.5范围内减小,两种数据集的差异越发明显。这表明了VQA模型倾向于利用VQA-CPv2中不平衡的bias,而不是平衡的样本部分。换句话说,VQA-CP数据集是在鼓励模型学习语言bias(这也是在佐证作者提出的观点)。在没有这些记忆先验的情况下,VQA模型无法正确回答极端情况下的问题。

作者也定义了一种stochastic hard variant(随机硬变体?)来加权bias:
w I D = { 1 ,  if  s I D ≤ s O O D 0 ,  otherwise  w^{\mathrm{ID}}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1 & , \text { if } s^{\mathrm{ID}} \leq s^{\mathrm{OOD}} \\ 0 & , \text { otherwise } \end{array}\right. wID={ 10, if sIDsOOD, otherwise 
P T = w I D ⋅  ID-Knowledge  + w OOD  ⋅  OOD-Knowledge.  P^{\mathrm{T}}=w^{\mathrm{ID}} \cdot \text{ ID-Knowledge }+w^{\text {OOD }} \cdot \text { OOD-Knowledge. } PT=wID ID-Knowledge +wOOD  OOD-Knowledge. 其中  ID-Knowledge  \text { ID-Knowledge }  ID-Knowledge 为gt lables P G T P^{GT} PGT  ID-Knowledge  \text { ID-Knowledge }  ID-Knowledge 为OOD预测 P O O D P^{OOD} POOD的近似。

4.2.3 Distillation of Fair Knowledge

L = K L ( P T , P S ) = ∑ a ∈ A P T ( a ) log ⁡ P T ( a ) P S ( a ) \mathcal{L}=K L\left(P^{\mathrm{T}}, P^{\mathrm{S}}\right)=\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}} P^{\mathrm{T}}(a) \log \frac{P^{\mathrm{T}}(a)}{P^{\mathrm{S}}(a)} L=KL(PT,PS)=aAPT(a)logPS(a)PT(a)其中 P S P^{S} PS为学生模型,例如UpDn,BERT等模型。与学生模型不同,教师模型还嵌入了一个单独的分支来构成捷径bias,所以相比于casual教师模型,学生模型能够更有效的利用参数和推理速度。在蒸馏时固定casual模型,仅更新学生模型。


5.1 Visual QA

5.1.1 数据集

  VQA v2;VQA-CP v2

5.1.2 Metric and setting

  采用标准的VQA评估方法,采用两种设置,ID→VQA v2,OOD→VQA-CP test,还有在VQA-CP v2测试集上及VQA v2验证集上的HM调和平均数。

5.1.3 Methods

  软变体(soft variant)权重:LMH,CSS,RUBi-CF,CF-VQA
  硬变体(hard variant)权重:RUBi

5.1.4 Overall results

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5.1.5 Ablation studies


Can we use the predicted probability of the ground-truth answer (“Prob.” for short) as the matching scores? Better not.

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Can the student learn more from the more accurate teacher, i.e. w ∝ s w\propto{s} ws?No.

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Can the student equally learn from ID and OOD teachers, i.e. w I D = w O O D = 0.5 w^{ID}=w^{OOD}=0.5 wID=wOOD=0.5? No.


Can the student only learn from OOD-teacher? Yes, but worse than IntroD.


Should we use the hard or soft variant to calculate the knowledge weights? It depends on the debiasing ability of the causal teacher.

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Can we use the ID-Prediction P I D \text{ID-Prediction} P^{ID} ID-PredictionPID as the ID-Knowledge \text{ID-Knowledge} ID-Knowledge? No.

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Can we ensemble the two teacher models and directly use that without distillation? In other words, is IntroD just an ensemble method? No.

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5.2 Extractive QA

5.2.1 Dataset and settings


5.2.2 Metrics and method.

  exact match (EM) 、F1 score
  知识权重计算:hard variant硬变体

5.2.3 Results

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  本文提出了IntroD,在ID和OOD-bias分布上能够平衡bias,采用VQA和extract QA评估本文的方法。大致步骤为采用casual教师来评估ID和OOD的bias,然后内省是否这两种bias主导了学信息,之后公平的融合/混合这两种bias,并将其蒸馏到学生模型上。实验证明效果很高,IntroD的主要限制在于OOD的性能极度依赖于OOD教师模型。


A1、Causal QA Model



  VQA和Extract QA数据集的介绍

A3、Training Details

A3.1 Implementation of LMH

  RTX 2080Ti, Batch 512。

A3.2 Implementation of CSS

  RTX 2080Ti, Batch 512。

A3.3 Implementation of RUBi

  RTX 2080Ti, Batch 256,22Epoch, l r = 1.5 × 1 0 − 4 , 6 × 1 0 − 4 lr=1.5\times10^{-4},6\times10^{-4} lr=1.5×104,6×104 7epoch,14个epoch x0.25/2epoch

A3.4 Implementation of CF-VQA

  RTX 2080Ti, Batch 256。

A3.5 Implementation of LM

2个RTX 2080Ti, Batch 10,12, l r = 3 × 1 0 − 5 lr=3\times10^{-5} lr=3×105

A4、Additional Experimental Results

A4.1 Compared with State-of-the-art Methods

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A4.2 Evaluations on Feature Quality

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A4.3 Error Bars


A4.4 Results on Natural Language Inference

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A5、Social Impacts

