目标检测需要预测出目标的具体位置以及目标类别,对于一个目标是否检测正确,首先要确定预测类别置信度是否达到阈值,之后确定预测框与实际框的重合度大小是否超过规定阈值,针对重合度的定义,通常采用IoU来代表,IoU是指对目标预测框与实际框之间的交集面积与两个框之间并集面积之比,IoU越大表示预测框与实际框之间重合度越高 检测得越准确
检测框架 |
mAP |
79.4 |
7 |
Faster R-CNN |
76.4 |
5 |
SSD500 |
76.8 |
19 |
63.4 |
45 |
YOLO v2 |
78.6 |
40 |
YOLO v3 |
82.3 |
39 |
keras_frcnn文件夹里面存放着实现Faster R-CNN所用的各种类和方法
部分代码如下 需要全部代码请点赞关注收藏后评论区私信
from keras.layers import Layer
import keras.backend as K
if K.backend() == 'tensorflow':
import tensorflow as tf
class RoiPoolingConv(Layer):
'''ROI pooling layer for 2D inputs.
See Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition,
K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, J. Sun
# Arguments
pool_size: int
Size of pooling region to use. pool_size = 7 will result in a 7x7 region.
num_rois: number of regions of interest to be used
# Input shape
list of two 4D tensors [X_img,X_roi] with shape:
`(1, channels, rows, cols)` if dim_ordering='th'
or 4D tensor with shape:
`(1, rows, cols, channels)` if dim_ordering='tf'.
`(1,num_rois,4)` list of rois, with ordering (x,y,w,h)
# Output shape
3D tensor with shape:
`(1, num_rois, channels, pool_size, pool_size)`
def __init__(self, pool_size, num_rois, **kwargs):
self.dim_ordering = K.common.image_dim_ordering()
assert self.dim_ordering in {'tf', 'th'}, 'dim_ordering must be in {tf, th}'
self.pool_size = pool_size
self.num_rois = num_rois
super(RoiPoolingConv, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
if self.dim_ordering == 'th':
self.nb_channels = input_shape[0][1]
elif self.dim_ordering == 'tf':
self.nb_channels = input_shape[0][3]
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
if self.dim_ordering == 'th':
return None, self.num_rois, self.nb_channels, self.pool_size, self.pool_size
return None, self.num_rois, self.pool_size, self.pool_size, self.nb_channels
def call(self, x, mask=None):
assert(len(x) == 2)
img = x[0]
rois = x[1]
input_shape = K.shape(img)
outputs = []
for roi_idx in range(self.num_rois):
x = rois[0, roi_idx, 0]
y = rois[0, roi_idx, 1]
w = rois[0, roi_idx, 2]
h = rois[0, roi_idx, 3]
row_length = w / float(self.pool_size)
col_length = h / float(self.pool_size)
num_pool_regions = self.pool_size
#NOTE: the RoiPooling implementation differs between theano and tensorflow due to the lack of a resize op
# in theano. The theano implementation is much less efficient and leads to long compile times
if self.dim_ordering == 'th':
for jy in range(num_pool_regions):
for ix in range(num_pool_regions):
x1 = x + ix * row_length
x2 = x1 + row_length
y1 = y + jy * col_length
y2 = y1 + col_length
x1 = K.cast(x1, 'int32')
x2 = K.cast(x2, 'int32')
y1 = K.cast(y1, 'int32')
y2 = K.cast(y2, 'int32')
x2 = x1 + K.maximum(1,x2-x1)
y2 = y1 + K.maximum(1,y2-y1)
new_shape = [input_shape[0], input_shape[1],
y2 - y1, x2 - x1]
x_crop = img[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2]
xm = K.reshape(x_crop, new_shape)
pooled_val = K.max(xm, axis=(2, 3))
elif self.dim_ordering == 'tf':
x = K.cast(x, 'int32')
y = K.cast(y, 'int32')
w = K.cast(w, 'int32')
h = K.cast(h, 'int32')
rs = tf.image.resize(img[:, y:y+h, x:x+w, :], (self.pool_size, self.pool_size))
final_output = K.concatenate(outputs, axis=0)
final_output = K.reshape(final_output, (1, self.num_rois, self.pool_size, self.pool_size, self.nb_channels))
if self.dim_ordering == 'th':
final_output = K.permute_dimensions(final_output, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3))
final_output = K.permute_dimensions(final_output, (0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
return final_output
def get_config(self):
config = {'pool_size': self.pool_size,
'num_rois': self.num_rois}
base_config = super(RoiPoolingConv, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import cv2
import random
import copy
from . import data_augment
import threading
import itertools
def union(au, bu, area_intersection):
area_a = (au[2] - au[0]) * (au[3] - au[1])
area_b = (bu[2] - bu[0]) * (bu[3] - bu[1])
area_union = area_a + area_b - area_intersection
return area_union
def intersection(ai, bi):
x = max(ai[0], bi[0])
y = max(ai[1], bi[1])
w = min(ai[2], bi[2]) - x
h = min(ai[3], bi[3]) - y
if w < 0 or h < 0:
return 0
return w*h
def iou(a, b):
# a and b should be (x1,y1,x2,y2)
if a[0] >= a[2] or a[1] >= a[3] or b[0] >= b[2] or b[1] >= b[3]:
return 0.0
area_i = intersection(a, b)
area_u = union(a, b, area_i)
return float(area_i) / float(area_u + 1e-6)
def get_new_img_size(width, height, img_min_side=600):
if width <= height:
f = float(img_min_side) / width
resized_height = int(f * height)
resized_width = img_min_side
f = float(img_min_side) / height
resized_width = int(f * width)
resized_height = img_min_side
return resized_width, resized_height
class SampleSelector:
def __init__(self, class_count):
# ignore classes that have zero samples
self.classes = [b for b in class_count.keys() if class_count[b] > 0]
self.class_cycle = itertools.cycle(self.classes)
self.curr_class = next(self.class_cycle)
def skip_sample_for_balanced_class(self, img_data):
class_in_img = False
for bbox in img_data['bboxes']:
cls_name = bbox['class']
if cls_name == self.curr_class:
class_in_img = True
self.curr_class = next(self.class_cycle)
if class_in_img:
return False
return True
def calc_rpn(C, img_data, width, height, resized_width, resized_height, img_length_calc_function):
downscale = float(C.rpn_stride)
anchor_sizes = C.anchor_box_scales
anchor_ratios = C.anchor_box_ratios
num_anchors = len(anchor_sizes) * len(anchor_ratios)
# calculate the output map size based on the network architecture
(output_width, output_height) = img_length_calc_function(resized_width, resized_height)
n_anchratios = len(anchor_ratios)
# initialise empty output objectives
y_rpn_overlap = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors))
y_is_box_valid = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors))
y_rpn_regr = np.zeros((output_height, output_width, num_anchors * 4))
num_bboxes = len(img_data['bboxes'])
num_anchors_for_bbox = np.zeros(num_bboxes).astype(int)
best_anchor_for_bbox = -1*np.ones((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(int)
best_iou_for_bbox = np.zeros(num_bboxes).astype(np.float32)
best_x_for_bbox = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(int)
best_dx_for_bbox = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4)).astype(np.float32)
# get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing
gta = np.zeros((num_bboxes, 4))
for bbox_num, bbox in enumerate(img_data['bboxes']):
# get the GT box coordinates, and resize to account for image resizing
gta[bbox_num, 0] = bbox['x1'] * (resized_width / float(width))
gta[bbox_num, 1] = bbox['x2'] * (resized_width / float(width))
gta[bbox_num, 2] = bbox['y1'] * (resized_height / float(height))
gta[bbox_num, 3] = bbox['y2'] * (resized_height / float(height))
# rpn ground truth
for anchor_size_idx in range(len(anchor_sizes)):
for anchor_ratio_idx in range(n_anchratios):
anchor_x = anchor_sizes[anchor_size_idx] * anchor_ratios[anchor_ratio_idx][0]
anchor_y = anchor_sizes[anchor_size_idx] * anchor_ratios[anchor_ratio_idx][1]
for ix in range(output_width):
# x-coordinates of the current anchor box
x1_anc = downscale * (ix + 0.5) - anchor_x / 2
x2_anc = downscale * (ix + 0.5) + anchor_x / 2
# ignore boxes that go across image boundaries
if x1_anc < 0 or x2_anc > resized_width:
for jy in range(output_height):
# y-coordinates of the current anchor box
y1_anc = downscale * (jy + 0.5) - anchor_y / 2
y2_anc = downscale * (jy + 0.5) + anchor_y / 2
# ignore boxes that go across image boundaries
if y1_anc < 0 or y2_anc > resized_height:
# bbox_type indicates whether an anchor should be a target
bbox_type = 'neg'
# this is the best IOU for the (x,y) coord and the current anchor
# note that this is different from the best IOU for a GT bbox
best_iou_for_loc = 0.0
for bbox_num in range(num_bboxes):
# get IOU of the current GT box and the current anchor box
curr_iou = iou([gta[bbox_num, 0], gta[bbox_num, 2], gta[bbox_num, 1], gta[bbox_num, 3]], [x1_anc, y1_anc, x2_anc, y2_anc])
# calculate the regression targets if they will be needed
if curr_iou > best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num] or curr_iou > C.rpn_max_overlap:
cx = (gta[bbox_num, 0] + gta[bbox_num, 1]) / 2.0
cy = (gta[bbox_num, 2] + gta[bbox_num, 3]) / 2.0
cxa = (x1_anc + x2_anc)/2.0
cya = (y1_anc + y2_anc)/2.0
tx = (cx - cxa) / (x2_anc - x1_anc)
ty = (cy - cya) / (y2_anc - y1_anc)
tw = np.log((gta[bbox_num, 1] - gta[bbox_num, 0]) / (x2_anc - x1_anc))
th = np.log((gta[bbox_num, 3] - gta[bbox_num, 2]) / (y2_anc - y1_anc))
if img_data['bboxes'][bbox_num]['class'] != 'bg':
# all GT boxes should be mapped to an anchor box, so we keep track of which anchor box was best
if curr_iou > best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num]:
best_anchor_for_bbox[bbox_num] = [jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx, anchor_size_idx]
best_iou_for_bbox[bbox_num] = curr_iou
best_x_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [x1_anc, x2_anc, y1_anc, y2_anc]
best_dx_for_bbox[bbox_num,:] = [tx, ty, tw, th]
# we set the anchor to positive if the IOU is >0.7 (it does not matter if there was another better box, it just indicates overlap)
if curr_iou > C.rpn_max_overlap:
bbox_type = 'pos'
num_anchors_for_bbox[bbox_num] += 1
# we update the regression layer target if this IOU is the best for the current (x,y) and anchor position
if curr_iou > best_iou_for_loc:
best_iou_for_loc = curr_iou
best_regr = (tx, ty, tw, th)
# if the IOU is >0.3 and <0.7, it is ambiguous and no included in the objective
if C.rpn_min_overlap < curr_iou < C.rpn_max_overlap:
# gray zone between neg and pos
if bbox_type != 'pos':
bbox_type = 'neutral'
# turn on or off outputs depending on IOUs
if bbox_type == 'neg':
y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
elif bbox_type == 'neutral':
y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 0
elif bbox_type == 'pos':
y_is_box_valid[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
y_rpn_overlap[jy, ix, anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx] = 1
start = 4 * (anchor_ratio_idx + n_anchratios * anchor_size_idx)
y_rpn_regr[jy, ix, start:start+4] = best_regr
# we ensure that every bbox has at least one positive RPN region
for idx in range(num_anchors_for_bbox.shape[0]):
if num_anchors_for_bbox[idx] == 0:
# no box with an IOU greater than zero ...
if best_anchor_for_bbox[idx, 0] == -1:
best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios *
best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3]] = 1
best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios *
best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3]] = 1
start = 4 * (best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,2] + n_anchratios * best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,3])
best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,0], best_anchor_for_bbox[idx,1], start:start+4] = best_dx_for_bbox[idx, :]
y_rpn_overlap = np.transpose(y_rpn_overlap, (2, 0, 1))
y_rpn_overlap = np.expand_dims(y_rpn_overlap, axis=0)
y_is_box_valid = np.transpose(y_is_box_valid, (2, 0, 1))
y_is_box_valid = np.expand_dims(y_is_box_valid, axis=0)
y_rpn_regr = np.transpose(y_rpn_regr, (2, 0, 1))
y_rpn_regr = np.expand_dims(y_rpn_regr, axis=0)
pos_locs = np.where(np.logical_and(y_rpn_overlap[0, :, :, :] == 1, y_is_box_valid[0, :, :, :] == 1))
neg_locs = np.where(np.logical_and(y_rpn_overlap[0, :, :, :] == 0, y_is_box_valid[0, :, :, :] == 1))
num_pos = len(pos_locs[0])
# one issue is that the RPN has many more negative than positive regions, so we turn off some of the negative
# regions. We also limit it to 256 regions.
num_regions = 256
if len(pos_locs[0]) > num_regions/2:
val_locs = random.sample(range(len(pos_locs[0])), len(pos_locs[0]) - num_regions/2)
y_is_box_valid[0, pos_locs[0][val_locs], pos_locs[1][val_locs], pos_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0
num_pos = num_regions/2
if len(neg_locs[0]) + num_pos > num_regions:
val_locs = random.sample(range(len(neg_locs[0])), len(neg_locs[0]) - num_pos)
y_is_box_valid[0, neg_locs[0][val_locs], neg_locs[1][val_locs], neg_locs[2][val_locs]] = 0
y_rpn_cls = np.concatenate([y_is_box_valid, y_rpn_overlap], axis=1)
y_rpn_regr = np.concatenate([np.repeat(y_rpn_overlap, 4, axis=1), y_rpn_regr], axis=1)
return np.copy(y_rpn_cls), np.copy(y_rpn_regr)
class threadsafe_iter:
"""Takes an iterator/generator and makes it thread-safe by
serializing call to the `next` method of given iterator/generator.
def __init__(self, it):
self.it = it
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
with self.lock:
return next(self.it)
def threadsafe_generator(f):
"""A decorator that takes a generator function and makes it thread-safe.
def g(*a, **kw):
return threadsafe_iter(f(*a, **kw))
return g
def get_anchor_gt(all_img_data, class_count, C, img_length_calc_function, backend, mode='train'):
# The following line is not useful with Python 3.5, it is kept for the legacy
# all_img_data = sorted(all_img_data)
sample_selector = SampleSelector(class_count)
while True:
if mode == 'train':
for img_data in all_img_data:
if C.balanced_classes and sample_selector.skip_sample_for_balanced_class(img_data):
# read in image, and optionally add augmentation
if mode == 'train':
img_data_aug, x_img = data_augment.augment(img_data, C, augment=True)
img_data_aug, x_img = data_augment.augment(img_data, C, augment=False)
(width, height) = (img_data_aug['width'], img_data_aug['height'])
(rows, cols, _) = x_img.shape
assert cols == width
assert rows == height
# get image dimensions for resizing
(resized_width, resized_height) = get_new_img_size(width, height, C.im_size)
# resize the image so that smalles side is length = 600px
x_img = cv2.resize(x_img, (resized_width, resized_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
y_rpn_cls, y_rpn_regr = calc_rpn(C, img_data_aug, width, height, resized_width, resized_height, img_length_calc_function)
# Zero-center by mean pixel, and preprocess image
x_img = x_img[:,:, (2, 1, 0)] # BGR -> RGB
x_img = x_img.astype(np.float32)
x_img[:, :, 0] -= C.img_channel_mean[0]
x_img[:, :, 1] -= C.img_channel_mean[1]
x_img[:, :, 2] -= C.img_channel_mean[2]
x_img /= C.img_scaling_factor
x_img = np.transpose(x_img, (2, 0, 1))
x_img = np.expand_dims(x_img, axis=0)
y_rpn_regr[:, y_rpn_regr.shape[1]//2:, :, :] *= C.std_scaling
if backend == 'tf':
x_img = np.transpose(x_img, (0, 2, 3, 1))
y_rpn_cls = np.transpose(y_rpn_cls, (0, 2, 3, 1))
y_rpn_regr = np.transpose(y_rpn_regr, (0, 2, 3, 1))
yield np.copy(x_img), [np.copy(y_rpn_cls), np.copy(y_rpn_regr)], img_data_aug
except Exception as e:
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