Managing Social and Human Capital

1. Motivation & Performance evaluation

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But the basic idea about incentives is the solution to the agency problem, as it's usually described, you're trying to reward people for doing the right thing. You want them to finish this project, they get paid so much when they finish a project.

The idea of a tournament as a way to structure pay is another kind of economics based argument that is about relative compensation, and this mimics the way sports tournaments work. So for example if you're a golfer or somebody playing an individual sport, you know that if you win the tournament, you get a big prize. (缺少合作太多竞争,适用于晋升设计;还让大家偏向于加入弱者竞争环境)

Rewarding A while hoping for B 类似OKR目标导向

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Another example of this is something known as the Pygmalion effect. The idea that you can shape people's behavior by what you expect of them. So if you set higher goals for them and higher expectations, rather, for them, they are inclined to achieve more.

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Now, one way to do this is with internship right?. Now you might think that the typical reason for internships is the candidate can scope you out and decide or you can scope the candidate out, rather, and decide whether this is the kind of person you want. But a lot of companies have figured out that the more important use of that is the candidate can scope you out. So that if you offer them a job and they say, yes, they know what they're getting into. It's going to have a retention device to make sure you're not going to lose people as soon as you hire them.

There's a huge literature on this, but let me summarize it briefly. The things that matter the most are things associated with past behavior, tends to be the best predictor of future behavior. If you could actually find out how they performed in a similar job before, that would be great, right? That would be maybe the best thing you could get.

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In this case, there's a big time delay, especially if the performance exercise is the end of the year. It's pretty difficult for a supervisor to remember everything you did accurately, let alone to give you feedback about that.


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And this a bias that we have when we look at human behavior to assume that the behavior is the result of dispositions. If somebody does something bad, it’s because they’re a bad person, rather than the circumstances.

And the second aspect of bias, which is just as important, is self-fulfilling prophecies. And that means if we've got an employee coming in to our workplace who we believe is a very good worker, people say great things about him, we tend to manage them differently. We give them more opportunities.

And we also know there are a lot biases related to relationships. We give better scores to people who are more like us. We give better scores to people who are physically more attractive, etc.

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Tasks vs. Jobs

Job = a series of Tasks


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Making good and timely management decisions

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永远不要过于自信,不断地改进才可以实现更好的品质——Toyota case

Designing and Changing Architecture

If we want performance, we want to reward people for performance. If we want performance in our organizational design, we want promotion. Not just pay to go with the performance that we're expecting.

That's a way of saying as we move to pay and promotion as a design feature of the organization that we run. We want people regardless of background, gender, racial identity, anything you can think of that doesn't relate directly to performance. Once we move in that direction, lots of evidence says it's a great way to go. Companies all over the world are moving in that direction as well. We open up a kind of Pandora's box of the de-motivation that can come with inequity.


Change is one of the great enemies of organizational design:

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