TGG - Chapter 27

1 - 阅读感悟


(2)关于神话与科学。本章中写道海南人民只要一生病就杀牛敬神的事,我们如今看觉得荒唐不已。但是在苏东坡所处的时代,只能说苏东坡有先见之明,而不能责备当地人愚不可及。人们往往愿意相信已有的神话,而不愿接受新的事物,比如科学,正如文中所说的“but of course customs could not be changed easily”。这让我想起了是布鲁诺因为坚称“地球是圆的”,提出地球只不过是无限宇宙中一粒小小的尘埃等新观点,最终被捕入狱,被宗教裁判所判为“异端”而烧死在罗马鲜花广场。

(3)关于法律。本章用一句话说明了良法才能发挥作用:... they were driven to taking the law into their own hands only because the Chinese courts could not render them justice.

2 - Words & Sentences

(1)subjugate 动词

① If someone subjugates a group of people, they take complete control of them, especially by defeating them in a war. 征服

【例句】Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.


②If your wishes or desires are subjugated to something, they are treated as less important than that thing. 使(愿望)退居其次

【例句】After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves. 



①... a little hut which barely servers the purpose of giving shelter.

② But his indomitable spirit and his philosophy of life hardly permitted him to lose his joy of living.

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