GitHub - yingkaisha/keras-unet-collection: The Tensorflow, Keras implementation of U-net, V-net, U-net++, UNET 3+, Attention U-net, R2U-net, ResUnet-a, U^2-Net, TransUNET, and Swin-UNET with optional ImageNet-trained backbones.
input_size: the size/shape of network input, e.g., `(128, 128, 3)`. filter_num_begin: number of channels in the first downsampling block; it is also the number of embedded dimensions.default:96 n_labels: number of output labels. depth: the depth of Swin-UNET, e.g., depth=4 means three down/upsampling levels and a bottom level. stack_num_down: number of convolutional layers per downsampling level/block. stack_num_up: number of convolutional layers (after concatenation) per upsampling level/block. name: prefix of the created keras model and its layers.
def swin_unet_2d(input_size, filter_num_begin, n_labels, depth, stack_num_down, stack_num_up,
patch_size, num_heads, window_size, num_mlp, output_activation='Softmax', shift_window=True, name='swin_unet'):
def swin_unet_2d_base(input_tensor, filter_num_begin, depth, stack_num_down, stack_num_up, patch_size, num_heads, window_size, num_mlp, shift_window=True, name='swin_unet'):
# Compute number be patches to be embeded
input_size = input_tensor.shape.as_list()[1:]
num_patch_x = input_size[0]//patch_size[0] #56
num_patch_y = input_size[1]//patch_size[1]
# Number of Embedded dimensions
embed_dim = filter_num_begin #96
depth_ = depth
X_skip = []
X = input_tensor #224*224*3
# Patch extraction
X = patch_extract(patch_size)(X)
# Embed patches to tokens
X = patch_embedding(num_patch_x*num_patch_y, embed_dim)(X)
# The first Swin Transformer stack
X = swin_transformer_stack(X, stack_num=stack_num_down,
embed_dim=embed_dim, num_patch=(num_patch_x, num_patch_y),
num_heads=num_heads[0], window_size=window_size[0], num_mlp=num_mlp,
shift_window=shift_window, name='{}_swin_down0'.format(name))
# Downsampling blocks
for i in range(depth_-1):
# Patch merging
X = patch_merging((num_patch_x, num_patch_y), embed_dim=embed_dim, name='down{}'.format(i))(X)
# update token shape info
embed_dim = embed_dim*2
num_patch_x = num_patch_x//2
num_patch_y = num_patch_y//2
# Swin Transformer stacks
X = swin_transformer_stack(X, stack_num=stack_num_down,
embed_dim=embed_dim, num_patch=(num_patch_x, num_patch_y),
num_heads=num_heads[i+1], window_size=window_size[i+1], num_mlp=num_mlp,
shift_window=shift_window, name='{}_swin_down{}'.format(name, i+1))
# Store tensors for concat
# reverse indexing encoded tensors and hyperparams
X_skip = X_skip[::-1]
num_heads = num_heads[::-1]
window_size = window_size[::-1]
# upsampling begins at the deepest available tensor
X = X_skip[0]
# other tensors are preserved for concatenation
X_decode = X_skip[1:]
depth_decode = len(X_decode)
for i in range(depth_decode):
# Patch expanding
X = patch_expanding(num_patch=(num_patch_x, num_patch_y),
embed_dim=embed_dim, upsample_rate=2, return_vector=True, name='{}_swin_up{}'.format(name, i))(X)
# update token shape info
embed_dim = embed_dim//2
num_patch_x = num_patch_x*2
num_patch_y = num_patch_y*2
# Concatenation and linear projection
X = concatenate([X, X_decode[i]], axis=-1, name='{}_concat_{}'.format(name, i))
X = Dense(embed_dim, use_bias=False, name='{}_concat_linear_proj_{}'.format(name, i))(X)
# Swin Transformer stacks
X = swin_transformer_stack(X, stack_num=stack_num_up,
embed_dim=embed_dim, num_patch=(num_patch_x, num_patch_y),
num_heads=num_heads[i], window_size=window_size[i], num_mlp=num_mlp,
shift_window=shift_window, name='{}_swin_up{}'.format(name, i))
# The last expanding layer; it produces full-size feature maps based on the patch size
# !!! <--- "patch_size[0]" is used; it assumes patch_size = (size, size)
X = patch_expanding(num_patch=(num_patch_x, num_patch_y),
embed_dim=embed_dim, upsample_rate=patch_size[0], return_vector=False)(X)
return X
其中, Patch extraction: X = patch_extract(patch_size)(X) --patch_size=4
def __init__(self, patch_size, **kwargs):
super(patch_extract, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.patch_size = patch_size
self.patch_size_x = patch_size[0]
self.patch_size_y = patch_size[0]
def call(self, images):
batch_size = tf.shape(images)[0]
#tensorflow.image() -->extract_patches
patches = extract_patches(images=images,
sizes=(1, self.patch_size_x, self.patch_size_y, 1),
strides=(1, self.patch_size_x, self.patch_size_y, 1),
rates=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='VALID',)
# patches.shape = (num_sample, patch_num, patch_num, patch_size*channel)
patch_dim = patches.shape[-1]
patch_num = patches.shape[1]
patches = tf.reshape(patches, (batch_size, patch_num*patch_num, patch_dim))
# patches.shape = (num_sample, patch_num*patch_num, patch_size*channel)
return patches
def swin_transformer_stack(X, stack_num, embed_dim, num_patch, num_heads, window_size, num_mlp, shift_window=True, name=''):
Stacked Swin Transformers that share the same token size.
Alternated Window-MSA and Swin-MSA will be configured if `shift_window=True`, Window-MSA only otherwise.
*Dropout is turned off.
# Turn-off dropouts
mlp_drop_rate = 0 # Droupout after each MLP layer
attn_drop_rate = 0 # Dropout after Swin-Attention
proj_drop_rate = 0 # Dropout at the end of each Swin-Attention block, i.e., after linear projections
drop_path_rate = 0 # Drop-path within skip-connections
qkv_bias = True # Convert embedded patches to query, key, and values with a learnable additive value
qk_scale = None # None: Re-scale query based on embed dimensions per attention head # Float for user specified scaling factor
if shift_window:
shift_size = window_size // 2
shift_size = 0
for i in range(stack_num):
if i % 2 == 0:
shift_size_temp = 0
shift_size_temp = shift_size
X = SwinTransformerBlock(dim=embed_dim, num_patch=num_patch, num_heads=num_heads,
window_size=window_size, shift_size=shift_size_temp, num_mlp=num_mlp, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, qk_scale=qk_scale,
mlp_drop=mlp_drop_rate, attn_drop=attn_drop_rate, proj_drop=proj_drop_rate, drop_path_prob=drop_path_rate,
return X