COMP-304 移动开发

Mobile Apps Development COMP-304
Lab Assignment #3 Page 1 of 3
Lab Assignment #3
Due Date: Mid-night (11.59 pm) Friday, 4
th March Marks/Weightage: 30/10%
End Date: Mid-night (11.59 pm) Monday, 7th March with 20% penalty. No Exceptions.
Demo: You are required to create a short video of the lab explaining its code/implementation and
upload it along with code. Also, you may be asked to demonstrate it as advised/instructed by the
Purpose: The purpose of this lab assignment is to:

  • Develop Android Apps that contain Graphics and Animations
  • Practice the use of frame-by-frame animations
  • Practice the use of tweened animations
    IDE: Android Studio – Arctic Fox version
    References: Textbook, ppt slides, videos, class code examples, and Android documentation
    (,, This material provides the
    necessary information that you need to complete the exercises.
    Be sure to read the following general instructions carefully:

    • This assignment must be completed individually by all the students
    • You will have to upload the completed assignment on eCentennial through the assignment link under

    Assessments by the due date and time to avoid the late penalty.
    -- Your compressed file format should be .zip and no other formats such as .rar and .7z will be excepted.
    Android Workspace/Project Naming rules:
    Step01: You must name your Android Studio project according to the following rule and as shown below:
    Mobile Apps Development COMP-304
    Lab Assignment #3 Page 2 of 3
    Upload/Submission rules:
    Once you completed and tested your lab assignment, close the Android Studio and go to the directory where
    you stored your project. Zip up that folder and upload it using the assignment link in e-centennial. Your
    compressed file format should be .zip and no other formats such as .rar and .7z will be excepted.
    Exercise #1
    a) Create an activity that allows the user to draw continuous horizontal or vertical lines, starting
    from a given position, using up, down, left, and right keys of Android keypad as well as
    image buttons in UI, as shown in the picture below. Use a Canvas object to implement the
    drawings. [6 marks]
    b) Allow the user to choose colors and the thickness of lines. [3 marks]
    c) Allow the user to clear the drawings and restart. You can use code from CanvasPaint
    example covered in the class. [3 marks]
    d) The image buttons for arrow keys are uploaded on eCentennial. You need to use those
    images. [2 marks]
    Exercise #2
    In this exercise you will develop a frame-by-frame animation.
    a) Create a series of pictures that differ slightly from each other. [2 marks]
    b) Your animation should be original, relate to things that you like or express an idea of yours. [1
    c) Allow the user to start and stop the animation. You may use code from FramedAnimation
    example covered during the class. [5 marks]
    Mobile Apps Development COMP-304
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    Exercise #3
    In this exercise you will create a tweened animation similar to TweenActivity covered during the
    a) Create an application to simulate an earth view. Display a .png image of the earth and the
    moon image slightly above the earth image. [2 marks]
    b) Apply the necessary transformations (rotate, scale, translate) to make the moon revolve
    nicely around the earth. [2 marks]
    c) Define tweening transformations as XML resource files. [2 marks]
    d) Allow the user to start and stop the animation. [2 marks]
    All three exercises (all working, proper
    naming of activities, variables, and methods.
    Provide comments).
    Event Handling (proper event handlers) 25%
    UI friendliness (proper layout, controls,
    styles, themes, graphics, images)
    Declaring resources in proper resource files 5%
    Innovative features/effective way of coding 5%
    Total 100%
