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会议/期刊 | 论文 |
sigmod2021 | Conformance Constraint Discovery: Measuring Trust in Data-Driven Systems. |
sigmod2020 | Fast and Reliable Missing Data Contingency Analysis with Predicate-Constraints. |
sigmod2020 | Crypt?: Crypto-Assisted Differential Privacy on Untrusted Servers. |
sigmod2020 | Reliable Data Distillation on Graph Convolutional Network. |
neurips2021 | Meta-Learning Reliable Priors in the Function Space. |
neurips2021 | Reliable Decisions with Threshold Calibration. |
neurips2021 | Reliable and Trustworthy Machine Learning for Health Using Dataset Shift Detection. |
neurips2021 | Trustworthy Multimodal Regression with Mixture of Normal-inverse Gamma Distributions. |
neurips2021 | Reliable Post hoc Explanations: Modeling Uncertainty in Explainability. |
neurips2021 | Reliable Estimation of KL Divergence using a Discriminator in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. |
neurips2021 | Towards Robust and Reliable Algorithmic Recourse. |
neurips2021 | Moshpit SGD: Communication-Efficient Decentralized Training on Heterogeneous Unreliable Devices. |
neurips2021 | Reliable Causal Discovery with Improved Exact Search and Weaker Assumptions. |
neurips2021 | Learning to Predict Trustworthiness with Steep Slope Loss. |
neurips2021 | NeuroMLR: Robust & Reliable Route Recommendation on Road Networks. |
neurips2021 | Sampling with Trusthworthy Constraints: A Variational Gradient Framework. |
neurips2021 | Be Confident! Towards Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks via Confidence Calibration. |
neurips2021 | CoFiNet: Reliable Coarse-to-fine Correspondences for Robust PointCloud Registration. |
neurips2021 | RIM: Reliable Influence-based Active Learning on Graphs. |
neurips2020 | Learning Structured Distributions From Untrusted Batches: Faster and Simpler. |
neurips2020 | Attribution Preservation in Network Compression for Reliable Network Interpretation. |
neurips2020 | Trust the Model When It Is Confident: Masked Model-based Actor-Critic. |
neurips2020 | SCOP: Scientific Control for Reliable Neural Network Pruning. |
neurips2020 | Reliable Graph Neural Networks via Robust Aggregation. |
neurips2020 | Calibrated Reliable Regression using Maximum Mean Discrepancy. |
neurips2020 | Can I Trust My Fairness Metric? Assessing Fairness with Unlabeled Data and Bayesian Inference. |
kdd2021 | How Interpretable and Trustworthy are GAMs? |
kdd2021 | Uncertainty-Aware Reliable Text Classification. |
kdd2021 | Trustworthy and Powerful Online Marketplace Experimentation with Budget-split Design. |
kdd2021 | Learning Reliable User Representations from Volatile and Sparse Data to Accurately Predict Customer Lifetime Value. |
kdd2021 | KDD Health Day/DSHealth 2021: Joint KDD 2021 Health Day and 2021 KDD Workshop on Applied Data Science for Healthcare: State of XAI and Trustworthiness in Health. |
kdd2021 | The Third International Workshop on Smart Data for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger (SDBD2021): Joint Workshop with SIGKDD 2021 Trust Day. |
kdd2020 | INPREM: An Interpretable and Trustworthy Predictive Model for Healthcare. |
ICDE2021 | Twine: An Embedded Trusted Runtime for WebAssembly. |
ICDE2021 | WedgeChain: A Trusted Edge-Cloud Store With Asynchronous (Lazy) Trust. |
ICDE2021 | Reliable Recommendation with Review-level Explanations. |
ICDE2021 | Swift: Reliable and Low-Latency Data Processing at Cloud Scale. |
ACMMM2021 | Trustworthy Multimedia Analysis. |
ACMMM2021 | Trustworthy AI’21: 1st International Workshop on Trustworthy AI for Multimedia Computing. |
ACMMM2021-MUCAI | The Design of a Trust-based Game as a Conversational Component of Interactive Environment for a Human-agent Negotiation. |
ACMMM2020 | AffectI: A Game for Diverse, Reliable, and Efficient Affective Image Annotation. |
ACMMM2020 | Summary of MuSe 2020: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, Emotion-target Engagement and Trustworthiness Detection in Real-life Media. |
ACMMM2020-MUSE | MuSe 2020 Challenge and Workshop: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, Emotion-target Engagement and Trustworthiness Detection in Real-life Media: Emotional Car Reviews in-the-wild. |
AAAI2021 | GradingNet: Towards Providing Reliable Supervisions for Weakly Supervised Object Detection by Grading the Box Candidates. |
AAAI2021 | Uncertainty-Aware Policy Optimization: A Robust, Adaptive Trust Region Approach. |
AAAI2021 | Towards Trustworthy Predictions from Deep Neural Networks with Fast Adversarial Calibration. |
AAAI2021 | MASKER: Masked Keyword Regularization for Reliable Text Classification. |
AAAI2021 | Goten: GPU-Outsourcing Trusted Execution of Neural Network Training. |
AAAI2021-safeai | Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Networks Make Realistic and Diverse but Untrustworthy Predictions When Applied to Ill-posed Problems. |
AAAI2020 | Deep Mixed Effect Model Using Gaussian Processes: A Personalized and Reliable Prediction for Healthcare. |
AAAI2020 | Reliable Multilabel Classification: Prediction with Partial Abstention. |
AAAI2020 | Adaptive Trust Region Policy Optimization: Global Convergence and Faster Rates for Regularized MDPs. |
AAAI2020 | Reliable and Efficient Anytime Skeleton Learning. |
AAAI2020 | AI Trust in Business Processes: The Need for Process-Aware Explanations. |
AAAI2020 | Iterative Learning for Reliable Underwater Link Adaptation (Student Abstract). |
AAAI2020 | Multidimensional Analysis of Trust in News Articles (Student Abstract). |
AAAI2020 | Personalized Prediction of Trust Links in Social Networks (Student Abstract). |
AAAI2020-safeai | You Shouldn’t Trust Me: Learning Models Which Conceal Unfairness From Multiple Explanation Methods. |
WWW2021C | PDTM: Poisson Distribution-based Trust Model for Web of Things. |
WWW2021C | Do I Trust this Stranger? Generalized Trust and the Governance of Online Communities. |
WWW2020 | Field-aware Calibration: A Simple and Empirically Strong Method for Reliable Probabilistic Predictions. |
WWW2020 | Designing for Trust: A Behavioral Framework for Sharing Economy Platforms. |
WWW2020C | TaxAA: a Reliable Tax Auditor Assistant for Exploring Suspicious Transactions. |
WWW2020C | Scalable Anti-TrustRank with Qualified Site-level Seeds for Link-based Web Spam Detection. |
SIGIR2021 | Should Graph Convolution Trust Neighbors? A Simple Causal Inference Method. |
SIGIR2021 | Towards Trustworthiness in the Context of Explainable Search. |
SIGIR2020 | Search Result Explanations Improve Efficiency and Trust. |
ICML2021 | Evaluating Robustness of Predictive Uncertainty Estimation: Are Dirichlet-based Models Reliable? |
ICML2021 | KO codes: inventing nonlinear encoding and decoding for reliable wireless communication via deep-learning. |
ICML2021 | Amortized Conditional Normalized Maximum Likelihood: Reliable Out of Distribution Uncertainty Estimation. |
ICML2020 | Online metric algorithms with untrusted predictions. |
ICML2020 | Reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness with an ensemble of diverse parameter-free attacks. |
ICML2020 | Reliable Fidelity and Diversity Metrics for Generative Models. |
ICML2019 | Robust Learning from Untrusted Sources. |
ICML2019 | Distributed Learning over Unreliable Networks. |
ICLR2020 | Quantifying the Cost of Reliable Photo Authentication via High-Performance Learned Lossy Representations. |
ICLR2021 | Trusted Multi-View Classification. |
ICLR2021 | Differentiable Trust Region Layers for Deep Reinforcement Learning. |
CVPR2021 | Generative Classifiers as a Basis for Trustworthy Image Classification. |
CVPR2021 | Learning Accurate Dense Correspondences and When To Trust Them. |
CVPR2021 | Building Reliable Explanations of Unreliable Neural Networks: Locally Smoothing Perspective of Model Interpretation. |
CVPR2021 | Generalized Focal Loss V2: Learning Reliable Localization Quality Estimation for Dense Object Detection. |
CVPR2020 | MAGSAC++, a Fast, Reliable and Accurate Robust Estimator. |
CVPR2020 | Reliable Weighted Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. |
CVPR2020 | Learning by Analogy: Reliable Supervision From Transformations for Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation. |
CVPR2020 | Data-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning by Reliable Edge Mining. |
CVPRW2021 | Plants Don’t Walk on the Street: Common-Sense Reasoning for Reliable Semantic Segmentation. |
CVPRW2020 | An Analytical Framework for Trusted Machine Learning and Computer Vision Running with Blockchain. |
CVPRW2020 | ArUcOmni: detection of highly reliable fiducial markers in panoramic images. |
CVPRW2020 | Towards Untrusted Social Video Verification to Combat Deepfakes via Face Geometry Consistency. |
ICCV2021 | Robust Trust Region for Weakly Supervised Segmentation. |
ACL2021 | How Reliable are Model Diagnostics? |
ACL2020 | Learning Low-Resource End-To-End Goal-Oriented Dialog for Fast and Reliable System Deployment. |
IJCAI2021 | Does Every Data Instance Matter? Enhancing Sequential Recommendation by Eliminating Unreliable Data. |
IJCAI2021 | Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning with Trust Region Methods. |
IJCAI2021 | Hindsight Trust Region Policy Optimization. |
IJCAI2020 | Formalizing Group and Propagated Trust in Multi-Agent Systems. |
IJCAI2020 | Combining Direct Trust and Indirect Trust in Multi-Agent Systems. |
IJCAI2020 | Opinion Maximization in Social Trust Networks. |
IJCAI2020 | Risk-Averse Trust Region Optimization for Reward-Volatility Reduction. |
IJCAI2020 | Infochain: A Decentralized, Trustless and Transparent Oracle on Blockchain. |
IJCAI2020 | Towards Trustable Explainable AI. |
IJCAI2020 | Certifai: A Toolkit for Building Trust in AI Systems. |
IJCAI2020-aisafety | Increasing the Trustworthiness of Deep Neural Networks via Accuracy Monitoring. |
IJCAI2020-aisafety | Towards Safe and Reliable Robot Task Planning. |
IJCAI2020-aisafety | Bayesian Model for Trustworthiness Analysis of Deep Learning Classifiers. |
TPAMI2022 | Not All Samples are Trustworthy: Towards Deep Robust SVP Prediction. |
JMLR2021 | Stable-Baselines3: Reliable Reinforcement Learning Implementations. |
JMLR2020 | Trust-Region Variational Inference with Gaussian Mixture Models. |
TKDE2021 | A Reliable Storage Partition for Permissioned Blockchain. |
TKDE2020 | Trust Relationship Prediction in Alibaba E-Commerce Platform. |
TKDE2020 | Reliable Accuracy Estimates from k-Fold Cross Validation. |
TKDE2020 | A Novel Trust Model Based Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm for Social Networks. |
IEEE2021 | A Tutorial on Ultrareliable and Low-Latency Communications in 6G: Integrating Domain Knowledge Into Deep Learning. |
IEEE2020 | Toward Reliable and Scalable Internet of Vehicles: Performance Analysis and Resource Management. |
AI2022 | Integrating social influence modeling and user modeling for trust prediction in signed networks. |
AI2021 | Credibility Dynamics: A belief-revision-based trust model with pairwise comparisons. |