【动态规划】Fibonacci, Shortest Paths

connect dots ...

Part one

basic concepts

  • DP, a general, powerful algorithm design technique
  • DP ≈ a careful brute force
    • try all possibilities ,carefully
    • get polynomial time
  • DP ≈ subproblems + reuse
  • DP ≈ recursion + memoization + guessing
    • memoize(remember) & re-use solutions to subproblems that help solve the problem



F1 = F2 = 1
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
Goal: compute Fn

Naive recursive algorithms

  if n <= 2: f = 1
  else: f = fib(n-1) + fib(n+2)
  return f
  • time complexity
    • T(n): the time of compute F(n)
    • T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + Θ(1) >= Fn ≈ Φn >= 2T(n-2) = Θ(2n/2)

Memoized DP algorithm

memo = {}
  if n in memo: return memo[n]
  if n <= 2: f = 1
  else: f = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
  memo[n] = f
  return f
  • idea is simple: whenever we compute a Fibonacci number, we put it into a dictionary.And then we need to compute the nth Fibonacci we check, is it already in the dictionary? Did we already solve this problem? If so, return that answer. Otherwise, compute it.
  • fib(k) only recurses the first time it's called.∀k
    • memoized calls cost O(1)
    • non-memoized calls is n:
    • non-recursive work per call:Θ(1)
      => time = Θ(n)
    • time = subproblems * time/subproblem

Bottom-up DP algorithm

fib = {}
for k in range(1, n+1):
  if k <= 2: f = 1
  else: f = fib[k-1] + fib[k-2]
  fib[k] = f
return fib[n]
  • exactly same computation
  • topological sort of subproblem dependency DAG
  • save space (only need the last two value)

shortest paths


δ(s, v)∀v


Guessing, a very powerful tool.a tried and tested method for solving any problem

  • suppose you don't know something, but you'd like to know it.
  • so what's the answer to this question?I don't know.
  • How am I going to answer the question?Guess!
  • Don't try any guess.try them all. & take the best one

There are some incoming edges to vertex v. The shortest path to v comes through one of those edges. We don't know which one. So before solving the problem of finding shortest path to v we have solve smaller problems of finding shortest path to the parent vertices. If we have 2 incoming edges u1 -> v and u2 -> v, then we have to first find the shortest paths to vertices u1 and u2. Once we know them we can choose one edge between u1 -> v and u2 -> v which will result in the shortest path to v.

guessing & DAG view

  • infinite time on graphs with cycles
    DAGS: O(v+e)

    • use formula: time = subproblems * time/subproblem
    • number of subproblems: v
    • how much time do I spend per subproblem? : incoming edges to v. indegree(v)
  • if you are a acyclic:time = subproblems * time/subproblem

  • if you are a cyclic: make it to acyclic

cyclic graph
Shortest Paths
Memoized Fibonacci


  • Bellman-Fords's algorithm



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