
It's the first week we do remote courses. It's no better than physical class as we are not getting as much info as in classroom. However, I am trying to look at the bright side. It's good that I don't have to be confronted with the awkward chit-chat with my Chinese colleagues. Another thing is that I save the commuting time.

This week myself, xu and Sam signed up for Dec CFA level 1. It's good that we have a study group together and can help and motivate each other along the way.

Also, I did three Harvard online courses, which is awesome. I always find the Harvard articles meaningful and inspiring to me. It's just enjoyable to be able to listening to wise people sharing what they have took away in their years of practice. I feel connected in one way or another and this feels great.

Sad thing about this week is that I had quite a lot fighting with Xu due to communication or emotional issues. The lesson I learnt is A to always keep your promise even if to someone you think you have gained the trust. B is to keep a steady level of emotion. In brief, it's to keep a degree of distance so that both people can respect each other and breathe.

When I feel down, I find it helpful to just nap a bit and wear your earphone and starting working. After you get some tasks done, you will at least feel better about yourself.

Overall, it's not a bad week. I am able to work on my own. And it's high time that I should act like a responsible and independent women.
