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sigmod2020 PrIU: A Provenance-Based Approach for Incrementally Updating Regression Models.
neurips2021 BAST: Bayesian Additive Regression Spanning Trees for Complex Constrained Domain.
neurips2021 Efficient Truncated Linear Regression with Unknown Noise Variance.
neurips2021 Improving Conditional Coverage via Orthogonal Quantile Regression.
neurips2021 UCB-based Algorithms for Multinomial Logistic Regression Bandits.
neurips2021 Statistical Query Lower Bounds for List-Decodable Linear Regression.
neurips2021 Robust Regression Revisited: Acceleration and Improved Estimation Rates.
neurips2021 Support vector machines and linear regression coincide with very high-dimensional features.
neurips2021 Neural Regression, Representational Similarity, Model Zoology & Neural Taskonomy at Scale in Rodent Visual Cortex.
neurips2021 Ising Model Selection Using ℓ 1 \ell_{1} 1-Regularized Linear Regression: A Statistical Mechanics Analysis.
neurips2021 ParK: Sound and Efficient Kernel Ridge Regression by Feature Space Partitions.
neurips2021 Trustworthy Multimodal Regression with Mixture of Normal-inverse Gamma Distributions.
neurips2021 Distribution-free inference for regression: discrete, continuous, and in between.
neurips2021 How Data Augmentation affects Optimization for Linear Regression.
neurips2021 Parameter-free HE-friendly Logistic Regression.
neurips2021 A Highly-Efficient Group Elastic Net Algorithm with an Application to Function-On-Scalar Regression.
neurips2021 Fast Projection onto the Capped Simplex with Applications to Sparse Regression in Bioinformatics.
neurips2021 Generalization Error Rates in Kernel Regression: The Crossover from the Noiseless to Noisy Regime.
neurips2021 Non-Gaussian Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Regression.
neurips2021 Scalable Quasi-Bayesian Inference for Instrumental Variable Regression.
neurips2021 Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Kernel Regression.
neurips2021 Adversarial Regression with Doubly Non-negative Weighting Matrices.
neurips2021 α \alpha α-IoU: A Family of Power Intersection over Union Losses for Bounding Box Regression.
neurips2021 Generic Neural Architecture Search via Regression.
neurips2021 Fair Sparse Regression with Clustering: An Invex Relaxation for a Combinatorial Problem.
neurips2021 Unbalanced Optimal Transport through Non-negative Penalized Linear Regression.
neurips2021 Mixability made efficient: Fast online multiclass logistic regression.
neurips2021 Can we globally optimize cross-validation loss? Quasiconvexity in ridge regression.
neurips2021 Stochastic Online Linear Regression: the Forward Algorithm to Replace Ridge.
neurips2021 Efficient hierarchical Bayesian inference for spatio-temporal regression models in neuroimaging.
neurips2021 Symbolic Regression via Deep Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Genetic Programming Seeding.
neurips2021 Consistent Estimation for PCA and Sparse Regression with Oblivious Outliers.
neurips2021 ReLU Regression with Massart Noise.
neurips2021 Stateful Strategic Regression.
neurips2021 On Optimal Interpolation in Linear Regression.
neurips2021 SLOE: A Faster Method for Statistical Inference in High-Dimensional Logistic Regression.
neurips2021 A Regression Approach to Learning-Augmented Online Algorithms.
neurips2020 Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data.
neurips2020 Detection as Regression: Certified Object Detection with Median Smoothing.
neurips2020 Online Robust Regression via SGD on the l1 loss.
neurips2020 Dual Instrumental Variable Regression.
neurips2020 Adaptive Reduced Rank Regression.
neurips2020 Robust Meta-learning for Mixed Linear Regression with Small Batches.
neurips2020 Randomized tests for high-dimensional regression: A more efficient and powerful solution.
neurips2020 AI Feynman 2.0: Pareto-optimal symbolic regression exploiting graph modularity.
neurips2020 RepPoints v2: Verification Meets Regression for Object Detection.
neurips2020 Neuronal Gaussian Process Regression.
neurips2020 Fair regression with Wasserstein barycenters.
neurips2020 Critic Regularized Regression.
neurips2020 Myersonian Regression.
neurips2020 On the Optimal Weighted ℓ 2 \ell_2 2 Regularization in Overparameterized Linear Regression.
neurips2020 Truncated Linear Regression in High Dimensions.
neurips2020 Smooth And Consistent Probabilistic Regression Trees.
neurips2020 An implicit function learning approach for parametric modal regression.
neurips2020 Sample complexity and effective dimension for regression on manifolds.
neurips2020 Spike and slab variational Bayes for high dimensional logistic regression.
neurips2020 Deep Evidential Regression.
neurips2020 Non-Crossing Quantile Regression for Distributional Reinforcement Learning.
neurips2020 Least Squares Regression with Markovian Data: Fundamental Limits and Algorithms.
neurips2020 Calibrated Reliable Regression using Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
neurips2020 A convex optimization formulation for multivariate regression.
neurips2020 Fair regression via plug-in estimator and recalibration with statistical guarantees.
neurips2020 Regression with reject option and application to kNN.
neurips2020 LAPAR: Linearly-Assembled Pixel-Adaptive Regression Network for Single Image Super-resolution and Beyond.
kdd2021 Probabilistic Gradient Boosting Machines for Large-Scale Probabilistic Regression.
kdd2021 When Homomorphic Encryption Marries Secret Sharing: Secure Large-Scale Sparse Logistic Regression and Applications in Risk Control.
kdd2020 Residual Correlation in Graph Neural Network Regression.
kdd2020 Lumos: A Library for Diagnosing Metric Regressions in Web-Scale Applications.
ACMMM2021 Multiple Object Tracking by Trajectory Map Regression with Temporal Priors Embedding.
ACMMM2021 Knowing When to Quit: Selective Cascaded Regression with Patch Attention for Real-Time Face Alignment.
ACMMM2021 Decoupled IoU Regression for Object Detection.
ACMMM2020 Towards Unsupervised Crowd Counting via Regression-Detection Bi-knowledge Transfer.
ACMMM2020 Attentive One-Dimensional Heatmap Regression for Facial Landmark Detection and Tracking.
ACMMM2020 Region of Interest Based Graph Convolution: A Heatmap Regression Approach for Action Unit Detection.
AAAI2021 Adversarial Pose Regression Network for Pose-Invariant Face Recognitions.
AAAI2021 Practical and Rigorous Uncertainty Bounds for Gaussian Process Regression.
AAAI2021 Longitudinal Deep Kernel Gaussian Process Regression.
AAAI2021 A General Class of Transfer Learning Regression without Implementation Cost.
AAAI2020 OF-MSRN: Optical Flow-Auxiliary Multi-Task Regression Network for Direct Quantitative Measurement, Segmentation and Motion Estimation.
AAAI2020 Regression under Human Assistance.
AAAI2020 Privacy-Preserving Gaussian Process Regression - A Modular Approach to the Application of Homomorphic Encryption.
AAAI2020 Projective Quadratic Regression for Online Learning.
AAAI2020 Pairwise Fairness for Ranking and Regression.
AAAI2020 Weighted Automata Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks via Regression on State Spaces.
AAAI2020 Improved PAC-Bayesian Bounds for Linear Regression.
AAAI2020 Quadruply Stochastic Gradient Method for Large Scale Nonlinear Semi-Supervised Ordinal Regression AUC Optimization.
AAAI2020 Scalable Variational Bayesian Kernel Selection for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression.
AAAI2020 Estimating Stochastic Linear Combination of Non-Linear Regressions.
AAAI2020 ODIN: ODE-Informed Regression for Parameter and State Inference in Time-Continuous Dynamical Systems.
AAAI2020 Causally Denoise Word Embeddings Using Half-Sibling Regression.
AAAI2020 AWR: Adaptive Weighting Regression for 3D Hand Pose Estimation.
AAAI2020 Age Progression and Regression with Spatial Attention Modules.
AAAI2020 Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Multi-View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume.
AAAI2020 Distance-IoU Loss: Faster and Better Learning for Bounding Box Regression.
ICML2021 Sparse Bayesian Learning via Stepwise Regression.
ICML2021 Tighter Bounds on the Log Marginal Likelihood of Gaussian Process Regression Using Conjugate Gradients.
ICML2021 Neural Symbolic Regression that scales.
ICML2021 Representation Subspace Distance for Domain Adaptation Regression.
ICML2021 Understanding and Mitigating Accuracy Disparity in Regression.
ICML2021 Consistent regression when oblivious outliers overwhelm.
ICML2021 A Wasserstein Minimax Framework for Mixed Linear Regression.
ICML2021 Online A-Optimal Design and Active Linear Regression.
ICML2021 In-Database Regression in Input Sparsity Time.
ICML2021 Factor-analytic inverse regression for high-dimension, small-sample dimensionality reduction.
ICML2021 Adapting to misspecification in contextual bandits with offline regression oracles.
ICML2021 Near-Optimal Linear Regression under Distribution Shift.
ICML2021 The Earth Mover’s Pinball Loss: Quantiles for Histogram-Valued Regression.
ICML2021 A theory of high dimensional regression with arbitrary correlations between input features and target functions: sample complexity, multiple descent curves and a hierarchy of phase transitions.
ICML2021 Oblivious Sketching for Logistic Regression.
ICML2021 Inference for Network Regression Models with Community Structure.
ICML2021 Conditional Distributional Treatment Effect with Kernel Conditional Mean Embeddings and U-Statistic Regression.
ICML2021 Training Data Subset Selection for Regression with Controlled Generalization Error.
ICML2021 Asymptotics of Ridge Regression in Convolutional Models.
ICML2021 A Precise Performance Analysis of Support Vector Regression.
ICML2021 Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression.
ICML2020 Safe screening rules for L0-regression from Perspective Relaxations.
ICML2020 Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Value-Targeted Regression.
ICML2020 Fast OSCAR and OWL Regression via Safe Screening Rules.
ICML2020 Spectrum Dependent Learning Curves in Kernel Regression and Wide Neural Networks.
ICML2020 Boosted Histogram Transform for Regression.
ICML2020 On Coresets for Regularized Regression.
ICML2020 Subspace Fitting Meets Regression: The Effects of Supervision and Orthonormality Constraints on Double Descent of Generalization Errors.
ICML2020 Randomly Projected Additive Gaussian Processes for Regression.
ICML2020 Beyond UCB: Optimal and Efficient Contextual Bandits with Regression Oracles.
ICML2020 Partial Trace Regression and Low-Rank Kraus Decomposition.
ICML2020 Meta-learning for Mixed Linear Regression.
ICML2020 Nearly Linear Row Sampling Algorithm for Quantile Regression.
ICML2020 Active Learning on Attributed Graphs via Graph Cognizant Logistic Regression and Preemptive Query Generation.
ICML2020 Causal Strategic Linear Regression.
ICML2020 One-shot Distributed Ridge Regression in High Dimensions.
ICML2020 Piecewise Linear Regression via a Difference of Convex Functions.
ICML2020 Logistic Regression for Massive Data with Rare Events.
ICML2020 Optimal Estimator for Unlabeled Linear Regression.
ICML2020 Smaller, more accurate regression forests using tree alternating optimization.
ICML2019 AReS and MaRS Adversarial and MMD-Minimizing Regression for SDEs.
ICML2019 Fair Regression: Quantitative Definitions and Reduction-Based Algorithms.
ICML2019 Rates of Convergence for Sparse Variational Gaussian Process Regression.
ICML2019 Dimensionality Reduction for Tukey Regression.
ICML2019 Improved Convergence for ℓ 1 \ell_1 1 and ℓ a ^ ˆ z ˇ \ell_∞ a^ˆzˇ Regression via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares.
ICML2019 Distribution calibration for regression.
ICML2019 On Sparse Linear Regression in the Local Differential Privacy Model.
ICML2019 Tight Kernel Query Complexity of Kernel Ridge Regression and Kernel k k k-means Clustering.
ICLR2020 Learning Disentangled Representations for CounterFactual Regression.
ICLR2020 Dynamic Time Lag Regression: Predicting What & When.
ICLR2020 Ridge Regression: Structure, Cross-Validation, and Sketching.
ICLR2021 Deep symbolic regression: Recovering mathematical expressions from data via risk-seeking policy gradients.
ICLR2021 Knowledge distillation via softmax regression representation learning.
ICLR2021 Estimating and Evaluating Regression Predictive Uncertainty in Deep Object Detectors.
ICLR2021 On the Universality of the Double Descent Peak in Ridgeless Regression.
ICLR2021 Using latent space regression to analyze and leverage compositionality in GANs.
ICLR2021 Learning Deep Features in Instrumental Variable Regression.
ICLR2021 A Hypergradient Approach to Robust Regression without Correspondence.
ICLR2021 Dataset Meta-Learning from Kernel Ridge-Regression.
CVPR2021 Progressive Contour Regression for Arbitrary-Shape Scene Text Detection.
CVPR2021 CapsuleRRT: Relationships-Aware Regression Tracking via Capsules.
CVPR2021 Geo-FARM: Geodesic Factor Regression Model for Misaligned Pre-Shape Responses in Statistical Shape Analysis.
CVPR2021 Rethinking the Heatmap Regression for Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation.
CVPR2021 AGORA: Avatars in Geography Optimized for Regression Analysis.
CVPR2021 Learning Probabilistic Ordinal Embeddings for Uncertainty-Aware Regression.
CVPR2021 Positive-Congruent Training: Towards Regression-Free Model Updates.
CVPR2021 Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation via Disentangled Keypoint Regression.
CVPR2021 GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation.
CVPR2020 Closed-Loop Matters: Dual Regression Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution.
CVPR2020 SiamCAR: Siamese Fully Convolutional Classification and Regression for Visual Tracking.
CVPR2020 3D Human Mesh Regression With Dense Correspondence.
CVPR2020 Probabilistic Regression for Visual Tracking.
CVPR2020 Dense Regression Network for Video Grounding.
CVPR2020 Hierarchical Scene Coordinate Classification and Regression for Visual Localization.
CVPR2020 Self-Trained Deep Ordinal Regression for End-to-End Video Anomaly Detection.
CVPR2020 Mixture Dense Regression for Object Detection and Human Pose Estimation.
CVPR2020 Regularizing CNN Transfer Learning With Randomised Regression.
CVPRW2021 A Mathematical Analysis of Learning Loss for Active Learning in Regression.
CVPRW2021 3D Fiber Segmentation With Deep Center Regression and Geometric Clustering.
CVPRW2020 Extending Absolute Pose Regression to Multiple Scenes.
CVPRW2020 ViPR: Visual-Odometry-aided Pose Regression for 6DoF Camera Localization.
CVPRW2020 Deep Regression for Imaging Solar Magnetograms using Pyramid Generative Adversarial Networks.
CVPRW2020 Hierarchical Regression Network for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images.
ICCV2021 Learning Multi-Scene Absolute Pose Regression with Transformers.
ICCV2021 Generalized Shuffled Linear Regression.
ICCV2021 Group-aware Contrastive Regression for Action Quality Assessment.
ICCV2021 Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation.
ICCV2021 Removing the Bias of Integral Pose Regression.
ICCV2021 Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People.
ICCV2021 PyMAF: 3D Human Pose and Shape Regression with Pyramidal Mesh Alignment Feedback Loop.
ICCV2021 H&E-adversarial network: a convolutional neural network to learn stain-invariant features through Hematoxylin & Eosin regression.
ICCV2021 An investigation of attention mechanisms in histopathology whole-slide-image analysis for regression objectives.
ICCV2021 FrankMocap: A Monocular 3D Whole-Body Pose Estimation System via Regression and Integration.
ICCV2019 DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks.
ICCV2019 Instance-Level Future Motion Estimation in a Single Image Based on Ordinal Regression.
ICCV2019 A2J: Anchor-to-Joint Regression Network for 3D Articulated Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image.
ICCV2019 Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison ­ A Unified Approach to Score Regression, Binary Classification, and Personalization.
ICCV2019 Probabilistic Deep Ordinal Regression Based on Gaussian Processes.
ICCV2019 Adaptive Wing Loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression.
ICCV2019 Pix2Pose: Pixel-Wise Coordinate Regression of Objects for 6D Pose Estimation.
ACL2021 Regression Bugs Are In Your Model! Measuring, Reducing and Analyzing Regressions In NLP Model Updates.
ACL2021 Survival text regression for time-to-event prediction in conversations.
IJCAI2021 AgeFlow: Conditional Age Progression and Regression with Normalizing Flows.
IJCAI2021 SiamRCR: Reciprocal Classification and Regression for Visual Object Tracking.
IJCAI2021 Reasoning about Beliefs and Meta-Beliefs by Regression in an Expressive Probabilistic Action Logic.
IJCAI2021 Closing the BIG-LID: An Effective Local Intrinsic Dimensionality Defense for Nonlinear Regression Poisoning.
IJCAI2021-aisafety An Adversarial Attacker for Neural Networks in Regression Problems.
IJCAI2020 Online Semi-supervised Multi-label Classification with Label Compression and Local Smooth Regression.
IJCAI2020 Scalable Gaussian Process Regression Networks.
IJCAI2020 Sinkhorn Regression.
IJCAI2020 Deep Hurdle Networks for Zero-Inflated Multi-Target Regression: Application to Multiple Species Abundance Estimation.
IJCAI2020 An Interactive Visualization Platform for Deep Symbolic Regression.
TPAMI2022 Learning Meta-Distance for Sequences by Learning a Ground Metric via Virtual Sequence Regression.
TPAMI2022 Enhanced Group Sparse Regularized Nonconvex Regression for Face Recognition.
TPAMI2021 Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning.
TPAMI2021 Correction to “Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning”.
TPAMI2021 Acceleration of Non-Rigid Point Set Registration With Downsampling and Gaussian Process Regression.
TPAMI2020 Approximate Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression for Classification.
TPAMI2020 Tracking-by-Fusion via Gaussian Process Regression Extended to Transfer Learning.
TPAMI2020 Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sample and Feature Selection.
TPAMI2020 A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Regression.
TPAMI2020 Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression.
IJCV2022 Robust Geodesic Regression.
IJCV2022 Joint Classification and Regression for Visual Tracking with Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks.
IJCV2021 Entrack: Probabilistic Spherical Regression with Entropy Regularization for Fiber Tractography.
IJCV2021 Learning Regression and Verification Networks for Robust Long-term Tracking.
IJCV2020 Masked Linear Regression for Learning Local Receptive Fields for Facial Expression Synthesis.
IJCV2020 CR-Net: A Deep Classification-Regression Network for Multimodal Apparent Personality Analysis.
JMLR2022 Interpolating Predictors in High-Dimensional Factor Regression.
JMLR2022 Spatial Multivariate Trees for Big Data Bayesian Regression.
JMLR2022 An improper estimator with optimal excess risk in misspecified density estimation and logistic regression.
JMLR2021 Optimal Feedback Law Recovery by Gradient-Augmented Sparse Polynomial Regression.
JMLR2021 Sparse Tensor Additive Regression.
JMLR2021 Testing Conditional Independence via Quantile Regression Based Partial Copulas.
JMLR2021 Histogram Transform Ensembles for Large-scale Regression.
JMLR2021 Learning a High-dimensional Linear Structural Equation Model via l1-Regularized Regression.
JMLR2021 Non-parametric Quantile Regression via the K-NN Fused Lasso.
JMLR2021 Optimal Minimax Variable Selection for Large-Scale Matrix Linear Regression Model.
JMLR2021 Optimal Rates of Distributed Regression with Imperfect Kernels.
JMLR2021 Unlinked Monotone Regression.
JMLR2021 Prediction Under Latent Factor Regression: Adaptive PCR, Interpolating Predictors and Beyond.
JMLR2021 Differentially Private Regression and Classification with Sparse Gaussian Processes.
JMLR2021 Soft Tensor Regression.
JMLR2021 Classification vs regression in overparameterized regimes: Does the loss function matter?
JMLR2021 Consistency of Gaussian Process Regression in Metric Spaces.
JMLR2021 Statistically and Computationally Efficient Change Point Localization in Regression Settings.
JMLR2021 Inference for the Case Probability in High-dimensional Logistic Regression.
JMLR2020 A Statistical Learning Approach to Modal Regression.
JMLR2020 Online Sufficient Dimension Reduction Through Sliced Inverse Regression.
JMLR2020 Switching Regression Models and Causal Inference in the Presence of Discrete Latent Variables.
JMLR2020 WONDER: Weighted One-shot Distributed Ridge Regression in High Dimensions.
JMLR2020 Distributed Kernel Ridge Regression with Communications.
JMLR2020 Prediction regions through Inverse Regression.
JMLR2020 Tensor Regression Networks.
JMLR2020 Convergence of Sparse Variational Inference in Gaussian Processes Regression.
JMLR2020 Empirical Priors for Prediction in Sparse High-dimensional Linear Regression.
JMLR2020 Regression with Comparisons: Escaping the Curse of Dimensionality with Ordinal Information.
JMLR2020 High Dimensional Forecasting via Interpretable Vector Autoregression.
JMLR2020 Distributed High-dimensional Regression Under a Quantile Loss Function.
JMLR2020 Conic Optimization for Quadratic Regression Under Sparse Noise.
JMLR2020 Continuous-Time Birth-Death MCMC for Bayesian Regression Tree Models.
JMLR2020 Two-Stage Approach to Multivariate Linear Regression with Sparsely Mismatched Data.
JMLR2020 Functional Martingale Residual Process for High-Dimensional Cox Regression with Model Averaging.
TOIS2020 Enhancing Employer Brand Evaluation with Collaborative Topic Regression Models.
TKDE2022 An Online Robust Support Vector Regression for Data Streams.
TKDE2022 Missing Value Imputation via Clusterwise Linear Regression.
TKDE2021 MTBR: Multi-Target Boosting for Regression.
TKDE2021 An Improved Quantum Algorithm for Ridge Regression.
TKDE2021 Nonparametric Regression via Variance-Adjusted Gradient Boosting Gaussian Process Regression.
TKDE2020 Semi-Supervised Feature Selection via Sparse Rescaled Linear Square Regression.
TKDE2020 Anomaly Detection Using Local Kernel Density Estimation and Context-Based Regression.
AI2020 Regression and progression in stochastic domains.
