【Web安全笔记】之【9.0 工具与资源】


  • 9.0 工具与资源
    • 9.1 推荐资源
      • 9.1.1 书单
        • 1. 前端
        • 2. 网络
        • 3. SEO
        • 4. 无线攻防
        • 5. Hacking Programming
        • 6. 社会工程学
        • 7. 数据安全
        • 8. 机器学习与网络安全
        • 9. 安全建设
        • 10. 综合
      • 9.1.2 WebSite
      • 9.1.3 Blog
      • 9.1.4 Bug Bounty
      • 9.1.5 实验环境
        • 1. Web安全相关CTF题目
        • 2. 域实验环境
      • 9.1.6 知识库
        • 1. Awesome 系列
        • 2. Bug Hunting
        • 3. Java
        • 4. 红蓝对抗
        • 5. 后渗透
    • 9.2 相关论文
      • 9.2.1 论文列表
      • 9.2.2 流量分析
      • 9.2.3 漏洞自动化
      • 9.2.4 攻击技巧
      • 9.2.5 攻击检测
      • 9.2.6 隐私
      • 9.2.7 指纹
      • 9.2.8 侧信道
      • 9.2.9 认证
      • 9.2.10 防护
    • 9.3 信息收集
      • 9.3.1 Whois
      • 9.3.2 网站备案
      • 9.3.3 CDN查询
      • 9.3.4 子域爆破
      • 9.3.5 域名获取
      • 9.3.6 弱密码爆破
      • 9.3.7 Git信息泄漏
      • 9.3.8 Github监控
      • 9.3.9 路径及文件扫描
      • 9.3.10 路径爬虫
      • 9.3.11 指纹识别
      • 9.3.12 Waf指纹
      • 9.3.13 端口扫描
      • 9.3.14 DNS数据查询
      • 9.3.15 DNS关联
      • 9.3.16 云服务
      • 9.3.17 数据查询
      • 9.3.18 Password
      • 9.3.19 CI信息泄露
      • 9.3.20 个人数据画像
      • 9.3.21 邮箱收集
      • 9.3.22 其他
    • 9.4 社会工程学
      • 9.4.1 OSINT
      • 9.4.2 社交工具
      • 9.4.3 个人搜索
      • 9.4.4 Hacking database
      • 9.4.5 钓鱼
      • 9.4.6 网盘搜索
      • 9.4.7 密码猜测
      • 9.4.8 伪造
      • 9.4.9 综合框架
    • 9.5 模糊测试
      • 9.5.1 Web Fuzz
      • 9.5.2 XSS Payloads
      • 9.5.3 Burp插件
      • 9.5.4 字典
      • 9.5.5 Unicode Fuzz
      • 9.5.6 WAF Bypass
    • 9.6 漏洞利用/检测
      • 9.6.1 数据库注入
      • 9.6.2 非结构化数据库注入
      • 9.6.3 数据库漏洞利用
      • 9.6.4 XSS
      • 9.6.5 SSRF
      • 9.6.6 模版注入
      • 9.6.7 HTTP Request Smuggling
      • 9.6.8 命令注入
      • 9.6.9 PHP
      • 9.6.10 LFI
      • 9.6.11 struts
      • 9.6.12 CMS
      • 9.6.13 Java框架
      • 9.6.14 DNS相关漏洞
      • 9.6.15 DNS数据提取
      • 9.6.16 DNS 隧道
      • 9.6.17 DNS Shell
      • 9.6.18 XXE
      • 9.6.19 反序列化
      • 9.6.20 JNDI
      • 9.6.21 端口Hack
      • 9.6.22 JWT
      • 9.6.23 无线
      • 9.6.24 中间人攻击
      • 9.6.25 DHCP
      • 9.6.26 DDoS
      • 9.6.27 Shellcode
      • 9.6.28 越权
      • 9.6.29 利用平台
      • 9.6.30 漏洞利用库
      • 9.6.31 Windows
    • 9.7 近源渗透
      • 9.7.1 Bad USB
      • 9.7.2 wifi
      • 9.7.3 无线
    • 9.8 Web持久化
      • 9.8.1 WebShell管理工具
      • 9.8.2 WebShell
      • 9.8.3 Web后门
    • 9.9 横向移动
      • 9.9.1 域
      • 9.9.2 Azure AD
      • 9.9.3 Exchange
      • 9.9.4 PowerShell
      • 9.9.5 内网信息收集
      • 9.9.6 Kerberos
      • 9.9.7 自动化审计
    • 9.10 操作系统持久化
      • 9.10.1 Windows
        • 1. 凭证获取
        • 2. 权限提升
        • 3. UAC Bypass
        • 4. 免杀
        • 5. C2
        • 6. 隐藏
        • 7. 伪造
        • 8. 综合工具
      • 9.10.2 Linux
        • 1. 权限提升
        • 2. rootkit
        • 3. 后门
      • 9.10.3 综合
        • 1. 凭证获取
        • 2. 权限提升
        • 3. RAT
        • 4. C2
        • 5. DNS Shell
        • 6. Cobalt Strike
        • 7. 日志清除
        • 8. Botnet
        • 9. 免杀工具
    • 9.11 审计工具
      • 9.11.1 通用
      • 9.11.2PHP
      • 9.11.3 Python
      • 9.11.4 Java
      • 9.11.5 JavaScript
      • 9.11.6 供应链
    • 9.12 防御
      • 9.12.1 日志检查
      • 9.12.2 终端监控
      • 9.12.3 XSS防护
      • 9.12.4 配置检查
      • 9.12.5 安全检查
      • 9.12.6 IDS
      • 9.12.7 SIEM
      • 9.12.8 威胁情报
      • 9.12.9 APT
      • 9.12.10 入侵检查
      • 9.12.11 进程查看
      • 9.12.12 Waf
      • 9.12.13 病毒在线查杀
      • 9.12.14 WebShell查杀
      • 9.12.15 规则 / IoC
      • 9.12.16 内存取证
      • 9.12.17 Security Advisories
      • 9.12.18 Security Tracker
      • 9.12.19 匹配工具
    • 9.13 安全开发
      • 9.13.1 风险控制
      • 9.13.2 静态分析
      • 9.13.3 安全编码规范
      • 9.13.4 漏洞管理
      • 9.13.5 DevSecOps
    • 9.14 运维
      • 9.14.1 流量
      • 9.14.2 堡垒机
      • 9.14.3 蜜罐
      • 9.14.4 VPN Install
      • 9.14.5 隧道 / 代理
      • 9.14.6 代理链
      • 9.14.7 资产管理
      • 9.14.7 合规
      • 9.14.8 风控
      • 9.14.9 SIEM
      • 9.14.10 安全运维
      • 9.14.11 系统监控
      • 9.14.12 Windows
    • 9.15 其他
      • 9.15.1 综合框架
      • 9.15.2 验证码
      • 9.15.3 WebAssembly
      • 9.15.4 混淆
      • 9.15.5 Proxy Pool
      • 9.15.6 Android
      • 9.15.7 其他

9.0 工具与资源

9.1 推荐资源

9.1.1 书单

1. 前端

  • Web之困
  • 白帽子讲Web安全
  • 白帽子讲浏览器安全(钱文祥)
  • Web前端黑客技术揭秘
  • XSS跨站脚本攻击剖析与防御
  • SQL注入攻击与防御

2. 网络

  • Understanding linux network internals
  • TCP/IP Architecture, Design, and Implementation in Linux
  • Linux Kernel Networking: Implementation and Theory
  • Bulletproof SSL and TLS
  • UNIX Network Programming
  • TCP / IP 协议详解

3. SEO

  • SEO艺术

4. 无线攻防

  • 无线网络安全攻防实战
  • 无线网络安全攻防实战进阶
  • 黑客大揭秘——近源渗透测试(柴坤哲等)

5. Hacking Programming

  • Gray Hat Python

6. 社会工程学

  • 社会工程:安全体系中的人性漏洞
  • 反欺骗的艺术
  • 反入侵的艺术

7. 数据安全

  • 大数据治理与安全 从理论到开源实践(刘驰等)
  • 企业大数据处理 Spark、Druid、Flume与Kafka应用实践(肖冠宇)
  • 数据安全 架构设计与实战(郑云文)

8. 机器学习与网络安全

  • Web安全深度学习实战(刘焱)
  • Web安全机器学习入门(刘焱)
  • Web安全之强化学习与GAN(刘焱)
  • AI安全之对抗样本入门(兜哥)

9. 安全建设

  • 企业安全建设入门——基于开源软件打造企业网络安全 (刘焱)
  • 企业安全建设指南——金融行业安全架构与技术实践 (聂君等)
  • 大型互联网企业安全架构(石祖文)
  • CISSP官方学习指南
  • CISSP认证考试指南
  • Linux系统安全 纵深防御、安全扫描与入侵检测(胥峰)

10. 综合

  • Web安全深度剖析
  • 黑客秘笈——渗透测试实用指南
  • 黑客攻防技术宝典——web实战篇

9.1.2 WebSite

  • https://adsecurity.org/

9.1.3 Blog

  • https://www.leavesongs.com/
  • https://paper.seebug.org/
  • https://xz.aliyun.com/
  • https://portswigger.net/blog
  • https://www.hackerone.com/blog

9.1.4 Bug Bounty

  • https://www.hackerone.com/
  • https://bugcrowd.com
  • https://www.synack.com/
  • https://cobalt.io/

9.1.5 实验环境

1. Web安全相关CTF题目

  • https://github.com/orangetw/My-CTF-Web-Challenges
  • https://www.ripstech.com/php-security-calendar-2017/
  • https://github.com/wonderkun/CTF_web
  • https://github.com/CHYbeta/Code-Audit-Challenges
  • https://github.com/l4wio/CTF-challenges-by-me
  • https://github.com/tsug0d/MyAwesomeWebChallenge
  • https://github.com/a0xnirudh/kurukshetra
  • http://www.xssed.com/

2. 域实验环境

  • Adaz: Active Directory Hunting Lab in Azure
  • Detection Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices

9.1.6 知识库

1. Awesome 系列

  • Awesome CobaltStrike
  • Awesome Cybersecurity Blue Team
  • Awesome Hacking
  • awesome sec talks
  • Awesome Security
  • awesome web security
  • Awesome-Android-Security

2. Bug Hunting

  • HowToHunt Tutorials and Things to Do while Hunting Vulnerability

3. Java

  • learnjavabug Java安全相关的漏洞和技术demo

4. 红蓝对抗

  • atomic red team Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE’s ATT&CK

5. 后渗透

  • Powershell攻击指南 黑客后渗透之道
  • Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet

9.2 相关论文

9.2.1 论文列表

  • PRE-list List of (automatic) protocol reverse engineering tools for network protocols

9.2.2 流量分析

  • Plohmann D, Yakdan K, Klatt M, et al. A comprehensive measurement study of domain generating malware[C]//25th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 16). 2016: 263-278.
  • Nasr M, Houmansadr A, Mazumdar A. Compressive traffic analysis: A new paradigm for scalable traffic analysis[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2017: 2053-2069.

9.2.3 漏洞自动化

  • Staicu C A, Pradel M, Livshits B. SYNODE: Understanding and Automatically Preventing Injection Attacks on NODE. JS[C]//NDSS. 2018.
  • Atlidakis V , Godefroid P , Polishchuk M . REST-ler: Automatic Intelligent REST API Fuzzing[J]. 2018.
  • Alhuzali A, Gjomemo R, Eshete B, et al. {NAVEX}: Precise and Scalable Exploit Generation for Dynamic Web Applications[C]//27th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 18). 2018: 377-392.

9.2.4 攻击技巧

  • Lekies S, Kotowicz K, Groß S, et al. Code-reuse attacks for the web: Breaking cross-site scripting mitigations via script gadgets[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2017: 1709-1723.
  • Papadopoulos P, Ilia P, Polychronakis M, et al. Master of Web Puppets: Abusing Web Browsers for Persistent and Stealthy Computation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.00464, 2018.

9.2.5 攻击检测

  • Liu T, Qi Y, Shi L, et al. Locate-then-detect: real-time web attack detection via attention-based deep neural networks[C]//Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press, 2019: 4725-4731.

9.2.6 隐私

  • Klein A, Pinkas B. DNS Cache-Based User Tracking[C]//NDSS. 2019.

9.2.7 指纹

  • Hayes J, Danezis G. k-fingerprinting: A robust scalable website fingerprinting technique[C]//25th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 16). 2016: 1187-1203.
  • Overdorf R, Juarez M, Acar G, et al. How unique is your. onion?: An analysis of the fingerprintability of tor onion services[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2017: 2021-2036.

9.2.8 侧信道

  • Rosner N, Kadron I B, Bang L, et al. Profit: Detecting and Quantifying Side Channels in Networked Applications[C]//NDSS. 2019.

9.2.9 认证

  • Ghasemisharif M, Ramesh A, Checkoway S, et al. O single sign-off, where art thou? an empirical analysis of single sign-on account hijacking and session management on the web[C]//27th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 18). 2018: 1475-1492.

9.2.10 防护

  • Pellegrino G, Johns M, Koch S, et al. Deemon: Detecting CSRF with dynamic analysis and property graphs[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM, 2017: 1757-1771.

9.3 信息收集

9.3.1 Whois

  • who.is
  • 万网WHOIS
  • 腾讯云WHOIS
  • 站长之家WHOIS

9.3.2 网站备案

  • 天眼查
  • ICP备案查询
  • 爱站备案查询

9.3.3 CDN查询

  • 多地Ping
  • CDN服务商查询

9.3.4 子域爆破

  • subDomainsBrute
  • wydomain
  • broDomain
  • ESD
  • aiodnsbrute
  • OneForAll
  • subfinder

9.3.5 域名获取

  • the art of subdomain enumeration
  • sslScrape
  • aquatone A Tool for Domain Flyovers
  • teemo A Domain Name & Email Address Collection Tool
  • DNS DB 历史记录

9.3.6 弱密码爆破

  • hydra
  • medusa is a high-speed network authentication cracking tool
  • Ncrack
  • htpwdScan
  • patator

9.3.7 Git信息泄漏

  • GitHack By lijiejie
  • GitHack By BugScan
  • GitTools
  • Zen
  • dig github history
  • gitrob Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
  • git secrets
  • shhgit Find GitHub secrets in real time
  • GitHound GitHound pinpoints exposed API keys on GitHub using pattern matching, commit history searching, and a unique result scoring system. A batch-catching, pattern-matching, patch-attacking secret snatcher
  • x patrol Github leaked patrol
  • GitDorker scrape secrets from GitHub through usage of a large repository of dorks

9.3.8 Github监控

  • Github Monitor Github Sensitive Information Leakage Monitor
  • Github Dorks
  • GSIL
  • Hawkeye
  • gshark
  • GitGot
  • gitGraber

9.3.9 路径及文件扫描

  • weakfilescan
  • DirBrute
  • dirsearch
  • bfac
  • ds_store_exp

9.3.10 路径爬虫

  • crawlergo A powerful dynamic crawler for web vulnerability scanners

9.3.11 指纹识别

  • Wappalyzer
  • whatweb
  • Wordpress Finger Print
  • CMS指纹识别
  • JA3 is a standard for creating SSL client fingerprints in an easy to produce and shareable way
  • TideFinger

9.3.12 Waf指纹

  • identywaf
  • wafw00f
  • WhatWaf

9.3.13 端口扫描

  • nmap
  • zmap
  • masscan
  • ShodanHat
  • RustScan The Modern Port Scanner
  • DNS dnsenum nslookup dig fierce
  • SNMP snmpwalk

9.3.14 DNS数据查询

  • VirusTotal
  • PassiveTotal
  • sitedossier

9.3.15 DNS关联

  • Cloudflare Enumeration Tool
  • amass
  • Certificate Search

9.3.16 云服务

  • Find aws s3 buckets
  • CloudScraper
  • AWS Bucket Dump

9.3.17 数据查询

  • Censys
  • Shodan
  • Zoomeye
  • fofa
  • scans
  • Just Metadata
  • publicwww - Find Web Pages via Snippet

9.3.18 Password

  • Probable Wordlists Wordlists sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing
  • Common User Passwords Profiler
  • chrome password grabber

9.3.19 CI信息泄露

  • secretz minimizing the large attack surface of Travis CI

9.3.20 个人数据画像

  • GHunt Investigate Google Accounts with emails

9.3.21 邮箱收集

  • EmailHarvester

9.3.22 其他

  • datasploit
  • watchdog
  • archive
  • HTTPLeaks
  • htrace

9.4 社会工程学

9.4.1 OSINT

  • osint
  • osint git
  • OSINT-Collection
  • trape
  • Photon
  • pockint

9.4.2 社交工具

  • SlackPirate Slack Enumeration and Extraction Tool - extract sensitive information from a Slack Workspace
  • twint An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool

9.4.3 个人搜索

  • pipl
  • hunter
  • EagleEye
  • LinkedInt
  • sherlock
  • email enum
  • Sreg
  • usersearch

9.4.4 Hacking database

  • GHDB
  • have i been pwned

9.4.5 钓鱼

  • spoofcheck
  • gophish
  • SocialFish
  • HFish A Most Convenient Honeypot Platform
  • blackeye complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable
  • king phisher Phishing Campaign Toolkit
  • espoofer An email spoofing testing tool that aims to bypass SPF/DKIM/DMARC and forge DKIM signatures

9.4.6 网盘搜索

  • 虫部落
  • 盘多多
  • Infinite Panc

9.4.7 密码猜测

  • OMEN Ordered Markov ENumerator - Password Guesser
  • genpAss

9.4.8 伪造

  • email_hack 基于 Python 伪造电子邮件发件人

9.4.9 综合框架

  • theHarvester
  • Th3inspector
  • ReconDog

9.5 模糊测试

9.5.1 Web Fuzz

  • wfuzz
  • SecLists
  • fuzzdb
  • foospidy payloads
  • ffuf Fast web fuzzer written in Go

9.5.2 XSS Payloads

  • PORTSWIGGER XSS cheat sheet
  • Pgaijin66 XSS-Payloads

9.5.3 Burp插件

  • BurpBounty Scan Check Builder
  • BurpShiroPassiveScan
  • IntruderPayloads A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads

9.5.4 字典

  • Blasting dictionary
  • pydictor A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
  • fuzzDicts Web Pentesting Fuzz 字典
  • bruteforce lists
  • CT subdomains
  • PentesterSpecialDict 渗透测试人员专用精简化字典

9.5.5 Unicode Fuzz

  • utf16encode

9.5.6 WAF Bypass

  • abuse ssl bypass waf
  • wafninja

9.6 漏洞利用/检测

9.6.1 数据库注入

  • SQLMap
  • bbqsql

9.6.2 非结构化数据库注入

  • NoSQLAttack
  • NoSQLMap
  • Nosql Exploitation Framework
  • MongoDB audit

9.6.3 数据库漏洞利用

  • mysql unsha1
  • ODAT Oracle Database Attacking Tool

9.6.4 XSS

  • BeEF
  • XSS Reciver
  • DSXS
  • XSStrike
  • xsssniper
  • tracy
  • xsleaks A collection of browser-based side channel attack vectors

9.6.5 SSRF

  • SSRFmap
  • SSRF Proxy
  • Gopherus
  • SSRF Testing

9.6.6 模版注入

  • tplmap

9.6.7 HTTP Request Smuggling

  • smuggler An HTTP Request Smuggling / Desync testing tool written in Python
  • h2cSmuggler HTTP Request Smuggling over HTTP/2 Cleartext (h2c)

9.6.8 命令注入

  • commix

9.6.9 PHP

  • Chankro Herramienta para evadir disable_functions y open_basedir

9.6.10 LFI

  • LFISuite
  • FDsploit

9.6.11 struts

  • struts scan

9.6.12 CMS

  • Joomla Vulnerability Scanner
  • Drupal enumeration & exploitation tool
  • Wordpress Vulnerability Scanner
  • TPscan 一键ThinkPHP漏洞检测
  • dedecmscan 织梦全版本漏洞扫描

9.6.13 Java框架

  • ShiroScan Shiro<=1.2.4反序列化检测工具
  • fastjson rce tool fastjson命令执行利用工具

9.6.14 DNS相关漏洞

  • dnsAutoRebinding
  • AngelSword
  • Subdomain TakeOver
  • mpDNS
  • JudasDNS Nameserver DNS poisoning
  • singularity A DNS rebinding attack framework by NGC Group

9.6.15 DNS数据提取

  • dnsteal
  • DNSExfiltrator
  • dns exfiltration by krmaxwell
  • dns exfiltration by coryschwartz
  • requestbin for dns

9.6.16 DNS 隧道

  • dnstunnel de
  • iodine

9.6.17 DNS Shell

  • chashell
  • dnscat2

9.6.18 XXE

  • XXEinjector
  • XXER
  • DTD Finder List DTDs and generate XXE payloads using those local DTDs

9.6.19 反序列化

  • ysoserial
  • JRE8u20 RCE Gadget
  • Java Serialization Dumper A tool to dump Java serialization streams in a more human readable form
  • marshalsec Java Unmarshaller Security - Turning your data into code execution
  • gadgetinspector A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications

9.6.20 JNDI

  • Rogue JNDI A malicious LDAP server for JNDI injection attacks

9.6.21 端口Hack

  • nmap vulners
  • nmap nse scripts
  • Vulnerability Scanning with Nmap

9.6.22 JWT

  • jwtcrack

9.6.23 无线

  • infernal twin

9.6.24 中间人攻击

  • mitmproxy
  • MITMf
  • ssh mitm
  • injectify
  • Responder Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authentication.
  • toxy Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions
  • bettercap The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE and Ethernet networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks

9.6.25 DHCP

  • DHCPwn

9.6.26 DDoS

  • Saddam

9.6.27 Shellcode

  • go shellcode A repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities

9.6.28 越权

  • secscan authcheck

9.6.29 利用平台

  • DNSLog 是一款监控 DNS 解析记录和 HTTP 访问记录的工具
  • LuWu 红队基础设施自动化部署工具

9.6.30 漏洞利用库

  • Penetration Testing POC
  • thc ipv6 IPv6 attack toolkit

9.6.31 Windows

  • PyWSUS a standalone implementation of a legitimate WSUS server which sends malicious responses to clients

9.7 近源渗透

9.7.1 Bad USB

  • WiFiDuck Keystroke injection attack plattform
  • BadUSB code badusb的一些利用方式及代码
  • WHID WiFi HID Injector - An USB Rubberducky / BadUSB On Steroids
  • BadUSB cable based on Attiny85 microcontroller
  • USB Rubber Ducky

9.7.2 wifi

  • wifiphisher
  • evilginx
  • mana
  • pwnagotchi

9.7.3 无线

  • hackrf low cost software radio platform

9.8 Web持久化

9.8.1 WebShell管理工具

  • 菜刀
  • antSword
  • 冰蝎 动态二进制加密网站管理客户端
  • weevely3 Weaponized web shell
  • Altman the cross platform webshell tool in .NET
  • Webshell Sniper Manage your website via terminal
  • quasibot complex webshell manager, quasi-http botnet

9.8.2 WebShell

  • webshell
  • PHP backdoors
  • php bash - semi-interactive web shell
  • Python RSA Encrypted Shell
  • b374k - PHP WebShell Custom Tool
  • JSP Webshells
  • MemShellDemo

9.8.3 Web后门

  • pwnginx
  • Apache backdoor
  • SharpGen .NET Core console application that utilizes the Rosyln C# compiler to quickly cross-compile .NET Framework console applications or libraries
  • IIS-Raid A native backdoor module for Microsoft IIS

9.9 横向移动

9.9.1 域

  • adidnsdump Active Directory Integrated DNS dump tool
  • BloodHound Six Degrees of Domain Admin
  • windapsearch Python script to enumerate users, groups and computers from a Windows domain through LDAP queries
  • ldapdomaindump Active Directory information dumper via LDAP
  • Kerberoast a series of tools for attacking MS Kerberos implementations
  • ADRecon Active Directory Recon

9.9.2 Azure AD

  • ROADtools Azure AD exploration framework

9.9.3 Exchange

  • ruler A tool to abuse Exchange services
  • MailSniper
  • PrivExchange Exchange your privileges for Domain Admin privs by abusing Exchange

9.9.4 PowerShell

  • PowerShellMafia

9.9.5 内网信息收集

  • SharpShares Quick and dirty binary to list network share information from all machines in the current domain and if they’re readable
  • WinShareEnum Windows Share Enumerator
  • HackBrowserData 全平台的浏览器数据导出工具

9.9.6 Kerberos

  • Rubeus
  • kerbrute A tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing

9.9.7 自动化审计

  • Infection Monkey Data center Security Testing Tool

9.10 操作系统持久化

9.10.1 Windows

1. 凭证获取

  • mimikatz
  • RdpThief Extracting Clear Text Passwords from mstsc.exe using API Hooking
  • quarkspwdump Dump various types of Windows credentials without injecting in any process
  • SharpDump C# port of PowerSploit’s Out-Minidump.ps1 functionality

2. 权限提升

  • WindowsExploits
  • GTFOBins Curated list of Unix binaries that can be exploited to bypass system security restrictions
  • JAWS Just Another Windows (Enum) Script

3. UAC Bypass

  • WinPwnage UAC bypass, Elevate, Persistence and Execution methods
  • UACME Defeating Windows User Account Control
  • UAC Bypass In The Wild

4. 免杀

  • SigThief Stealing Signatures and Making One Invalid Signature at a Time

5. C2

  • SharpSploit .NET post-exploitation library written in C#
  • Koadic is a Windows post-exploitation rootkit

6. 隐藏

  • ProcessHider Post-exploitation tool for hiding processes from monitoring applications
  • Invoke Phant0m Windows Event Log Killer
  • EventCleaner A tool mainly to erase specified records from Windows event logs, with additional functionalities

7. 伪造

  • parent PID spoofing Scripts for performing and detecting parent PID spoofing
  • GetSystem This is a C# implementation of making a process/executable run as NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. This is achieved through parent ID spoofing of almost any SYSTEM process.

8. 综合工具

  • Nishang Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security

9.10.2 Linux

1. 权限提升

  • linux exploit suggester
  • LinEnum Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
  • AutoLocalPrivilegeEscalation

2. rootkit

  • rootkit

3. 后门

  • prism is an user space stealth reverse shell backdoor
  • icmpsh Simple reverse ICMP shell

9.10.3 综合

1. 凭证获取

  • sshLooterC program to steal passwords from ssh
  • keychaindump A proof-of-concept tool for reading OS X keychain passwords
  • LaZagne Credentials recovery project

2. 权限提升

  • BeRoot Privilege Escalation Project - Windows / Linux / Mac

3. RAT

  • QuasarRAT

4. C2

  • Empire
  • pupy
  • Covenant is a collaborative .NET C2 framework for red teamers

5. DNS Shell

  • DNS Shell DNS-Shell is an interactive Shell over DNS channel
  • Reverse DNS Shell A python reverse shell that uses DNS as the c2 channel

6. Cobalt Strike

  • Cobalt Strike
  • CrossC2 generate CobaltStrike’s cross-platform payload
  • Cobalt Strike Aggressor Scripts

7. 日志清除

  • Log killer Clear all logs in [linux/windows] servers

8. Botnet

  • byob Build Your Own Botnet

9. 免杀工具

  • AV Evasion Tool 掩日 - 免杀执行器生成工具
  • DKMC Dont kill my cat - Malicious payload evasion tool

9.11 审计工具

9.11.1 通用

  • Cobra
  • Semmle QL
  • Sourcetrail free and open-source cross-platform source explorer
  • trivy A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI
  • fortify


  • RIPS
  • prvd
  • phpvulhunter
  • chip a simple tool to detect potential security threat in php code

9.11.3 Python

  • pyvulhunter
  • pyt

9.11.4 Java

  • find sec bugs
  • Gadget Inspector A byte code analyzer for finding deserialization gadget chains in Java applications

9.11.5 JavaScript

  • NodeJsScan

9.11.6 供应链

  • Dependency-Track is an intelligent Supply Chain Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk from the use of third-party and open source components

9.12 防御

9.12.1 日志检查

  • Sysmon
  • LastActivityView
  • Regshot

9.12.2 终端监控

  • attack monitor Endpoint detection & Malware analysis software
  • artillery The Artillery Project is an open-source blue team tool designed to protect Linux and Windows operating systems through multiple methods.
  • yurita Anomaly detection framework @ PayPal
  • crowdsec An open-source, lightweight agent to detect and respond to bad behaviours

9.12.3 XSS防护

  • js xss
  • DOMPurify
  • google csp evaluator

9.12.4 配置检查

  • Attack Surface Analyzer analyze operating system’s security configuration for changes during software installation.
  • gixy Nginx 配置检查工具
  • dockerscan Docker security analysis & hacking tools

9.12.5 安全检查

  • lynis
  • linux malware detect

9.12.6 IDS

  • ossec
  • yulong
  • AgentSmith

9.12.7 SIEM

  • panther Detect threats with log data and improve cloud security posture

9.12.8 威胁情报

  • threatfeeds
  • abuseipdb

9.12.9 APT

  • APT Groups and Operations
  • APTnotes

9.12.10 入侵检查

  • huorong
  • check rootkit
  • rootkit hunter
  • PC Hunter
  • autoruns

9.12.11 进程查看

  • Process Explorer
  • ProcessHacker

9.12.12 Waf

  • naxsi
  • ModSecurity
  • ngx_lua_waf
  • OpenWAF

9.12.13 病毒在线查杀

  • virustotal
  • virscan
  • habo

9.12.14 WebShell查杀

  • D盾
  • 深信服WebShell查杀
  • php malware finder

9.12.15 规则 / IoC

  • malware ioc
  • fireeye public iocs
  • signature base
  • yara rules
  • capa rules standard collection of rules for capa
  • AttackDetection Suricata PT Open Ruleset
  • DailyIOC IOC from articles, tweets for archives

9.12.16 内存取证

  • SfAntiBotPro
  • volatility

9.12.17 Security Advisories

  • Apache httpd Security Advisories
  • Apache Solr
  • Apache Tomcat
  • Jetty Security Reports
  • Nginx Security Advisories
  • OpenSSL

9.12.18 Security Tracker

  • Nginx Security Tracker

9.12.19 匹配工具

  • yara The pattern matching swiss knife
  • capa The FLARE team’s open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.

9.13 安全开发

9.13.1 风险控制

  • aswan 陌陌风控系统静态规则引擎

9.13.2 静态分析

  • PHP CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards

9.13.3 安全编码规范

  • JAVA安全SDK及编码规范
  • PHP安全SDK及编码规范

9.13.4 漏洞管理

  • 洞察 宜信集应用系统资产管理、漏洞全生命周期管理、安全知识库管理三位一体的平台
  • xunfeng 适用于企业内网的漏洞快速应急,巡航扫描系统
  • DefectDojo an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool
  • Fuxi Scanner Penetration Testing Platform
  • SeMF 企业内网安全管理平台,包含资产管理,漏洞管理,账号管理,知识库管、安全扫描自动化功能模块

9.13.5 DevSecOps

  • hunter 中通DevSecOps闭环方案,被动式漏洞扫描器

9.14 运维

9.14.1 流量

  • Bro
  • Moloch Large scale, open source, indexed packet capture and search
  • TCPFlow
  • TCPDump
  • WireShark
  • Argus
  • PcapPlusPlus
  • ngrep
  • cisco joy A package for capturing and analyzing network flow data and intraflow data, for network research, forensics, and security monitoring.
  • impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
  • NFStream a Flexible Network Data Analysis Framework
  • BruteShark Network Analysis Tool

9.14.2 堡垒机

  • jumpserver
  • CrazyEye
  • GateOne

9.14.3 蜜罐

  • Dionaea
  • Modern Honey Network
  • Cowrie SSH/Telnet蜜罐
  • honeything IoT蜜罐
  • ConPot 工控设施蜜罐
  • MongoDB HoneyProxy
  • ElasticHoney
  • Canarytokens
  • Honeydrive
  • T-Pot The All In One Honeypot Platform
  • opencanary
  • HFish
  • kippo SSH Honeypot

9.14.4 VPN Install

  • pptp
  • ipsec
  • open

9.14.5 隧道 / 代理

  • ngrok
  • rtcp
  • Tunna
  • gost GO Simple Tunnel
  • reDuh Create a TCP circuit through validly formed HTTP requests
  • reGeorg pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn
  • Neo-reGeorg Neo-reGeorg is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor reGeorg
  • ABPTTS TCP tunneling over HTTP/HTTPS for web application servers
  • frp A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet
  • lanproxy 内网穿透工具
  • ligolo Reverse Tunneling made easy for pentesters
  • EarthWorm 是一款用于开启 SOCKS v5 代理服务的工具,基于标准 C 开发,可提供多平台间的转接通讯,用于复杂网络环境下的数据转发。
  • Tunna is a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP
  • mssqlproxy is a toolkit aimed to perform lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised Microsoft SQL Server via socket reuse
  • nps a lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal

9.14.6 代理链

  • Netch Support Socks5, Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, V2Ray, Trojan proxies. UDP NAT FullCone
  • proxychains a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to follow through proxy like TOR or any other SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP(S) proxy

9.14.7 资产管理

  • BlueKing CMDB 面向资产及应用的企业级配置管理平台
  • ARL 资产侦察灯塔系统

9.14.7 合规

  • bombus 合规审计平台

9.14.8 风控

  • nebula
  • Liudao
  • aswan 陌陌风控系统静态规则引擎

9.14.9 SIEM

  • metron
  • MozDef

9.14.10 安全运维

  • Scout URL 监控系统
  • OpenDnsdb 基于Python的DNS管理系统

9.14.11 系统监控

  • netdata Real-time performance monitoring

9.14.12 Windows

  • Windows Sysinternals

9.15 其他

9.15.1 综合框架

  • metasploit
  • w3af
  • AutoSploit
  • Nikto
  • skipfish
  • Arachni
  • ZAP
  • BrupSuite
  • Spiderfoot
  • AZScanner
  • Fuxi
  • vooki
  • BadMod
  • fsociety Hacking Tools Pack
  • axiom A dynamic infrastructure toolkit for red teamers and bug bounty hunters

9.15.2 验证码

  • CAPTCHA22 is a toolset for building, and training, CAPTCHA cracking models using neural networks.

9.15.3 WebAssembly

  • wabt
  • binaryen
  • wasmdec

9.15.4 混淆

  • JStillery
  • javascript obfuscator
  • 基于hook的php混淆解密
  • Invoke Obfuscation

9.15.5 Proxy Pool

  • proxy pool by jhao104
  • Proxy Pool by Germey
  • scylla

9.15.6 Android

  • DroidSSLUnpinning Android certificate pinning disable tools

9.15.7 其他

  • Serverless Toolkit
  • Rendering Engine Probe
  • httrack
  • curl
  • htrace
  • Microsoft Sysinternals Utilities
