

* This file is part of ORB-SLAM2.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal  (University of Zaragoza)
* For more information see 
* ORB-SLAM2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ORB-SLAM2. If not, see .


#include "KeyFrame.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "LoopClosing.h"
#include "Tracking.h"
#include "KeyFrameDatabase.h"


namespace ORB_SLAM2

class Tracking;
class LoopClosing;
class Map;

 * 创建局部地图
 * 这里的LocalMapping::Run函数在单独的一个线程中运行
class LocalMapping
    LocalMapping(Map* pMap, const float bMonocular);

    void SetLoopCloser(LoopClosing* pLoopCloser);

    void SetTracker(Tracking* pTracker);

    // Main function
    void Run();

    void InsertKeyFrame(KeyFrame* pKF);

    // Thread Synch
    void RequestStop();
    void RequestReset();
    bool Stop();
    void Release();
    /// If Local Mapping is freezed by a Loop Closure do not insert keyframes
    bool isStopped();
    bool stopRequested();
    /// is local mapper busying, false: local mapper busy, cannot accept key frame
    bool AcceptKeyFrames();
    /// false: localMapping cannot accept keyframe now, true: local mapping can accept keyframe now
    void SetAcceptKeyFrames(bool flag);
    bool SetNotStop(bool flag);

    void InterruptBA();

    void RequestFinish();
    bool isFinished();

    int KeyframesInQueue(){
        unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutexNewKFs);
        return mlNewKeyFrames.size();


    /// Check if there are keyframes in the queue
    bool CheckNewKeyFrames();
    void ProcessNewKeyFrame();
    void CreateNewMapPoints();

    void MapPointCulling();
    void SearchInNeighbors();

    void KeyFrameCulling();

    cv::Mat ComputeF12(KeyFrame* &pKF1, KeyFrame* &pKF2);

    cv::Mat SkewSymmetricMatrix(const cv::Mat &v);

    bool mbMonocular;

    void ResetIfRequested();
    bool mbResetRequested;
    std::mutex mMutexReset;

    bool CheckFinish();
    void SetFinish();
    bool mbFinishRequested;
    bool mbFinished;
    std::mutex mMutexFinish;

    Map* mpMap;

    LoopClosing* mpLoopCloser;
    Tracking* mpTracker;

    std::list<KeyFrame*> mlNewKeyFrames;

    KeyFrame* mpCurrentKeyFrame;

    std::list<MapPoint*> mlpRecentAddedMapPoints;

    std::mutex mMutexNewKFs;

    bool mbAbortBA;

    bool mbStopped;
    bool mbStopRequested;
    bool mbNotStop;
    std::mutex mMutexStop;

    bool mbAcceptKeyFrames;
    std::mutex mMutexAccept;

} //namespace ORB_SLAM



* This file is part of ORB-SLAM2.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal  (University of Zaragoza)
* For more information see 
* ORB-SLAM2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ORB-SLAM2. If not, see .

#include "LocalMapping.h"
#include "LoopClosing.h"
#include "ORBmatcher.h"
#include "Optimizer.h"


namespace ORB_SLAM2

    LocalMapping::LocalMapping(Map *pMap, const float bMonocular) : mbMonocular(bMonocular), mbResetRequested(false), mbFinishRequested(false), mbFinished(true), mpMap(pMap),
                                                                    mbAbortBA(false), mbStopped(false), mbStopRequested(false), mbNotStop(false), mbAcceptKeyFrames(true)

    void LocalMapping::SetLoopCloser(LoopClosing *pLoopCloser)
        mpLoopCloser = pLoopCloser;

    void LocalMapping::SetTracker(Tracking *pTracker)
        mpTracker = pTracker;

 * LocalMapping
 * while循环里面不断循环执行判断是否有新的关键帧,然后处理关键帧,
 * 然后剔除不合理的地图点,然后三角化新的关键帧创建更多地图点,
 * 然后进行LocalBA优化

    void LocalMapping::Run()

        mbFinished = false;

        while (1)
            // Tracking will see that Local Mapping is busy
            /// false: localMapping cannot accept keyframe now, true: local mapping can accept keyframe now

            // Check if there are keyframes in the queue
            if (CheckNewKeyFrames())
                // BoW conversion and insertion in Map

                // Check recent MapPoints

                // Triangulate new MapPoints

                if (!CheckNewKeyFrames())
                    // Find more matches in neighbor keyframes and fuse point duplications

                mbAbortBA = false;

                if (!CheckNewKeyFrames() && !stopRequested())
                    // Local BA
                    if (mpMap->KeyFramesInMap() > 2)
                        Optimizer::LocalBundleAdjustment(mpCurrentKeyFrame, &mbAbortBA, mpMap);

                    // Check redundant local Keyframes

            else if (Stop())
                // Safe area to stop
                while (isStopped() && !CheckFinish())
                if (CheckFinish())


            // Tracking will see that Local Mapping is busy

            if (CheckFinish())



    /// insert a key frame to local map, and stop BA when insert a key frame
    void LocalMapping::InsertKeyFrame(KeyFrame *pKF)
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexNewKFs);
        mbAbortBA = true;

    bool LocalMapping::CheckNewKeyFrames()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexNewKFs);
        return (!mlNewKeyFrames.empty());

    /// 1.Associate MapPoints to the new keyframe and update normal and descriptor
    /// 2.Insert key frame into map
     * 1.取出最新的关键帧作为当前关键帧;
     * 2.计算当前关键帧的Bow;
     * 3.取出当前关键帧的所有特征点对应的地图点;
     * 4.遍历所有地图点,给地图点添加新的能够观测到该地图点的关键帧;
     * 5.更新Normal,平均的观测方向和深度信息;
     * 6.更新描述子;
     * 7.更新当前帧的共视图;
     * 8.将当前帧添加到Map中.
    void LocalMapping::ProcessNewKeyFrame()
            /// get latest NewKeyFrame
            unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexNewKFs);
            mpCurrentKeyFrame = mlNewKeyFrames.front();

        // Compute Bags of Words structures

        // Associate MapPoints to the new keyframe and update normal and descriptor
        /// get MapPoints associated to keypoints
        const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPointMatches = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetMapPointMatches();

        /// handle every map point, update it's normal, depth, observation, descriptor and so on
        for (size_t i = 0; i < vpMapPointMatches.size(); i++)
            MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPointMatches[i];
            ///is valid pointer
            if (pMP)
                /// is map point good
                if (!pMP->isBad())
                    /// if current key frame not in key frame
                    if (!pMP->IsInKeyFrame(mpCurrentKeyFrame))
                        /// add current key frame to observation
                        pMP->AddObservation(mpCurrentKeyFrame, i);
                    else // this can only happen for new stereo points inserted by the Tracking

        // Update links in the Covisibility Graph

        // Insert Keyframe in Map

    /// delete some map point uncorrect
    void LocalMapping::MapPointCulling()
        // Check Recent Added MapPoints
        list<MapPoint *>::iterator lit = mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.begin();
        const unsigned long int nCurrentKFid = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId;

        int nThObs;
        if (mbMonocular)
            nThObs = 2;
            nThObs = 3;
        const int cnThObs = nThObs;

        while (lit != mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.end())
            MapPoint *pMP = *lit;
            if (pMP->isBad())
                lit = mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.erase(lit);
            else if (pMP->GetFoundRatio() < 0.25f)
                lit = mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.erase(lit);
            ///1.curr key frame's id minus map point's First key frame's id large than 2, but
            /// keyframe number observer this map point less than cnThObs
            else if (((int)nCurrentKFid - (int)pMP->mnFirstKFid) >= 2 && pMP->Observations() <= cnThObs)
                lit = mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.erase(lit);
            /// 1.have more than 3 KeyFrame observe the map point, but the map point still there
            /// will not set bag flag, but erase from recent add Map Points queue
            else if (((int)nCurrentKFid - (int)pMP->mnFirstKFid) >= 3)
                lit = mlpRecentAddedMapPoints.erase(lit);

    ///create new map points
    void LocalMapping::CreateNewMapPoints()
        // Retrieve neighbor keyframes in covisibility graph
        int nn = 10;
        if (mbMonocular)
            nn = 20;
        /// find the best nn number key frame in current frame's covisibility key frame
        const vector<KeyFrame *> vpNeighKFs = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames(nn);

        ORBmatcher matcher(0.6, false);

        cv::Mat Rcw1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetRotation();
        cv::Mat Rwc1 = Rcw1.t();
        cv::Mat tcw1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetTranslation();
        cv::Mat Tcw1(3, 4, CV_32F);
        Rcw1.copyTo(Tcw1.colRange(0, 3));
        cv::Mat Ow1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetCameraCenter();

        const float &fx1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->fx;
        const float &fy1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->fy;
        const float &cx1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->cx;
        const float &cy1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->cy;
        const float &invfx1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->invfx;
        const float &invfy1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->invfy;

        const float ratioFactor = 1.5f * mpCurrentKeyFrame->mfScaleFactor;

        int nnew = 0;

        // Search matches with epipolar restriction and triangulate
        /// loop neighbody key frame
        for (size_t i = 0; i < vpNeighKFs.size(); i++)
            /// if i > 0 and have new key frame, stop create map point
            if (i > 0 && CheckNewKeyFrames())

            KeyFrame *pKF2 = vpNeighKFs[i];

            // Check first that baseline is not too short
            cv::Mat Ow2 = pKF2->GetCameraCenter();
            cv::Mat vBaseline = Ow2 - Ow1;
            const float baseline = cv::norm(vBaseline);

            /// is stereo camera, two short distance between two key frame's center
            /// do not generate map point
            if (!mbMonocular)
                if (baseline < pKF2->mb)
                /// get scene median depth
                const float medianDepthKF2 = pKF2->ComputeSceneMedianDepth(2);
                /// ratio of base_line and median depth
                const float ratioBaselineDepth = baseline / medianDepthKF2;

                /// if ratio too small , then don't generate 3D point
                /// if depth is large enougth ,then don't need generate 3D point
                if (ratioBaselineDepth < 0.01)

            // Compute Fundamental Matrix
            cv::Mat F12 = ComputeF12(mpCurrentKeyFrame, pKF2);

            // Search matches that fullfil epipolar constraint
            vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> vMatchedIndices;
            matcher.SearchForTriangulation(mpCurrentKeyFrame, pKF2, F12, vMatchedIndices, false);

            cv::Mat Rcw2 = pKF2->GetRotation();
            cv::Mat Rwc2 = Rcw2.t();
            cv::Mat tcw2 = pKF2->GetTranslation();
            cv::Mat Tcw2(3, 4, CV_32F);
            Rcw2.copyTo(Tcw2.colRange(0, 3));

            const float &fx2 = pKF2->fx;
            const float &fy2 = pKF2->fy;
            const float &cx2 = pKF2->cx;
            const float &cy2 = pKF2->cy;
            const float &invfx2 = pKF2->invfx;
            const float &invfy2 = pKF2->invfy;

            // Triangulate each match
            const int nmatches = vMatchedIndices.size();
            for (int ikp = 0; ikp < nmatches; ikp++)
                const int &idx1 = vMatchedIndices[ikp].first;
                const int &idx2 = vMatchedIndices[ikp].second;

                const cv::KeyPoint &kp1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mvKeysUn[idx1];
                const float kp1_ur = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mvuRight[idx1];
                bool bStereo1 = kp1_ur >= 0;

                const cv::KeyPoint &kp2 = pKF2->mvKeysUn[idx2];
                const float kp2_ur = pKF2->mvuRight[idx2];
                bool bStereo2 = kp2_ur >= 0;

                // Check parallax between rays
                /// u1 = fx1*x1*invz1+cx1;
                /// ray from camera center to pixel kp1 and ray from camera center to pixel kp2
                cv::Mat xn1 = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 1) << (kp1.pt.x - cx1) * invfx1, (kp1.pt.y - cy1) * invfy1, 1.0);
                cv::Mat xn2 = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 1) << (kp2.pt.x - cx2) * invfx2, (kp2.pt.y - cy2) * invfy2, 1.0);

                /// translate xn1 from camera coordinate to world coordinate
                cv::Mat ray1 = Rwc1 * xn1;
                cv::Mat ray2 = Rwc2 * xn2;
                const float cosParallaxRays = ray1.dot(ray2) / (cv::norm(ray1) * cv::norm(ray2));

                float cosParallaxStereo = cosParallaxRays + 1;
                float cosParallaxStereo1 = cosParallaxStereo;
                float cosParallaxStereo2 = cosParallaxStereo;

                if (bStereo1)
                    cosParallaxStereo1 = cos(2 * atan2(mpCurrentKeyFrame->mb / 2, mpCurrentKeyFrame->mvDepth[idx1]));
                else if (bStereo2)
                    cosParallaxStereo2 = cos(2 * atan2(pKF2->mb / 2, pKF2->mvDepth[idx2]));

                cosParallaxStereo = min(cosParallaxStereo1, cosParallaxStereo2);

                /// the 3D map point
                cv::Mat x3D;
                if (cosParallaxRays < cosParallaxStereo && cosParallaxRays > 0 && (bStereo1 || bStereo2 || cosParallaxRays < 0.9998))
                    // Linear Triangulation Method
                    cv::Mat A(4, 4, CV_32F);
                    A.row(0) = xn1.at<float>(0) * Tcw1.row(2) - Tcw1.row(0);
                    A.row(1) = xn1.at<float>(1) * Tcw1.row(2) - Tcw1.row(1);
                    A.row(2) = xn2.at<float>(0) * Tcw2.row(2) - Tcw2.row(0);
                    A.row(3) = xn2.at<float>(1) * Tcw2.row(2) - Tcw2.row(1);  

                    cv::Mat w, u, vt;
                    cv::SVD::compute(A, w, u, vt, cv::SVD::MODIFY_A | cv::SVD::FULL_UV);

                    x3D = vt.row(3).t();

                    if (x3D.at<float>(3) == 0)

                    // Euclidean coordinates
                    x3D = x3D.rowRange(0, 3) / x3D.at<float>(3);
                else if (bStereo1 && cosParallaxStereo1 < cosParallaxStereo2)
                    x3D = mpCurrentKeyFrame->UnprojectStereo(idx1);
                else if (bStereo2 && cosParallaxStereo2 < cosParallaxStereo1)
                    x3D = pKF2->UnprojectStereo(idx2);
                    continue; //No stereo and very low parallax

                cv::Mat x3Dt = x3D.t();

                //Check triangulation in front of cameras
                float z1 = Rcw1.row(2).dot(x3Dt) + tcw1.at<float>(2);
                if (z1 <= 0)

                float z2 = Rcw2.row(2).dot(x3Dt) + tcw2.at<float>(2);
                if (z2 <= 0)

                //Check reprojection error in first keyframe
                const float &sigmaSquare1 = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mvLevelSigma2[kp1.octave];
                const float x1 = Rcw1.row(0).dot(x3Dt) + tcw1.at<float>(0);
                const float y1 = Rcw1.row(1).dot(x3Dt) + tcw1.at<float>(1);
                const float invz1 = 1.0 / z1;

                if (!bStereo1)
                    float u1 = fx1 * x1 * invz1 + cx1;
                    float v1 = fy1 * y1 * invz1 + cy1;
                    float errX1 = u1 - kp1.pt.x;
                    float errY1 = v1 - kp1.pt.y;
                    if ((errX1 * errX1 + errY1 * errY1) > 5.991 * sigmaSquare1)
                    float u1 = fx1 * x1 * invz1 + cx1;
                    float u1_r = u1 - mpCurrentKeyFrame->mbf * invz1;
                    float v1 = fy1 * y1 * invz1 + cy1;
                    float errX1 = u1 - kp1.pt.x;
                    float errY1 = v1 - kp1.pt.y;
                    float errX1_r = u1_r - kp1_ur;
                    if ((errX1 * errX1 + errY1 * errY1 + errX1_r * errX1_r) > 7.8 * sigmaSquare1)

                //Check reprojection error in second keyframe
                const float sigmaSquare2 = pKF2->mvLevelSigma2[kp2.octave];
                const float x2 = Rcw2.row(0).dot(x3Dt) + tcw2.at<float>(0);
                const float y2 = Rcw2.row(1).dot(x3Dt) + tcw2.at<float>(1);
                const float invz2 = 1.0 / z2;
                if (!bStereo2)
                    float u2 = fx2 * x2 * invz2 + cx2;
                    float v2 = fy2 * y2 * invz2 + cy2;
                    float errX2 = u2 - kp2.pt.x;
                    float errY2 = v2 - kp2.pt.y;
                    if ((errX2 * errX2 + errY2 * errY2) > 5.991 * sigmaSquare2)
                    float u2 = fx2 * x2 * invz2 + cx2;
                    float u2_r = u2 - mpCurrentKeyFrame->mbf * invz2;
                    float v2 = fy2 * y2 * invz2 + cy2;
                    float errX2 = u2 - kp2.pt.x;
                    float errY2 = v2 - kp2.pt.y;
                    float errX2_r = u2_r - kp2_ur;
                    if ((errX2 * errX2 + errY2 * errY2 + errX2_r * errX2_r) > 7.8 * sigmaSquare2)

                //Check scale consistency
                cv::Mat normal1 = x3D - Ow1;
                float dist1 = cv::norm(normal1);

                cv::Mat normal2 = x3D - Ow2;
                float dist2 = cv::norm(normal2);

                if (dist1 == 0 || dist2 == 0)

                const float ratioDist = dist2 / dist1;
                const float ratioOctave = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mvScaleFactors[kp1.octave] / pKF2->mvScaleFactors[kp2.octave];

                //ratioDist  < ratioOctave / ratioFactor ;
                //ratioDist  > ratioOctave * ratioFactor 
                if (ratioDist * ratioFactor < ratioOctave || ratioDist > ratioOctave * ratioFactor)

                // Triangulation is succesfull
                MapPoint *pMP = new MapPoint(x3D, mpCurrentKeyFrame, mpMap);

                pMP->AddObservation(mpCurrentKeyFrame, idx1);
                pMP->AddObservation(pKF2, idx2);

                mpCurrentKeyFrame->AddMapPoint(pMP, idx1);
                pKF2->AddMapPoint(pMP, idx2);





 // Find more matches in neighbor keyframes and fuse point duplications
    void LocalMapping::SearchInNeighbors()
        // Retrieve neighbor keyframes
        int nn = 10;
        if (mbMonocular)
            nn = 20;
        /// retrieve best covisibility key frames
        const vector<KeyFrame *> vpNeighKFs = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames(nn);
        vector<KeyFrame *> vpTargetKFs;
        for (vector<KeyFrame *>::const_iterator vit = vpNeighKFs.begin(), vend = vpNeighKFs.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
            KeyFrame *pKFi = *vit;
            /// KeyFrame is bad or already marked
            if (pKFi->isBad() || pKFi->mnFuseTargetForKF == mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId)
            pKFi->mnFuseTargetForKF = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId;

            // Extend to some second neighbors
            const vector<KeyFrame *> vpSecondNeighKFs = pKFi->GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames(5);
            for (vector<KeyFrame *>::const_iterator vit2 = vpSecondNeighKFs.begin(), vend2 = vpSecondNeighKFs.end(); vit2 != vend2; vit2++)
                KeyFrame *pKFi2 = *vit2;
                if (pKFi2->isBad() || pKFi2->mnFuseTargetForKF == mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId || pKFi2->mnId == mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId)

        // Search matches by projection from current KF in target KFs
        ORBmatcher matcher;
        vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPointMatches = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetMapPointMatches();
        for (vector<KeyFrame *>::iterator vit = vpTargetKFs.begin(), vend = vpTargetKFs.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
            KeyFrame *pKFi = *vit;
            /// fush current key frame's map point with pKF frame's map point, replace duplicate map point
            matcher.Fuse(pKFi, vpMapPointMatches);

        // Search matches by projection from target KFs in current KF
        vector<MapPoint *> vpFuseCandidates;
        vpFuseCandidates.reserve(vpTargetKFs.size() * vpMapPointMatches.size());

        /// loop all surround KeyFrames,
        for (vector<KeyFrame *>::iterator vitKF = vpTargetKFs.begin(), vendKF = vpTargetKFs.end(); vitKF != vendKF; vitKF++)
            /// KeyFrame
            KeyFrame *pKFi = *vitKF;
            /// get KeyFrame's all MapPoint
            vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPointsKFi = pKFi->GetMapPointMatches();
            /// loop all MapPoint
            for (vector<MapPoint *>::iterator vitMP = vpMapPointsKFi.begin(), vendMP = vpMapPointsKFi.end(); vitMP != vendMP; vitMP++)
                MapPoint *pMP = *vitMP;
                if (!pMP)
                if (pMP->isBad() || pMP->mnFuseCandidateForKF == mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId)
                pMP->mnFuseCandidateForKF = mpCurrentKeyFrame->mnId;

        matcher.Fuse(mpCurrentKeyFrame, vpFuseCandidates);

        // Update points
        vpMapPointMatches = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetMapPointMatches();
        for (size_t i = 0, iend = vpMapPointMatches.size(); i < iend; i++)
            MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPointMatches[i];
            if (pMP)
                if (!pMP->isBad())

        // Update connections in covisibility graph

    /// 利用公式:F = K^-T * t^ * R * K^-1计算F矩阵
    cv::Mat LocalMapping::ComputeF12(KeyFrame *&pKF1, KeyFrame *&pKF2)
        /// R1w means rotation from pKF1 frame coordinate to world coordinate
        /// right multiple R1w means transform point from pKF1 frame coordinate to world coordinate
        cv::Mat R1w = pKF1->GetRotation();
        cv::Mat t1w = pKF1->GetTranslation();
        cv::Mat R2w = pKF2->GetRotation();
        cv::Mat t2w = pKF2->GetTranslation();

        cv::Mat R12 = R1w * R2w.t();
        cv::Mat t12 = -R1w * R2w.t() * t2w + t1w;

        cv::Mat t12x = SkewSymmetricMatrix(t12);

        const cv::Mat &K1 = pKF1->mK;
        const cv::Mat &K2 = pKF2->mK;

        return K1.t().inv() * t12x * R12 * K2.inv();

    void LocalMapping::RequestStop()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);
        mbStopRequested = true;
        unique_lock<mutex> lock2(mMutexNewKFs);
        mbAbortBA = true;

    bool LocalMapping::Stop()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);
        if (mbStopRequested && !mbNotStop)
            mbStopped = true;
            cout << "Local Mapping STOP" << endl;
            return true;

        return false;

    bool LocalMapping::isStopped()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);
        return mbStopped;

    bool LocalMapping::stopRequested()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);
        return mbStopRequested;

    void LocalMapping::Release()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);
        unique_lock<mutex> lock2(mMutexFinish);
        if (mbFinished)
        mbStopped = false;
        mbStopRequested = false;
        for (list<KeyFrame *>::iterator lit = mlNewKeyFrames.begin(), lend = mlNewKeyFrames.end(); lit != lend; lit++)
            delete *lit;

        cout << "Local Mapping RELEASE" << endl;

    bool LocalMapping::AcceptKeyFrames()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexAccept);
        return mbAcceptKeyFrames;

    void LocalMapping::SetAcceptKeyFrames(bool flag)
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexAccept);
        mbAcceptKeyFrames = flag;

    bool LocalMapping::SetNotStop(bool flag)
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexStop);

        if (flag && mbStopped)
            return false;

        mbNotStop = flag;

        return true;

    void LocalMapping::InterruptBA()
        mbAbortBA = true;

     * 剔除冗余的关键帧
     * 当一个关键帧90%的MapPoint在至少其它三个关键帧中被观测到,
     * 那么这个关键帧被视为冗余的,我们值考虑近点
    void LocalMapping::KeyFrameCulling()
        // Check redundant keyframes (only local keyframes)
        // A keyframe is considered redundant if the 90% of the MapPoints it sees, are seen
        // in at least other 3 keyframes (in the same or finer scale)
        // We only consider close stereo points
        vector<KeyFrame *> vpLocalKeyFrames = mpCurrentKeyFrame->GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames();
        for (vector<KeyFrame *>::iterator vit = vpLocalKeyFrames.begin(), vend = vpLocalKeyFrames.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
            KeyFrame *pKF = *vit;
            if (pKF->mnId == 0)
            const vector<MapPoint *> vpMapPoints = pKF->GetMapPointMatches();

            int nObs = 3;
            const int thObs = nObs;
            int nRedundantObservations = 0;
            int nMPs = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0, iend = vpMapPoints.size(); i < iend; i++)
                MapPoint *pMP = vpMapPoints[i];
                if (pMP)
                    if (!pMP->isBad())
                        if (!mbMonocular)
                            if (pKF->mvDepth[i] > pKF->mThDepth || pKF->mvDepth[i] < 0)

                        if (pMP->Observations() > thObs)
                            const int &scaleLevel = pKF->mvKeysUn[i].octave;
                            const map<KeyFrame *, size_t> observations = pMP->GetObservations();
                            int nObs = 0;
                            for (map<KeyFrame *, size_t>::const_iterator mit = observations.begin(), mend = observations.end(); mit != mend; mit++)
                                KeyFrame *pKFi = mit->first;
                                if (pKFi == pKF)
                                const int &scaleLeveli = pKFi->mvKeysUn[mit->second].octave;

                                //在低于scaleLevel + 1的缩放层级观测到该点
                                if (scaleLeveli <= scaleLevel + 1)
                                    if (nObs >= thObs)
                            //由至少其它三帧观测到该点, 冗余观测计数+1,意味这该MapPoint点可以在其它帧中被观测到.
                            if (nObs >= thObs)

            if (nRedundantObservations > 0.9 * nMPs)

    cv::Mat LocalMapping::SkewSymmetricMatrix(const cv::Mat &v)
        return (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 0, -v.at<float>(2), v.at<float>(1),
                v.at<float>(2), 0, -v.at<float>(0),
                -v.at<float>(1), v.at<float>(0), 0);

    void LocalMapping::RequestReset()
            unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexReset);
            mbResetRequested = true;

        while (1)
                unique_lock<mutex> lock2(mMutexReset);
                if (!mbResetRequested)

    void LocalMapping::ResetIfRequested()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexReset);
        if (mbResetRequested)
            mbResetRequested = false;

    void LocalMapping::RequestFinish()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexFinish);
        mbFinishRequested = true;

    bool LocalMapping::CheckFinish()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexFinish);
        return mbFinishRequested;

    void LocalMapping::SetFinish()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexFinish);
        mbFinished = true;
        unique_lock<mutex> lock2(mMutexStop);
        mbStopped = true;

    bool LocalMapping::isFinished()
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexFinish);
        return mbFinished;

} // namespace ORB_SLAM2
