Python ply pcd 点云读取源码

Read and write PCL .pcd files in python.
[email protected], 2013-2018

- TODO better API for wacky operations.
- TODO add a cli for common operations.
- TODO deal properly with padding
- TODO deal properly with multicount fields
- TODO better support for rgb nonsense

import re
import struct
import copy
from io import BytesIO as sio
# import cStringIO as sio
import numpy as np
import warnings
import lzf

    from sensor_msgs.msg import PointField
    import numpy_pc2  # needs sensor_msgs
except ImportError:

__all__ = ['PointCloud',

    pc2_pcd_type_mappings = [(PointField.INT8, ('I', 1)),
                             (PointField.UINT8, ('U', 1)),
                             (PointField.INT16, ('I', 2)),
                             (PointField.UINT16, ('U', 2)),
                             (PointField.INT32, ('I', 4)),
                             (PointField.UINT32, ('U', 4)),
                             (PointField.FLOAT32, ('F', 4)),
                             (PointField.FLOAT64, ('F', 8))]
    pc2_type_to_pcd_type = dict(pc2_pcd_type_mappings)
    pcd_type_to_pc2_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in pc2_pcd_type_mappings)
    __all__.extend(['pcd_type_to_pc2_type', 'pc2_type_to_pcd_type'])

numpy_pcd_type_mappings = [(np.dtype('float32'), ('F', 4)),
                           (np.dtype('float64'), ('F', 8)),
                           (np.dtype('uint8'), ('U', 1)),
                           (np.dtype('uint16'), ('U', 2)),
                           (np.dtype('uint32'), ('U', 4)),
                           (np.dtype('uint64'), ('U', 8)),
                           (np.dtype('int16'), ('I', 2)),
                           (np.dtype('int32'), ('I', 4)),
                           (np.dtype('int64'), ('I', 8))]
numpy_type_to_pcd_type = dict(numpy_pcd_type_mappings)
pcd_type_to_numpy_type = dict((q, p) for (p, q) in numpy_pcd_type_mappings)

def parse_header(lines):
    """ Parse header of PCD files.
    metadata = {}
    for ln in lines:
        if ln.startswith('#') or len(ln) < 2:
        match = re.match('(\w+)\s+([\w\s\.]+)', ln)
        if not match:
            warnings.warn("warning: can't understand line: %s" % ln)
        key, value =,
        if key == 'version':
            metadata[key] = value
        elif key in ('fields', 'type'):
            metadata[key] = value.split()
        elif key in ('size', 'count'):
            metadata[key] = list(map(int, value.split()))
        elif key in ('width', 'height', 'points'):
            metadata[key] = int(value)
        elif key == 'viewpoint':
            metadata[key] = list(map(float, value.split()))
        elif key == 'data':
            metadata[key] = value.strip().lower()
        # TODO apparently count is not required?
    # add some reasonable defaults
    if 'count' not in metadata:
        metadata['count'] = [1]*len(metadata['fields'])
    if 'viewpoint' not in metadata:
        metadata['viewpoint'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    if 'version' not in metadata:
        metadata['version'] = '.7'
    return metadata

def write_header(metadata, rename_padding=False):
    """ Given metadata as dictionary, return a string header.
    template = """\
VERSION {version}
FIELDS {fields}
SIZE {size}
TYPE {type}
COUNT {count}
WIDTH {width}
HEIGHT {height}
VIEWPOINT {viewpoint}
POINTS {points}
DATA {data}
    str_metadata = metadata.copy()

    if not rename_padding:
        str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(metadata['fields'])
        new_fields = []
        for f in metadata['fields']:
            if f == '_':
        str_metadata['fields'] = ' '.join(new_fields)
    str_metadata['size'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['size']))
    str_metadata['type'] = ' '.join(metadata['type'])
    str_metadata['count'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['count']))
    str_metadata['width'] = str(metadata['width'])
    str_metadata['height'] = str(metadata['height'])
    str_metadata['viewpoint'] = ' '.join(map(str, metadata['viewpoint']))
    str_metadata['points'] = str(metadata['points'])
    tmpl = template.format(**str_metadata)
    return tmpl

def _metadata_is_consistent(metadata):
    """ Sanity check for metadata. Just some basic checks.
    checks = []
    required = ('version', 'fields', 'size', 'width', 'height', 'points',
                'viewpoint', 'data')
    for f in required:
        if f not in metadata:
            print('%s required' % f)
    checks.append((lambda m: all([k in m for k in required]),
                   'missing field'))
    checks.append((lambda m: len(m['type']) == len(m['count']) ==
                   'length of type, count and fields must be equal'))
    checks.append((lambda m: m['height'] >= 0,
                   'height must be greater than 0'))
    checks.append((lambda m: m['width'] >= 0,
                   'width must be greater than 0'))
    checks.append((lambda m: m['points'] > 0,
                   'points must be greater than 0'))
    checks.append((lambda m: m['data'].lower() in ('ascii', 'binary',
                   'unknown data type:'
                   'should be ascii/binary/binary_compressed'))
    ok = True
    for check, msg in checks:
        if not check(metadata):
            print('error:', msg)
            ok = False
    return ok

# def pcd_type_to_numpy(pcd_type, pcd_sz):
#     """ convert from a pcd type string and size to numpy dtype."""
#     typedict = {'F' : { 4:np.float32, 8:np.float64 },
#                 'I' : { 1:np.int8, 2:np.int16, 4:np.int32, 8:np.int64 },
#                 'U' : { 1:np.uint8, 2:np.uint16, 4:np.uint32 , 8:np.uint64 }}
#     return typedict[pcd_type][pcd_sz]

def _build_dtype(metadata):
    """ Build numpy structured array dtype from pcl metadata.

    Note that fields with count > 1 are 'flattened' by creating multiple
    single-count fields.

    *TODO* allow 'proper' multi-count fields.
    fieldnames = []
    typenames = []
    for f, c, t, s in zip(metadata['fields'],
        np_type = pcd_type_to_numpy_type[(t, s)]
        if c == 1:
            fieldnames.extend(['%s_%04d' % (f, i) for i in range(c)])
    dtype = np.dtype([x for x in zip(fieldnames, typenames)])
    return dtype

def build_ascii_fmtstr(pc):
    """ Make a format string for printing to ascii.

    Note %.8f is minimum for rgb.
    fmtstr = []
    for t, cnt in zip(pc.type, pc.count):
        if t == 'F':
        elif t == 'I':
        elif t == 'U':
            raise ValueError("don't know about type %s" % t)
    return fmtstr

def parse_ascii_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata):
    """ Use numpy to parse ascii pointcloud data.
    return np.loadtxt(f, dtype=dtype, delimiter=' ')

def parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata):
    rowstep = metadata['points']*dtype.itemsize
    # for some reason pcl adds empty space at the end of files
    buf =
    return np.fromstring(buf, dtype=dtype)

def parse_binary_compressed_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata):
    """ Parse lzf-compressed data.
    Format is undocumented but seems to be:
    - compressed size of data (uint32)
    - uncompressed size of data (uint32)
    - compressed data
    - junk
    fmt = 'II'
    compressed_size, uncompressed_size =\
    compressed_data =
    # TODO what to use as second argument? if buf is None
    # (compressed > uncompressed)
    # should we read buf as raw binary?
    buf = lzf.decompress(compressed_data, uncompressed_size)
    if len(buf) != uncompressed_size:
        raise IOError('Error decompressing data')
    # the data is stored field-by-field
    pc_data = np.zeros(metadata['width'], dtype=dtype)
    ix = 0
    for dti in range(len(dtype)):
        dt = dtype[dti]
        bytes = dt.itemsize * metadata['width']
        column = np.fromstring(buf[ix:(ix+bytes)], dt)
        pc_data[dtype.names[dti]] = column
        ix += bytes
    return pc_data

def point_cloud_from_fileobj(f):
    """ Parse pointcloud coming from file object f
    header = []
    while True:
        ln = f.readline().strip().decode(encoding = 'utf-8')
        if ln.startswith('DATA'):
            metadata = parse_header(header)
            dtype = _build_dtype(metadata)
    if metadata['data'] == 'ascii':
        pc_data = parse_ascii_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata)
    elif metadata['data'] == 'binary':
        pc_data = parse_binary_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata)
    elif metadata['data'] == 'binary_compressed':
        pc_data = parse_binary_compressed_pc_data(f, dtype, metadata)
        print('DATA field is neither "ascii" or "binary" or\
    return PointCloud(metadata, pc_data)

def point_cloud_from_path(fname):
    """ load point cloud in binary format
    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
        pc = point_cloud_from_fileobj(f)
    return pc

def point_cloud_from_buffer(buf):
    fileobj = sio.StringIO(buf)
    pc = point_cloud_from_fileobj(fileobj)
    fileobj.close()  # necessary?
    return pc

def point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, fileobj, data_compression=None):
    """ Write pointcloud as .pcd to fileobj.
    If data_compression is not None it overrides
    metadata = pc.get_metadata()
    if data_compression is not None:
        data_compression = data_compression.lower()
        assert(data_compression in ('ascii', 'binary', 'binary_compressed'))
        metadata['data'] = data_compression

    header = write_header(metadata)
    if data_compression == 'binary':
        header = str.encode(header)
    if metadata['data'].lower() == 'ascii':
        fmtstr = build_ascii_fmtstr(pc)
        np.savetxt(fileobj, pc.pc_data, fmt=fmtstr)
    elif metadata['data'].lower() == 'binary':
    elif metadata['data'].lower() == 'binary_compressed':
        # TODO
        # a '_' field is ignored by pcl and breakes compressed point clouds.
        # changing '_' to '_padding' or other name fixes this.
        # admittedly padding shouldn't be compressed in the first place.
        # reorder to column-by-column
        uncompressed_lst = []
        for fieldname in pc.pc_data.dtype.names:
            column = np.ascontiguousarray(pc.pc_data[fieldname]).tostring('C')
        uncompressed = ''.join(uncompressed_lst)
        uncompressed_size = len(uncompressed)
        # print("uncompressed_size = %r"%(uncompressed_size))
        buf = lzf.compress(uncompressed)
        if buf is None:
            # compression didn't shrink the file
            # TODO what do to do in this case when reading?
            buf = uncompressed
            compressed_size = uncompressed_size
            compressed_size = len(buf)
        fmt = 'II'
        fileobj.write(struct.pack(fmt, compressed_size, uncompressed_size))
        raise ValueError('unknown DATA type')
    # we can't close because if it's stringio buf then we can't get value after

def point_cloud_to_path(pc, fname):
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, f)

def point_cloud_to_buffer(pc, data_compression=None):
    fileobj = sio.StringIO()
    point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, fileobj, data_compression)
    return fileobj.getvalue()

def save_point_cloud(pc, fname):
    """ Save pointcloud to fname in ascii format.
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, f, 'ascii')

def save_point_cloud_bin(pc, fname):
    """ Save pointcloud to fname in binary format.
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, f, 'binary')

def save_point_cloud_bin_compressed(pc, fname):
    """ Save pointcloud to fname in binary compressed format.
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        point_cloud_to_fileobj(pc, f, 'binary_compressed')

def save_xyz_label(pc, fname, use_default_lbl=False):
    """ Save a simple (x y z label) pointcloud, ignoring all other features.
    Label is initialized to 1000, for an obscure program I use.
    md = pc.get_metadata()
    if not use_default_lbl and ('label' not in md['fields']):
        raise Exception('label is not a field in this point cloud')
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        for i in range(pc.points):
            x, y, z = ['%.4f' % d for d in (
                pc.pc_data['x'][i], pc.pc_data['y'][i], pc.pc_data['z'][i]
            lbl = '1000' if use_default_lbl else pc.pc_data['label'][i]
            f.write(' '.join((x, y, z, lbl))+'\n')

def save_xyz_intensity_label(pc, fname, use_default_lbl=False):
    """ Save XYZI point cloud.
    md = pc.get_metadata()
    if not use_default_lbl and ('label' not in md['fields']):
        raise Exception('label is not a field in this point cloud')
    if 'intensity' not in md['fields']:
        raise Exception('intensity is not a field in this point cloud')
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        for i in range(pc.points):
            x, y, z = ['%.4f' % d for d in (
                pc.pc_data['x'][i], pc.pc_data['y'][i], pc.pc_data['z'][i]
            intensity = '%.4f' % pc.pc_data['intensity'][i]
            lbl = '1000' if use_default_lbl else pc.pc_data['label'][i]
            f.write(' '.join((x, y, z, intensity, lbl))+'\n')

def save_txt(pc, fname, header=True):
    """ Save to csv-style text file, separated by spaces.

    - support multi-count fields.
    - other delimiters.
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:
        if header:
            header_lst = []
            for field_name, cnt in zip(pc.fields, pc.count):
                if cnt == 1:
                    for c in range(cnt):
                        header_lst.append('%s_%04d' % (field_name, c))
            f.write(' '.join(header_lst)+'\n')
        fmtstr = build_ascii_fmtstr(pc)
        np.savetxt(f, pc.pc_data, fmt=fmtstr)

def update_field(pc, field, pc_data):
    """ Updates field in-place.
    pc.pc_data[field] = pc_data
    return pc

def add_fields(pc, metadata, pc_data):
    """ Builds copy of pointcloud with extra fields.

    Multi-count fields are sketchy, yet again.
    if len(set(metadata['fields']).intersection(set(pc.fields))) > 0:
        raise Exception("Fields with that name exist.")

    if pc.points != len(pc_data):
        raise Exception("Mismatch in number of points.")

    new_metadata = pc.get_metadata()

    # parse metadata to add
    # TODO factor this
    fieldnames, typenames = [], []
    for f, c, t, s in zip(metadata['fields'],
        np_type = pcd_type_to_numpy_type[(t, s)]
        if c == 1:
            fieldnames.extend(['%s_%04d' % (f, i) for i in range(c)])
    dtype = zip(fieldnames, typenames)
    # new dtype. could be inferred?
    new_dtype = [(f, pc.pc_data.dtype[f])
                 for f in pc.pc_data.dtype.names] + dtype

    new_data = np.empty(len(pc.pc_data), new_dtype)
    for n in pc.pc_data.dtype.names:
        new_data[n] = pc.pc_data[n]
    for n, n_tmp in zip(fieldnames, pc_data.dtype.names):
        new_data[n] = pc_data[n_tmp]

    # TODO maybe just all the metadata in the dtype.
    # TODO maybe use composite structured arrays for fields with count > 1
    newpc = PointCloud(new_metadata, new_data)
    return newpc

def cat_point_clouds(pc1, pc2):
    """ Concatenate two point clouds into bigger point cloud.
    Point clouds must have same metadata.
    if len(pc1.fields) != len(pc2.fields):
        raise ValueError("Pointclouds must have same fields")
    new_metadata = pc1.get_metadata()
    new_data = np.concatenate((pc1.pc_data, pc2.pc_data))
    # TODO this only makes sense for unstructured pc?
    new_metadata['width'] = pc1.width+pc2.width
    new_metadata['points'] = pc1.points+pc2.points
    pc3 = PointCloud(new_metadata, new_data)
    return pc3

def make_xyz_point_cloud(xyz, metadata=None):
    """ Make a pointcloud object from xyz array.
    xyz array is cast to float32.
    md = {'version': .7,
          'fields': ['x', 'y', 'z'],
          'size': [4, 4, 4],
          'type': ['F', 'F', 'F'],
          'count': [1, 1, 1],
          'width': len(xyz),
          'height': 1,
          'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
          'points': len(xyz),
          'data': 'binary'}
    if metadata is not None:
    xyz = xyz.astype(np.float32)
    pc_data = xyz.view(np.dtype([('x', np.float32),
                                 ('y', np.float32),
                                 ('z', np.float32)]))
    # pc_data = np.rec.fromarrays([xyz[:,0], xyz[:,1], xyz[:,2]], dtype=dt)
    # data = np.rec.fromarrays([xyz.T], dtype=dt)
    pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data)
    return pc

def make_xyz_rgb_point_cloud(xyz_rgb, metadata=None):
    """ Make a pointcloud object from xyz array.
    xyz array is assumed to be float32.
    rgb is assumed to be encoded as float32 according to pcl conventions.
    md = {'version': .7,
          'fields': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'rgb'],
          'count': [1, 1, 1, 1],
          'width': len(xyz_rgb),
          'height': 1,
          'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
          'points': len(xyz_rgb),
          'type': ['F', 'F', 'F', 'F'],
          'size': [4, 4, 4, 4],
          'data': 'binary'}
    if xyz_rgb.dtype != np.float32:
        raise ValueError('array must be float32')
    if metadata is not None:
    pc_data = xyz_rgb.view(np.dtype([('x', np.float32),
                                     ('y', np.float32),
                                     ('z', np.float32),
                                     ('rgb', np.float32)])).squeeze()
    # pc_data = np.rec.fromarrays([xyz[:,0], xyz[:,1], xyz[:,2]], dtype=dt)
    # data = np.rec.fromarrays([xyz.T], dtype=dt)
    pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data)
    return pc

def encode_rgb_for_pcl(rgb):
    """ Encode bit-packed RGB for use with PCL.

    :param rgb: Nx3 uint8 array with RGB values.
    :rtype: Nx1 float32 array with bit-packed RGB, for PCL.
    assert(rgb.dtype == np.uint8)
    assert(rgb.ndim == 2)
    assert(rgb.shape[1] == 3)
    rgb = rgb.astype(np.uint32)
    rgb = np.array((rgb[:, 0] << 16) | (rgb[:, 1] << 8) | (rgb[:, 2] << 0),
    rgb.dtype = np.float32
    return rgb

def decode_rgb_from_pcl(rgb):
    """ Decode the bit-packed RGBs used by PCL.

    :param rgb: An Nx1 array.
    :rtype: Nx3 uint8 array with one column per color.

    rgb = rgb.copy()
    rgb.dtype = np.uint32
    r = np.asarray((rgb >> 16) & 255, dtype=np.uint8)
    g = np.asarray((rgb >> 8) & 255, dtype=np.uint8)
    b = np.asarray(rgb & 255, dtype=np.uint8)
    rgb_arr = np.zeros((len(rgb), 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    rgb_arr[:, 0] = r
    rgb_arr[:, 1] = g
    rgb_arr[:, 2] = b
    return rgb_arr

def make_xyz_label_point_cloud(xyzl, label_type='f', label = 'label'):
    """ Make XYZL point cloud from numpy array.

    TODO i labels?
    md = {'version': .7,
          'fields': ['x', 'y', 'z', label],
          'count': [1, 1, 1, 1],
          'width': len(xyzl),
          'height': 1,
          'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
          'points': len(xyzl),
          'data': 'ASCII'}
    if label_type.lower() == 'f':
        md['size'] = [4, 4, 4, 4]
        md['type'] = ['F', 'F', 'F', 'F']
    elif label_type.lower() == 'u':
        md['size'] = [4, 4, 4, 1]
        md['type'] = ['F', 'F', 'F', 'U']
        raise ValueError('label type must be F or U')
    # TODO use .view()
    xyzl = xyzl.astype(np.float32)
    dt = np.dtype([('x', np.float32), ('y', np.float32), ('z', np.float32),
                   (label, np.float32)])
    pc_data = np.rec.fromarrays([xyzl[:, 0], xyzl[:, 1], xyzl[:, 2],
                                 xyzl[:, 3]], dtype=dt)
    pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data)
    return pc

class PointCloud(object):
    """ Wrapper for point cloud data.

    The variable members of this class parallel the ones used by
    the PCD metadata (and similar to PCL and ROS PointCloud2 messages),

    ``pc_data`` holds the actual data as a structured numpy array.

    The other relevant metadata variables are:

    - ``version``: Version, usually .7
    - ``fields``: Field names, e.g. ``['x', 'y' 'z']``.
    - ``size.`: Field sizes in bytes, e.g. ``[4, 4, 4]``.
    - ``count``: Counts per field e.g. ``[1, 1, 1]``. NB: Multi-count field
      support is sketchy.
    - ``width``: Number of points, for unstructured point clouds (assumed by
      most operations).
    - ``height``: 1 for unstructured point clouds (again, what we assume most
      of the time.
    - ``viewpoint``: A pose for the viewpoint of the cloud, as
      x y z qw qx qy qz, e.g. ``[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]``.
    - ``points``: Number of points.
    - ``type``: Data type of each field, e.g. ``[F, F, F]``.
    - ``data``: Data storage format. One of ``ascii``, ``binary`` or ``binary_compressed``.

    See `PCL docs `__
    for more information.

    def __init__(self, metadata, pc_data):
        self.metadata_keys = metadata.keys()
        self.pc_data = pc_data

    def get_metadata(self):
        """ returns copy of metadata """
        metadata = {}
        for k in self.metadata_keys:
            metadata[k] = copy.copy(getattr(self, k))
        return metadata

    def check_sanity(self):
        # pdb.set_trace()
        md = self.get_metadata()
        assert(len(self.pc_data) == self.points)
#         assert(self.width*self.height == self.points)
        assert(len(self.fields) == len(self.count))
        assert(len(self.fields) == len(self.type))

    def save(self, fname):
        self.save_pcd(fname, 'ascii')

    def save_pcd(self, fname, compression=None, **kwargs):
        if 'data_compression' in kwargs:
            warnings.warn('data_compression keyword is deprecated for'
                          ' compression')
            compression = kwargs['data_compression']
        with open(fname, 'w') as f:
            point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, f, compression)

    def save_pcd_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression=None, **kwargs):
        if 'data_compression' in kwargs:
            warnings.warn('data_compression keyword is deprecated for'
                          ' compression')
            compression = kwargs['data_compression']
        point_cloud_to_fileobj(self, fileobj, compression)

    def save_pcd_to_buffer(self, compression=None, **kwargs):
        if 'data_compression' in kwargs:
            warnings.warn('data_compression keyword is deprecated for'
                          ' compression')
            compression = kwargs['data_compression']
        return point_cloud_to_buffer(self, compression)

    def save_txt(self, fname):
        save_txt(self, fname)

    def save_xyz_label(self, fname, **kwargs):
        save_xyz_label(self, fname, **kwargs)

    def save_xyz_intensity_label(self, fname, **kwargs):
        save_xyz_intensity_label(self, fname, **kwargs)

    def copy(self):
        new_pc_data = np.copy(self.pc_data)
        new_metadata = self.get_metadata()
        return PointCloud(new_metadata, new_pc_data)

    def to_msg(self):
        if not HAS_SENSOR_MSGS:
            raise Exception('ROS sensor_msgs not found')
        # TODO is there some metadata we want to attach?
        return numpy_pc2.array_to_pointcloud2(self.pc_data)

    def from_path(fname):
        return point_cloud_from_path(fname)

    def from_fileobj(fileobj):
        return point_cloud_from_fileobj(fileobj)

    def from_buffer(buf):
        return point_cloud_from_buffer(buf)

    def from_array(arr):
        """ create a PointCloud object from an array.
        pc_data = arr.copy()
        md = {'version': .7,
              'fields': [],
              'size': [],
              'count': [],
              'width': 0,
              'height': 1,
              'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
              'points': 0,
              'type': [],
              'data': 'binary_compressed'}
        md['fields'] = pc_data.dtype.names
        for field in md['fields']:
            type_, size_ =\
            # TODO handle multicount
        md['width'] = len(pc_data)
        md['points'] = len(pc_data)
        pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data)
        return pc

    def from_msg(msg, squeeze=True):
        """ from pointcloud2 msg
        squeeze: fix when clouds get 1 as first dim
        if not HAS_SENSOR_MSGS:
            raise NotImplementedError('ROS sensor_msgs not found')
        md = {'version': .7,
              'fields': [],
              'size': [],
              'count': [],
              'width': msg.width,
              'height': msg.height,
              'viewpoint': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
              'points': 0,
              'type': [],
              'data': 'binary_compressed'}
        for field in msg.fields:
            t, s = pc2_type_to_pcd_type[field.datatype]
            # TODO handle multicount correctly
            if field.count > 1:
                warnings.warn('fields with count > 1 are not well tested')
        pc_array = numpy_pc2.pointcloud2_to_array(msg)
        pc_data = pc_array.reshape(-1)
        md['height'], md['width'] = pc_array.shape
        md['points'] = len(pc_data)
        pc = PointCloud(md, pc_data)
        return pc

#      0===============================0
#      |    PLY files reader/writer    |
#      0===============================0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#      function to read/write .ply files
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Hugues THOMAS - 10/02/2017

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#          Imports and global variables
#      \**********************************/

# Basic libs
import numpy as np
import sys

# Define PLY types
ply_dtypes = dict([
    (b'int8', 'i1'),
    (b'char', 'i1'),
    (b'uint8', 'u1'),
    (b'uchar', 'u1'),
    (b'int16', 'i2'),
    (b'short', 'i2'),
    (b'uint16', 'u2'),
    (b'ushort', 'u2'),
    (b'int32', 'i4'),
    (b'int', 'i4'),
    (b'uint32', 'u4'),
    (b'uint', 'u4'),
    (b'float32', 'f4'),
    (b'float', 'f4'),
    (b'float64', 'f8'),
    (b'double', 'f8')

# Numpy reader format
valid_formats = {'ascii': '', 'binary_big_endian': '>',
                 'binary_little_endian': '<'}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#           Functions
#       \***************/

def parse_header(plyfile, ext):
    # Variables
    line = []
    properties = []
    num_points = None

    while b'end_header' not in line and line != b'':
        line = plyfile.readline()

        if b'element' in line:
            line = line.split()
            num_points = int(line[2])

        elif b'property' in line:
            line = line.split()
            properties.append((line[2].decode(), ext + ply_dtypes[line[1]]))

    return num_points, properties

def parse_mesh_header(plyfile, ext):
    # Variables
    line = []
    vertex_properties = []
    num_points = None
    num_faces = None
    current_element = None

    while b'end_header' not in line and line != b'':
        line = plyfile.readline()

        # Find point element
        if b'element vertex' in line:
            current_element = 'vertex'
            line = line.split()
            num_points = int(line[2])

        elif b'element face' in line:
            current_element = 'face'
            line = line.split()
            num_faces = int(line[2])

        elif b'property' in line:
            if current_element == 'vertex':
                line = line.split()
                vertex_properties.append((line[2].decode(), ext + ply_dtypes[line[1]]))
            elif current_element == 'vertex':
                if not line.startswith('property list uchar int'):
                    raise ValueError('Unsupported faces property : ' + line)

    return num_points, num_faces, vertex_properties

def read_ply(filename, triangular_mesh=False):
    Read ".ply" files

    filename : string
        the name of the file to read.

    result : array
        data stored in the file

    Store data in file

    >>> points = np.random.rand(5, 3)
    >>> values = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
    >>> write_ply('example.ply', [points, values], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'values'])

    Read the file

    >>> data = read_ply('example.ply')
    >>> values = data['values']
    array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
    >>> points = np.vstack((data['x'], data['y'], data['z'])).T
    array([[ 0.466  0.595  0.324]
           [ 0.538  0.407  0.654]
           [ 0.850  0.018  0.988]
           [ 0.395  0.394  0.363]
           [ 0.873  0.996  0.092]])


    with open(filename, 'rb') as plyfile:

        # Check if the file start with ply
        if b'ply' not in plyfile.readline():
            raise ValueError('The file does not start whith the word ply')

        # get binary_little/big or ascii
        fmt = plyfile.readline().split()[1].decode()
        if fmt == "ascii":
            raise ValueError('The file is not binary')

        # get extension for building the numpy dtypes
        ext = valid_formats[fmt]

        # PointCloud reader vs mesh reader
        if triangular_mesh:

            # Parse header
            num_points, num_faces, properties = parse_mesh_header(plyfile, ext)

            # Get point data
            vertex_data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=properties, count=num_points)

            # Get face data
            face_properties = [('k', ext + 'u1'),
                               ('v1', ext + 'i4'),
                               ('v2', ext + 'i4'),
                               ('v3', ext + 'i4')]
            faces_data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=face_properties, count=num_faces)

            # Return vertex data and concatenated faces
            faces = np.vstack((faces_data['v1'], faces_data['v2'], faces_data['v3'])).T
            data = [vertex_data, faces]


            # Parse header
            num_points, properties = parse_header(plyfile, ext)

            # Get data
            data = np.fromfile(plyfile, dtype=properties, count=num_points)

    return data

def header_properties(field_list, field_names):

    # List of lines to write
    lines = []

    # First line describing element vertex
    lines.append('element vertex %d' % field_list[0].shape[0])

    # Properties lines
    i = 0
    for fields in field_list:
        for field in fields.T:
            lines.append('property %s %s' % (, field_names[i]))
            i += 1

    return lines

def write_ply(filename, field_list, field_names, triangular_faces=None):
    Write ".ply" files

    filename : string
        the name of the file to which the data is saved. A '.ply' extension will be appended to the 
        file name if it does no already have one.

    field_list : list, tuple, numpy array
        the fields to be saved in the ply file. Either a numpy array, a list of numpy arrays or a 
        tuple of numpy arrays. Each 1D numpy array and each column of 2D numpy arrays are considered 
        as one field. 

    field_names : list
        the name of each fields as a list of strings. Has to be the same length as the number of 

    >>> points = np.random.rand(10, 3)
    >>> write_ply('example1.ply', points, ['x', 'y', 'z'])

    >>> values = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
    >>> write_ply('example2.ply', [points, values], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'values'])

    >>> colors = np.random.randint(255, size=(10,3), dtype=np.uint8)
    >>> field_names = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'values']
    >>> write_ply('example3.ply', [points, colors, values], field_names)


    # Format list input to the right form
    field_list = list(field_list) if (type(field_list) == list or type(field_list) == tuple) else list((field_list,))
    for i, field in enumerate(field_list):
        if field.ndim < 2:
            field_list[i] = field.reshape(-1, 1)
        if field.ndim > 2:
            print('fields have more than 2 dimensions')
            return False    

    # check all fields have the same number of data
    n_points = [field.shape[0] for field in field_list]
    if not np.all(np.equal(n_points, n_points[0])):
        print('wrong field dimensions')
        return False    

    # Check if field_names and field_list have same nb of column
    n_fields = np.sum([field.shape[1] for field in field_list])
    if (n_fields != len(field_names)):
        print('wrong number of field names')
        return False

    # Add extension if not there
    if not filename.endswith('.ply'):
        filename += '.ply'

    # open in text mode to write the header
    with open(filename, 'w') as plyfile:

        # First magical word
        header = ['ply']

        # Encoding format
        header.append('format binary_' + sys.byteorder + '_endian 1.0')

        # Points properties description
        header.extend(header_properties(field_list, field_names))

        # Add faces if needded
        if triangular_faces is not None:
            header.append('element face {:d}'.format(triangular_faces.shape[0]))
            header.append('property list uchar int vertex_indices')

        # End of header

        # Write all lines
        for line in header:
            plyfile.write("%s\n" % line)

    # open in binary/append to use tofile
    with open(filename, 'ab') as plyfile:

        # Create a structured array
        i = 0
        type_list = []
        for fields in field_list:
            for field in fields.T:
                type_list += [(field_names[i], field.dtype.str)]
                i += 1
        data = np.empty(field_list[0].shape[0], dtype=type_list)
        i = 0
        for fields in field_list:
            for field in fields.T:
                data[field_names[i]] = field
                i += 1


        if triangular_faces is not None:
            triangular_faces = triangular_faces.astype(np.int32)
            type_list = [('k', 'uint8')] + [(str(ind), 'int32') for ind in range(3)]
            data = np.empty(triangular_faces.shape[0], dtype=type_list)
            data['k'] = np.full((triangular_faces.shape[0],), 3, dtype=np.uint8)
            data['0'] = triangular_faces[:, 0]
            data['1'] = triangular_faces[:, 1]
            data['2'] = triangular_faces[:, 2]

    return True

def describe_element(name, df):
    """ Takes the columns of the dataframe and builds a ply-like description

    name: str
    df: pandas DataFrame

    element: list[str]
    property_formats = {'f': 'float', 'u': 'uchar', 'i': 'int'}
    element = ['element ' + name + ' ' + str(len(df))]

    if name == 'face':
        element.append("property list uchar int points_indices")

        for i in range(len(df.columns)):
            # get first letter of dtype to infer format
            f = property_formats[str(df.dtypes[i])[0]]
            element.append('property ' + f + ' ' + df.columns.values[i])

    return element

def read_ply_header(filename, triangular_mesh=False):
    Read ".ply" files header

    filename : string
        the name of the file to read.

    result : list
        list of tuple (name, dtype)

    Store data in file

    >>> points = np.random.rand(5, 3)
    >>> values = np.random.randint(2, size=10)
    >>> write_ply('example.ply', [points, values], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'values'])

    Read the file

    >>> header = read_ply('example.ply')
    [('x', '

    with open(filename, 'rb') as plyfile:

        # Check if the file start with ply
        if b'ply' not in plyfile.readline():
            raise ValueError('The file does not start whith the word ply')

        # get binary_little/big or ascii
        fmt = plyfile.readline().split()[1].decode()
        if fmt == "ascii":
            raise ValueError('The file is not binary')

        # get extension for building the numpy dtypes
        ext = valid_formats[fmt]

        # PointCloud reader vs mesh reader
        if triangular_mesh:

            # Parse header
            num_points, num_faces, properties = parse_mesh_header(plyfile, ext)


            # Parse header
            num_points, properties = parse_header(plyfile, ext)

    return np.dtype(properties)


from ply import read_ply, write_ply, read_ply_header

data = read_ply('test.ply')
header = read_ply_header('test.ply')
# header 等于 data.dtype, 如无需数据, read_ply_header 更快更省内存

names = list(data.dtype.names)
typer = [data.dtype[i] for i in names]

write_ply('test_out.ply', [data[h] for h in names], names)

import pypcd
pc = pypcd.PointCloud.from_path('test.pcd')
data = pc.pc_data

names = list(data.dtype.names)
typer = [data.dtype[i] for i in names]
