
Gates sent dying Jobs a letter he kept bedside


by Michelle Meyers January 28, 2012 11:14 AM PST


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in a rare joint appearance at the D Conference in 2007.

(Credit: Ina Fried/CNET)


(来源:CNET科技/ CNET)

Here's just the latest reported evidence that the late Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had a strong relationship at the time of the Apple icon's death.


Microsoft's co-founder told The Telegraph that yes, the two had some stormy days as fierce competitors. But things changed around 2007 when Gates left Microsoft to set up his foundation and the two did an event together (presumably referring to the D Conference in 2007, pictured right). Before Jobs' death in October, Gates said he paid the Apple co-founder a long visit. "We spent literally hours reminiscing and talking about the future."

微软的共同创办人告诉“每日电讯报”的是,两人激烈竞争的一些风风雨雨的日子。事情的改变大致是在2007,盖茨离开微软成立他的基金会并且两个人干了件大事(大概是指2007年的D会议,右图)。 乔布斯在10月去世前,盖茨说,他访问了苹果联合创始人。,“我们花了几个小时来回忆和谈论未来。”

And Gates told The Telegraph he later wrote Jobs a letter to tell him "how he should feel great about what he had done and the company he had built. I wrote about his kids, whom I had got to know." After his death, Gates got a call from Jobs' wife, Laurene, who said Jobs appreciated the letter and kept it by his bed. "She said; 'Look, this biography really doesn't paint a picture of the mutual respect you had," Gates said.

盖茨告诉“每日电讯报”,他后来写给乔布斯的信中告诉他,“他应该感为他所做的感到怎么样,该公司已成功建成,我写了我认识的他的孩子们。” 盖茨在他去世后,接到了乔布斯的妻子的电话,Laurene,他说乔布斯很喜欢这封信,一直把它放在他的床头。 “她说:”你看,这本传记真的画不出你拥有的那种相互尊重的图片。“盖茨说。

The letter was not meant to be conciliatory, The Telegraph points out.

"There was no peace to make. We were not at war. We made great products, and competition was always a positive thing. There was no [cause for] forgiveness."

Earlier this week,   an interview with Yahoo and ABC. "We'd talk about the other companies that have come along. We talked about our families and how lucky we'd both been in terms of the women we married. It was great relaxed conversation."



本周早些时候,盖茨与雅虎和美国广播公司在接收有关他与乔布斯的友谊的访时反映。 “我们谈论了他公司,谈到了在我们结婚的女性而言我们的家庭是多么幸运,这是一次交谈。”


Michelle Meyers

Michelle Meyers, associate editor, has been writing and editing CNET News stories since 2005. But she's still working to shed some of her old newspaper ways, first honed when copy was actually cut and pasted. When she's not fixing typos and tightening sentences, she's working with reporters on story ideas, tracking media happenings, or freshening up CNET News' home page.

Michelle Meyers,副主编,自2005年以来就开始写作和编辑CNET科技资讯网的故事。 开始时,复制实际上是剪切和粘贴,但她仍然努力摆脱一些她编写旧报纸的方式。 她不是在固定错别字和紧缩的句子,而是与记者讨论故事的想法,跟踪媒体发生的事情,或更新CNET科技资讯网“主页。
