
场景:老生常谈 迈开腿管住嘴吖

例句:What we fail to accept is the fact that appropriate workout is synonymous with healthiness, snack with harmness. But we always run the opposite.


英英释义:alike in meaning or significance

名词“synonym”,今天我们要学习它的形容词形式“synonymous”。synonymous 的意思是“同义的”,常被用来表示“等同于…的”。   

我们常用 A is synonymous with B 的句式表达“A 是 B 的代名词”“一说起 A,人们就会想到 B”。比如一说到拉斯维加斯,人们可能首先会想到赌博,这时我们就可以说:   

1. Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling.


2.Las Vegas and gambling are synonymous (with each other).   


Wang Sicong has been a synonym/byword for “fuerdai”�, the rich second generation.    这个句子也可以用 synonymous 来改写成:   

3. Wang Sicong’s name has been synonymous with “fuerdai”, the rich second generation.   

《经济学人》在一篇讨论“孤独”的文章中也用到了 synonymous:   

4. Loneliness is not synonymous with social isolation (how often a person meets or speaks to friends and family) or with solitude (which implies a choice to be alone).       
