【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】

LEC 1 Agents and Autonomous Systems

Part 1:Part 1: A

1. Agents :

    (a. An agents is a computer system that is capable of independent (autonomous) action on behalf of its user or owner (figuring out what needs to be done to satisfy design objectives, rather than constantly being told).

    (b. The main point about agents is they are autonomous: capable independent action.

all about decisions: what to do / when to do

    (c. There is a spectrum of autonomy: autonomy is adjustable

    (d. Simple agents: Control systems; software demons

    (e. Differences between Agents and Objects:

          A. Stronger notion of autonomy

          B. Capable of flexible (reactive, pro-active, social)

          C. Multi-threaded

Part 2: Properties of Autonomy

1. Proactiveness: 结果导向行为

generating and attempting to achieve goals; not driven solely by events; taking the initiative

2. Reactivity: 环境和周围的信息是动态的,需要能够实时的反应

Most environments are dynamic and information is incomplete

3. Social Ability:

Social ability in agents is the ability to interact with other agents (and possibly humans) via cooperationcoordination, and negotiation.

   (a. Cooperation: 合作

     working together as a team to achieve a shared goal.

   (b. Coordination: 协作

    managing the interdependencies between activities(足球)

   (c. Negotiation: 谈判

    the ability to reach agreements on matters of common interest

Part 3: The Robot Control Architecture

【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第1张图片

【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第2张图片

1. Perception and Localisation

A robot localises by identifying features and the position in the map from which it could see them

    a. navigation

【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第3张图片

     b. Approach: Classical/Deliberative

  【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第4张图片

   c. Approach: Behaviour Based

【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第5张图片

   d. Hybrid(混合)

【COMP329 LEC1 Agents and Autonomous Systems】_第6张图片
