在command 模式下面运行deploytool,如果支持该命令即可使用
%函数定义function 输出变量列表[s,m,...] 函数名(输入变量列表)sum,sub,mul,div中
function [sum,sub,mul,div] = operation(a,b);
sum = a + b;
sub = a - b;
mul = a * b;
div = a / b;
PS:上面标红的部分与java中调用该operation的返回值有关系,在java中调用的 Object result[] = XXX.operation(4,a,b); 4表示有4个返回值,分别存放在result[0]到result[4]中。
在matlab命令窗口下输入 deploytool,就会弹出一个编译窗口,
然后点击,file,选择new-deployment project,
然后选择matlab builder jave。
现在eclipse下面new一个新的java工程,然后将第三部build成功后产生的文件夹下面的distrib目录中的XXX.jar 以及你matlab安装目录下/toolbox/javabuilder/jar/javabuilder.jar加入你的java工程extend lib 中去。
import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.MWException; import com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder.MWNumericArray; import XXX.XXXX; class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { XXXX abc=new XXXX(); Object[] result = null; /* Stores the result */ int a=10, b=2; result=abc.operation(4, a, b ); System.out.println(result[0].toString()); System.out.println(result[1].toString()); System.out.println(result[2].toString()); System.out.println(); } catch (MWException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { /* Free native resources */ System.gc(); } }
MWNumericArray a = new MWNumericArray(Double.valueOf(result[0].toString()),MWClassID.DOUBLE);
MWNumericArray temp = (MWNumericArray)result[0];
float [][] weights=(float[][])temp.toFloatArray();
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to find the library libmwmclmcrrt.so.7.13, required by MATLAB Builder JA, on java.library.path.
This library is typically installed along with MATLAB or the MCR, its absence may indicate an issue with that installation or the current path configuration.
The MCR version that this component is trying to use is: 7.13.
Failed to find the library mclmcrrt710.dll,required by MATLAB Builder JA, on java.library.path
原因是2009a要对应安装mclmcrrt7.10。在MATLAB安装目录下查找:\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32,找到MCRInstaller.exe 安装,重启Eclipse即可。