算法精解(C语言描述) 第5章 读书笔记


5.1 单链表

/*  -------------------------------- list.h --------------------------------  */

#ifndef LIST_H

#define LIST_H

#include <stdlib.h>

/*  Define a structure for linked list elements.*/

typedef struct ListElmt_ 


    void *data;

    struct ListElmt_ *next;

} ListElmt;

/*  Define a structure for linked lists.*/

typedef struct List_


    int size;

    int (*match)(const void *key1, const void *key2);

    void (*destroy)(void *data);

    ListElmt *head;

    ListElmt *tail;

} List;

/*  --------------------------- Public Interface ---------------------------  */

void list_init(List *list, void (*destroy)(void *data));//whl-?其destroy参数的用法?

void list_destroy(List *list);

int list_ins_next(List *list, ListElmt *element, const void *data);

int list_rem_next(List *list, ListElmt *element, void **data);

#define list_size(list) ((list)->size)

#define list_head(list) ((list)->head)

#define list_tail(list) ((list)->tail)

#define list_is_head(list, element) ((element) == (list)->head ? 1 : 0)

#define list_is_tail(element) ((element)->next == NULL ? 1 : 0)

#define list_data(element) ((element)->data)

#define list_next(element) ((element)->next)



/*  -------------------------------- list.c --------------------------------  */

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "list.h"

/*  ------------------------------- list_init ------------------------------  */

void list_init(List *list, void (*destroy)(void *data))//若链表包含不该释放的数据,则destroy应设置为NULL


    /*  Initialize the list. */

    list->size = 0;

    list->destroy = destroy;//把函数指针成员destroy设置为定义的析构函数

    list->head = NULL;

    list->tail = NULL;



/*  ----------------------------- list_destroy -----------------------------  */

void list_destroy(List *list)//若传给list_init的参数destroy不为NULL,则移除链表中每个元素时都调用该函数一次


    void *data;

    /*  Remove each element. */

    while (list_size(list) > 0)


        if (list_rem_next(list, NULL, (void **)&data) == 0 && list->destroy != NULL)


            /*  Call a user-defined function to free dynamically allocated data.    */




    /*  No operations are allowed now, but clear the structure as a precaution.   */

    memset(list, 0, sizeof(List));



/*  ----------------------------- list_ins_next ----------------------------  */

int list_ins_next(List *list, ListElmt *element, const void *data) //在list指定的链表中element后面插入一个新元素


    ListElmt *new_element;

    /*  Allocate storage for the element. */

    if ((new_element = (ListElmt *)malloc(sizeof(ListElmt))) == NULL)


        return -1;


    /*  Insert the element into the list. */

    //new_element->data = (void *)data;

    new_element->data = (void *)data;

    if (element == NULL) //若element设置为NULL,则新元素插入链表头部


        /*  Handle insertion at the head of the list. */

        if (list_size(list) == 0)

            list->tail = new_element;

        new_element->next = list->head;

        list->head = new_element;




        /*  Handle insertion somewhere other than at the head. */

        if (element->next == NULL)

            list->tail = new_element;

        new_element->next = element->next;

        element->next = new_element;


    /*  Adjust the size of the list to account for the inserted element. */


    return 0;


/*  ----------------------------- list_rem_next ----------------------------  */

int list_rem_next(List *list, ListElmt *element, void **data)//移除由list指定的链表中element后的那个元素


    ListElmt *old_element;

    /*  Do not allow removal from an empty list. */

    if (list_size(list) == 0)

        return -1;

    /*  Remove the element from the list. */

    if (element == NULL)//若element设置为NULL,则移除链表头部元素


        /*  Handle removal from the head of the list. */

        *data = list->head->data;

        old_element = list->head;

        list->head = list->head->next;

        if (list_size(list) == 1)

            list->tail = NULL;


    else {

        /*  Handle removal from somewhere other than the head. */

        if (element->next == NULL)

            return -1;

        *data = element->next->data;

        old_element = element->next;

        element->next = element->next->next;

        if (element->next == NULL)

            list->tail = element;


    /*  Free the storage allocated by the abstract data type. */


    /*  Adjust the size of the list to account for the removed element. */


    return 0;


