ICP算法是基于EM(Expectation-maximization algorithm)思想的方法,采用交替迭代法优化得到最优值。即ICP分为两步迭代优化,优化点云匹配及优化运动估计。
运动估计就是根据得到得两帧点云得匹配情况,构建最小二乘方程,求解。假设已知两帧点云图之间的匹配关系,那么求解两帧点云之间的位姿就是求最小二乘方程的解,即以下方程的解 R R R与 t t t。
其中, R R R是3*3矩阵, t t t是3*1向量。 N p N_p Np表示点数。
其中, R R R是3*3矩阵, t t t是3*1向量。 N p N_p Np表示点数。
R T R = R R T = I , d e t ( R ) = 1 R^TR = RR^T =I, det(R)=1 RTR=RRT=I,det(R)=1
求解原理:利用SVD先求解旋转矩阵 R R R,再求解偏移 t t t向量
p t = { p 1 t , p 2 t , ⋯ p n t } p^t=\left\{p_1^t,p_2^t,\cdots p_n^t\right\} pt={p1t,p2t,⋯pnt}
p s = { p 1 s , p 2 s , ⋯ p n s } p^s=\left\{p_1^s,p_2^s,\cdots p_n^s\right\} ps={p1s,p2s,⋯pns}
求解 R R R和 t t t,使得目标方程(*)最小。
先求 R R R,再求 t t t:
p t = R p s − t p^t=Rp^s-t pt=Rps−t
p i t = R p i s − t p_i^t=Rp_i^s-t pit=Rpis−t
令: c t , c s c^t, c^s ct,cs为两帧点云中心:
c t = 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p p i t c^t=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}p_i^t ct=Np1i=1∑Nppit
c s = 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p p i s c^s=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}p_i^s cs=Np1i=1∑Nppis
c t = R c s − t c^t=Rc^s-t ct=Rcs−t
u t = { p i t − c t } u^t=\left\{p_i^t-c^t\right\} ut={pit−ct}
u s = { p i s − c s } u^s=\left\{p_i^s-c^s\right\} us={pis−cs}
u t = R u s u^t=Ru^s ut=Rus
即可通过最小化以下目标方程: 得 R R R。
其中 R R R为旋转阵,满足 R T R = I R^TR=I RTR=I,则前两项与 R R R无关,问题转化为:
t r ( x y T ) = y T x tr(xy^T)=y^Tx tr(xyT)=yTx
t r ( A B C D ) = t r ( B C D A ) = t r ( C D A B ) = t r ( D A B C ) tr(ABCD)=tr(BCDA)=tr(CDAB)=tr(DABC) tr(ABCD)=tr(BCDA)=tr(CDAB)=tr(DABC)
t r ( A B ) = t r ( B A ) tr(AB)=tr(BA) tr(AB)=tr(BA)
R ∗ = a r g m a x t r ( R H ) R^\ast=argmax\ tr(RH) R∗=argmax tr(RH)
t r ( A A T ) ≥ t r ( B A A T ) , B B T = I tr\left(AA^T\right)\geq\ tr\left(BAA^T\right),BB^T=I tr(AAT)≥ tr(BAAT),BBT=I
可知,当 R R R阵 R H RH RH使可以化为 A A T AA^T AAT时, t r ( R H ) tr(RH) tr(RH)最大。
将 H H H进行SVD分解:
H = U Σ V T H=U\Sigma V^T H=UΣVT
Σ \Sigma Σ为对角阵,由SVD的定义, Σ \Sigma Σ的奇异值(对角线元素均非负), U U U及 V V V为正交阵。
R ∗ H = R ∗ U Σ V T = A A T R^\ast H=R^\ast U\Sigma V^T=AA^T R∗H=R∗UΣVT=AAT
R ∗ = V U T , A = V Σ 1 2 R^\ast=VU^T,A=VΣ^\frac12 R∗=VUT,A=VΣ21
此时,R满足正交阵的性质,但是不能确保 d e t ( R ) = d e t ( V U T ) = 1 det{\left(R\right)}=det(VU^T)=1 det(R)=det(VUT)=1的性质。
R ∗ = V S U T , A = V S Σ 1 2 R^\ast=V{SU}^T, A=VSΣ^\frac12 R∗=VSUT,A=VSΣ21
S = { I d e t ( V ) d e t ( U ) = 1 d i a g ( 1 , 1 , − 1 ) d e t ( V ) d e t ( U ) = − 1 S=\left\{\begin{matrix}I&det(V)det(U)=1\\diag(1,1,-1)&det(V)det(U)=-1\\\end{matrix}\right. S={Idiag(1,1,−1)det(V)det(U)=1det(V)det(U)=−1
Q: 给定两个点云集合:
p t = { p 1 t , p 2 t , ⋯ p n t } p^t=\left\{p_1^t,p_2^t,\cdots p_n^t\right\} pt={p1t,p2t,⋯pnt} p s = { p 1 s , p 2 s , ⋯ p n s } p^s=\left\{p_1^s,p_2^s,\cdots p_n^s\right\} ps={p1s,p2s,⋯pns}
S: ================================================
1、ICP求解推导-来自论文《Least-Squares Fitting of Two 3-D Point Sets》
2、UAV轨迹测评使用umeyama (ICP)求解流程:
H = ∑ i = 1 N p u i s u i t T H=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^s{u_i}^{tT}} H=i=1∑NpuisuitT R ∗ = V U T R^\ast=VU^T R∗=VUT
H = ∑ i = 1 N p u i t u i s T H=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^t{u_i}^{sT}} H=i=1∑NpuituisT R ∗ = U V T R^\ast=UV^T R∗=UVT
∣ ∣ R u i s − u i t ∣ ∣ 2 = u i s T R T R u i s + u i t T u i t − 2 u i s T R T u i t ||R{u_i}^s-{u_i}^t||^2={u_i}^{sT}R^TR{u_i}^s+{u_i}^{tT}{u_i}^t-2{u_i}^{sT}R^T{u_i}^t ∣∣Ruis−uit∣∣2=uisTRTRuis+uitTuit−2uisTRTuit ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T R T u i t = ∑ i = 1 N p t r ( R T u i t u i s T ) = t r ( R T ∑ i = 1 N p u i t u i s T ) = t r ( R T H ) \sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}R^T{u_i}^t}=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{tr\left(R^T{u_i}^t{u_i}^{sT}\right)=}tr(R^T\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^t{u_i}^{sT}})=tr(R^TH) i=1∑NpuisTRTuit=i=1∑Nptr(RTuituisT)=tr(RTi=1∑NpuituisT)=tr(RTH) H = ∑ i = 1 N p u i t u i s T = U Σ V T H=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^t{u_i}^{sT}}=U\Sigma V^T H=i=1∑NpuituisT=UΣVT R T = V S U T ⟹ R ∗ = U S V T R^T=\ VSU^T\Longrightarrow R^\ast=USV^T RT= VSUT⟹R∗=USVT
2)寻找对应点。可是,我们现在并不知道有哪些对应点。因此,我们在有初值的情况下,假设用初始的旋转平移矩阵对source cloud进行变换,得到的一个变换后的点云。然后将这个变换后的点云与target
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ> mapPoints;
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ> localMapPoints;
//pt = NR*ps + Nt
void ICPRefine(Matrix3d& NR, Vector3d& Nt)
//used to refine vo
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr ps(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pt(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ>::iterator it;
pcl::PointXYZ psAve, ptAve;
for (it = localMapPoints.begin(); it != localMapPoints.end(); ++it) {
if (mapPoints.count(it->first)) {
ptAve.x += it->second.x;
ptAve.y += it->second.y;
ptAve.z += it->second.z;
psAve.x += mapPoints[it->first].x;
psAve.y += mapPoints[it->first].y;
psAve.z += mapPoints[it->first].z;
int rNum = pt->points.size();
if (rNum < 10) {
psAve.x /= rNum;
psAve.y /= rNum;
psAve.z /= rNum;
ptAve.x /= rNum;
ptAve.y /= rNum;
ptAve.z /= rNum;
Matrix3d W = Matrix3d::Zero();
for (int i=0; i<rNum; i++) {
ps->points[i].x -= psAve.x;
ps->points[i].y -= psAve.y;
ps->points[i].z -= psAve.z;
pt->points[i].x -= ptAve.x;
pt->points[i].y -= ptAve.y;
pt->points[i].z -= ptAve.z;
W = W + Vector3d(pt->points[i].x, pt->points[i].y, pt->points[i].z)
* Vector3d(ps->points[i].x, ps->points[i].y, ps->points[i].z).transpose();
//cout << "W: " << endl;
//cout << W << end
// SVD on W
JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd (W, ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV);
Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU();
Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();
if (U.determinant() * V.determinant() < 0)
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
U(x, 2) *= -1;
NR = U * (V.transpose());
Nt = Vector3d(ptAve.x, ptAve.y, ptAve.z)
- NR * Vector3d(psAve.x, psAve.y, psAve.z);
//pw = R^T*pc + t
void pointGenerate(double rx, double ry, double rz, double tx, double ty, double tz)
double srx = sin(rx);
double crx = cos(rx);
double sry = sin(ry);
double cry = cos(ry);
double srz = sin(rz);
double crz = cos(rz);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static default_random_engine generator(time(NULL));
static uniform_real_distribution<double> xy_rand(-4, 4.0);
static uniform_real_distribution<double> z_rand(8., 10.);
//static normal_distribution n(0.0, 1);
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = xy_rand(generator);
point.y = xy_rand(generator);
point.z = z_rand(generator);
localMapPoints[i] = point;
double x1 = crz * point.x - srz * point.y;
double y1 = srz * point.x + crz * point.y;
double z1 = point.z;
double x2 = x1;
double y2 = crx * y1 - srx * z1;
double z2 = srx * y1 + crx * z1;
pcl::PointXYZ pointW;
pointW.x = cry * x2 + sry * z2 + tx;
pointW.y = y2 + ty;
pointW.z = -sry * x2 + cry * z2 + tz;
//pointW.x = cry * x2 + sry * z2 + tx + n(generator);
//pointW.y = y2 + ty + n(generator);
//pointW.z = -sry * x2 + cry * z2 + tz + n(generator);
mapPoints[i] = pointW;
int main()
//Set the camera pose (rx,ry,rz,tx,ty,tz)
double rx=1.0; double ry=2.0; double rz=1.0;
double tx=-3; double ty=1; double tz=4;
cout << "truth: " << rx << " " << ry << " " << rz << " " << tx << " " << ty << " " << tz << endl;
double srx = sin(rx);
double crx = cos(rx);
double sry = sin(ry);
double cry = cos(ry);
double srz = sin(rz);
double crz = cos(rz);
Matrix3d R;
R << (crz*cry + srz*srx*sry), srz*crx, (-crz*sry + srz*srx*cry),
(-srz*cry + crz*srx*sry), crz*crx, (srz*sry + crz*srx*cry),
crx*sry, -srx, crx*cry;
cout << "truth rotation:" << endl << R << endl;
//p_w = R^T * p_c + t
//R << (left, up, forward)
// (crz*cry + srz*srx*sry), srz*crx, (-crz*sry + srz*srx*cry);
// (-srz*cry + crz*srx*sry), crz*crx, (srz*sry + crz*srx*cry);
// crx*sry, -srx, crx*cry;
pointGenerate(rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz);
//p_c = NR * p_w + Nt
Matrix3d NR; Vector3d Nt;
ICPRefine(NR, Nt);
cout << "rotation estimate:" << endl << NR << endl;
//p_w = NR^T * p_c - NR^T * Nt
//R_est = NR; t_est = - NR^T * Nt;
Vector3d Nr = NR.eulerAngles(2,0,1);
//Eigen roll pitch yaw in different frame from (left, up, forward), that the reason for negative
double Nrx, Nry, Nrz, Ntx, Nty, Ntz;
Nrx = -Nr[1];
Nry = -Nr[2];
Nrz = -Nr[0];
Ntx = -Nt[0];
Nty = -Nt[1];
Ntz = -Nt[2];
srx = sin(Nrx);
crx = cos(Nrx);
sry = sin(Nry);
cry = cos(Nry);
srz = sin(Nrz);
crz = cos(Nrz);
// In ICPRefine Nt trans is in local camera frame
// But t trans is in world frame
double x1 = crz * (Ntx) - srz * (Nty);
double y1 = srz * (Ntx) + crz * (Nty);
double z1 = Ntz;
double x2 = x1;
double y2 = crx * y1 - srx * z1;
double z2 = srx * y1 + crx * z1;
Ntx = cry * x2 + sry * z2;
Nty = y2;
Ntz = -sry * x2 + cry * z2;
cout << "pose estimate: " << Nrx << " " << Nry << " " << Nrz << " " << Ntx << " " << Nty << " " << Ntz << endl;
g++ ICPtest.cpp `pkg-config eigen3 --libs --cflags` `pkg-config --cflags pcl_ros` -o test
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main ()
Matrix3d A = Matrix3d::Zero();
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
static default_random_engine generator(time(NULL));
static uniform_real_distribution<double> x_rand(-4, 4.0);
static uniform_real_distribution<double> y_rand(-2, 2.0);
static uniform_real_distribution<double> z_rand(8., 10.);
double x = x_rand(generator);
double y = y_rand(generator);
double z = z_rand(generator);
Vector3d p(x,y,z);
A += p * p.transpose();
//Matrix3d A;
//A << 1, 2, 3,
// 2, 4, 6,
// 3, 6, 9;
//static uniform_real_distribution r(-4, 4.0);
//Matrix3d A;
//A << r(generator), r(generator), r(generator),
// r(generator), r(generator), r(generator),
// r(generator), r(generator), r(generator);
cout << "A: " << endl;
cout << A << endl;
JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd (A, ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV);
Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU();
Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();
cout << "U: " << endl;
cout << U << endl;
cout << "V: " << endl;
cout << V << endl;
cout << "singularValues:" << endl << svd.singularValues() << endl;
if ((U * (V.transpose())).determinant() < 0)
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
U(x, 2) *= -1;
Matrix3d dR;
dR = U * (V.transpose());
cout << "dR: " << endl << dR << endl;
//cout << "dR.transpose()*dR: " << endl << dR.transpose()*dR << endl;
cout << "****************The End*****************" << endl;
g++ svd_test.cpp `pkg-config eigen3 --libs --cflags` -o test
E ( R , t ) = 1 N p ∑ i ∣ ∣ p i t − s R p i s − t ∣ ∣ 2 E\left(R,t\right)=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_i{||p_i^t-sRp_i^s-t||^2} E(R,t)=Np1i∑∣∣pit−sRpis−t∣∣2
u t = { p i t − u t } u^t=\left\{p_i^t-u_t\right\} ut={pit−ut} u s = { p i s − u s } u^s=\left\{p_i^s-u_s\right\} us={pis−us}
u t = R u s u^t=Ru^s ut=Rus
R ∗ = a r g m i n 1 N p ∑ i ∣ ∣ u i t − s R u i s ∣ ∣ 2 R^\ast=argmin\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_i{||{u_i}^t-sR{u_i}^s||^2} R∗=argminNp1i∑∣∣uit−sRuis∣∣2 ∣ ∣ u i t − R u i s ∣ ∣ 2 = u i t T u i t + s 2 u i s T R T R u i s − 2 s u i t T R u i s ||{u_i}^t-R{u_i}^s||^2={u_i}^{tT}{u_i}^t+s^2{u_i}^{sT}R^TR{u_i}^s-2s{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s ∣∣uit−Ruis∣∣2=uitTuit+s2uisTRTRuis−2suitTRuis = u i t T u i t + s 2 u i s T u i s − 2 s u i t T R u i s ={u_i}^{tT}{u_i}^t+s^2{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s-2s{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s =uitTuit+s2uisTuis−2suitTRuis
R ∗ = a r g m i n ( s 2 u i s T u i s − 2 s u i t T R u i s ) R^\ast=argmin(s^2{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s-2s{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s) R∗=argmin(s2uisTuis−2suitTRuis)
s = ∑ i = 1 N p u i t T R u i s ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T u i s = P M s=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s}}=\frac{P}{M} s=∑i=1NpuisTuis∑i=1NpuitTRuis=MP
令 P = 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p u i t T R u i s P=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s} P=Np1∑i=1NpuitTRuis, M = 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T u i s M=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s} M=Np1∑i=1NpuisTuis
R ∗ = a r g m a x ( P 2 M ) R^\ast=argmax(\frac{P^2}{M}) R∗=argmax(MP2)
R ∗ = a r g m a x ( P ) = a r g m a x 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p u i t T R u i s R^\ast=argmax\left(P\right)=argmax\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s} R∗=argmax(P)=argmaxNp1i=1∑NpuitTRuis
H = ∑ i = 1 N p u i s u i t T = U Σ V T H=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^s{u_i}^{tT}}=U\Sigma V^T H=i=1∑NpuisuitT=UΣVT
R ∗ = V S U T R^\ast=VSU^T R∗=VSUT
s = ∑ i = 1 N p u i t T R u i s ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T u i s = t r ( R H ) M = t r ( Σ S ) M s=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{tT}R{u_i}^s}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s}}=\frac{tr(RH)}{M}=\frac{tr(\mathrm{\Sigma S})}{M} s=∑i=1NpuisTuis∑i=1NpuitTRuis=Mtr(RH)=Mtr(ΣS)
Q: 给定两个点云集合:
p t = { p 1 t , p 2 t , ⋯ p n t } p^t=\left\{p_1^t,p_2^t,\cdots p_n^t\right\} pt={p1t,p2t,⋯pnt} p s = { p 1 s , p 2 s , ⋯ p n s } p^s=\left\{p_1^s,p_2^s,\cdots p_n^s\right\} ps={p1s,p2s,⋯pns}
E ( R , t ) = 1 N p ∑ i ∣ ∣ p i t − s R p i s − t ∣ ∣ 2 E\left(R,t\right)=\frac{1}{N_p}\sum_i{||p_i^t-sRp_i^s-t||^2} E(R,t)=Np1i∑∣∣pit−sRpis−t∣∣2
H = ∑ i = 1 N p u i t u i s T = U Σ V T H=\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^t{u_i}^{sT}}=U\Sigma V^T H=i=1∑NpuituisT=UΣVT
s = t r ( R H ) ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T u i s = t r ( Σ S ) ∑ i = 1 N p u i s T u i s s=\frac{tr(RH)}{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s}}=\frac{tr(\mathrm{\Sigma S})}{\sum_{i=1}^{N_p}{{u_i}^{sT}{u_i}^s}} s=∑i=1NpuisTuistr(RH)=∑i=1NpuisTuistr(ΣS)
t = c t − s R c s \bm{t}=c^t-sRc^s t=ct−sRcs
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ> mapPoints;
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ> localMapPoints;
/****pt = s*R*ps + t
pw->ps pc->pt -> pc = s*R*pw + t => pw = (1/s)*R^T*pc -(1/s)R^T*t (1)
When generte point:
pw = s_g*R_g^T*pc + t_g (2)
here we want the func of ICPRefine output R_g & t_g
combian (1) & (2) we get:
s_g = 1/s
R_g = R
t_g = -(1/s)R^T*t*****/
void ICPRefine(double &Nrx, double &Nry, double &Nrz,
double &Ntx, double &Nty, double &Ntz, double &s)
Matrix3d NR; Vector3d Nt; double scale;
//used to refine vo
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr ps(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pt(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
map<int, pcl::PointXYZ>::iterator it;
pcl::PointXYZ psAve, ptAve;
for (it = localMapPoints.begin(); it != localMapPoints.end(); ++it) {
if (mapPoints.count(it->first)) {
ptAve.x += it->second.x;
ptAve.y += it->second.y;
ptAve.z += it->second.z;
psAve.x += mapPoints[it->first].x;
psAve.y += mapPoints[it->first].y;
psAve.z += mapPoints[it->first].z;
int rNum = pt->points.size();
int sNum = ps->points.size();
if (rNum < 10) {
psAve.x /= rNum;
psAve.y /= rNum;
psAve.z /= rNum;
ptAve.x /= rNum;
ptAve.y /= rNum;
ptAve.z /= rNum;
Matrix3d W = Matrix3d::Zero();
double M = 0;
for (int i=0; i<rNum; i++) {
ps->points[i].x -= psAve.x;
ps->points[i].y -= psAve.y;
ps->points[i].z -= psAve.z;
pt->points[i].x -= ptAve.x;
pt->points[i].y -= ptAve.y;
pt->points[i].z -= ptAve.z;
W = W + Vector3d(pt->points[i].x, pt->points[i].y, pt->points[i].z)
* Vector3d(ps->points[i].x, ps->points[i].y, ps->points[i].z).transpose();
M += Vector3d(ps->points[i].x, ps->points[i].y, ps->points[i].z).transpose()
* Vector3d(ps->points[i].x, ps->points[i].y, ps->points[i].z);
//cout << "W: " << endl;
//cout << W << end
// SVD on W
JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd (W, ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV);
Matrix3d U = svd.matrixU();
Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();
if (U.determinant() * V.determinant() < 0)
for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x)
U(x, 2) *= -1;
NR = U * (V.transpose());
s = (NR.transpose() * W).trace() / M;
Nt = (Vector3d(ptAve.x, ptAve.y, ptAve.z)
- s * NR * Vector3d(psAve.x, psAve.y, psAve.z))/s;
s = 1 / s;
cout << "rotation estimate:" << endl << NR << endl;
//p_w = NR^T * p_c - NR^T * Nt
//R_est = NR; t_est = - NR^T * Nt;
Vector3d Nr = NR.eulerAngles(2,0,1);
//Eigen roll pitch yaw in different frame from (left, up, forward), that the reason for negative
Nrx = -Nr[1];
Nry = -Nr[2];
Nrz = -Nr[0];
Ntx = -Nt[0];
Nty = -Nt[1];
Ntz = -Nt[2];
double srx = sin(Nrx);
double crx = cos(Nrx);
double sry = sin(Nry);
double cry = cos(Nry);
double srz = sin(Nrz);
double crz = cos(Nrz);
// In ICPRefine Nt trans is in local camera frame
// But t trans is in world frame
double x1 = crz * (Ntx) - srz * (Nty);
double y1 = srz * (Ntx) + crz * (Nty);
double z1 = Ntz;
double x2 = x1;
double y2 = crx * y1 - srx * z1;
double z2 = srx * y1 + crx * z1;
Ntx = cry * x2 + sry * z2;
Nty = y2;
Ntz = -sry * x2 + cry * z2;
//pw = sR^T*pc + t
void pointGenerate(double rx, double ry, double rz, double tx, double ty, double tz,
double scale)
double srx = sin(rx);
double crx = cos(rx);
double sry = sin(ry);
double cry = cos(ry);
double srz = sin(rz);
double crz = cos(rz);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static default_random_engine generator(time(NULL));
static uniform_real_distribution<double> xy_rand(-4, 4.0);
static uniform_real_distribution<double> z_rand(8., 10.);
static normal_distribution<double> n(0.0, 0.51);
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = xy_rand(generator);
point.y = xy_rand(generator);
point.z = z_rand(generator);
localMapPoints[i] = point;
double x1 = crz * point.x - srz * point.y;
double y1 = srz * point.x + crz * point.y;
double z1 = point.z;
double x2 = x1;
double y2 = crx * y1 - srx * z1;
double z2 = srx * y1 + crx * z1;
double x3 = cry * x2 + sry * z2;
double y3 = y2;
double z3 = -sry * x2 + cry * z2;
x3 *= scale;
y3 *= scale;
z3 *= scale;
pcl::PointXYZ pointW;
//pointW.x = x3 + tx + n(generator);
//pointW.y = y3 + ty + n(generator);
//pointW.z = z3 + tz + n(generator);
pointW.x = x3 + tx;
pointW.y = y3 + ty;
pointW.z = z3 + tz;
mapPoints[i] = pointW;
//pw = R^T*pc + t
void pointGenerate(double rx, double ry, double rz, double tx, double ty, double tz)
double srx = sin(rx);
double crx = cos(rx);
double sry = sin(ry);
double cry = cos(ry);
double srz = sin(rz);
double crz = cos(rz);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static default_random_engine generator(time(NULL));
static uniform_real_distribution<double> xy_rand(-4, 4.0);
static uniform_real_distribution<double> z_rand(8., 10.);
static normal_distribution<double> n(0.0, 0.51);
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = xy_rand(generator);
point.y = xy_rand(generator);
point.z = z_rand(generator);
localMapPoints[i] = point;
double x1 = crz * point.x - srz * point.y;
double y1 = srz * point.x + crz * point.y;
double z1 = point.z;
double x2 = x1;
double y2 = crx * y1 - srx * z1;
double z2 = srx * y1 + crx * z1;
pcl::PointXYZ pointW;
//pointW.x = cry * x2 + sry * z2 + tx + n(generator);
//pointW.y = y2 + ty + n(generator);
//pointW.z = -sry * x2 + cry * z2 + tz + n(generator);
pointW.x = cry * x2 + sry * z2 + tx;
pointW.y = y2 + ty;
pointW.z = -sry * x2 + cry * z2 + tz;
mapPoints[i] = pointW;
int main()
//Set the camera pose (rx,ry,rz,tx,ty,tz)
double rx=1.0; double ry=2.0; double rz=1.0;
double tx=-3; double ty=1; double tz=4;
cout << "truth: " << rx << " " << ry << " " << rz << " " << tx << " " << ty << " " << tz << endl;
double srx = sin(rx);
double crx = cos(rx);
double sry = sin(ry);
double cry = cos(ry);
double srz = sin(rz);
double crz = cos(rz);
Matrix3d R;
R << (crz*cry + srz*srx*sry), srz*crx, (-crz*sry + srz*srx*cry),
(-srz*cry + crz*srx*sry), crz*crx, (srz*sry + crz*srx*cry),
crx*sry, -srx, crx*cry;
cout << "truth rotation:" << endl << R << endl;
//p_w = R^T * p_c + t
//R << (left, up, forward)
// (crz*cry + srz*srx*sry), srz*crx, (-crz*sry + srz*srx*cry);
// (-srz*cry + crz*srx*sry), crz*crx, (srz*sry + crz*srx*cry);
// crx*sry, -srx, crx*cry;
pointGenerate(rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz);
//p_c = NR * p_w + Nt
double Nrx, Nry, Nrz, Ntx, Nty, Ntz, scale;
ICPRefine(Nrx, Nry, Nrz, Ntx, Nty, Ntz, scale);
cout << "scale: " << scale << endl;
cout << "pose estimate: " << Nrx << " " << Nry << " " << Nrz << " " << Ntx << " " << Nty << " " << Ntz << endl;
double scale_set = 2;
cout << "***Test scale evaluation***" << "scale set to: " << scale_set << endl;
pointGenerate(rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz, scale_set);
//p_c = NR * p_w + Nt
ICPRefine(Nrx, Nry, Nrz, Ntx, Nty, Ntz, scale);
cout << "scale: " << scale << endl;
cout << "pose estimate: " << Nrx << " " << Nry << " " << Nrz << " " << Ntx << " " << Nty << " " << Ntz << endl;
//g++ ICPtest.cpp `pkg-config eigen3 --libs --cflags` `pkg-config --cflags pcl_ros`
truth: 1 2 1 -3 1 4
truth rotation:
0.419004 0.454649 -0.785958
0.763586 0.291927 0.575947
0.491295 -0.841471 -0.224845
rotation estimate:
0.419004 0.454649 -0.785958
0.763586 0.291927 0.575947
0.491295 -0.841471 -0.224845
scale: 1
pose estimate: 2.14159 -1.14159 -2.14159 -3 1 4
Test scale evaluationscale set to: 2
rotation estimate:
0.419004 0.454649 -0.785958
0.763586 0.291927 0.575947
0.491295 -0.841471 -0.224845
scale: 2
pose estimate: 2.14159 -1.14159 -2.14159 -3 1 4
[1] Least Squares Fitting of Two 3-D Point Sets.
[2] https://www.jianshu.com/p/dd4b49650d76
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/qq_27251141/article/details/88735285
[4] https://blog.csdn.net/zhouyelihua/article/details/77807541