2021-06-26 Moving on Quicker and Easier

Quitters don’t get caught up in the past like most people do.

They transition smoothly because they understand some things work and some don’t. They are comfortable with the process.

In life, you will notice that many people can’t move on from the past and/or wish it was still the “good ole days.”

The problem with this mentality is that everything has an end to it. Nothing is going to last forever and it’s best to get comfortable with this fact so that when the inevitable end comes, you can jump to the next thing swiftly.

Personally, I’ve always believed that life was about movement.

Everything in the world, humans included, are either growing or dying. It’s binary, and there’s no point looking for further nuance.

Things are in a constant state of change and it’s either positive or negative. You need to determine which way the momentum is moving and decide if you’re okay with it or not.

Sometimes, there’s no use trying to revive something that’s dead when you can be part of something that’s alive and well.

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