
使用此库可以用作“ kaldi I / O C ++ API”,可以读写“ .ark, .scp”格式,还可以使用kaldi :: [Matrix | Vector | ..]


cmake> = 3.0

数学库:mkl(推荐),安装conda,并使用它来安装mkl:(conda install mkl默认情况下,mkl与conda一起安装),


cd kaldi-io
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. .. # set install prefix as '../kaldi-io'
make install 


  • kaldi-io / lib:
    • libkaldi_io_static.a
    • libkaldi_io_shared.so
  • kaldi-io /包括:
    • kaldi-io.h(标头,可以根据需要进行修改)
    • 子标题目录...


  • 数学依赖关系是通过cmake从系统路径自动解决的find_package(cmake / Modules / FindBLAS.cmake)

    • 首选MKL / ATLAS / Accelerate(osx)
    • 如果要设置特定的数学库:
      cmake -DBLAS_VENDORS = [ ATLAS | MKL | OPEN | ..] ..
      cmake -DBLAS_VENDORS = ATLAS -DBLAS_ATLAS_LIB_DIRS = ... / atlas / build / lib .. 
      cmake -DBLAS_VENDORS = MKL -DBLAS_MKL_LIB_DIRS = / opt / intel / mkl / lib / intel64 ..


      #!/usr/bin/env python
      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      from __future__ import print_function
      from __future__ import division
      import numpy as np
      import sys, os, re, gzip, struct
      # Adding kaldi tools to shell path,
      # Select kaldi,
      if not 'KALDI_ROOT' in os.environ:
          # Default! To change run python with 'export KALDI_ROOT=/some_dir python'
      # Add kaldi tools to path,
      path = os.popen('echo $KALDI_ROOT/src/bin:$KALDI_ROOT/tools/openfst/bin:$KALDI_ROOT/src/fstbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/gmmbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/featbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/lm/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/sgmmbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/sgmm2bin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/fgmmbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/latbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/nnetbin:$KALDI_ROOT/src/nnet2bin:$KALDI_ROOT/src/nnet3bin:$KALDI_ROOT/src/online2bin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/ivectorbin/:$KALDI_ROOT/src/lmbin/')
      os.environ['PATH'] = path.readline().strip() + ':' + os.environ['PATH']
      # Define all custom exceptions,
      class UnsupportedDataType(Exception): pass
      class UnknownVectorHeader(Exception): pass
      class UnknownMatrixHeader(Exception): pass
      class BadSampleSize(Exception): pass
      class BadInputFormat(Exception): pass
      class SubprocessFailed(Exception): pass
      # Data-type independent helper functions,
      def open_or_fd(file, mode='rb'):
          """ fd = open_or_fd(file)
           Open file, gzipped file, pipe, or forward the file-descriptor.
           Eventually seeks in the 'file' argument contains ':offset' suffix.
          offset = None
              # strip 'ark:' prefix from r{x,w}filename (optional),
              if re.search('^(ark|scp)(,scp|,b|,t|,n?f|,n?p|,b?o|,n?s|,n?cs)*:', file):
                  (prefix,file) = file.split(':',1)
              # separate offset from filename (optional),
              if re.search(':[0-9]+$', file):
                  (file,offset) = file.rsplit(':',1)
              # input pipe?
              if file[-1] == '|':
                  fd = popen(file[:-1], 'rb') # custom,
              # output pipe?
              elif file[0] == '|':
                  fd = popen(file[1:], 'wb') # custom,
              # is it gzipped?
              elif file.split('.')[-1] == 'gz':
                  fd = gzip.open(file, mode)
              # a normal file...
                  fd = open(file, mode)
          except TypeError:
              # 'file' is opened file descriptor,
              fd = file
          # Eventually seek to offset,
          if offset != None: fd.seek(int(offset))
          return fd
      # based on '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/os.py'
      def popen(cmd, mode="rb"):
          if not isinstance(cmd, str):
              raise TypeError("invalid cmd type (%s, expected string)" % type(cmd))
          import subprocess, io, threading
          # cleanup function for subprocesses,
          def cleanup(proc, cmd):
              ret = proc.wait()
              if ret > 0:
                  raise SubprocessFailed('cmd %s returned %d !' % (cmd,ret))
          # text-mode,
          if mode == "r":
              proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr)
              threading.Thread(target=cleanup,args=(proc,cmd)).start() # clean-up thread,
              return io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdout)
          elif mode == "w":
              proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr)
              threading.Thread(target=cleanup,args=(proc,cmd)).start() # clean-up thread,
              return io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdin)
          # binary,
          elif mode == "rb":
              proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr)
              threading.Thread(target=cleanup,args=(proc,cmd)).start() # clean-up thread,
              return proc.stdout
          elif mode == "wb":
              proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr)
              threading.Thread(target=cleanup,args=(proc,cmd)).start() # clean-up thread,
              return proc.stdin
          # sanity,
              raise ValueError("invalid mode %s" % mode)
      def read_key(fd):
          """ [key] = read_key(fd)
           Read the utterance-key from the opened ark/stream descriptor 'fd'.
          assert('b' in fd.mode), "Error: 'fd' was opened in text mode (in python3 use sys.stdin.buffer)"
          key = ''
          while 1:
              char = fd.read(1).decode("latin1")
              if char == '' : break
              if char == ' ' : break
              key += char
          key = key.strip()
          if key == '': return None # end of file,
          assert(re.match('^\S+$',key) != None) # check format (no whitespace!)
          return key
      # Integer vectors (alignments, ...),
      def read_ali_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ Alias to 'read_vec_int_ark()' """
          return read_vec_int_ark(file_or_fd)
      def read_vec_int_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,vec) = read_vec_int_ark(file_or_fd)
           Create generator of (key,vector) tuples, which reads from the ark file/stream.
           file_or_fd : ark, gzipped ark, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Read ark to a 'dictionary':
           d = { u:d for u,d in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              key = read_key(fd)
              while key:
                  ali = read_vec_int(fd)
                  yield key, ali
                  key = read_key(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd: fd.close()
      def read_vec_int(file_or_fd):
          """ [int-vec] = read_vec_int(file_or_fd)
           Read kaldi integer vector, ascii or binary input,
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
          binary = fd.read(2).decode()
          if binary == '\0B': # binary flag
              assert(fd.read(1).decode() == '\4'); # int-size
              vec_size = np.frombuffer(fd.read(4), dtype='int32', count=1)[0] # vector dim
              if vec_size == 0:
                  return np.array([], dtype='int32')
              # Elements from int32 vector are sored in tuples: (sizeof(int32), value),
              vec = np.frombuffer(fd.read(vec_size*5), dtype=[('size','int8'),('value','int32')], count=vec_size)
              assert(vec[0]['size'] == 4) # int32 size,
              ans = vec[:]['value'] # values are in 2nd column,
          else: # ascii,
              arr = (binary + fd.readline().decode()).strip().split()
                  arr.remove('['); arr.remove(']') # optionally
              except ValueError:
              ans = np.array(arr, dtype=int)
          if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close() # cleanup
          return ans
      # Writing,
      def write_vec_int(file_or_fd, v, key=''):
          """ write_vec_int(f, v, key='')
           Write a binary kaldi integer vector to filename or stream.
           file_or_fd : filename or opened file descriptor for writing,
           v : the vector to be stored,
           key (optional) : used for writing ark-file, the utterance-id gets written before the vector.
           Example of writing single vector:
           kaldi_io.write_vec_int(filename, vec)
           Example of writing arkfile:
           with open(ark_file,'w') as f:
               for key,vec in dict.iteritems():
                   kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, vec, key=key)
          assert(isinstance(v, np.ndarray))
          assert(v.dtype == np.int32)
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd, mode='wb')
          if sys.version_info[0] == 3: assert(fd.mode == 'wb')
              if key != '' : fd.write((key+' ').encode("latin1")) # ark-files have keys (utterance-id),
              fd.write('\0B'.encode()) # we write binary!
              # dim,
              fd.write('\4'.encode()) # int32 type,
              fd.write(struct.pack(np.dtype('int32').char, v.shape[0]))
              # data,
              for i in range(len(v)):
                  fd.write('\4'.encode()) # int32 type,
                  fd.write(struct.pack(np.dtype('int32').char, v[i])) # binary,
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      # Float vectors (confidences, ivectors, ...),
      # Reading,
      def read_vec_flt_scp(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,mat) = read_vec_flt_scp(file_or_fd)
           Returns generator of (key,vector) tuples, read according to kaldi scp.
           file_or_fd : scp, gzipped scp, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the scp:
           for key,vec in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_scp(file):
           Read scp to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:mat for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              for line in fd:
                  (key,rxfile) = line.decode().split(' ')
                  vec = read_vec_flt(rxfile)
                  yield key, vec
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_vec_flt_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,vec) = read_vec_flt_ark(file_or_fd)
           Create generator of (key,vector) tuples, reading from an ark file/stream.
           file_or_fd : ark, gzipped ark, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Read ark to a 'dictionary':
           d = { u:d for u,d in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              key = read_key(fd)
              while key:
                  ali = read_vec_flt(fd)
                  yield key, ali
                  key = read_key(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_vec_flt(file_or_fd):
          """ [flt-vec] = read_vec_flt(file_or_fd)
           Read kaldi float vector, ascii or binary input,
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
          binary = fd.read(2).decode()
          if binary == '\0B': # binary flag
              ans = _read_vec_flt_binary(fd)
          else:    # ascii,
              arr = (binary + fd.readline().decode()).strip().split()
                  arr.remove('['); arr.remove(']') # optionally
              except ValueError:
              ans = np.array(arr, dtype=float)
          if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close() # cleanup
          return ans
      def _read_vec_flt_binary(fd):
          header = fd.read(3).decode()
          if header == 'FV ' : sample_size = 4 # floats
          elif header == 'DV ' : sample_size = 8 # doubles
          else : raise UnknownVectorHeader("The header contained '%s'" % header)
          assert (sample_size > 0)
          # Dimension,
          assert (fd.read(1).decode() == '\4'); # int-size
          vec_size = np.frombuffer(fd.read(4), dtype='int32', count=1)[0] # vector dim
          if vec_size == 0:
              return np.array([], dtype='float32')
          # Read whole vector,
          buf = fd.read(vec_size * sample_size)
          if sample_size == 4 : ans = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='float32')
          elif sample_size == 8 : ans = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='float64')
          else : raise BadSampleSize
          return ans
      # Writing,
      def write_vec_flt(file_or_fd, v, key=''):
          """ write_vec_flt(f, v, key='')
           Write a binary kaldi vector to filename or stream. Supports 32bit and 64bit floats.
           file_or_fd : filename or opened file descriptor for writing,
           v : the vector to be stored,
           key (optional) : used for writing ark-file, the utterance-id gets written before the vector.
           Example of writing single vector:
           kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(filename, vec)
           Example of writing arkfile:
           with open(ark_file,'w') as f:
               for key,vec in dict.iteritems():
                   kaldi_io.write_vec_flt(f, vec, key=key)
          assert(isinstance(v, np.ndarray))
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd, mode='wb')
          if sys.version_info[0] == 3: assert(fd.mode == 'wb')
              if key != '' : fd.write((key+' ').encode("latin1")) # ark-files have keys (utterance-id),
              fd.write('\0B'.encode()) # we write binary!
              # Data-type,
              if v.dtype == 'float32': fd.write('FV '.encode())
              elif v.dtype == 'float64': fd.write('DV '.encode())
              else: raise UnsupportedDataType("'%s', please use 'float32' or 'float64'" % v.dtype)
              # Dim,
              fd.write(struct.pack(np.dtype('uint32').char, v.shape[0])) # dim
              # Data,
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      # Float matrices (features, transformations, ...),
      # Reading,
      def read_mat_scp(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,mat) = read_mat_scp(file_or_fd)
           Returns generator of (key,matrix) tuples, read according to kaldi scp.
           file_or_fd : scp, gzipped scp, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the scp:
           for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(file):
           Read scp to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:mat for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              for line in fd:
                  (key,rxfile) = line.decode().split(' ')
                  mat = read_mat(rxfile)
                  yield key, mat
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_mat_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,mat) = read_mat_ark(file_or_fd)
           Returns generator of (key,matrix) tuples, read from ark file/stream.
           file_or_fd : scp, gzipped scp, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the ark:
           for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(file):
           Read ark to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:mat for key,mat in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              key = read_key(fd)
              while key:
                  mat = read_mat(fd)
                  yield key, mat
                  key = read_key(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_mat(file_or_fd):
          """ [mat] = read_mat(file_or_fd)
           Reads single kaldi matrix, supports ascii and binary.
           file_or_fd : file, gzipped file, pipe or opened file descriptor.
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              binary = fd.read(2).decode()
              if binary == '\0B' :
                  mat = _read_mat_binary(fd)
                  assert(binary == ' [')
                  mat = _read_mat_ascii(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd: fd.close()
          return mat
      def _read_mat_binary(fd):
          # Data type
          header = fd.read(3).decode()
          # 'CM', 'CM2', 'CM3' are possible values,
          if header.startswith('CM'): return _read_compressed_mat(fd, header)
          elif header == 'FM ': sample_size = 4 # floats
          elif header == 'DM ': sample_size = 8 # doubles
          else: raise UnknownMatrixHeader("The header contained '%s'" % header)
          assert(sample_size > 0)
          # Dimensions
          s1, rows, s2, cols = np.frombuffer(fd.read(10), dtype='int8,int32,int8,int32', count=1)[0]
          # Read whole matrix
          buf = fd.read(rows * cols * sample_size)
          if sample_size == 4 : vec = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='float32')
          elif sample_size == 8 : vec = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='float64')
          else : raise BadSampleSize
          mat = np.reshape(vec,(rows,cols))
          return mat
      def _read_mat_ascii(fd):
          rows = []
          while 1:
              line = fd.readline().decode()
              if (len(line) == 0) : raise BadInputFormat # eof, should not happen!
              if len(line.strip()) == 0 : continue # skip empty line
              arr = line.strip().split()
              if arr[-1] != ']':
                  rows.append(np.array(arr,dtype='float32')) # not last line
                  rows.append(np.array(arr[:-1],dtype='float32')) # last line
                  mat = np.vstack(rows)
                  return mat
      def _read_compressed_mat(fd, format):
          """ Read a compressed matrix,
              see: https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/blob/master/src/matrix/compressed-matrix.h
              methods: CompressedMatrix::Read(...), CompressedMatrix::CopyToMat(...),
          assert(format == 'CM ') # The formats CM2, CM3 are not supported...
          # Format of header 'struct',
          global_header = np.dtype([('minvalue','float32'),('range','float32'),('num_rows','int32'),('num_cols','int32')]) # member '.format' is not written,
          per_col_header = np.dtype([('percentile_0','uint16'),('percentile_25','uint16'),('percentile_75','uint16'),('percentile_100','uint16')])
          # Read global header,
          globmin, globrange, rows, cols = np.frombuffer(fd.read(16), dtype=global_header, count=1)[0]
          # The data is structed as [Colheader, ... , Colheader, Data, Data , .... ]
          #                                                 {                     cols                     }{         size                 }
          col_headers = np.frombuffer(fd.read(cols*8), dtype=per_col_header, count=cols)
          col_headers = np.array([np.array([x for x in y]) * globrange * 1.52590218966964e-05 + globmin for y in col_headers], dtype=np.float32)
          data = np.reshape(np.frombuffer(fd.read(cols*rows), dtype='uint8', count=cols*rows), newshape=(cols,rows)) # stored as col-major,
          mat = np.zeros((cols,rows), dtype='float32')
          p0 = col_headers[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)
          p25 = col_headers[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)
          p75 = col_headers[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1)
          p100 = col_headers[:, 3].reshape(-1, 1)
          mask_0_64 = (data <= 64)
          mask_193_255 = (data > 192)
          mask_65_192 = (~(mask_0_64 | mask_193_255))
          mat += (p0    + (p25 - p0) / 64. * data) * mask_0_64.astype(np.float32)
          mat += (p25 + (p75 - p25) / 128. * (data - 64)) * mask_65_192.astype(np.float32)
          mat += (p75 + (p100 - p75) / 63. * (data - 192)) * mask_193_255.astype(np.float32)
          return mat.T # transpose! col-major -> row-major,
      # Writing,
      def write_mat(file_or_fd, m, key=''):
          """ write_mat(f, m, key='')
          Write a binary kaldi matrix to filename or stream. Supports 32bit and 64bit floats.
           file_or_fd : filename of opened file descriptor for writing,
           m : the matrix to be stored,
           key (optional) : used for writing ark-file, the utterance-id gets written before the matrix.
           Example of writing single matrix:
           kaldi_io.write_mat(filename, mat)
           Example of writing arkfile:
           with open(ark_file,'w') as f:
               for key,mat in dict.iteritems():
                   kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key=key)
          assert(isinstance(m, np.ndarray))
          assert(len(m.shape) == 2), "'m' has to be 2d matrix!"
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd, mode='wb')
          if sys.version_info[0] == 3: assert(fd.mode == 'wb')
              if key != '' : fd.write((key+' ').encode("latin1")) # ark-files have keys (utterance-id),
              fd.write('\0B'.encode()) # we write binary!
              # Data-type,
              if m.dtype == 'float32': fd.write('FM '.encode())
              elif m.dtype == 'float64': fd.write('DM '.encode())
              else: raise UnsupportedDataType("'%s', please use 'float32' or 'float64'" % m.dtype)
              # Dims,
              fd.write(struct.pack(np.dtype('uint32').char, m.shape[0])) # rows
              fd.write(struct.pack(np.dtype('uint32').char, m.shape[1])) # cols
              # Data,
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      # 'Posterior' kaldi type (posteriors, confusion network, nnet1 training targets, ...)
      # Corresponds to: vector > >
      # - outer vector: time axis
      # - inner vector: records at the time
      # - tuple: int = index, float = value
      def read_cnet_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ Alias of function 'read_post_ark()', 'cnet' = confusion network """
          return read_post_ark(file_or_fd)
      def read_post_rxspec(file_):
          """ adaptor to read both 'ark:...' and 'scp:...' inputs of posteriors,
          if file_.startswith("ark:"):
              return read_post_ark(file_)
          elif file_.startswith("scp:"):
              return read_post_scp(file_)
              print("unsupported intput type: %s" % file_)
              print("it should begint with 'ark:' or 'scp:'")
      def read_post_scp(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,post) = read_post_scp(file_or_fd)
           Returns generator of (key,post) tuples, read according to kaldi scp.
           file_or_fd : scp, gzipped scp, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the scp:
           for key,post in kaldi_io.read_post_scp(file):
           Read scp to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:post for key,post in kaldi_io.read_post_scp(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              for line in fd:
                  (key,rxfile) = line.decode().split(' ')
                  post = read_post(rxfile)
                  yield key, post
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_post_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,vec>) = read_post_ark(file)
           Returns generator of (key,posterior) tuples, read from ark file.
           file_or_fd : ark, gzipped ark, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the ark:
           for key,post in kaldi_io.read_post_ark(file):
           Read ark to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:post for key,post in kaldi_io.read_post_ark(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              key = read_key(fd)
              while key:
                  post = read_post(fd)
                  yield key, post
                  key = read_key(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd: fd.close()
      def read_post(file_or_fd):
          """ [post] = read_post(file_or_fd)
           Reads single kaldi 'Posterior' in binary format.
           The 'Posterior' is C++ type 'vector > >',
           the outer-vector is usually time axis, inner-vector are the records
           at given time,    and the tuple is composed of an 'index' (integer)
           and a 'float-value'. The 'float-value' can represent a probability
           or any other numeric value.
           Returns vector of vectors of tuples.
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
          binary = fd.read(2).decode(); assert(binary == '\0B'); # binary flag
          assert(fd.read(1).decode() == '\4'); # int-size
          outer_vec_size = np.frombuffer(fd.read(4), dtype='int32', count=1)[0] # number of frames (or bins)
          # Loop over 'outer-vector',
          for i in range(outer_vec_size):
              assert(fd.read(1).decode() == '\4'); # int-size
              inner_vec_size = np.frombuffer(fd.read(4), dtype='int32', count=1)[0] # number of records for frame (or bin)
              data = np.frombuffer(fd.read(inner_vec_size*10), dtype=[('size_idx','int8'),('idx','int32'),('size_post','int8'),('post','float32')], count=inner_vec_size)
              assert(data[0]['size_idx'] == 4)
              assert(data[0]['size_post'] == 4)
          if fd is not file_or_fd: fd.close()
          return ans
      # Kaldi Confusion Network bin begin/end times,
      # (kaldi stores CNs time info separately from the Posterior).
      def read_cntime_ark(file_or_fd):
          """ generator(key,vec>) = read_cntime_ark(file_or_fd)
           Returns generator of (key,cntime) tuples, read from ark file.
           file_or_fd : file, gzipped file, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Iterate the ark:
           for key,time in kaldi_io.read_cntime_ark(file):
           Read ark to a 'dictionary':
           d = { key:time for key,time in kaldi_io.read_post_ark(file) }
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
              key = read_key(fd)
              while key:
                  cntime = read_cntime(fd)
                  yield key, cntime
                  key = read_key(fd)
              if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
      def read_cntime(file_or_fd):
          """ [cntime] = read_cntime(file_or_fd)
           Reads single kaldi 'Confusion Network time info', in binary format:
           C++ type: vector >.
           (begin/end times of bins at the confusion network).
           Binary layout is '     ...'
           file_or_fd : file, gzipped file, pipe or opened file descriptor.
           Returns vector of tuples.
          fd = open_or_fd(file_or_fd)
          binary = fd.read(2).decode(); assert(binary == '\0B'); # assuming it's binary
          assert(fd.read(1).decode() == '\4'); # int-size
          vec_size = np.frombuffer(fd.read(4), dtype='int32', count=1)[0] # number of frames (or bins)
          data = np.frombuffer(fd.read(vec_size*10), dtype=[('size_beg','int8'),('t_beg','float32'),('size_end','int8'),('t_end','float32')], count=vec_size)
          assert(data[0]['size_beg'] == 4)
          assert(data[0]['size_end'] == 4)
          ans = data[['t_beg','t_end']].tolist() # Return vector of tuples (t_beg,t_end),
          if fd is not file_or_fd : fd.close()
          return ans
      # Segments related,
      # Segments as 'Bool vectors' can be handy,
      # - for 'superposing' the segmentations,
      # - for frame-selection in Speaker-ID experiments,
      def read_segments_as_bool_vec(segments_file):
          """ [ bool_vec ] = read_segments_as_bool_vec(segments_file)
           using kaldi 'segments' file for 1 wav, format : '   '
           - t-beg, t-end is in seconds,
           - assumed 100 frames/second,
          segs = np.loadtxt(segments_file, dtype='object,object,f,f', ndmin=1)
          # Sanity checks,
          assert(len(segs) > 0) # empty segmentation is an error,
          assert(len(np.unique([rec[1] for rec in segs ])) == 1) # segments with only 1 wav-file,
          # Convert time to frame-indexes,
          start = np.rint([100 * rec[2] for rec in segs]).astype(int)
          end = np.rint([100 * rec[3] for rec in segs]).astype(int)
          # Taken from 'read_lab_to_bool_vec', htk.py,
          frms = np.repeat(np.r_[np.tile([False,True], len(end)), False],
                           np.r_[np.c_[start - np.r_[0, end[:-1]], end-start].flat, 0])
          assert np.sum(end-start) == np.sum(frms)
          return frms

