使用towhee向milvus插入数据后Number of data inserted is 0问题


112 p_insert = (
113     pipe.input('img_path')
114         .map('img_path', 'img', ops.image_decode('rgb'))
115         .map('img', 'vec', ops.image_embedding.timm(model_name=MODEL, device=DEVICE))
116         .map('vec', 'vec', lambda x: x / numpy.linalg.norm(x, axis=0))
117         .map(('img_path', 'vec'), 'mr', ops.ann_insert.milvus_client(
118                     host=HOST,
119                     port=PORT,
120                     collection_name=COLLECTION_NAME
121                     ))
122           .output('mr')
123 )
125 for img_path in to_insert:
126     p_insert(img_path)
127 print('Number of data inserted:', collection.num_entities)

运行结果总是:Number of data inserted:0

127 collection.flush()
128 collection.load()

Number of data inserted: 1000

Flush the Data in Milvus
When data is inserted into Milvus it is inserted into segments. Segments have to reach a certain size to be sealed
 and indexed. Unsealed segments will be searched brute force. In order to avoid this with any remainder data, it is 
 best to call flush(). The flush call with seal any remaining segments and send them for indexing. It is important to 
 only call this at the end of an insert session, as calling this too much will cause fragmented data that will need to 
 be cleaned later on.
