



Welcome(欢迎乘车) Please take a seat.(请坐) Please buy your ticket.(请您买票) Here are your change and your ticket.(这是找您的钱和您的票) Could you tell me your destination please.(请问您要到哪里) Here is ….Please those who want to get to get off the bus.(……到了,请到……的乘客下车) Take care.Be careful(下车请当心)


1、女士们、先生们,你们好,欢迎您乘坐上海客运段列车出行,我代表全体乘务人员向您问好!为了您的旅行安全,请您注意以下 事项: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the train. It’s my pleasure to extend our best regards to you on behalf of all the crew members. For your safety, Please pay attention to the safety instruction of this train.

2、上车时请您注意车票上的车次和停靠站,并请对号入座。请将您随身携带的行李物品放置在行李架或车厢一端的大件行李处,放置稳妥。 Please make sure of your train number and destination.Please be seated according to the seat number on your ticket. Your belongings should be stowed safely on the specified racks or the luggage room on the far end of the coach.

3、乘坐列车时您可以参阅《乘车服务指南》或咨询乘务人员来了解车内服务设施的具体情况和使用方法。为了保持设备设施功能良 好,请您在使用时多加爱护。 Please refer to the Train Service Guide or consult the crew members if you want to know more details and usage of the coach facilities.

4、乘坐动车组列车时严禁吸烟,如有违反者,乘警将依据《铁路安全管理条例》进行处罚。 Smoking is strictly prohibited during the whole trip. Please do not smoke in any area on board. Any violators will be punished by the train police according to the Regulations on the Administration of Railway Safety.

5、列车车厢内涂有红色标记的安全设施是紧急情况下使用的,请不要随意碰触,以免影响列车运行。 The devices with red marks are for emergency only. Do not touch them so as to avoid any accident.

6、有小朋友的旅客请勿让儿童在车厢内奔跑、打闹、攀爬座椅、手扶门缝、触碰电茶炉等,以免发生意外伤害。 Please take good care of your children. In order to avoid any accident, please do not let them run or romp about in the coach, or climb the seats or hold the crack of the door or touch the electric water boiler.

7、列车发生紧急情况时,请听从列车工作人员安排。感谢您的关注,祝您旅途愉快! In case of emergency,please follow the train attendants instructions.Thanks for your attention.We wish you have a safe and a pleasant journey.

8、女士们先生们早晨好,欢迎乘坐中国高铁我们的终点站是哈尔滨西站,现在我们到达的是沈阳北站,门会在左侧打开 Good morning ladies and gentleman,welcome to take China railway high-speed trian,our destination is harbin west station,we are now in ShenYang North station ,the door will be open in the left side.

9、女士们,先生们!前方到站是XX站,请下车的旅客提前整理自己的行李,做好下次准备,您下车时从列车运行方向的前部车门下 车,XX站就要到了! Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station. Good morning ladies and gentleman,welcome to take china railway high-speed trian,our destination is XXX west station,we are now in XXX North station ,the door will be open in the left side.
