推荐系统顶会论文总结——WWW 2021

WWW 2021

1.Future-Aware Diverse Trends Framework for Recommendation
Author(Institute): Yujie Lu

KeyWords: user modeling; future-aware; diverse trends

Dataset: Amazon Books; Steam; MovieLens-1M

2.Towards Content Provider Aware Recommender Systems: A Simulation Study on the Interplay between User and Provider Utilities
Author(Institute): Konstantina Christakopoulou

KeyWords: recommender systems

3.Task-adaptive Neural Process for User Cold-Start Recommendation
Author(Institute): Bin Wang

KeyWords: User cold-start recommendation; Meta learning; Neural process

Dataset: MovieLens-1M; Last.FM; Gowalla

4.A Hybrid Bandit Model with Visual Priors for Creative Ranking in Display Advertising
Author(Institute): Shiyao Wang

KeyWords: Hybrid Bandit Model; Visual Priors; Creative Ranking

Dataset: Alibaba

5.Large-scale Comb-K Recommendation
Author(Institute): Junxiong Zhu

KeyWords: graph neural networks; recommendation; graph mining

Dataset: Taobao

6.FM^2: Field-matrixed Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction
Author(Institute): Yang Sun

KeyWords: Factorization Machines; CTR prediction

Dataset: Criteo; Avazu

7.Cost-Effective and Interpretable Job Skill Recommendation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Author(Institute): Hengshu Zhu

KeyWords: Skill Recommendation; Data Mining

8.Where Next? A Dynamic Model of User Preferences
Author(Institute): Lucas Maystre

KeyWords: time series; diversity; user modelling

Dataset: Spotify; Last.fm; MovieLens; Yelp

9.DCN V2: Improved Deep & Cross Network and Practical Lessons for Web-scale Learning to Rank Systems
Author(Institute): Ruoxi Wang

KeyWords: Web-scale Learning; Rank Systems

Dataset: Criteo; MovieLen-1M; Production

10.Cross-Positional Attention for Debiasing Clicks
Author(Institute): Honglei Zhuang

KeyWords: Examination bias; cross-positional attention; click models

Dataset: YAHOO; Chrome Web Store

11.FINN: Feedback Interactive Neural Network for Intent Recommendation
Author(Institute): Yatao Yang

KeyWords: Intent recommendation

Dataset: Taobao

12.Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation
Author(Institute): Dingxian Wang

KeyWords: Knowledge Graph; Graph Neural Networks

Dataset: Amazon-Book; Last-FM; Alibaba-iFashion

13.A Model of Two Tales-Dual Transfer Learning Framework for Improved Long-tail Item Recommendation
Author(Institute): Yin Zhang

KeyWords: Long-tail Item Recommendation

Dataset: MovieLens1M; Bookcrossing

14.A Scalable, Adaptive and Sound Nonconvex Regularizer for Low-rank Matrix Completion
Author(Institute): Yaqing Wang

KeyWords: Low-rank Matrix Learning; Matrix Completion; Nonconvex Regularization

Dataset: MovieLens-1M; MovieLens-10M; Yahoo

15.HGCF: Hyperbolic Graph Convolution Networks for Collaborative Filtering
Author(Institute): Jianing Sun

KeyWords: Hyperbolic Embeddings; Graph Convolutions

Dataset: Amazon-CDs; Amazon-Books; Yelp2020

16.Dynamic Embeddings for Interaction Prediction
Author(Institute): Nasrullah Sheikh

KeyWords: Dynamic Embeddings; Interaction Prediction; Multi-way Attention

Dataset: Reddit; Wikipedia; LastFM

17.Linear-Time Self Attention with Codeword Histogram for Efficient Recommendation
Author(Institute): Lu Yin

KeyWords: self-attention, efficient-attention; sequential recommendation; quantization

Dataset: Alibaba; ML-1M; Video Games; ML-25M

18.Incremental Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning for Online Query-POI Matching
Author(Institute): Hao Liu

KeyWords: POI

19.Personalized Approximate Pareto-Efficient Recommendation
Author(Institute): Ruobing Xie

KeyWords: Pareto efficiency; recommendation; multi-objective optimization

Dataset: LMOR-1.5B

20.Drug Package Recommendation via Interaction-aware Graph Induction
Author(Institute): Baoxing Huai

KeyWords: Drug Recommendation; Package Recommendation; Graph Neural Network

21.Variation Control and Evaluation for Generative Slate Recommendations
Author(Institute): Fei Sun

KeyWords: Generative Recommendation; Slate Recommendation; Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder

Dataset: YOOCHOOSE; MovieLens 100K

22.Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging Recommendation Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Author(Institute): Hao Liu

KeyWords: Charging station recommendation; multi-agent reinforcement learning; multi-objective optimization

Dataset: Baidu Maps

23.Field-aware Embedding Space Searching in Recommender Systems
Author(Institute): Bo Long

KeyWords: Embedding; AutoML

Dataset: Criteo

24.User Simulation via Supervised Generative Adversarial Network
Author(Institute): Lixin Zou

KeyWords: User Simulation; Generative Adversarial Network; Reinforcement Learning

Dataset: JD
