

wikipedia[1] 用于检索的数据集,包含 2866 个样本、10 个类,图像、文本两个模态。
想按照 [2] 的设置处理数据,而 [2] 的设置应该来自 [3],即 images 用 CaffeNet[4] 提取 fc7 层[5] 的 4096 维特征,texts 用 word2vec[6] 提取每个单词的 100 维词向量并取平均。
暂时用 Keras 预训练的 VGG16[7,8] 代替 CaffeNet,参考 [12];word2vec 特征用 gensim[9] 库生成,参考 [13, 14]。


从 [10] 下载,解压之后有 trainset_txt_img_cat.listtestset_txt_img_cat.list 两个文件,里面每行代表一个样本,分 3 列:text 文件名、image 文件名、class id。
text 数据在 texts/ 下,装在 .xml 文件里。本想用 minidom[11] 解析,但因为一些特殊符号(比如单独的 &)解析不了,未找到好方法,暂时手动解析。
image 数据在 images/ 下,分类放在不同文件夹。


import os
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import as sio

from gensim.models import Word2Vec

from tensorflow.keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
from tensorflow.keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

P = "wikipedia_dataset"
IMG_P = "images"
TXT_P = "texts"
TRAIN_LIST = "trainset_txt_img_cat.list"
TEST_LIST = "testset_txt_img_cat.list"

os.chdir(P)  # 切去解压目录

sample order

  • 将 sample list 读出来,方便以同一顺序处理 images、texts、labels。
  • 2173 个是原 training set,后 693 个是原 test set。
ls_img = []
ls_txt = []
ls_lab = []

with open("", "w") as f_out:
    sid = -1
	for fname in (TRAIN_LIST, TEST_LIST):
	    with open(fname, "r") as f_in:
	        for line in f_in:
                sid += 1
	            txt_f, img_f, lab = line.strip().split()
	            #txt_f = join(TXT_P, txt_f, ".xml")
	            #img_f = join(IMG_P, img_f, ".jpg")
                lab = int(lab) - 1  # shift to 0-base
                # format:    
                f_out.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sid, txt_f, img_f, lab))

print(len(ls_img), len(ls_txt), len(ls_lab))


  • labels 转成 one-hot 保存
  • 就存原来的 class ID
labels = np.asarray(ls_lab)
print(labels.shape, np.max(labels), np.min(labels))  # (2866,) 9 0
# N_CLASS = np.max(labels)
# labels -= 1  # shift to [0, N_CLASS - 1]
# labels = np.eye(N_CLASS)[labels]  # to one-hot
# print(labels.shape)  # (2866, 10)
#"labels.npy", labels)
sio.savemat("", {"labels": labels}, do_compression=True)


  • 2021.5.30 updates:之前 word2vec 平均的旧方法放在 mean word2vec (deprecated) 一节。今新增一节 doc2vec,记录基于 gensim Doc2Vec 的处理方法,见下文。

mean word2vec (deprecated)

  • 2021.5.30 updates:预训练 word2vec 的 wikipedia corpus 好像是同于本文 wikipedia 数据集中的 text 数据,而是另外一个专门的 wikipedia English corpus,参见 [19 - 22]。所以此节中 word2vec 的训练 corpus 应该是用了,且对 corpus 的预处理建议换成下一节 gensim 工具的方式,而不是像此节一样的手动处理。
  • 手动解析 .xml,清除一些多余的符号
def parse(fn):
	"""手动解析 xml:读   之间的部分"""
    res = ""
    flag = False
    with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
            if line == "":
            if flag:
                res += " " + line
            if line == "":
                flag = True
    return res

def clean(strings, pattern):
    return [s.replace(pattern, "") for s in strings]

"""解析 xml"""
sentences = []
for txt_f in ls_txt:
    txt_f = join(TXT_P, "{}.xml".format(txt_f))
    # print(txt_f)
    doc = parse(txt_f)  # 手动解析
    # doc = minidom.parse(txt_f).documentElement.getElementsByTagName("text")[0].childNodes[0].data
    words = doc.split()
    # 清除多余符号
    for pat in (",", ".", "!", "?", "''", "(", ")", "\"", ":", ";", "{", "}", "[", "]"):
        words = clean(words, pat)


"""训练 word2vec 模型"""
# [3] 说用 skip-gram
w2v = Word2Vec(sentences, size=100, min_count=5, iter=50, sg=1)  # sg = skip-gram

texts = np.zeros([len(sentences), 100])
for i, s in enumerate(sentences):
    cnt = 0
    for w in s:
        if w in w2v:
            cnt += 1
            texts[i] += w2v[w]
    # 取平均词向量
    texts[i] /= cnt

# 保存"texts.w2v.100.npy", texts)

doc2vec (a new way)

  • (2023.1.11)[18] 中的分词换了用 Stanford CoreNLP 做,而是用 gensim.utils.simple_preprocess但这里没有更新!应要换成 [18] 的方法,详见 [18]。
  • 2021.5.30 更新,参考 [18]。
  • 注意:此段程序独立于本文原文,所需环境也与之同,详见 [18]。
  • 用 Doc2Vec 模型处理 300-d 向量,且用 gensim 自带的预处理函数处理 text,就不用手动清除那些奇怪的符号(即上一节中手写的 clean 函数)。
  • 需要去掉 stop words 吗?gensim.utils.simple_preprocess 好像并不自动去除。
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import io
import numpy as np
import as sio
import gensim
from gensim.models import Doc2Vec

"""process text with Doc2Vec
paser text in .xml files

USER_ID = 1000  # 宿主机 user id
# wiki
P = "/home/tom/dataset/wikipedia"
ID_MAP_F = osp.join(P, "")
TEXT_P = osp.join(P, "texts")
# doc2vec
MODEL = "/home/dataset/Doc2Vec/enwiki_dbow/doc2vec.bin"
start_alpha = 0.01
infer_epoch = 1000
DIM = 300  # dimension of the doc2vec feature

text_files = []
with open(ID_MAP_F, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        _, txt_f, _, _ = line.strip().split()
print("#data:", len(text_files))

def parse(fn):
    res = ""
    flag = False
    with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
            if line == "":
            if flag:
                res += " " + line
            if line == "":
                flag = True
    return res

model = Doc2Vec.load(MODEL)

texts = []
for txt_f in text_files:
    txt_f = osp.join(TEXT_P, "{}.xml".format(txt_f))
    doc = parse(txt_f)
    # print(doc)
    # (2023.1.11) [18] 的分词方法已换成用 Stanford CoreNLP 做
    #             但这里未更新 !!!
    #             去 [18] 看新的文本预处理方法
    doc = gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(doc)
    # print(doc)
    vec = model.infer_vector(doc)
    # print(vec.shape)  # (300,)
    texts.append(vec[np.newaxis, :])
    # break

texts = np.vstack(texts).astype(np.float32)
print("texts:", texts.shape, texts.dtype)  # (2866, 300) float32
_f_name = "{}.mat".format(DIM)
sio.savemat(_f_name, {"texts": texts})
# 参考 [18],因为在 docker 中运行,故需将文件权限换回宿主帐号
os.system("chown {0}:{0} {1}".format(USER_ID, _f_name))

self-made LDA (deprecated)

  • (2021.12.12)[26] 有开源,且其实验用到 wikipedia 的 LDA 特征。经其代码验证,此节所做 LDA 特征能复现其文章结果,应该是的,别用!而 [1] 提供的数据 [10] 中其实已经有 LDA 特征,可复现 [26] 的结果,详见下节。
  • 按 [23],将 texts 处理成 10-D LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)特征,参考 [24]。
  • 注:目前找到可以对拍的数据(否则也不用自己做…),敢包制法一定正确。
  • stop words list 从 [25] 下,文件名 stop_words_english.txt
import io
import os
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import as sio
import gensim
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities

P = "G:/wiki_top10cats"
ID_MAP_F = osp.join(P, "")
STOP_WORD_F = osp.join(P, "stop_words_english.txt")
TEXT_P = osp.join(P, "texts")
N_TOPIC = 10

print("stop words")
with open(STOP_WORD_F, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
    stop_words = [line.strip() for line in f]
print("#stop word:", len(stop_words))

print("text 文件顺序:按前述 id map")
text_files = []
with open(ID_MAP_F, "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        _, txt_f, _, _ = line.strip().split()
print("#data:", len(text_files))  # 2866

def parse(fn):
    res = ""
    flag = False
    with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:
            if line == "":
            if flag:
                res += " " + line
            if line == "":
                flag = True
    return res

print("按顺序读 texts")
corpus = []
for txt_f in text_files:
    txt_f = osp.join(TEXT_P, "{}.xml".format(txt_f))
    doc = parse(txt_f)
    # print(doc)
    doc = gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(doc)
    doc = [w for w in doc if w not in stop_words]  # 去掉 stop words
    # print(doc)
print("corpus:", len(corpus))  # 2866

dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(corpus)
print("vocab:", len(dictionary))  # 63218

print("转 BoW")
bow_list = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in corpus]
print(len(bow_list), type(bow_list[0]))  # 2866 

print("算 TF-IDF")
corpus_tfidf = models.TfidfModel(bow_list)[bow_list]

lda = models.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, num_topics=N_TOPIC, id2word=dictionary,
    alpha=0.01, eta=0.01, minimum_probability=0.001,
    update_every=1, chunksize=100, passes=1)

doc_topics = lda.get_document_topics(corpus_tfidf)
# 格式:[(topic_id, membership)]

texts_lda = np.asarray(doc_topics)
texts_lda = texts_lda[:, :, 1]
# print(texts_lda[0])

# 保存
assert texts_lda.shape[1] == N_TOPIC
sio.savemat(osp.join(P, "{}.mat".format(N_TOPIC)), {"texts": texts_lda})

provided LDA

  • [1] 中说它有提供 LDA 特征,在 [10] 下载的 raw_features.mat 中,是按 training & test set 分好的。
  • 样本顺序同前面 sample order 一节,即分别按照 trainset_txt_img_cat.listtestset_txt_img_cat.list 两个文件的顺序。
  • 经 [26] 的程序验证,可以复现其文章结果,应该是对的。
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import as sio

P = "G:/wiki_top10cats"
DATA_F = osp.join(P, "raw_features.mat")

data = sio.loadmat(DATA_F)
print(list(data.keys()))  # 'I_tr', 'I_te', 'T_tr', 'T_te'

print("先 train 后 test,同前面 sample order")
texts_lda = np.vstack([data["T_tr"], data["T_te"]])
print(texts_lda.shape)  # (2866, 10)

sio.savemat(osp.join(P, "{}.mat".format(texts_lda.shape[1])), {"texts": texts_lda})


将图片全部复制到同一个目录,方便操作。用 VGG16 提特征

  • 可以不用复制,而用软链接,见 [15,16,17]。
ALL_IMG_P = "images_all"
if not os.path.exists(ALL_IMG_P):

"""全复制到 ALL_IMG_P"""
for cls in os.listdir(IMG_P):
    cls_d = join(IMG_P, cls)
    # print(os.listdir(cls_d))
    for img in os.listdir(cls_d):
        # os.system("cp {} {}".format(join(cls_d, img), ALL_IMG_P))  # linux
        os.system("copy {} {}".format(join(cls_d, img), ALL_IMG_P))  # windows

base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet')
# print(base_model.summary())
model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=base_model.get_layer('fc2').output)
# print(model.summary())

images = []
for i_name in ls_img:
    img_f = join(ALL_IMG_P, "{}.jpg".format(i_name))
    img = image.load_img(img_f, target_size=(224, 224))
    x = image.img_to_array(img)
    x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
    x = preprocess_input(x)

images = np.vstack(images)

# 保存"images.vgg16.npy", images)

Cloud Drive



  1. A new approach to cross-modal multimedia retrieval
  2. Semi-Supervised Cross-Modal Retrieval with Label Prediction
  3. Generalized Semi-supervised and Structured Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
  4. Caffe: Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding
  5. caffe/models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/train_val.prototxt
  6. Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality
  7. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition
  8. VGG16
  9. gensim
  10. Cross-Modal Multimedia Retrieval
  11. xml.dom.minidom
  12. keras预训练模型应用(3):VGG19提取任意层特征
  13. 基于 Gensim 的 Word2Vec 实践
  14. 用gensim学习word2vec
  15. windows软链接
  16. dos bat批量创建软链接
  17. linux创建、删除文件夹的软链接
  18. MS COCO 2017数据集预处理
  19. Train Wiki Corpus by gensim Word2vec
  20. TypeError: sequence item 0: expected a bytes-like object, str found
  21. Gensim train word2vec on wikipedia - preprocessing and parameters
  22. 利用Gensim在英文Wikipedia训练词向量
  23. Deep Graph-neighbor Coherence Preserving Network for Unsupervised Cross-modal Hashing
  24. 利用Python进行LDA特征提取
  25. The list of stop words
  26. Deep Graph-neighbor Coherence Preserving Network for Unsupervised Cross-modal Hashing
