An arithmetic operand must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
type Finished = Number;
type Still = Number;
interface react {
finished: Finished;
still: Still;
todos: CarInfo[];
const state:react = reactive({
finished: 0,
still: 3,
todos: [
{ id: 1, title: "task0", isCompleted: false },
{ id: 2, title: "task1", isCompleted: true }
type asd = Number;
const a = ref<asd>(1);
const addToDo = function (todo: CarInfo) {
state.still++; // 此处报错
const book: number = 3;
const book: Number = 3;
这里的 Number 是一个 JavaScript 构造函数, 而不是基本数据类型. Number 对象是包装了 JavaScript 中的原始数值的对象.
在 TypeScript 中, 推荐使用小写的 number 表示基本数据类型的数值, 而不是 Number 对象. 基本数据类型更高效且更直接, 因为它在编译后被转换为原始的 JavaScript 数据类型. 而对象类型(如 Number 对象)可能导致性能下降, 因为会涉及到对象的创建和封装.
type Finished = number;
type Still = number;
interface react {
finished: Finished;
still: Still;
todos: CarInfo[];
const state:react = reactive({
finished: 0,
still: 3,
todos: [
{ id: 1, title: "task0", isCompleted: false },
{ id: 2, title: "task1", isCompleted: true }
type asd = number;
const a = ref<asd>(1);
const addToDo = function (todo: CarInfo) {
state.still++; // 不再标红
不推荐, 如果后面还要做这种操作, 每次都要推断.
(state.still as number)++;