英文 | 中文 |
H-help me. | 救命呀 |
Liberty Mall. You know what they have there? | 自由广场你知道那里有什么吗 |
- What? - A shark. | -什么-有鲨鱼 |
Why in the world would you know that? | 你怎么知道的 |
NorthEast General is a couple blocks from here. | 东北综合医院离这就几个街区 |
Whenever I used to operate, I'd come visit the shark. | 以前每当要做手术时我就来看看鲨鱼 |
Oh, communing with one of your own, huh? | 那是你俩很有共同语言嘛 |
I'm kinder and gentler now. | 我现在变得很和蔼可亲了好吧 |
Oh, yeah, right. | 是吗真的吗 |
I am. Good morning, detective. | 当然早上好警探 |
Good morning, Dr. Hunt. | 早上好亨特医生 |
Peter. | 彼得 |
What have we got, Sam? | 有什么发现萨姆 |
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Well, a couple of shoppers found the body, called it in. | 一对购物顾客发现了尸体就报了警 |
There's no I.D. on him. | 身上没有证件 |
I'm thinking it's a mugging gone wrong. | 我想大概是恶性抢劫案 |
A man was seen hurrying away | 有人看到一个人拿着个旅行包 |
from the scene carrying a duffel bag. | 急匆匆地从现场离开 |
African-American, 30s, | 非裔美国人三十来岁 |
w-riding jeans, tats. | 穿着肥大的牛仔裤身上有刺青 |
Security cameras? | 是监控摄像机拍到的吗 |
That would be too easy. | 那这案子也太便宜咱们了 |
So the guy gets hit on the head, and he comes over the rail. | 那他是头部被袭然后从栏杆上摔下来 |
I see multiple cuts and scratches from the bushes, | 身上有多处被树枝刮擦的伤痕 |
But I don't see anything bad enough to kill him. | 但我认为没严重到致命的地步 |
- What are you looking for? - A pulse. | -你摸什么呢-动脉呀 |
I think it's safe to say, by the time you get the call, | 我得说一句你接到电话时 |
he's already dead. | 他就已经死了 |
You don't want to know some of the mistakes I've seen. | 你是没见过我以前碰到的那些乌龙事件 |
Detective! Found it on the street two blocks away. | 警探在两个街区外发现了这包 |
No cash or credit cards. He left the driver's license. | 现金和信用卡都没了只剩下驾照 |
Ted Habison. Callowhill Street. Age 35. | 泰德·哈比森克劳威大街35岁 |
Let me see that. | 让我看看 |
Is there a cheesesteak place around here? | 这附近有芝士牛肉堡店吗 |
Yeah, probably. Why? | 可能有吧怎么了 |
That's cheesesteak cheese. | 有股牛肉堡里用的乳酪味 |
How many cheesesteak places can there be in one neighborhood? | 这附近的芝士牛肉堡店究竟要有多少家啊 |
Here's your order. | 这是您点的餐 |
Thank you. | 谢谢 |
What can I get you, Officers? | 想要些什么警官 |
- Detective. - Sorry. | -我是警探-抱歉 |
You seen an African-American guy around here-- | 有没有一个非洲裔的人来过这儿 |
30s, baggy jeans, | 三十多岁穿着宽松牛仔裤 |
tattoos on his arms? | 手臂上有纹身 |
Carl! Get out here! | 卡尔出来下 |
Go! | 追 |
What's her name? | 她叫什么名字 |
Jessica Archer, age 33. | 杰西卡·阿彻33岁 |
Died in her sleep in her hotel room. | 在酒店房间睡觉时死亡 |
What a waste. | 太可惜了 |
Cause of death? | 死因呢 |
This. | 因为这个 |
Saddle embolism blocking the left and right main pulmonary arteries. | 左右肺主动脉被鞍型血栓阻塞 |
It's as thick as your finger. | 粗的跟你手指头一样了 |
She's young, | 她这么年轻 |
her valves are normal, and she looks healthy. | 静脉瓣膜也很正常看起来也很健康 |
So how'd she get a blood clot the size of a hot dog? | 怎么会生出粗如热狗肠般的血栓呢 |
Carl Anders, | 卡尔·安德斯 |
Member of the Bronson Street Gang. | 布朗森街头帮的成员 |
Ex-member. | 前成员 |
Mm. Current or ex, | 我管你是不是前成员 |
causing a death in the commission of a robbery | 抢劫时致人死亡 |
is criminally negligent homicide. | 是过失杀人罪 |
Look, I didn't rob nobody, a'ight? | 我没抢劫任何人好吧 |
I went on my break. That's it. Mm. | 我那天休班就这样 |
And you expect me to believe a poor ex-gangbanger like you, | 你指望我相信像你这样的帮派混混吗 |
It's true. | 真的 |
Ted Harbison's credit cards. Explain that. | 这是泰德·哈比森的信用卡怎么解释 |
I saw a bag on the ground. I took it. | 我看到地上有个包就拿了 |
And you didn't see the guy you took it from? | 他没看到你抢的那个人吗 |
I saw a guy. He was up ahead of me, kinda weaving. | 我看到前面的那个人东倒西歪的 |
Weaving? | 东倒西歪 |
Know what I'm saying? Like he was drunk or something. | 你明白我的意思好像喝醉什么的 |
He ducked down some stairs. | 他跌跌撞撞的走下台阶 |
By the time I got there, he was gone. | 我到时他就没影了 |
The bag was on the ground, so I took it, | 包就在地上所以我就拿了 |
But I didn't see no body in the bushes. | 但我没看到树丛中有人 |
I do not see any evidence of physical trauma. | 我没发现有物理外伤 |
What else did they find in that bag of his? | 他们在他的包里还找到什么 |
Toiletries, | 洗漱用具 |
two issues of "Certified Accountant" magazine, | 两期《注册会计师》杂志 |
private pilot logbooks and flight maps, | 私人飞机飞行日志和航线图 |
Prescriptions for vicodin and promethazine. | 维柯丁和异丙嗪的处方 |
What's promethazine? | 异丙嗪是什么东西 |
It's prescribed post-op for nausea and vomiting. | 一种用于治疗手术后恶心和呕吐症状的药 |
Is there a doctor listed? | 有医生签名吗 |
Dr. Mark Chandler. Northeast General Hospital. | 马克·钱德勒医生东北综合医院 |
Those are porthole incisions. This guy just had surgery. | 微创切口这人刚做过手术 |
Let's get his clothes off. | 把他的衣服脱掉 |
- Move that light, will you? - Sure. | -把那盏灯挪过来好吗-好 |
So tell me something. | 那么求个真相 |
They let you just walk out of the hospital right after surgery? | 你们医院里做完手术就让病人立马走人吗 |
Not right after. | 也不是马上走 |
He probably went in first thing this morning. | 他可能是一大早做的手术 |
The whole idea is to shorten recovery time. | 这种手术可以缩短病人的恢复时间 |
Four little holes-- that one's for the scope, | 四个微创口那个是进内窥镜的 |
these two are for the instruments, | 这两个进手术器械 |
and that one's for whatever they took out of him. | 那个用于取出体内物的 |
By the location, I would say... gallbladder. | 根据位置来看应该是胆囊手术 |
But that's just routine, right? | 但也没什么特别之处是吧 |
Hey, you okay? | 你还好吧 |
Your paresthesia acting up? | 你的手又发麻了吗 |
I am fine. | 还好 |
Let's see what's going on in him. | 我们来看看他体内的情况吧 |
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Why is his abdomen full of blood? | 他的腹腔里怎么全是血 |
You can tell Sam that | 你可以告诉萨姆 |
a mugger did not kill Ted Harbison, | 杀死泰德·哈比森的不是抢匪 |
his surgeon did. | 是他的外科医生 |
Ted passed a gallstone last year. | 泰德去年得过胆结石 |
Anyone who's ever done it will tell you, one is enough. | 得过的人都知道太痛苦了 |
When his symptoms started up again, | 后来他的病又复发了 |
we found a surgeon right away. | 我们马上找了外科医生 |
It wasn't the surgery, was it? | 他不会是因手术而死吧 |
We're looking into every possibility. | 我们也在排查一切的可能 |
Can you tell me why he was alone? | 能告诉我他为什么独自出院吗 |
Hospitals don't normally release | 医院通常不会让术后患者 |
post-op patients without an escort. | 在没有陪同的情况下出院 |
After surgery, Ted said he'd be fine in recovery, | 手术后泰德说他一个人可以搞定恢复 |
and I should just come back after work. | 让我回去工作不用陪他 |
I had no idea he was gonna sneak out by himself. | 我没想到他会一个人偷偷溜出去 |
If only I'd stayed... | 如果我在的话 |
- Your husband was an accountant? - Yes. | -你丈夫是会计师吗-是 |
Because we found, uh, pilot logbooks | 我们在他的旅行包里 |
and flight maps in his duffel. | 找到了飞行日志和航线图 |
I don't know too many accountant pilots. | 我很少见飞行员当会计师的 |
He wasn't a pilot really. | 他算不上是真正的飞行员 |
He had not flown since the day he got his license. | 拿到飞机驾照后他就没再飞过 |
Then why did he get his license? | 那他拿飞机驾照干嘛 |
To overcome his fear of flying. | 战胜恐高症 |
That's Ted, you see. | 这就是泰德的性格 |
Mr. Sensible. | 理智至上者 |
If he got caught in the rain in a nice pair of shoes, | 如果天下雨而他恰好穿着一双好鞋 |
he'd take his shoes off. | 他宁愿把鞋脱下来 |
Easier to clean feet than shoes. | 因为脚比鞋好清洗 |
Mrs. Harbison, I promise you, | 哈比森夫人我保证 |
we're gonna find out what happened to your husband. | 一定会找出你丈夫的死因 |
Well, according to Jessica's labs, | 根据杰西卡的实验室报告 |
she didn't have cancer. | 她没得过癌症 |
She wasn't a smoker, or pregnant, or dehydrated. | 她不吸烟没怀孕也无脱水症状 |
And she definitely wasn't obese. | 而且她也绝对不是肥胖患者 |
Which reminds me, have you had your heart checked lately? | 这可提醒我了你最近做过心脏检查吗 |
You had your face checked lately? | 你最近做过面部检查吗 |
Wait. Look at this. | 等等看这个 |
Jessica had elevated levels of progesterone. | 杰西卡体内的孕酮素升高 |
She was on the pill. | 她服过避孕药 |
Okay, she has one marginal risk factor for hypercoagulation, | 这是导致血液高凝状态的一个危险因素 |
but there are millions of women on the pill, | 可服用避孕药的女性多了去了 |
and they don't all die in their hotel beds. | 也没见她们都死在酒店的床上 |
Wait. That's it. | 等等我明白了 |
What's it? | 什么 |
She died in her hotel room, right? | 她是在酒店房间里死的对吧 |
You thinking she just got off an airplane? | 你的意思是说她刚下飞机 |
How long since you've been here? | 你在这家医院工作了多久 |
- Not since Gwen took over. - Gwen? | -在格温接手医院之前-格温是谁 |
Gwen Baldwin. | 格温·鲍德温 |
Nurse turned equipment rep | 从护士到医疗器械销售代表 |
turned hospital administrator. | 最后晋升为院长 |
A real health care success story. | 一个绝对真实的医疗行业成功故事 |
I'm getting the warm fuzzies. | 真是激励人心温暖心灵啊 |
Mm. We were friends once. | 我们曾经是朋友 |