NGS原理- small RNA检测方法-QsRNA-seq


Fig. 2
QsRNA-seq library preparation scheme. A general scheme for preparation of sRNA library for high-throughput sequencing. Low molecular weight (LMW) RNA fraction is ligated to 3′ adapter. Next, the 3′-ligated sRNA is separated first from longer RNA species (tRNA, mRNA, etc.) and then from the remaining free 3′ adapter. 3′-ligated sRNA is then ligated to 5′ adapter possessing UMI. In the next step, the 3′-5′-ligated sRNA is separated from free 5′ adapter and from 3′-5′ adapter dimer and subjected to reverse transcription and PCR amplification. All the separation steps of the protocol are performed by size selection using SPRI paramagnetic beads


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