36 . The Mediaeval city----pioneering,restless

第一大段 :

The early part of the Middle Ages had been an era of pioneering and of settlement.

-----------------中世界早期是一个开拓与定居的时代 (阐述的是什么,相当于是个抽象概念,里面提到时间)

下面就应该讲 谁,如何 开拓与 定居 (How /Why)  ---通过具象展开

A new people, who thus far had lived outside the wild range of forest,mountains and marshes which protected the north-eastern frontier of the Roman Empire, had forced its way into the plains of western Europe and had taken possession of most of the land.

---------------------------出现了 who (a new people)做了什么 (强行闯入到了 西欧平原  并且 占有了  大量土地【这里面有并列逻辑(思考丰富)】 )

 They 的多个短句 并列  , 描述 怎样开拓 和 定居的状态(How )

第一步:在路上 ->具象在路上干什么  ;第二步:喜欢自由(如何享受自由的)

第三步:不再喜欢old homes ,继续下一个冒险

 They were restless , as all pioneers have been since the beginning of time.  ---进一步说明restless ,与开拓呼应

 They liked to be “on the go”.  ---在路上 

 They cut down the forests and they cut each other’s throats with equal energy. --在路上做什么

  Few of them wanted to live in cities.  

  They insisted upon being “free”, 

   they loved to feel the fresh air of the hillsides fill their lungs  while they drove  their herds across the wind-   swept pastures. (进一步说明free ,画面感,触觉)

    When they no  longer liked their old homes, they pulled up stakes and went away in search of  fresh             adventures.  (下一个新的冒险)

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