论文名:《Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation》
Pixel Accuracy(PA):像素精度是标记正确的像素占总像素的百分比
Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA):对每个类别,计算该类别下预测正确的数量与该类别像素总数的比例,对所有类别的计算结果求平均
Mean Intersection over Union(MIOU):对每个类别,计算的是一个交集与并集的比例。这个比例的分子和MPA一样,是该类别下预测正确的数量;分母的范围更大,是指该类别预测为其他类别和其他类别预测为该类别的总和。
Camvid比较规范,方便读进模型中,不需要做相关的预处理,适合新手上手SunRGBD/NYUDv2 是RGBD的图片,4通道的
2019 年该论文以证实卷积神经网络是不具备平移不变性的《Why do deep convolutional networks generailize so poorly to small image transformations?》按照论文说法过多的二次采样导致了平移不变被破坏
One-hot编码, 分类值到二进制向量的映射
NLLoss: Negative Log Likehood 负对数似然损失函数,跟交叉熵数学上是一样的
混淆矩阵(Confusion Matrix)
def calc_semantic_segmentation_confusion(pred_labels, gt_labels):
"""Collect a confusion matrix. 计算 混淆矩阵
The number of classes `n_class` is `max(pred_labels, gt_labels) + 1`, which is
the maximum class id of the inputs added by one.
pred_labels(iterable of numpy.ndarray): A collection of predicted
labels. The shape of a label array
is `(H, W)`. `H` and `W`
are height and width of the label.
gt_labels(iterable of numpy.ndarray): A collection of ground
truth labels. The shape of a ground truth label array is
`(H, W)`, and its corresponding prediction label should
have the same shape.
A pixel with value `-1` will be ignored during evaluation.
A confusion matrix. Its shape is `(n_class, n_class)`.
The `(i, j)` th element corresponds to the number of pixels
that are labeled as class `i` by the ground truth and
class `j` by the prediction.
pred_labels = iter(pred_labels)
gt_labels = iter(gt_labels)
n_class = 12
# 定义一个数值容器 shape(12,12)
confusion = np.zeros((n_class, n_class), dtype=np.int64)
for pred_label, gt_label in six.moves.zip(pred_labels, gt_labels): # six.moves.zip in python2
if pred_label.ndim != 2 or gt_label.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('ndim of labels should be two.')
if pred_label.shape != gt_label.shape:
raise ValueError(
'Shape of ground truth and prediction should be same.')
pred_label = pred_label.flatten()
gt_label = gt_label.flatten()
# Dynamically expand the confusion matrix if necessary.
lb_max = np.max((pred_label, gt_label))
# print(lb_max)
if lb_max >= n_class:
expanded_confusion = np.zeros(
(lb_max + 1, lb_max + 1), dtype=np.int64)
expanded_confusion[0:n_class, 0:n_class] = confusion
n_class = lb_max + 1
confusion = expanded_confusion # 原来的confusion矩阵就没有了,被expanded_confusion替换了
# Count statistics from valid pixels.
mask = gt_label >= 0
confusion += np.bincount(
n_class * gt_label[mask].astype(int) + pred_label[mask], # 这样处理axis=0 代表gt axis=1 代表pred……
minlength=n_class ** 2) \ # ……即 横表示gt ; 列表示pred
.reshape((n_class, n_class)) # 抓住一个点,混淆矩阵中,对角线上的点是分类正确的
for iter_ in (pred_labels, gt_labels):
# This code assumes any iterator does not contain None as its items.
if next(iter_, None) is not None:
raise ValueError('Length of input iterables need to be same')
# confusion = np.delete(confusion, 11, axis=0)
# confusion = np.delete(confusion, 11, axis=1)
return confusion
def calc_semantic_segmentation_iou(confusion):
"""Calculate Intersection over Union with a given confusion matrix.
confusion (numpy.ndarray): A confusion matrix. Its shape is
`(n_class, n_class)`.
The `(i, j)`th element corresponds to the number of pixels
that are labeled as class `i` by the ground truth and
class `j` by the prediction.
An array of IoUs for the `n_class` classes. Its shape is `(n_class,)`.
# iou_denominator 并集 np.diag(confusion) 交集
iou_denominator = (
confusion.sum(axis=1) + confusion.sum(axis=0) - np.diag(confusion))
iou = np.diag(confusion) / iou_denominator
return iou[:-1] # 去掉最后一个类别,因为最后一个类别为 unlabelled
# return iou
FCN将传统CNN中的全连接层转化成卷积层,对应CNN网络FCN把最后三层全连接层转换成为三层卷积层。在传统的CNN结构中,前5层是卷积层,第6层和第7层分别是一个长度为4096的一维向量,第8层是长度为1000的一维向量,分别对应1000个不同类别的概率。FCN将这3层表示为卷积层,卷积核的大小 (通道数,宽,高) 分别为 (4096,1,1)、(4096,1,1)、(1000,1,1),如下图
def img_transform(self, img, label):
label = np.array(label) # 以免不是np格式的数据
label = Image.fromarray(label.astype('uint8'))
transform_img = transforms.Compose(
transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
img = transform_img(img)
def encode_label_pix(colormap): # data process and load.ipynb: 标签编码,返回哈希表
cm2lbl = np.zeros(256 ** 3)
for i, cm in enumerate(colormap):
cm2lbl[(cm[0] * 256 + cm[1]) * 256 + cm[2]] = i
return cm2lbl
def encode_label_img(self, img):
data = np.array(img, dtype='int32')
idx = (data[:, :, 0] * 256 + data[:, :, 1]) * 256 + data[:, :, 2]
return np.array(self.cm2lbl[idx], dtype='int64')
import torch
from torchvision import models
pretrained_net = models.vgg16_bn(pretrained=True)
class FCN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes):
self.stage1 = pretrained_net.features[:7]
self.stage2 = pretrained_net.features[7:14]
self.stage3 = pretrained_net.features[14:24]
self.stage4 = pretrained_net.features[24:34]
self.stage5 = pretrained_net.features[34:]
self.scores1 = nn.Conv2d(512, num_classes, 1)
self.scores2 = nn.Conv2d(512, num_classes, 1)
self.scores3 = nn.Conv2d(128, num_classes, 1)
self.conv_trans1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 256, 1)
self.conv_trans2 = nn.Conv2d(256, num_classes, 1)
self.upsample_8x = nn.ConvTranspose2d(num_classes, num_classes, 16, 8, 4, bias=False)
self.upsample_8x.weight.data = bilinear_kernel(num_classes, num_classes, 16)
self.upsample_2x_1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 512, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
self.upsample_2x_1.weight.data = bilinear_kernel(512, 512, 4)
self.upsample_2x_2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 256, 4, 2, 1, bias=False)
self.upsample_2x_2.weight.data = bilinear_kernel(256, 256, 4)
def forward(self, x): # 352, 480, 3
s1 = self.stage1(x) # 176, 240, 64
s2 = self.stage2(s1) # 88, 120, 128
s3 = self.stage3(s2) # 44, 64, 256
s4 = self.stage4(s3) # 22, 128, 516
s5 = self.stage5(s4) # 11, 15, 256
scores1 = self.scores1(s5) # 11, 15, 12
s5 = self.upsample_2x_1(s5) # 22, 30, 512
add1 = s5 + s4 # 22, 30, 512
scores2 = self.scores2(add1) # 22, 30, 12
add1 = self.conv_trans1(add1) # 22, 30, 256
add1 = self.upsample_2x_2(add1) # 44, 60, 256
add2 = add1 + s3 # 44, 60, 256
output = self.conv_trans2(add2) # 44, 60, 12
output = self.upsample_8x(output) # 352, 480, 12
return output
device = t.device('cuda') if t.cuda.is_available() else t.device('cpu')
fcn = FCN.FCN(num_class)
fcn = fcn.to(device)
criterion = nn.NLLLoss().to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(fcn.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
def train(model):
best = [0]
train_loss = 0
net = model.train()
running_metrics_val = runningScore(12)
# 训练轮次
for epoch in range(cfg.EPOCH_NUMBER):
print('Epoch is [{}/{}]'.format(epoch + 1, cfg.EPOCH_NUMBER))
# 更新学习率
if epoch % 50 == 0 and epoch != 0:
for group in optimizer.param_groups:
group['lr'] *= 0.5
# 训练批次
for i, sample in enumerate(train_data):
# 载入数据
img_data = Variable(sample['img'].to(device))
img_label = Variable(sample['label'].to(device))
# 训练
out = net(img_data)
out = F.log_softmax(out, dim=1)
loss = criterion(out, img_label)
loss.backward() # 反向传播
optimizer.step() # 参数更新
train_loss += loss.item()
# 评估
pre_label = out.max(dim=1)[1].data.cpu().numpy()
true_label = img_label.data.cpu().numpy()
running_metrics_val.update(true_label, pre_label)
metrics = running_metrics_val.get_scores()
for k, v in metrics[0].items():
print(k, v)
train_miou = metrics[0]['mIou: ']
if max(best) <= train_miou:
t.save(net.state_dict(), './Results/weights/FCN_weight/{}.pth'.format(epoch))
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16K411W782?p=1 感谢COLA老师