仿写Love or Money(003)


'Cambridge 1379,'Jackie said.

'Hello.This is Diane.I want to talk to Mother.'

'Mother isn't here,'Jackie said.'She's at the doctor's.'

'Why?What's Wrong?'

'Nothing's wrong,'Jackie said.'Why are you telephoning? You are going to come this weekend? Mother wants everyone to be here.'

'Yes,I want to come,'Diane said.'I'm phoning because I have no money for the train ticket.'

'No money!Mother is always giving you money!'

'This phone call is very expensive,'Diane said coldly.'Tell Mother please.I need the money.'

Jackie put the phone down.



"Chaoyang 101," I said.

"Hi! This is Xiaohua. I want to talk to Mother."

"Mother isn't here," I said. "She's at the vet's."
"妈妈不在这," 我说。"她在兽医诊所。"

"Why? What's Wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," I said. "Why are you telephoning? You are going to come this Saturday? Mother wants you to be here."
"没什么," 我说道。"你怎么打电话来了?这周六你会回来吗?妈妈希望你回来。"

"Yes, I want to come," Xiaohua said. "I'm phoning because I have good news for Mother."
"是啊,我想回来," 小花说。"我之所以打电话,是因为我有好消息给妈妈。"

"Good news? What good news? Mother always look forward to hear your good news," I said.
"好消息?什么好消息?妈妈总是期待听到你的好消息," 我说道。

"This phone call is very expensive," Xiaohua was afraid. "Tell Mother please. I have good news."
"话费很贵," 小花担心道。"请告诉妈妈,我有个好消息。"

"All right. See you later."

I put the phone down.


"Xianghu 404," Laowang said.
"象湖404号," 老王说。

"Hello. This is Laolai. I want to talk to you."

"Well, I'm at the dentist's now," Laowang said.
"哦,我现在在牙医诊所," 老王说。

"Why? What's Wrong?" Laolai said.
"为什么?怎么啦?" 老赖问道。

"Nothing's wrong. Thank you for your care.Why are you telephoning?" Laowang said.
"没什么。谢谢你的关心。你怎么打电话来了呢?" 老王说。

"You know,I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much, and I just want to hear your voice and I want to see you..." Laolai said.
"你知道的,我们好久不见。我很挂念你,并且呢我仅仅是想听听你的声音,也想见见你……" 老王说道。

"Don't beat around the bush! What's your matter?" Laowang said quickly.
"别兜圈子了!你有什么事?" 老王打岔道。

"Well, I lost my money last weekend. Now I have no money for my breakfast. Can you help me Laowang?"

"You poor bastard!"Laowang said.
"可怜的家伙!" 老王叹道。

"Thank you Laowang," Laolai said.
"谢谢老王," 老赖说道。

"Xiaolai tell me don't lent money to others easily anytime. I'm sorry about it, " Laowang said.
"笑来告诉我,任何时候都别轻易借钱给别人。我对此感到遗憾," 老王说道。

"Please wait a minute. I need..."

Laowang put the phone down.

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